Updates to DASjr's Life and Page

September 28, 2009:
My Beatles and Monkees sections were removed by Geocities, for not having been updated recently enough. Thanks for nothing, Geocities.
Meanwhile, I continue to update my theater section, despite the page having less than a month to live. Oh well....

August 10, 2009:
It's been a busy year, filled with tragedy, transition, and triumph unlike anything prior. I continue to do shows, as seen in my most updated section of this page, but have also been making popular YouTube videos. However, I will soon have to chronicle all of this some other way, as GeoCities is officially closing in October. That means that this site, which has been online for twelve years, will be no more. Does this mean I'll be looking into a pay site of some sort? I don't know, but I'll keep updating (and backing up) this site until October. Enjoy it while you can....

February 22, 2008:
Many updates made to main theater section, including the additional of several new plays.

February 17, 2008:
Made a bunch of updates over the past year, which I neglected to mention here. Most recently, I added my "Reunion at Hippie High" to my main theater section.

January 26, 2007:
* Added more plays and more updates to the Stage Page.
* Finally buried (deleted) my Sifl & Olly section.
* Deleted a dozen needless old photos from the site.

December 12, 2006:
Updated cast lists, dates, and other info to 2006 (and upcoming 2007) shows on my Theater Page. On the "Golden Age of Radio" entries, I've decided to provide cast lists for the entire shows, not just the segments that I was in. This will be the rule, not the exception, for all my Phase II play entries, and all play entries from now on. Maybe someday I'll make complete cast lists for my larger-cast Phase I shows.

September 5, 2006:
Updated my Monkees site and theater page. NEW INFO: I will be playing Beast in "Beauty and the Beast" this November.

March 16, 2006:
Updated cast lists, dates, and other info to 2006 shows on my Theater Page.

February 22, 2006:
Added three photos (Disco, Moses, and Pirates) and more Golden Age of Radio info to my theater page. Plenty of info was updated during the past three weeks as well.

February 1, 2006:
Updated the heck out of my theater page, as well as the older one. Still a ways to go, though....

January 13, 2006:
Deleted over two dozen inessential photos, hoping to make room for (finally) photos from the past five years.

January 10, 2006:
Added more info to my Theater Page, including several finished and upcoming plays. I've been updating this a lot since September, but have been too tied up to mention it here. At any rate, now you know.

September 23, 2005:
Dr. Disco is done (and DVD'ed), but Marriage Can Be Murder *and* Murder Sells are still upcoming on my plays list. And after three years of editing, mastering, prototypes, false starts, inferior dubs, and remastering, Other Things will finally see DVD release next week. DASjr Films are finally getting the quality presentation that they deserve.

August 16, 2005:
* I redid the look of the index page, replacing the old title graphic (Kevin's celphone picture of me) with a new one (a recent digital pic from my "Dr. Disco" days). I deleted a lot of nice images and text that were nonetheless clutterful.
* I'm always updating the online journal. Plenty of developments in plays and short films are coming to be, and the other parts of the site will show these changes.

July 7, 2005:
* Added a DVD release list to the films page. The "Retro Man" DVD is nearing completion, with "Other Things" in production, and "Things That Ring" in pre-production.
* Added "Marriage Can Be Murder" and updated "The Last Dance of Dr. Disco" on my new plays page. * Happy birthday, Ringo Starr! All the best to you, the Beatles, the All-Starrs, the Roundheads, and your family.

May 19, 2005:
* Added "The Last Dance of Dr. Disco" to my new plays page.

March 25, 2005:
* I've reinstated the Stage Page, Phase II, which now has info on my *two* upcoming plays, my first onstage performances in five years! Let the comeback commence!
* I'm still working on the Retro Man DVD. There's an April premiere party, but the DVD may not be done until late April/early May.

February 25, 2005:
Retro Man has been recompleted, and this new special edition will be mastered to DV, and hopefully appear on DVD with bonus features. I am very excited to be making a version of this silly little movie of mine that finally, possibly, lives up to the hype that I'd heaped upon it seven years ago. More details to come....

January 4, 2005:
* Happy New Year! I'm back from Boston, back to work, and beginning what *will* be a newer, better year. Since I'm no longer working retail in Dallas, I'm at least off to a good start.
* I was bored yesterday, which led to some random web searches for people I used to go to school with. Among such persons, I searched for Darcy Jo Martin, a Horseheads native that not only went to CCC with me, but also appeared with me in three plays (most notably "Bells Are Ringing"). As it turns out, she has continued to act, and landed herself an entry on the Internet Movie Database! You may have seen her as an additional character in "Cabin Fever" (I know *I* haven't...I'm not into horror movies). My jaw dropped near to the floor when I saw her publicity photo on IMDB, as I was truly impressed. Unfortunately, I don't know how to feel about her success, because although I remember her as pretty and talented, she somewhat represents my harrowing second year at CCC, where I went from being a valuable member of the drama club to a complete outsider. But, since she didn't personally have anything to do with my downfall, I will wish her the best, and be thankful that I got to be in at least three of the many plays that she did back then.

December 16, 2004:
Finally! I have updated the Anthology section of my Beatles page! I've entirely revamped my revision suggestions for the original Anthology CD's, and am feeling much better about it. The orginal articles were written in 1997, before I had the ability to truly compile a tangible track list. Perhaps I'll touch upon the Anthology book and DVD at some point, too. I have both, but haven't rushed myself into absorbing them yet. I am, after all, a busy guy.

October 27, 2004:
* The man is back. Updated my personal "performer's history" on the Dave page, to include TV voiceover appearances on Corning's Fox affiliate.

September 10, 2004:
* A few updates on current and exciting changes, mostly on my journal site. Again, more to come....

August 31, 2004:
* Well, plenty of changes going on around here (and other places). Not much I can say, but what I am able to utter, and future personal utterances, can be found on this all-new journal site. More to come, yes indeed, more to come....

August 3, 2004:
* I've begun to update the Movies Page of my site, by adding reviews from various people. Adam's latest review, his opinion of "Other Things", is here.

August 1, 2004:
* My week-long trip back to upstate New York ended yesterday. I slept so much after the last flight back, that you could have told me that this past week was all a dream, and I would have believed it. Reuniting with friends and family helped to finally put this whole Dallas thing into perspective. The big question for me and Cindy is no longer "Now what?," but "How?"

June 25, 2004:
* The other day, I saved my entire website onto disk for the first time in over five years, just in case. I wish I were doing more films and plays, so I could continue to add onto it. Maybe someday.
* I alterred my performance history ever so slightly. As it turns out, I've officially gone an entire year without performing or broadcasting. Pretty sad, but I refuse to blame myself. However, if my third year in Dallas goes the same way, it is definitely my fault...I guess.
* I'm currently working on updating the DASjr Anthology CD, to cover the last four years. This is mainly for my own sake, but perhaps a future gift to those who have wondered what I've been up to lately. The disc now covers ten years' worth of recordings, but I want to add one more track, if I can come with something to record this year. We'll see.
* GOOD NEWS! I won a photo caption contest, and will be receiving a free DVD copy of the new fan-film Freddy Vs Ghostbusters! This will be one of the more entertaining "amateur" comedies you will see for some time. If I had my own equipment, I'd be doing something *at least* as good as this. The entire film is available online, so check it out!

May 24, 2004:
* What a stupid idea it was to come to Texas. Look at the facts: I've got a lame job, no money for home video equipment, no friends who will help me with anything creative (unless it benefits their own interests), and so on. On the good side, I have a nice apartment, a fiance, and a cat. But it hurts me to know that my days of video projects (didn't I go to college so I could keep doing these?) and frequent get-togethers with like-minded people have ended, possibly forever. I gave up a production job at a TV station, and plenty of nearby friends that I could have had some more good times with, so I could do a short-lived internet radio show, followed by never-ending video store shifts with stupid customers. Screw it. If you're even bothering to read this entry, then you have surpassed my expectations as to how much anyone cares about me anymore. At least now I'm a Dallas failure, rather than a Corning failure. Maybe I could join a theater group? Ha! We all know my luck with those, don't we!

March 21, 2004:
* Happy new year...sort of. Yep, it's me, still in Texas, still working retail, still pretty bored. If I were doing more creative endeavors again, maybe this page would be updated more often. As it stands, it is what it is, for now.
* A special shout-out to Jessica and Obin from my high school days. As much as I look back on my high school days with utter disdain, it's good to know that people do have positive memories of me from that time frame, and drop me a line every now and then. (Just don't expect me to attend any class reunions anytime soon.)

October 23, 2003:
* I'm in Texas (still) and have held a job for almost six months now (finally...go, me!), so things are good. Got a woman, got a cat, got a nice life, recurrent dullness notwithstanding. This is an in-between year for me. Big changes last year, big changes next year. This year, wait and see.
* I've updated the Beatles and Monkees sections, deleting dead links, updating discographies (official and bootleg), and fixing broken stuff on the Beatles Anthology section. I am bound to update more stuff soon, come November, which sees the release of two Beatles DVD's, 2 Beatles CD's, and one Monkees DVD boxed set...all on the same day!
* Not much to add to the Dave section right now. No new plays (in four years), no new films (in six months), no new radio shows (in nine months), and no new CD's (in three months). This will hopefully change. In the meantime, I've been updating CD's in my other collections (see above).

September 7:
* Recently received my Corning friend Amelia's CD. She'd been working on it for years, and the end result is consistently pleasant. The last four tracks are the real winners. I may post something more about it somewhere on the site, but where? It feels nice to hear a new album from a fellow Twin Tiers (upstate NY) artist again after two years. Here's hoping there's more to come.

June 13:
* I can't believe Metallica is the Number One new album on Billboard this week, and Jewel is only Number Two. Don't get me wrong; Metallica has chops. However, their fans are the kind of white trash 'holes that I've been sick of since high school. Jewel fans seem a little more intelligent (and nice!), and I can listen to Jewel for more than an hour without wanting to hit somebody (or myself). And her work has gotten better with each album. But once again, the music that I like takes a back seat to "popular opinion". Same thing happened when the Spice Girls killed Paul McCartney's shot at being Number One back in 1997. Not that Number Two is a bad thing. But more people remember Number One. I need tangible validation for my personal choices in music, and Number Two won't cut it. It's bad enough when you're an also-ran throughout life, but when someone you admire falls short as well (especially due to majority opinion), then what's the point? And for pete's sake, is this really how I feel? After all this time? Some people have issues; I have lifetime, f*cking subscriptions.
* Oh, and I added a special auto-bio (don't ask me why) onto the Dave Page. The bio might explain why I'm griping about things like Jewel not having a Number One album. (Metallica still sucks.)

May 19, 2003:
* Decided that my web host makes a lousy guestbook (they delete old entries, cut off others, and there's no way I can edit it), so I deleted the links to it. Anyone who really wants to get in touch with me can always email me.

March 29, 2003:
* Heavily updated my Monkees section with a more complete discography (with reviews), a more chronological rarities list, and a NEW section on "new" Monkees albums you can make using just the "bonus tracks". I've been on a huge Monkees kick lately, so wait 'till you see what I do to the page next!
* "Other Things" is finished, but work on the DVD has been delayed for a couple weeks due to other video projects. Expect it soon, however. The outtake montage has been finished for some time, so we just need to clean up the DVD menu and add an audio commentary track.

March 7, 2003:
* After six non-stop months (23 straight Sundays), my internet radio show with Kevin Hurley came to an end on February 23. But at least we ended on a high note, with listenship in the triple-digits, and the #1 radio show in Dallas giving us a plug. Our show is ending because Kevin's going to Amsterdam to do video production, and I'm staying in Dallas with Cindy. Thanks to all who've listened, and keep checking back for updates.
* My first short film in ages, "Other Things" is finally finished. I am not bragging when I say that this is my best work to date, thanks in no small part to producer Kevin Hurley and the cast/crew. I have even posted screen captures from the upcoming DVD.

October 18, 2002:
I've been in Dallas over seven months. I quit the gift shops and now work at Target. I'm also hosting an internet radio show with Kevin Hurley. And, someday soon, I'll finally get my latest film project finished. Updates have been made to my links page and film page about these things. Check them out.

June 19, 2002:
Lots of unbelievable stuff going on here: I'm in Dallas. I'm working in gift shops. I have seen Paul McCartney in concert. And I've finally updated the links section of my website. Who would have thought?

April 23, 2002:
Whoa. I'm in Dallas. And according to GeoCities(R), my site has been getting more traffic than ever, thanks to people's Google(R) searches for random things. Unfortunately, this has been exceeding GeoCities' site usage limits and has been leading them to shut my site off for hours at a time. Hmmm...whatever. At any rate, sorry for the lack of updates. At least when I do eventually make them, they'll be major. A new state, and a clean slate--that's me in Texas! Oh, and I added a truly definitive update to the section on that play I almost did. See the entry below for link and details.

March 1, 2002:
* There is no more "Phase Two" for "Dave on the Stage", since I have had to drop out of "The Butler Did It". I am moving to Texas, and the play's performance dates have been pushed too far back for be to do the show. A shame, since I'd rehearsed six months for a show that I'll never be in. But at any rate, I've moved all info on the show into the "Almost-Plays" section of my original (and now only) theater credits page.

December 26, 2001:
* Merry Christmas and happy (all other) holidays, everyone! I added a few extra updates to the DASjr Discography (Christmas Discmas), Stage II (Butler Did It), and Film (Thing that Sucked) sections. I hope to add more in 2002. See you then!

December 1, 2001:
* I've been up all night putting together my little mini-tribute to George Harrison, while watching every other mention of his passing on television. (sigh)
* I got a scanner the other day, so that may enrich this page in more ways than it has been in ages. Stick around....

November 13, 2001:
* Tomorrow I will be 25 years old! Holy F-ing S! I mean, that S kicks A, but it's F-ing crazy like a S.O.B. with a D up his A! But hey, maybe when I'm 25, I'll be brave enough to truly swear on my updates page, and not replace the bad words with F-ing letters.
* I have added a new theater page, which I have devoted to the upcoming "Phase Two" of my stage "history". It's another part of my ego-tastic "Dave Page". Keep checking it for info on a play you may want to see.
* Today (when the stores open) is when a whole bunch of CDs come out by artists that I like, including Paul McCartney (two CDs and a DVD), Jewel, and Barenaked Ladies. And no, I have no idea what they say about a fool and his money, so shush.
* I also updated my Beatles link page to fix or destroy broken links, and add new ones.

October 12, 2001:
* OK, so here we are, one month later. Tragedy has turned into war, but life goes on in its own way. Here's to the best possible outcome...may we find it in time.
* BIG DASjr NEWS!: After a three-year hiatus from Twin Tiers theater, I am returning to the community stage in a comedy called "The Butler Did It", which will be performed sometime in January. I'm reuniting with Gary Yoggy, Graham Howard, and Nancy McKeg to put it on. I haven't had time to add info on it to my stage page yet, but I will once the show comes closer. My experiences in this show could decide whether or not I continue to assist in theater projects. Stay tuned.
* Paul McCartney News: The new album "Driving Rain" comes out next month (the day before my birthday)! I have heard an advance copy of this and advise Macca fans to buy it when it comes out. Very well done, Paul. A welcome addition to my car stereo.

September 11, 2001:
* The World Trade Center in New York City is destroyed. The Pentagon in Washington is a wreck. Four planes, two immense buildings, and several blocks of innocent human life...gone. The initial damage was what greeted me at work today. It's been literally flowing through my veins since then. It's a sharp and trembling sensation. It's energizing, maybe even exciting. But I don't like it. I don't even know who's dead yet, but I know that a lot of people have died, and that's enough. All I can say now is, "what happened," and more importantly, "what next?" Until then, I guess there's not much more to do than what we always do: live, and keep living, until something (or someone) decides that we can't. (That's not always as depressing as it sounds.) Life will bring you pain, but don't let it bring you down!

August 15, 2001:
* Well, "The Thing That Sucked From Below" is just as hard a movie to complete as it has ever been. Shooting of the Hare Krishna scene was to have happened tonight, featuring Soulstich as the Krishnas. However, my main email contact in the group says he hasn't been able to contact the other two guys yet, so the shoot has been postponed until...well, until it gets shot. And since I'm going to Myrtle Beach next week, it won't be for a while. So, as always, "The Thing That Sucked From Below" will be finished...well, when it's finished. When's that?, you say. I don't think I could shrug my shoulders high enough to express my non-psychic ability to tell you when or if this thing will be finished, Hare Krishna scene or no. Keep in mind that my cynicism is not aimed at Soulstich (who could still come through for me on this), but at the history of this project as a whole.
* Meanwhile, in a world where creative endeavors are brought to fruition in less than three years, I attended my last recording session for Adam's "Last Impressions" CD, during which we recorded "Cliche" for the bonus disc, and made rough mixes of a handful of album tracks, including "In Your Chains". While I'm off on vacation, Brian Matteson will record guitar tracks for five songs, after which the final mixes will be done, as will the CD itself. I've been listening to rough mixes of this thing all week and it is immensely catchy. People who like acoustic guitars, tight harmonies, and meaningful lyricism (with a touch of humor) will like this CD. Hopefully, the CD will come out officially in early September, with some possible live appearances to follow in Corning (my home town), Elmira (his home town), and/or SUNY Fredonia (my alma mater, his next destination).
* Oh, and I added new entries to my Discography, which now includes more info on my CD work with Adam and Kevin.

August 12, 2001:
Added new info to the film page and songs page. I am anxiously working on the completion of Adam's newest CD, as well as (possibly) The Thing That Sucked From Below.
I'll update some more things later, but in the meantime, check out Soulstich's web site. I will be adding this to my links page soon (need more time to edit this site). Ciao for now!

May 5, 2001:
Hi again! Well, suffice it to say the page now officially has a new look on every section. Now to work on the subsections, and to, of course, add more content. New links are here, too, with more on the way. Cindy and Allison have seen the site already, and they like the new look a lot! Can't wait to make it better. Willie Wisely needs to make his premiere on my page. I'm also torn between what to add more things to first: the Beatles and Monkees stuff that everyone visits, or the stuff that is all about me that would interest considerably less (though certainly numerous and very cool) people. Well, at least the new look is here...mostly. I know this What's New page is in need of a change (bunny and bricks go bye-bye soon). Enjoy the old-look sections while you can. Then, enjoy the new stuff!

May 2, 2001:
Guess what...I've been revamping the page, one section at a time. The Monkees and DASjr Film sections are already revised (but still in need of additions). Stay tuned....

April 21, 2001:
Well, the fourth year has ended for this page, and it looks pretty much like it did at the end of the third one. But I will try to change that, really! Already, my Beatles and Monkees sections are slowly becoming updated, and my archives and performance history (Random Acts of Senseless David) are getting some fine additions. I'd add more now, but I need sleep, and I have work tomorrow. In the future, I want to add a section devoted to October Records artist Willie Wisely, in an attempt to compliment his music, but also to figure out where the heck he's been since 1997. Anyone know? Once again, I apologize for the lack of updates.

January 11, 2001:
Well, it's a new year, I have a job, and spend much of my time collecting music (mainly Beatles). I have been updating my page a little here and there, but there won't be anything major until I finally put together my big "surprise" overhaul of the look of this page. I call it surprise, because I don't know if or when I'll do it. At any rate, I hope this page is still entertaining despite its lack of updates. At any rate, I have added two new poems (including Smile To Lips) and another movie (My Show episode #5). Every little bit helps.

August 8-9, 2000:
Well, it's been three months since I've updated this page, and since then, life has changed a lot for me. I am now no longer a student of SUNY Fredonia (or anywhere else) because I have graduated!!! I now have a job at a local news station where I videotape, edit, and whatever else. It's going well so far, but it makes me appreciate the days where I could do nothing but relax for weeks at time. So long, college.
* I added more titles (plus two new track listings) to my DASjr Discography section.
* I added a newspaper article on "Retro Man" to my Random Acts of Senseless David page.
* Added the lyrics to "Retro Man (Theme)" and "Circling the Drain" to my musical works page.
* Stick around for more updates over the coming months, which I hope to do as soon as I can. I know there aren't a lot of people looking at this page, but whoever sees it should be pleased with what I've got.

May 9, 2000:
* Made a working guestbook for my Beatles and Monkees pages.
* Listed recently-finished projects on my film page.

April 13, 2000:
* Added a link to Adam Lindquist's new web site on my Links Page, under "Sites By People I Know".
* Added easier links for people surfing through my Dave page.
* Added more info to my film page, including projects by others.

April 11, 2000:
* My page is now officially three years old! I must say, I've come a long way since I started this page back at CCC, and I hope my page reflects that. I know I haven't updated the site that much, but it's still, without a doubt, the biggest "about myself" page on the 'net! And the Beatles and Monkees sections are nice, too!
* Added all my recent public appearances (and upcoming ones) to my Performer's History section.
* I've added two more poems (End And Mend and Coffee) to my published poems section.
* Began adding info on "My Show" (the show) to my film section.

January 25, 2000:

Well, what with it being a new decade and all, I figured it was time to update the page.
* I added the theme from my show to my song page.
* Added my girlfriend Cindy Clark's page to my links page.
* Did various little things that needed various little doing done to them.

November 17-18, 1999:

* Well, I'm 23 years old now (since Sunday), and to celebrate, I've made many additions to the site.
* I added the last two "Retro Man" comics to my artwork archive.
* I added new pictures to my section on Rocky Horror Picture Show (Spring 1999).
* Added all my recent public appearances to my Performer's History section.
* Uploaded some images that were missing from my Canned Ham Island story.
* And, as I am proud to announce, I've added two more poems (A Soul and Anyway) to my published poems section.

October 29, 1999:

* Added Parts 7 and 8 (of 10) of my "Retro Man" comic to my artwork archive. These two won't appear in the paper for a while, but those in the know can enjoy them here exclusively!

October 22, 1999:

* Added the first six installments of my "Retro Man" weekly Fredonia comic strip to my artwork archive. Keep cheching there for the last four episodes!

October 18, 1999:

* Added two new photos to the Monkees in Beatleland section.
* Slightly updated my Movie Page, with photos added to Things That Ring.

October 15, 1999:

* Fixed up the Photo Archives so that they load more easily. No more thumbnails, but who needs 'em? My descriptions are certainly good enough.
* Improved the content of my Movies Page, with new info added to entries for each movie.

October 14, 1999:

* After an embarrassingly long period of time, I have majorly updated my general links page, my Beatles links page, and my Monkees links page all in one long swoop. Please note that although my Sifl & Olly and Rocky Horror are no longer listed on my main page, they are still adored by me and featured in my general links page. Additionally, there are more updates to come, I promise.

September 6, 1999:

* "Updates, eh? 'Bout dang time, DASJr!" I'm sure this is what my most avid followers (both of them) would be saying about the state of my page this past summer. At any rate, I'm back in college (My last year--This one's for all the marbles!), and I plan on adding new things to the page throughout the following months.
* First off, I've been fixing all the weird stuff that was going on with my Beatles and Monkees pages.

May 5, 1999:

* End of the semester coming up. Busy, busy, busy. Still working on "Things that Ring" (see entry below), and hope to revive "The Thing that Sucked From Below". More info later.
* Added new photos to the stage and misc. sections of my Photo Archive. Great new pics of Hopscotch, Rocky Horror, and me with my friends eating lunch.
* Updated lots of stuff on my Theater Page. Needful to say, except for a few more articles and photos here and there, the theater section is not going to grow much anymore, as I am done with acting in theater. Other sections, however, may finally get to flourish (though my poetry section has been quite stagnant--I haven't had any poems published in about a year).

April 6, 1999:

* Well, folks, it took me a while, but I finally converted my Beatles and Monkees sections to another web page, and my home page is now spread out over two Geocities sites. This will allow me more room for updates and additions in the future. Unfortunately...for some reason, the Beatles and Monkees sections have pop-ups on most of the sections...despite the fact that there are registered geoguides on them! Geez, I thought it was going to be easier than this.
* Spring Break finished recently, and I finished filming a short Gothic French experimental black-and-white silent art film entitled "Things that Ring". If you want to see what I've typed for the info so far click here.
* I've still got to finish the links on my Dave Page. Who knows when I will? Aw heck. Maybe things will look better in the summer.

March 16, 1999:

* I just read a guestbook message I got from Tom Schink, who was in CCC versions of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet with me, and whom I PRAISED in a newspaper article I wrote about a year ago. His comments of me in the guestbook were mostly very negative, as well as not entirely true (that "trying to kiss Shannon" thing was a harmless JOKE!), though I won't deny his opinions of me for that is how he feels. Tom's a no-BS guy, so I can't argue with what he FEELS, though I can argue with at least SOME of his observations of what happened during "Romeo and Juliet". I plan to eventually do a section of my page adressing all this in the future, as I can not e-mail him about this (he didn't leave an address--how convenient). Stay tuned.
* Well, I haven't updated this page a lot because I've been busy with things, including Rocky (see March 5 What's New entry below). I promise to have things all straightened out by the time Spring Break is over. I'm currently planning on adding more pictures, poems, and a new film (Retro Man 2) to the page, as well as more Beatles, Monkees, Sifl & Olly, and Rocky Horror things. Please be patient.

March 5, 1999:

* Updated Rocky Horror Picture Show Spring '99 entry, with info that I will be playing Frank in the third performance (April 16). By the way, this production of "Rocky Horror" will officially be my 30th show in five years (starting with the King and I in April 1994), so it's quite a milestone!

February 22, 1999:

* Added an image to my section on the "Don't Shoot..." documentary.
* Added two new pictures to Miscellaneous Pix, Part Two.
* Well, looks like I'm running out of room on this page, so expect a big overhaul between this month and the next, after which this homepage is going to spead out over two different sites (both Geocities, BTW). Keep your eyes open for new developments, followed by further updates.

February 14, 1999:

* Added an interview with Adam Lindquist to my movie page.
* Added "Private Industry" to my songs page.
* Deleted all of last year's "what's new" entries. I made sure to print them out before I did, though.

February 9, 1999:

* Added two new "Retro Man" photos...see the bottom of the page.

February 2, 1999:

* I recently got a guestbook signing from former CCC classmate (and co-star in a few plays) Dennis Aiken. His comments have been, by far, the most interesting to grace my guestbook, and he obviously put a lot of thought into them. In response to his comments, I say the following: A)the letter 'G' at the bottom corner of my page is a "watermark" added by Geocities, not me, and all Geocities pages are required to have it; and B)if there's anything about my comments towards others that you found too offensive, I wish we could talk more about it so that I could perhaps re-work parts of my page; and C)I really would like to talk more about this with you, but you didn't leave an e-mail address.
* I updated my Welcome and Disclaimer page, adding a further disclaimer suggested by Dennis Aiken.

January 29, 1999:

* Added two new photos of me and my girlfriend Cindy (taken during last semester's "Rocky Horror" sessions). Here's one photo, and here's another one. These pics are from before we began dating.

January 27, 1999:

* I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend! She is a fellow "Rocky Horror" cast member, and she rocks! I love you, Cindy!
* I recently decided to drop out of "Dancing at Lughnasa", and have updated my Stage Page accordingly. I have never given up a role in a play before, but some people have classes, and some people have lives...and I'm finally one of those people. Wish me luck.
* I added a link to Kevin's new homepage to the "Site By People I Know" section of my links page.

January 20, 1999:

* Updated my Sifl & Olly page, expanding it and adding a new article!

January 18-19, 1999:

* Happy New Year...especially for the almost two-year-old page. Hooray! Anyway, after over a month of no updates, I'm back at SUNY Fredonia, and the page will slowly undergo some more changes and additions. I re-did the index page, and a few little things here and there. Stay tuned!
* Updated all of my links sections!
* Updated my Photo Archives, so that each page takes less time to load.

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