N |
- Company: West End Games (USA)
- Authors: ???
- First publication: ???
- Genre: Horror
- Theme:
The World of Necroscope is a roleplaying game set in the dark world of
Brian Lumley's imagination. A world where paranormal spies, ESPionage
agents, and mind spies fight a secret war against darker things and one
another. The Wamphyri, or vampires, exist, and their age-old evil stretches
from the beginning of time to threaten the Earth.
But you are undaunted. You are not a mere human. You are talented. Your are
an ESPer, with powers undreamed of by your peers. You may be a telepath, a
seer able to see into the future, a Shaman able to kill with a glance or
perhaps able to talk to the teeming masses of the dead as a powerful
- Company: NeoGames (Sweden)
- Authors: ???
- First publication: 1993
- Genre: Cyberpunk/ Technothriller
- Design: Softcover, Box (Deluxe edition)
- Supplements: * (screen, character sheets, sourcebooks, adventures)
- Homepage: http://www.neogames.se
- Company: Multisim (France)
- Authors: Weil, Lamidey
- First publication: 1991
- Genre: Dark modern fantasy
- Theme:
There is a dark side to our everyday universe, an unwritten reality which
has been hidden for millennia. Maybe you have unwittingly encountered this
reality: already you are familiar with such worlds as magic, alchemy, and
kabbala. With Nephilim we invite you to look deeper, to see behind the
scene, find the canvas under the paint. Discover a twilight world of old
alchemists bent over their ovens, of kabbalists tracing their pentacles, of
magicians deciphering their books of spells. This is a world concealed
behind the false respectability of wealthy neighborhoods, non-profit
associations, flourishing businesses, and historical monuments. A world
where secret societies wage unseen war upon each other for political
control or control of one of the five magic fields. A world of mystery and
occult magic, which originates in the characters that you play -- the
- Homepage:
Realities On The Edge
- Company: Daedalus Games (Canada)
- Authors: Jose Garcia, Robin Laws
- First publication: 1994
- Genre: Multiverse
- Theme:
Welcome to Nexus, the Infinite City. The city where all the realities
meet. A place where Ancient Babylon is just down the street, and the
next off ramp leads to the lost cities of Mars. Rub shoulders with
alien gangbangers. Party it up with the creatures of the night. Fight
alongside Aztec cyberpunks and Roman centurions. Rumble with street
mages. Lock down trade deals with avaricious dinosaurs. Unravel the
mysteries of the metaverse. And make it to the club in time to
check out the latest shriekrap bands.
- Company: Palladium Books (USA)
- Authors: C.J. Carella
- First publication: ???
- Genre: Monster
- Theme:
The world has never quite been the same since Dark Day. The day there was
no sun rise and no moon or stars for that matter — only absolute darkness and
"It is your seventeenth birthday when "The Becoming" changes your life and
your world view forever. That was the day you discovered there were two of
you, your human-self and the inhuman creature you can become at will.
"You quickly learn there are "monsters" in the world, both human and
supernatural, evil and good. The question is, which are you?"
The Nightbane are characters who discover that they not entirely human. In
fact, they are shape-changers who possess a comparatively frail, human
"facade" and a supernatural, superhuman "morphus."
The morphus is said to reflect the character's personality or subconscious
fears, desires and self-image. Thus some are exotic and beautiful, while
others (most) are misshapened monsters. No two appear exactly alike and
even the most hideous can have the spirit of a saint, while the handsome
and beautiful may be evil incarnate.
Whether hideous or beautiful, cruel or kind, the Nightbane are feared and
slaughtered by most humans who see only a monster. Creatures of shadows,
when slain, they disappear like the morning mist, as if they never existed
(and leaving no evidence of their existence).
A surprising number of Nightbane cherish and cling to their humanity. Many
of these become secret protectors of humankind and champions of good. Yet
even these misbegotten heroes must operate in secret lest fearful, evil or
misguided humans torment or destroy them. But there are far greater horrors
loosed in the world than this. Evil Nightbane, vampires, human sorcerers,
supernatural predators and other dark forces all busy building their petty
power structures, preying on the weak and innocent, or engaging in foul
pursuits. Worse, the Nightbane are hunted and slaughtered without just
cause and without mercy by the Nightlords and their minions.
The Nightlords plan to quietly seize control of the world! They have
already secretly infiltrated the highest levels of world government and
business, and have begun to manipulate and enslave humankind. Their only
opposition: humans who have uncovered the truth, vampires (rivals for world
domination), and the Nightbane who have elected to fight their own kind to
save the human race.
Feared and hunted by humans, the Nightlords, and the forces of evil, the
Nightbane are the ultimate anti-heroes who struggle to triumph against all
- Complexity: High
- Design: Softcover
- Supplements: * (sourcebooks)
- Homepage:
- Company: Stellar Games (USA)
- Authors: ???
- First publication: ???
- Genre: Monster
- Theme:
In the Big Apple. New York City, the most exciting place
on earth. The city that never sleeps, packed with more
places to go, more things to do, and more people to feed
on than anywhere else. You'll never grow old, and you'll never die.
Night after night, year after year, decade after decade. You'll watch
normal human lives flit by in an eyeblink. That is, unless you run afoul
of an enemy, and you've got plenty of those. All of humanity would destroy
you if they knew what you were. Monsterous beings, worse than any possible
nightmare will hunt you as prey. And the most deadly foe is your own Kin,
the other immortal beings who, like you, pose as human while they
live the nightlife.
- Design: Softcover
- Supplements: * (adventures, sourcebooks, screen)
- Homepage:
- Company: Siroz (France)
- Authors: Croc
- First publication: ???
- Genre: Medieval fantasy centered around thieves
- Theme:
The Seven Cities is a dangerous world, a giant megalopole where crime
is present in all its different forms. Players are thieves who fight
hard to earn their livings in the middle of machiavelic actions of
the different city authorities. The clergy, guildes or secret societies...
employers are numerous, and the missions always perilous.
- Design: Hardcover
- Supplements: * (sreen, adventures, sourcebooks)
- Company: Palladium Books (USA)
- Authors: Erick Wujcik
- First publication: ???
- Theme: Spying activities with lot of martial arts (41 differents
forms of martial arts!).
- Homepage:
- Company: Archon Gaming (USA)
- Authors: ???
- First publication: 1997
- Theme: Game of mystery, romance and deduction, inspired by the
"films noirs", the Chandler's books or some comics like Sin City or Crime
Suspense Stories.
- Homepage:
O |
Role-playing game of science-fiction adventure
- Company: Fantasy Games Unlimited (USA)
- Authors: Niall Shapero
- First publication: 1983
- Theme: Science fiction with rules less complicated than
Space Opera.
The Psychosurreal Role-playing Game
- Company: Atlas Games (USA)
- Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Robin Laws (2nd ed)
- First publication: ???
- Genre: Conspiracy
- Theme: Explore a twisted version of our own reality. Come to
Al Amarja, where nightmares go to breath.
Devious secret agents, subtle alien invasions, ancient conspiracies, the
secret of human nature, drooling psychopaths, weird science, a quick but
painful death--who knows what you may find when you play Over the Edge? For
the first time, the surreal undercurrents of fiction, cinema, and television
have come to role-playing, and Over the Edge is the game that can take you
where you've never been before.
- Complexity: Medium
- Design: Softcover
- Supplements: ** (adventures, sourcebooks)
- Number of editions: 2
- Homepage: