Teacher: Mrs Hoskin     Class Level: Year Six

The Murder at the Manor.

Chapter One.

One day on a dark, gloomy night in Gelstim Manor, there was a high pitched scream.  It was coming from the owner of the house’s room… Mona Gelstim.

The next day the cops came round to investigate.  They picked up a lot of evidence at Glestim Manor.  They analysed the evidence and came up with some suspects, Julie (the maid), Dr Zeus (the lab scientist), Will (the Butler ), Ryan (the gardener), and Simon (the caretaker).  The detective (Ashleigh) went through some of the evidence like, how tall they were and what they weighed.  This was so he could eliminate some people off the suspect list ‘til they could find out who killed Mona Gelstim.

By Joshua


Murder Mystery on the Boat.

Chapter One

I woke to a deadly scream.  I did not recognise the scream.  Someone was on the ship!  My first reaction was to run out of the cabin door.  I ran to where the scream came from.  I stopped dead in my tracks.

There at the end of the corridor was a body … a dead body!  I didn’t want to go closer but I had to see who it was.  As I got closer, I recognised the body, it was Jack the watchman.  I searched him, there was a bullet hole in the back of his neck.  Whoever came onto the ship was gone now.  The question was, who came onto the ship and why?

I decided to search the whole ship.  Once I had finished that, dawn was breaking, the crew would be getting up soon.  I decided to go back to bed when I heard the drone of a plane.

By Myles


The ground shook and there was a loud crash behind me.  Ahh!  The whole place went dark!  I was shaking with fear as I stumbled across hard rocks on the rocky ground. 

Suddenly there was an after shock.  I fell backwards onto my back.  OUCH! That hurt!  Rocks tumbled past me and hit the back wall as I lay there in pain. 

I thought to myself ‘I gotta get out of here, but how?  The entrance is blocked and my back is sore!’

“Help!” I yell aloud.  “Is there anyone our there?”

I got to my feet, opened my backpack and switched on my flashlight, looking around.  I could only see rocks and a few sticks.  In the distance I could hear screams of children from the local school, and car alarms. 

There was another aftershock and stones tumbled down the rocks blocking the cave entrance.   Just then, there was a beam of light unravelled by fallings tones.  I covered my eyes and moved out of the light. 

The smell of smoke filled the air.  I blocked my nose and waved my hands frantically!  I moved quickly to the hole and poked my head out… nothing.

I looked around.  It was my room but the smell of smoke was still in the air.

Mum was trying to wake me up by rocking the bed and the smoke was the badly burnt bacon and eggs.

By Liam 


The Cycle Safe Programme.

Today we are going to explain about a Cycle Safe programme.  People from the council taught us about this.

First of all we did a helmet check, bike check and looked at the parts of a bike.  WE learnt that if a helmet has a crack init, don’t buy it OR you need to get a new helmet.

When we started learning skills on our bike, we learnt how to do a U turn.  We also learnt some signals like stop signal, turning left and right signals, straight ahead signal and more.  We practised giving way to traffic and our road rules.

Road rules are something every road-user needs to know about.  An example of a road rule is ALWAYS stop at a stop sign even if there are no cars.  Another sign we learnt about was the “ Give Way ” sign.  This means you don’t need to stop if there are no cars, you can keep going.  AT traffic lights, you OBEY what they say eg if they are RED you need to STOP even if there are no cars.

The last things we did were a test, BUT before we did the test we did test skills and test practises.  Then by ourselves we did the road test.  When the instructors had left we did an evaluation which we did ourselves too.

Cycle Safe made us think about our road behaviour and how we need to behave on the roads.

By Pippa 

In the cycle safe programme we had a number of adults telling us if we are safe at biking.  We started our practices on Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th and Monday 29th May.

WE had about five adults making sure that our helmets were safe and that nothing was wrong with our bikes.  One adult checked parts of our bike, another adult checked our helmet.

WE had three groups with one adult in each one to learn about biking on the road as well as signalling to the left and to the right. We also learnt all the road rules to make sure that we knew what to do.

We also learnt how to do U turns that Russell helped us do with signalling.  Then two other adults helped us to do figure 8’s and giving way.

We had to do a practice of our skills and our knowledge to make sure we know what to do on the roads when there is traffic.  We also had to do a test all by ourselves on the road, 30 seconds apart.  Then all of us will be getting a certificate for participation and to say if we are safe on the road.

By Melanie 


Cycle safe is a programme to teach people to ride bikes safely.  They come to most schools around Christchurch .  When they came, one of the first things we did was a bike and helmet check.  Most of our bikes and helmets were fine.  We also learnt parts of our bikes.

The next thing we did was to learn road rules, signs and what traffic lights mean.  This was especially annoying for the kids who already knew this.  We had to sit for ages while we learnt this.

When we were doing U-turns, signalling and figure 8’s, was when a lot of people couldn’t keep their balance and fell off their bikes.  Also over the test, you could see the improvement everyone was making.

The last bit was the hardest bit of all. We had to go on the road!  Most people did practise at home, so all those people were all right.  We’re all hoping everyone passes.


By Ashleigh



Peaceful like mice eating yeast, blue like the sky.

Loud like a trumpet, roars like a lion.

Cold like an icecube, slippery like ice.

Salty like a hot chip, frothy like hot chocolate.

Spicy like chilli, calm like a book.

                   By Amelia


In My Family:

In my family,

Mum is a giant, soft love heart.
She is a wet sweat shirt on the washing-line
And is UK TV.

In my family

Dad is a superhero to fix cars and other technology.
He’s a sweater with love in every stitch.
He is a bundle of joy and is ready for anything.

In my family

My brother is a shirt of joy,
He’s food like pizza,

He is a calculator at maths and is good at sport.

By Amelia 

In my family

Dad is a face full of weetbix
He is a TV
A pair of black shorts
An early bird always up and going.

In my family

Mum is a washing machine
 A Coronation Street freak.
She is an owl, the bath polisher who makes it sparkly clean.
In my family
Mitchell is Thomas the Tank Engine
He is Yoda with a green light sabre.

By Sarah 

Waves crashing against the rocks like cars, frothy like hot chocolate.

Waves roaring like angry lions, quiet as a mouse.

Waves tickle like a feather going across my face, sting like a bee sting.

Waves disgusting like salt, sour like lemons.

By Elisabeth


In our family
Mum is a kiss in the moonlight,
A pair of three quarter jeans,
A vegie machine and as graceful as a swan.

In our family
My brother is an eating machine,
a multi-sport event,
A pair of running shoes
a no messing around person.

In our family
My sister is a hair freak,
A grumpy ‘Don’t’ person
She’s Home and Away
And a mad man girl version.  

By Ashleigh 



Swallows fuel like a waterfall

Its speed is like a peregrine falcon

It crashes like a bomb

By Jan 




Slavery is the colour of grey fog

It smells like a decaying tooth

And feels like a branding iron.

Slavery looks like a dark room trapped with torture

It tastes like tears

And sounds like whips.

By Daphne 


Summer Holiday News


Dear Room 15,

Wow!  I went to Picton and I saw killer whales and dolphins.  I went on a fishing boat and caught a barracouta and a blue cod and we ate it for tea.  I caught ten spotties off the Queen Charlotte Wharf .  Robert said it was ten minutes but it was an hour walk – 4 kilometres AND there were millions of wasps at the place too!

By Matthew 



Humming Bird

Small like a bee

Humming like a buzzy fly

Hovers like a helicopter

Cute and warm

Humming Bird

By Emma





Silent like a mouse

Strong as a wrestler

As fast as a motorbike


By Ella





Slavery is the colour of dark grey

It smells like a toilet pipe

It feels like rusty old chains

It looks like a volcano exploding

It tastes like rotten skin

It sounds like people dying.

By William


Mystery Person.

Who Am I?                        

My letterbox number is 8.  When I was in Year 3 I was in red house.  I do not have a sister or a brother.  I have six goldfish and a kitten.  I have been at MGS since I was five.  I have had a lot of friends since I was five.  I am very good at maths.  I love going to gym.  I like to swim, play with my friends and stay in my room.  I got a new house on my birthday last year.





As fast as a bullet

As silent as a mouse

High as a plane

King of the sky



By Tom

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