Drum Music, Electronic; with Vince Schaefer Drum Music Electronic, with Recording Artist Vince Schaefer

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Lebende Unterhaltung auf verschiedenen Aufschlag und elektronischen Meßgeräten! Live Entertainment on a variety of percussion and electronic instrumentation!

La traduction pour français parler les amants de drummers et musique! Translation for French speaking drummers and music lovers!
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Pour les français ventilateurs qui parlent de musique et drumming électroniques! For the french speaking fans of electronic music and drumming!

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¡Para el español ventiladores que hablan de la Música de Tambor Electrónica, y de la música! For the Spanish speaking fans of Drum Music Electronic, and music!

Musician redefines the future of Music

Modern electronic soloist, performs and records original spontaneous, production oriented music, in his home recording studio and for live performance. Vince is an energetic, contemporary, Drum music live with Vin! Inside the Creative Mind with Vince Schaefer was a 60 minute TV show featuring the live performed drum solos that sound like a whole band! ensemble style soloist, that utilizes fractal and stochastic based, and other polyrhythmic design elements in a drumming system he created. While operating some of the worlds most modern technology, coupled with invention, Vince performs original tunes showcasing his diverse musical styles and compositional talents, from a traditional trap-set format. A midi light show is also accomplished along with thumping bass lines and screaming guitar parts, while tight, funky, drum set grooves are exercised. Vince plays all musical instruments by drumming on a controller by DrumKAT!Some examples of this original music utilize drums, guitar, bass, and keyboard lines, simultaneously played live, without using a sequencer! Borrowing a few pages from the modern DJ, original samples, and turntable effects enhance the music, accessed with the coordination of an experienced  musician and percussionist. 

 Listen to 'A Drummers Laugh' to hear this percussionist break away from the backing role he successfully provided so many dance bands in his career. The 'Wizard Obligation' album is unique in that it was performed live, for the television show: 'Inside the Creative Mind with Vince Schaefer'. Download Free Real Audio files in seconds to experience this artist and his work. 

 To see the professional resume, which included over 20 links to Singing original music with his own jammed tunes, drummed in a modern way! previous drumming and teaching jobs, when last updated: View Resume    

This site has many free drum pictures, real audio files, MP3's, videos and special offers, as well as lots of information and many music links. The experience of 12 years playing the DrumKAT midi percussion controller, and other electronic drums, as a soloist in live performance, and triggering acoustic drums in many bands before that, is detailed.  If you want to skip ahead and see the albums, click: View CD.

Web Design and Content is Copyright © 2002 Common Laugh Productions and Vince Schaefer