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Television Wavs
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Movie Wavs
Austin Powers
Con Air
Dumb & Dumber
Major Payne

August 25, 1999
The design of the site was changed.
May 27, 2000
Finally updated Austin Powers and Wrestling

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers "Do I make you horny?"
Austin Powers "Why don't we go in the back and shag"
Austin Powers "Very shag-a-delic"
Austin Powers "I shagged her rotten baby, yeah"
Austin Powers "Smashing baby"
Austin Powers "Yeah baby yeah"
Austin Powers "Oh behave"
Austin Powers "I won't bite...hard."
Austin Powers "Hey there you are"
"Hi do I know you?"
"No buts thats where you are, your there"
Austin Powers "Name: Austin Danger Powers, Sex: Yes please"
Austin Powers "How dare you break wind before me"
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know it was your turn hahaha"
Austin Powers "If that is a woman, it does look like she was beaten with an ugly stick"
Austin Powers "Thats Dr. Evil's cat"
"How can you tell?"
"I never forget a"
Austin Powers "Hey isn't that the Big Dipper?"
"Yeah, and that looks just like Uranus"
Dr. Evil "Now, Mr. Evil."
"Dr. Evil, I didn't spend 6 yrs in Evil Medical School to be called Mr."
Dr. Evil "I'm going to place them in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death"
Dr. Evil "Kill the little bastard see what I care"
Dr. Evil "Alright guard, begin the unnecessarily slow moving dipping mechanism"
Dr. Evil "Throw me a bone here"
Dr. Evil "You know, I have one simple request and that is to have sharks with frikkin' laser beams attached to their heads"

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Austin Powers "I've beaten Dr. Evil before and I'll beat him again"
Austin Powers "Get away from me you dirty fembot"
Austin Powers "Do I make you horny baby?"
Austin Powers "Groovy baby, yeah!"
Austin Powers "Grr baby, very grr!"
Austin Powers "I put the grr in swinger baby! Hahaha"
Austin Powers "Very randy!"
Dr. Evil "I've been a frickin evil doctor for 30 frickin years, ok."
Dr. Evil "Come Mr. Bigglesworth"
Dr. Evil Evil Laugh
Dr. Evil "I'm gonna get you Austin Powers!"
Dr. Evil "I shall call him Minime"
Dr. Evil "Why make trillions when we can make...billions"
Dr. Evil "The truely evil murder with style"
Dr. Evil "He's a disgruntled Scottish guard known for his lethal temper and his unusual eating habits. He weighs a metric ton. His name, Fat Bastard"
Dr. Evil "Minime, you complete me"
Dr. Evil "May I present to you my spy in the Ministry of Defense, Fat Bastard"
Dr. Evil Zip it
Fat Bastard "I'm not kidding. I got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey. Aw. Its squishy. Aw. Christ, I'm getting all emotional from it."
Fat Bastard "Christ, he's tiny. I've had bigger chunks of corn in my crap"
Fat Bastard "Dr. Evil, let me make you a deal alright? You get the mojo, you keep your money and I'll get your baby."
Fat Bastard "Wait a minute, he kinda looks like a baby. Come here, I'm gonna eat ya. I'm bigger than you, I'm higher on the food chain. Get in my belly."
Fat Bastard "Where's my money?"
Fat Bastard Chili's baby back ribs
Fat Bastard "First things first. Where's your shitter? I got a turtlehead poking out."
Fat Bastard "You're lucky wee man"