Teacher: Miss Kennedy    Class Level: Year 2

As part of our "Sound" topic. Room 7 wrote stories based on "Mr Little's Noisy Plane" by Richard Fowler

Sarah's Noisy Boat.

One day Sarah went to her shed. She said, "It's a good day to have a boat ride." when she got her boat out she heard a funny noise on her key. It was a bang bang. There she found a chipmunk chewing her key. "Oh no!" she said. Then she heard a new noise in her motor. It was an elephant breaking her motor. "Bother," she said. then she heard one last noise. It was a snoring noise in her life jacket. When she opened it up there was a cute little puppy in it. "OK," she said, "I will have to not ride in my boat today. Never mind, I will ride it tomorrow."

by Lily M


Mr Cross has a noisy motorbike and he heard a 'boom' in the case, and in it he saw a snake. Then he heard a "boing' in the fuel tank and looked and found a rat. Then he went off but it did not work because the rat had drunk the fuel.

By Ethan C.

Once upon a time I had a noisy yacht. when I was getting in, I heard a squeak coming from the cabin, so I looked in the cabin and there was a mouse on the bed. When I was waiting for some wind I heard a scratching noise coming from the sail. It was a cat. "I wonder how it got there?" Then I heard a quack coming from the tank. I gathered them up and put them in the passenger seat, and then finally the wind came up and away I went.

by Amanda H.

Miss Pelvin's Noisy Car

Once, Miss Pelvin was going out to shop. Her keys rattled as she unlocked the car door and when she was just about to get inside she heard a squeaking sound in the boot. She opened the boot and there were lots of mice. Then she heard a hissing sound and there was a snake on a wheel. she put the snake on a stick and the mice in a bucket and then she went back inside.

by Laura P.

Mr Townshend was getting into his helicopter when he heard a squeak coming from the engine. He opened the lid and saw a family of rats. Mr Townshend shooed the rats away. Then he got into the helicopter. He heard something slithering on the controls. It was a snake! He made the snake go away. Then he got into the helicopter and tried to take off but it did not work, so he went inside and shut the door.

By Ben T.

Mr Parkin's Land Cruiser VX

It was Sunday, the 4X4 show and Mr Parkin was just getting into his four wheel drive when he heard a squeak from the back. "I wonder what that can be?" he said to himself. He looked around the back of his truck. When he searched low, he found a mouse in the exhaust pipe. "Oh no!" Mr Parkin turned on the truck. "Bang!" Out shot the tiny mouse. As Mr parkin changed gear, he heard "Chatter!" :What now?" he said. He looked under the cruiser. He saw a squirrel in the radiator. He lifted up the bonnet and got out the squirrel. Finally he could go!

By Timothy P.

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