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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Margaret Bell spaceJohn Bent

Colour code Here before 1840 Here in 40 Here in 41 Here in 42 Here after 42
Abraham Bennett came 5 Nov 1839 on coastal ship Paul Pry
Abraham Bennett, letter to be collected from Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 6 Feb 1844
Abraham Bennett Directory 1847 carpenter Charles street Collingwood
Alicia Bennett wed John Short in 1846 at Presbyterian Geelong
Ann Bennett departed Sydney 25 Jan 1841 for Port Phillip, on the Christina
Anne Bennett and John Bennett departed 25 Mar 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Minerva - source Launceston Courier 29 March 1841
Anne Bennett 23, Farm servant, Prot both Co Armagh, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Ann Bennett died 1847 Female aged 23 at Melbourne
Captain Bennett master, cleared out 9 Jan 1841 from Melbourne for Sydney on the Clydesdale
Caroline Bennett, 22 single female Dairy maid Prot, reads Hampshire came 18 Jun 1842 from Gravesend as Bounty immigrant on the Earl of Durham
Caroline Bennett wed Bransley Fox in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Mrs Catherine Bennett came 4 Dec 1839 on coastal ship Paul Pry
Catherine Bennett died 1846 Female aged 67 at Newtown
Charles Bennett departed 20 Feb 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip, on the Lowestoft - source Launceston Courier 22 Feb 1841
Charlotte Bennet / Bennet 21 No Bounty (1 Steerage) Bonnet maker Prot reads Gloucestershire, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Charlotte Bennett Directory 1847 dressmaker Bourke street
Edward Bennett, of the River Wannon, Settler, from Insolvencies, dated 15-Sep and 10-Sep 1842
Francis Bennett wed 17 Jul 1839 to Mary Heard witnesses CN Berry at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
Francis Bennett and Mary Heard christened George 1840, William 1843, John 1846 Letters unclaimed at Post-Office, Melbourne 30th April, 1847
George Bennett 22 hus (3 family) Labourer Prot neither Armagh, came 21 Jan 1841 on the Sir Charles Forbes
Anne Bennett 20 wife of George (3 family) Dairymaid Prot reads Armagh, came 21 Jan 1841 on the Sir Charles Forbes
George Bennett, and Ann baptised William at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Darebin Ck 1842 #12748
George Bennett and Anne christened Thomas 1844, John 1845, Mary Ann 1847
Directory 1847 farmer Darabin Creek
George Bennett Directory 1847 settler Merri Creek
Harriett Bennett, 19 single female Dairy maid Prot, reads Hampshire came 18 Jun 1842 from Gravesend as Bounty immigrant on the Earl of Durham
Harriet Bennett, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
HG Bennett Convict assigned to is Timothy Dicken came 1835 on the Margaret Huntly (s)
Henry Bennett and Judith Slattery christened Henry 1843 Depasture Licenses Western Port March 12, 1847
Henry G Bennett employed Thomas Flanigan as his Station overseer Henry has resigned as Clerk of the Customs. - source Port Phillip Herald 10 June 1845
HG Bennett Directory 1847 settler :Barnedown To Depasture Stock. Western Port. Page 67 31 Jan 1847
Isaac Bennett convict came on the Redovery now Free Nominal List of Ticket of Leave page 39 - 14 granted ticket-of-leave 25 Mar 1840
Isaac Bennett wed Anne Cochlan in 1843 at Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong christened Mary 1843, Thomas 1843, Catherine 1845, Margaret Augusta 1846, Ellen 1847
James Bennett wed Mary Neil in 1840 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne christened Thomas Michael Squir 1846
James Bennett, and Mary Mill baptised Mary 1841, female Sophia at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #316
James Bennett and Mary Oneil christened Honora 1845, James 1847
James Bennett 28 (6 single man) Sawyer & Labourer RC both Devonshire, came 3 June 1841 on the Duchess Of Northumberlan
James Bennett Directory 1847 Page 197 List of Letters lying in this Office :Merri Creek
James Bennett, and Eliza Kelly baptised female Matilda at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #211
James Bennett, letter at Geelong Post Office 12 Feb 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 12 Feb 1844
James Bennett, mason signed letter asking for public meeting. Source - Port Phillip Herald 22 Oct 1844
Jane Bennett 25 Housemaid Co Meath Prot reads arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
John Bennett 35 hus (1 family) Shepherd Prot both Cornwall, came 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
Mary Bennett 35 wife of John (1 family) Housemaid Prot both Cornwall, came 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
Benjamin Bennett 12 and Elizabeth Bennett 5 chn of John (1 family) Prot Cornwall, came 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
John and Anne Bennett departed 25 Mar 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Minerva - source Launceston Courier 29 March 1841
John Bennell - Bennett wed Jane Ward in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne christened Jane 1844, Louisa 1845 died, Henry 1845
Directory 1847 bricklayer off Bourke lane
John Bennett, letter at Geelong Post Office 6 Mar 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 6 Mar 1844
John Bennell, bricklayer signed letter asking for public meeting. Source - Port Phillip Herald 22 Oct 1844
John Bennet a Burgess in Lonsdale Ward voted for George Annand but John Joseph Fawkner won the seat. Source - Port Phillip Herald 12 Aug 1845
John Barber Bennett Directory 1847 clerk Collins street
Joshua Bennell / Bennett 39 hus (6 family) Labourer Prot reads Somersetshire, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Caroline Bennell / Bennett 37 wife of Joshua (6 family) House Keeper, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Matthew Bennell / Bennett 15, William Bennell / Bennett 14 , Caroline Bennell / Bennett 13, James Bennell / Bennett 10, John Bennell / Bennett 8, Sabina Bennell / Bennett 7, Melina Bennell / Bennett 6, Elizabeth Bennell / Bennett 2 and Josiah Bennell / Bennett 0 chn of Joshua (6 family), came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Bounty payment disallowed for son James as he suffered from white swellings of the knee
Joshua Bennett and Caroline christened Mary 1845, Joshua 1847,
Joshua Bennett, County of Grant monthly license for 1-31 August 1844 to strip Bark and cut timber. Source - Port Phillip Herald 22 Oct 1844
Joshua Bennett, Licensed to cut timber at County of Grant July 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 18 Aug 1845
from 'Somerset Years', Joshua Bennett was son of Caroline Parker of Barton St David, and Amos/Ambrose Bennett of Ditcheat
Joshua Bennett died aged 49, then Caroline wed James Ingles.
Laurence Bennett Directory 1847 settler Spring Creek Portland
Margaret Bennett 18, House and Farm servant, Prot reads Glasgow, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Margaret Bennet, wed James Corfield 1842 #850 Independent Melbourne
Mary Bennet 18 single woman (g 6), Dressmaker, Cappaquin, Prot, both, listed on the John Bull arrived 22 Jan 1840
Mary Bennett wed William Ewing in 1840 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Mary Bennett died 1847 Female at Melbourne
Mary Bennett wed John Griffiths in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Mr Bennett arrived 28 June 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip on the Lady Emma
Mr Bennett Cabin (3 on list), came 3 Oct 1841 on the Agricola
Mr Bennett arrived 12 Oct 1841 at Sydney from Port Phillip on 9 Oct on the Sea Horse steamer
Mr Bennett, cabin arrived 13 Jan 1842 from London and Cork on the Samuel Boddington
Mrs Bennett and 6 chn left 10 Oct 1843 barque clearing for London on the Dublin
Page Bennett and Charlotte drowned when the Cataraqui was shipwrecked 4 Aug 1845, see Account of disaster
Peter Bennett 21 (6 single man) Labourer Prot both Antrim, came 30 Sep 1841 on the Middlesex
Peter Bennett died 1845 Male aged 25 at Collingwood
Peter Roberts Bennett wed Alicia Turpin in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong christened Augusta June 1844
Robert Bennett 21, Mason, Prot both Co Armagh, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Robert Bennett, male wed Elizabeth Raith 1842 #4551 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
Robert Bennett wed Margaret Holland in 1845 at Church of England christened Ann 1846
Robert Bennett Directory 1847 shoemaker Bourke lane
Rose Bennett wed George Tugnett in 1844 at Roman Catholic St Francis Melbourne
Samuel Bennett -, Intermediate, came Dec 1839 on the Westminster
Samuel Bennett and Elizabeth drowned when the Cataraqui was shipwrecked 4 Aug 1845, see Account of disaster
Samuel Bennett arrived at Port Phillip from Launceston on the brig 'Swan' 21 Aug 1845. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Aug 1845
Samuel Bennett Directory 1847 christened Emma Jane 1847 died Richmond brickmaker Brickfields
Sarah Bennett wed Thomas Densley in 1845 at Methodist / Wesleyan
Stephen Bennett arrived at Port Phillip from Launceston on the brig 'Scout' 3 June 1845 - source Port Phillip Herald 3 June 1845
Thomas Bennett 22 hus Blacksmith Cornwall Prot neither, employed by Mr Miller Melbourne, arrived 16 Apr 1844 on the Sea Queen
Mary Ann Bennett 18 wife of Thomas Cornwall Prot neither, arrived 16 Apr 1844 on the Sea Queen
Thomas Bennett died 1845 Male aged 22 at Richmond
Mary Ann Bennett wed Thomas Bland in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
William Bennett convict came on the Claudine Nominal List of Ticket of Leave page 39 - 2 granted ticket-of-leave 1 Feb 1839 Bullock driver
William Bennett 19 single man (m 7) Labourer Waterford Prot both, listed on the John Bull arrived 22 Jan 1840
William Bennets, male wed Anne Jane Bell 1842 #4630 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
William Bennett and Ann christened Arthur William Henry 1844, Eliza Jane 1844, Ann Campbell 1846, Rachel 1847
Directory 1847 farmer Darabin Creek
Mary Bennets/Benets, 22 wife of Wm, 2 f, Housemaid Cornwall Prot reads, came Dec 1840 on the Orient
Anne Bennets/Benets, 6 and John Bennets/Benets, 1 son of William, 2 f, Prot, came Dec 1840 on the Orient
William Rolling Bennets family 30 hus (f 2) Farm Labourer Cornwall Prot both, listed on the Orient arrived 13 Dec 1840
Mary Bennets 22 wife of Wm (f 2) Housemaid Cornwall Prot reads, listed on the Orient arrived 13 Dec 1840
Anne Bennets 6, William Bennets 4 and John Bennets 1 son of William (f 2) Prot, listed on the Orient arrived 13 Dec 1840
W.Brazure Bennett Page 32 letters at Post Office 3 Feb 1847
William Bennet convict came on the Claudine 1829 sentenced to life assigned to at Merri Creek Tickets of Leave to be collected page 212 - 7 granted ticket-of-leave 16 Feb 1839 Labourer
William Bennett departed 25 Mar 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Minerva - source Launceston Courier 29 March 1841
William Bennett and Lavinia Z Hassell christened Frederica Anna 1841 Page 153 letters at Post Office 31st May 1847
William Bennett wed Elizabeth Dunn in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
William Bennett and Elizabeth christened Sarah 1843, Jane Maria 1845 died, William John 1846, Mary 1847
Directory 1847 farmer Pentridge
William Bennett, 22 hus Farm labourer Prot, both Co Cork, Bounty arrived 9 Feb 1842 from London on the Martin Luther
Ann Bennett, 17 wife House servant Prot, both Co Cork, Bounty arrived 9 Feb 1842 from London on the Martin Luther
William Bennett Correspondence 1847 Gippsland 25 sq mls 2 42
William Bennet, 20 hus of Elizabeth arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Elizabeth Bennet, 20 wife of William arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Mrs William Bennett, List 5, 31 May 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 4 June 1844
William Bennett, owed 8 pounds balance of wages by William Sharpe. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Jan 1844
William Bennett, No 8, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 10 Sep 1845
William Bennett, Licensed to depasture stock at Gipps Land District August 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 29 Sep 1845
William Bennett sworn in as a Special Constable before His Worship the Mayor 21 Oct 1845 72 enrolled, all publicans exempted. Source - Port Phillip Herald 23 Oct 1845
William Bennett and Jane christened George 1846
Directory 1847 settter Merri Creek
Directory 1847 settler Morewell Gipps Land
William Bennett died 1846 Male aged 30 at Melbourne
William Bennett Correspondence Gippsland Wilderness 15 2
William Rowley Bennett Directory 1847 sawyer Charles st, Collingwood
Captain Benson Convict assigned to is Charles Landridge came 1837 on the Charles Kerr
Henry Benson and servants From Adelaide - arrived 7 Feb 1840 on the William Barres
Henry Benson and Julia Corcoran christened Isabella 1847
James Benson convict came on the Mangles (8) 1840 sentenced to 10 years Tickets of Leave to be collected page 214 - 6 granted ticket-of-leave 4 Feb 1846 Bullock driver
James Benson 19 (6 single man) Labourer Prot Both Manchester, came 16 Nov 1841 on the Wallace
James Benson wed Mary Rock in 1844 at Presbyterian Geelong
John Benson, male wed Catherine Ryan 1842 #4628 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
John Benson and Cath Ryan christened Mary 1843, Ellen 1844, Catherine 1846
John Bensa - Benson wed Margrett Castles in 1844 at Roman Catholic St Marys Geelong
Messrs R & G Benson Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Messrs, Benson Directory 1847 settlers Murray District
Richard Smith Benson wed Eliza Jane Reid in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Samuel Benson 23 hus (2 family) Smith Prot Both Manchester, came 16 Nov 1841 on the Wallace
Mary Ann Benson 24 wife of Samuel (2 family) Wife Prot Both Manchester, came 16 Nov 1841 on the Wallace
John Benson 3 and Samuel Benson 1 son of Samuel (2 family), came 16 Nov 1841 on the Wallace
Thomas Bennett 22 hus Blacksmith Cornwall Prot neither employed by Mr Miller Melbourne arrived 16 Apr 1844 on the Sea Queen
Mary Ann Bennett 18 wife of Thomas Cornwall Prot neither arrived 16 Apr 1844 on the Sea Queen
Thomas Richard Benson, No 7, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 5 Aug 1845
Timothy Benson convict came on the Portland (2) 1833 sentenced to life Tickets of Leave to be collected page 214 - 3 granted ticket-of-leave 16 Aug 1842 General servant
William John Benson convict came on the Portland (2) Nominal List of Ticket of Leave page 39 - 30 granted ticket-of-leave 16 Aug 1842
William Benson, and Mary Whelan baptised male David at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #283
© Say thanks to space Margaret Bell spaceJohn Bent

Pioneer families in Victoria Australia
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List of Surnames