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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Frederick Lite, space Daniel Long,

Colour code Here before 1840, Here in 40 Here in 41 Here in 42 Here after 42
John Lobb Baker at Melbourne
John Lobb wife Ann dau Jane Lobb born 31 Jan 1839 baptised 10 Mar 1839 at Melbourne Wesleyan Mission
John Loble - Lobb and Ann baptised Albert 1840, Joseph 1843, James 1844 died, Wesley 1846
John Lobb, freehold, Brunswick near Pentridge The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 26 May 1843 District of Port Phillip Electoral List of 291 names voted in election 20 June 1843, during third hour, 11-noon
John Lobb, voted 12-1pm Melbourne to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
John Lobb, second jury for Sat 17 May - Supreme Court - source Port Phillip Herald 20 May 1845
John Lobb, one of 469 voters who qualified by Freehold in Brunswick Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
John Lobb Directory 1847 farmer, Brunswick
John Lobb Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Lobbin master arrived 10 July 1840 from Plymouth on the Coromandel
Mr and Mrs Locke, arrived from Sydney on the brig 'Christina' on 24 Feb 1840 with daus Elizabeth, Jane, Louisa, sons Charles, Alfred and Robert. Source - Port Phillip Herald 25 Feb 1840
Mr and Mrs Locke with Elizabeth, Jane, Louisa, Charles, Alfred and Robert arrived at Port Phillip from Sydney on the schooner 'Perseverance' 23 Feb 1840 - source Port Phillip Herald 25 Feb 1840
Mr Locke, Williams Town, employed Susan Hay who arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
W Locke, with 147 men, was presented to Sir George Gipps at a Levee, Mon 25 Oct 1841in his honour. Source - Port Phillip Herald, 26 Oct 1841
William Locke, voted 11-noon Melbourne to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
William Locke, one of 469 voters who qualified by Dwelling house in Merri Merri Creek Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
William Locke, Insolvent of Goulburn River liabilities 22737, most on account liabilities 21940. Source - Melbourne Courier 9 Jan 1846
William Locke, Insolvent settler of Goulburn River balance deficiency 21940 pounds. Source - Melbourne Courier 9 Jan 1846
Mr William Lochhead arrived 9 Apr 1840 from Greenock on the India
Mary Lockart - Lockart 18 (44 single woman) Housemaid Prot reads Kings Co, came 30 Aug 1841 on the Strathfieldsaye
Mary Lockart dau baptised Mary Ann 1842
Alexander Locke, - Crew w04, arrived 26 Feb 1842 from Plymouth on the Himalaya
Elizabeth Lock 15 (13 Steerage), came 1 Mar 1841 on the Argyle
Jane Locke wed George Thomas in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Michael Locke Letter at Post-office unclaimed, 7 April 1847
William Locke, in jury enpannelled 4 May 42, p3 - 7 May 1842 Melbourne Times
William Locke, dwelling house, Merri Merri Creek The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 26 May 1843 District of Port Phillip Electoral List of 291 names voted in election 20 June 1843, during third hour, 11-noon
William Locke and Mary/Margaret Ryan baptised Anne 1843 died, William Henry 1847
William Henry Lock wed Cath Cantlon in 1846 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
W. J. Locke Directory 1847 settler, Cotupa, Goulhurn
James Lockett Letter at Post-office unclaimed, 27th February, 1847
John Lockett Page 197 Letters at Office, 30th June 1847
Francis Lockey family 30 hus (f 22) Labourer, Ireland, RC, listed on the Theresa arrived 18 Jul 1840
Margaret Lockey 36 wife of Francis (f 22) Housemaid, listed on the Theresa arrived 18 Jul 1840
Francis Lockey, tried, jury could not agreed, so case dismissed. Source - Port Phillip Herald 19 Jan 1844
Francis Loakey, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
Francis Lockey, Licensed to cut timber at County of Bourke July 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 18 Aug 1845
Francis Lockey Directory 1847 farmer, Brunswick
F.W Leckey - Lockey Directory 1847 settler, Western Port
Nicholas Lockey - Lockey aged 16 came May 1847 with 338 on the Sir Thomas Arbuthnot
Charles Lockhart, letter at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 2 Jan 1844
Charles George Norman Lockhart, of Tullundoon, Little Hume River, appointed Magistrate to the territory - source Port Phillip Herald 26 June 1845
E Lockhart, on 10 June 1840 purchased a town allotment - source Port Phillip Herald 12 June 1840
G Lockhart, Cabin arrived 18 Oct 1842 from Greenock Benares
CGN Lockhart, 1 gig cargo came 2 Dec 1843 from Leith on the Mid Lothian The Port Phillip Herald Tue 5 Dec 1843
GD Lockhart, letter at Geelong Post Office 26 Feb 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 26 Feb 1844
GD Lockhart, Portland Bay District depasturing license for Aug 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 31 Oct 1844
George D Lockhart, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District August 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 29 Sep 1845
G. D. Lockhart Directory 1847 settlers, Wannon River To Depasture Stock.Portland Bay, Page 67 31 Jan 1847
Hugh Lockhart Directory 1847 settler, Goulburn
Mary Lockhart baptised Mary Ann at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Melb 1842 #13031r
Mercer Lockhart Correspondence sold Portland Bay The Plains to Skene, William
Mr Lockhart, cleared 16 Aug 1842 for Singapore via Sydney. on the Platina
Richard Lockhart Directory 1847 livery stable keeper, Flinders lane
Mary Lockins 20, 31 single woman, House maid, Borrisatham, RC, came Jan 1840 on the John Bull
James Locklin and Bridget Butler baptised William 1845 died, Mary 1847
Mr R Lodes cleared 16 Sep 1840 for Sydney on the William Woolley
Henry Loddwick Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Francis Lodge Captain (1 on list), came 17 July 1841 on the Royal Saxon
Bridget Loman - Loeman aged 21 came May 1840 with 246 on the China wed William Dodd in 1841 at Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong
Michael Loeman wed Isabella Mclean in 1847 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Directory 1847 Moonee Ponds
J Loffness, arrived at Port Phillip from Launceston on the schooner 'Minerva' 23 Aug 1840 - source Port Phillip Herald 25 Aug 1840
Mr and Mrs Log Intermediate arrived 1 Nov 1840 from Greenock on the Martin Luther
Michael Logan 24 hus (24 family) Farm servant RC both Aidar?, came 30 Sep 1841 on the Middlesex
Anne Logan - Logan 23 wife of Michael (24 family) Farm servant RC both Aidar?, came 30 Sep 1841 on the Middlesex
Michael Logan, and Anne Mullally baptised female Catherine at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #491
Michael Logan, licensed to cut timber County of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 21 Sept 1844
Michael Logan, Licensed to cut timber at County of Bourke July 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 18 Aug 1845
Micheal Logan Directory 1847 french polisher, off Collins lane
Mr and Mrs Logan and family Intermediate listed on the Martin Luther arrived 1 Nov 1840
Thomas Logan 26 (10 single man) Carpenter prot both Argleshire, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Catherine Jamieson
Alexander Logie Directory 1847 sawyer, Little Brunswick st, Collingwood
William Logie wed Veronica Welsh in 1841 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
William Logie, and Veronica baptised female Ann at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong born at Melbourne 1842 #840
and Veronica 1845 died
William Logie, List 4, 30 Apr 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 May 1844
William Logie, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
Catherine Logue - Logue 23 (24 single woman), came 13 Apr 1841 on the Argyle
Henry Loll, and Mary Shinnock baptised male James at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #375
Frances Lokey, List 5, 31 May 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 4 June 1844
Bridget Lomen 21, 28 single woman, Dairy maid Tipperary RC both, came May 1840 on the China
Frances Lomen 17, 29 single woman, Nurse maid Tipperary RC reads, came May 1840 on the China
Judy Lomen 18, 30 single woman, Nurse maid Tipperary RC reads, came May 1840 on the China
Judy Loman as Julia wed Richard Brown in 1847 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Mary Lomen 22, 31 single woman, House maid Tipperary RC reads, came May 1840 on the China
Michael Loman 22, 12 single man, Labourer Tipperary RC both, came May 1840 on the China
Micheal Loman wed Marian Waugh 22 baptised Philip 1844
Joseph Lomas, 27 both was Labourer, trained as Carpenter married crime - Felony 10 years convicted 4 Jan 1843, at Northampton, received 30 Jan 1843, at Northampton, became an Exile and received a Royal Pardon 10 Oct 1844, arrived at Geelong 18 March 1845 on the Sir George Seymour, and was employed by Austin Brothers Geelong (List a102 and a31)
Thomas Lonargan 29 (25 single man) Labourer RC both Tipperary, came 4 Nov 1841 on the Diamond
James Londen, baptised male John at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong born at Melbourne 1842 #818
U London, died 2 Melbourne 1842 #308 Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
David Lonergan, 20 single man Labourer RC both Tipperary arrived 17 Feb 1842 from London and Cork on the Thetis
David Lonergan, male wed Eliza Austin 1842 #35522 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
David Lonergan and Elizabeth Austin baptised Peter 1843, Mary Anne 1847
David Lonergan, failed to appear before the Supreme Court Fri 15 Mar 1844. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 16 Mar 1844
Ellen Londrican - Londrican wed Michael Collins in 1844 at Roman Catholic St Marys Geelong
Joanna Lundrigan 21 (46 single woman) Housemaid RC both Tipperary, came 4 Nov 1841 on the Diamond
Johanna Lonergan, female wed John YoungHusband 1842 #35418 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Nancy Lonergan aged 24 came Dec 1839 on the Westminster May be sister to Catherine Loney
P Lonergan aged 24 came Nov 1839 on the William Metcalfe
Mr P Loneghan arrived 18 Dec 1841 at Hobart from Port Phillip on 13 Dec on the Industry
Patt Lundrigan, male wed Honora Ryan 1842 #35469 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Patrick Lonnergan - Londregan and Honora Ryan baptised John 1843, William 1844, Phillip 1845, Mary 1847
Samuel Loney 23 with wife, Tailor, RC from Whitechurch, Co Tipperary employed in Melb, came Dec 1839 on the Westminster
Catherine Loney 24 wife of Samuel, Housemaid, RC from Whitechurch, Co Tipperary employed in Melb, came Dec 1839 on the Westminster
Samuel Loney - Long and Catherine Lonigan 24 baptised Alicia 1840, Elizabeth 1843, Bridget 1845, John 1847
© Say thanks to space Frederick Lite, space Daniel Long,

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