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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Patrick Mar, space Eliza Martin

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James Marsden, selling clothes for Ladies, household linen, p1 - 14 May 1842 Melbourne Times
Jeremiah Marsden Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Joseph Ankors Marsden - Marsden and Anne baptised Joshua Shelton 1841, Maria Jane 1843;
Mr Marsden arrived 19 May 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip on the Will Watch
Mr JA Marsden departed 22 May 1841 from Launceston and arrived Melbourne 25 May 1841 on the Paul Pry
JA Marsden, with 147 men, was presented to Sir George Gipps at a Levee, Mon 25 Oct 1841 in his honour. Source - Port Phillip Herald, 26 Oct 1841
JA Marsden, 2 cases cargo arrived 5 Apr 1842 from Liverpool on the Two Sisters
Joseph Ankors Marsden, Shop and house Collins Lane The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in La Trobe Ward
Joseph Ankors Marsden, Burgess for La Trobe Ward. Source - Port Phillip Herald 5 Nov 1844
Joseph Ankors Marsden, proposed James Murray in annual election of Town Council Latrobe Ward Close result, Sanford 79, Murray 75 votes. Source - Port Phillip Herald 4 Nov 1845
Joseph Ankers Marsden, presided at the soiree for the Wesleyan Mission. Source - Port Phillip Herald 30 Dec 1845
Directory 1847 Mechanics' Institution Committee of Management haberdasher, Collins street
Mrs Marsden, from London arrived 26 Feb 1844 on the Ellen barque from London to Port Phillip via Launceston.
TW Marsden, owned house where Mr Edward Hodgson lived, gave evidence on involved in love triangle with Mrs Quarry Case dismissed. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 9 Nov 1844
Eliza Marsh/Marah, 18, 44 single woman, Nursemaid Kildare RC both, came Sep 1840 on the Himalaya
James Marah 25 (23 single man) Labourer RC neither Co Tipperary, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Margaret Marsh 21 (29 single woman), came 13 Apr 1841 on the Argyle
Margaret Marsh wed James Ross in 1843 at Church of England St James, Melbourne baptised James 1843
William Marsh and Elizabeth baptised Eliza 1844
William Marsh wed Mary Ann Sampson in 1844 at Church of England St James Melbourne
William Marsh aged 20 came Sep 1847 with 306 on the Joseph Somes
Ann Marshall 16 (40 single woman) Housemaid RC reads Somersetshire, came 3 June 1841 on the Duchess Of Northumberlan
Charles Marshall 26 hus (27 family) Labourer Prot both Derby, came 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
Sarah Marshall 26 wife of Charles (27 family) Seamstress Prot both Derby, came 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
Charles Marshall, of Gipps Ward, signed letter to Henry Moore. Source - Port Phillip Herald 27 Sept 1844
Charles Marshall, sworn in as a Special Constable before His Worship the Mayor 21 Oct 1845 72 enrolled, all publicans exempted. Source - Port Phillip Herald 23 Oct 1845
Charles Marshall and Mary baptised Sarah Ann 1847;
Directory 1847 grocer, Bourke lane
Charles Marshall; Directory 1847 groom and gardener, off Bourke lane
Charlotte Marshall 19 (41 single woman) House maid Prot both London, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Lysander
Clarke Marshall 19 (47 single man) Labourer Prot both Lincolnshire, came 3 June 1841 on the Duchess Of Northumberlan
Frederick A Marshall, Cabin passenger on the Lysander presented Captain Currie with an Address of Thanks. Source - Port Phillip Herald, 2 Nov 1841
Gilbert Marshall carpenter, wife Janet son William Marshall born 14 Apr 1837 baptised 18 Apr 1838 at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
Glbert Marshall carpenter, wife Janet son Stowwell Marshall born 21 Jun 1839 baptised 15 Jul 1839 at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
G Marshall, in Dec 1839 employed Margaret Patten aged 17, Childs maid, who came on the William Metcalfe
Gilbert Marshall Janet baptised William 1838, Howwell 1839, Elizabeth 1841, James 1845, Janet 1847;
Gilbert Marshall, dwelling house, Richmond The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 26 May 1843 District of Port Phillip Electoral List of 291 names voted in election 20 June 1843, during first hour, 9-10am
Gilbert Marshall, The Port Phillip Herald Tue 28 Nov 1843 in Jury to hear criminal cases of the day
Gilbert Marshall, voted 10-11am Melbourne to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
Gilbert Marshall, Little Collins St 'Black Buoy' new application granted for annual Publican's license - source Port Phillip Herald 17 Apr 1845
Gilbert Marshall, one of 469 voters who qualified by Dwelling house in Richmond Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Gilbert Marshall, added to list of Burgesses on committee for re-election of Councillor Sanford in La Trobe Ward. Source - Port Phillip Herald 30 Oct 1845
Directory 1847 builder, Richmond
Henry Marshall 20 (49 single man) Farm Servant Prot both Yorkshire, came 29 July 1841 on the Westminster
James Marshall Mary baptised Mary Ann 1846 died, Elizabeth Jane 1847 Page 197 Letters at Office, 30th June 1847
Agent Mr John Marshall, for the Theresa arrived 18 Jul 1840 from London
Had offices at 26 Birchin-lane, Cornhill; or at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth
John Marshall, No 11, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Dec 1845
John Marshall Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Mr J Marshall at Melbourne arrived 27 Apr 1841 from Hobart town on 20 Apr on the Isabella
Miss Martha Marshall; Directory 1847 teacher, Lonsdale street
Mr Michael Marshall Cabin - arrived 22 Jan 1840 from Leith on the John Bull
Messrs. Marshall; Directory 1847 Mount Pleasant, Murray
Mr Marshall arrived 21 Nov 1841 at Sydney from Port Phillip on 12 Nov, William Hughes
Mr Marshall departed 30 Nov 1841 from Sydney for Port Phillip on the Sea Horse steamer
Mr Marshall arrived 17 Dec 1841 at Hobart from Port Phillip on 8 Dec on the Maguasha
Mr and Mrs Marshall, and child Intermediate arrived 27 Sep 1842 from Liverpool on the Ocean
Mrs Marshall Steerage arrived 7 Apr 1840 from London on the Louisa Campbell
Simon Marshall Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Thomas M Marshall and Mrs Thomas Marshall, 10 Cabin Passengers, came Jun 1840 on the Andromache
Foster Marshall son, Mary Marshall dau, Sarah Marshall dau, Cabin Passengers, came Jun 1840 on the Andromache
Foster Marshall wed 1854 to Dorcas Mary Smith
Mary Marshall wed James Hodgkinson in 1843 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Sarah Marshall wed John Morris Fisher in 1842 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Thomas Mulcaster Marshall, wife Sarah, and sons Thomas and Foster, and daughter Mary, came out from Plymouth on the "Andromache", sailing 28-2-1840 from London for a 113 day passage and arriving Melbourne 24-6-1840. The "Andromache" was a 468 ton Barque owned by his brother John Marshall.
Prior to this, 1825-1840, he had been declared bankrupt and went to Belgium to live, his son Foster was baptised at Ostende.
He established himself as a Land Commission Agent in his brother's office in Melbourne. On the 17-8-1842, he brought the first libel case in Victoria, between himself, a Commission Agent, and George Arden, the Editor and owner of the Port Phillip Gazette. (Thomas won). Thomas was declared bankrupt again in 1845 and moved to the Geelong area where he was an early settler.
Thomas Mulcaster Marshall, Insolvent plan to distribute his estate to be approved. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 28 Feb 1845
Thomas Mulcaster Marshall, granted Insolvency Certificate 12 Feb 1845 - source Port Phillip Herald 13 Feb 1845
Mr Thomas/Michael Marshall, 15 Cabin, came Jan 1840 on the John Bull
Thomas Marshall Seaman arrived 16 Apr 1844 on the Sea Queen
Thomas Marshall wed Mary Kennedy in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
William Marshall 32 hus, 14 f, Butcher Shadwell Prot both, came Sep 1840 on the Himalaya
Charlotte Marshall 21 wife of William, 14 f, Housekeeper Shadwell Prot both, came Sep 1840 on the Himalaya
William Marshall, tallow chandler The Port Phillip Herald Tue 19 Sep 1843 New Insolvent list deficiency 51 pounds
William Marshall, The Port Phillip Herald Tue 3 Oct 1843 Insolvent Court, debts proved
William Henry Marshall wed Jane Johnston in 1844 at Church of England St James Melbourne
William Marshall, List 4, 30 Apr 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 7 May 1844
William Marshall, Insolvent application for Insolvency Certificate did not appear. Source - Melbourne Courier 1 Aug 1845
William Marshall, Insolvent had James Graham appointed as Trustee. Source - Melbourne Courier 20 Oct 1845
William Marshall, Insolvent meeting called to elect a trustee. Source - Melbourne Courier 10 Oct 1845
William Marshall; Directory 1847 householder, Richmond
Agnes Martin, female wed James Potter 1842 #4591 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
Alexander Smart Martin wed 6 Jul 1839 to Eliza Pannell witnesses Thomas Grenier at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
Alexander Martin witness to wedding 31 Dec 1839 of Lawrence Ormond Butler by Rev James Forbes Presbyterian
Andrew Martin, No 9, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 13 Oct 1845
Ann Martyn 21 (33 single woman) Dressmaker RC neither Louth, came 1 Mar 1841 on the Argyle
Annie Martyn, female wed William Williams 1842 #35474 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Ann Martin; Directory 1847 midwife, off Elizabeth street
Arthur Martin, , Steerage arrived 19 October 1844 on the Mary White
Boyle Martin witness to wedding of 6 Apr 1839 Joseph Griffin to Fanny Quinn at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
Boyle Martin, and Ann baptised George 1840, Eliza Ann at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Melb 1842 #12826
Boyle Martin, House off Bourke Lane The Port Phillip Herald Fri 22 Sep 1843 applied to be added to the Burgess in Bourke Ward
Boyle Martin and Ann baptised Edward James 1844-6 died, Margaret 1846
B Martin; Directory 1847 carpenter, off Collins lane
Bridget Martin 19 (34 single woman) Housemaid Prot both Wicklow, came 23 July 1841 on the George Fyffe
Biddy Martin, 20 single woman House servant RC, neither Tipperary, Bounty arrived 9 Feb 1842 from London on the Martin Luther
Bridget Marting - Martin wed Daniel Lyons in 1843 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Bridget Martin wed Richard Chapman in 1846 at Church of England Christ Church, Geelong
Brien Martin, and Mary Everat baptised male James at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #276
Captain Martyn master at Melbourne cleared out 23 Jan 1841, for Sydney on the Augustus
Catharine Martin, 20, single woman, List no. 46, Dairymaid, RC neither, Meath, arrived 28 Mar 1841 fron London on the Neptune
Catherine Martin, died 19 female Melbourne 1842 #27 Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong
Catherine Martin wed Thomas Mccarthy in 1845 at Roman Catholic
Catherine Martin wed George Innes in 1847 at Presbyterian Geelong
Dr Martin, in Sydney Gazette for Tues 4 Aug 1840, page 2, lists the passengers from Port Phillip on the Andromache,
Dr Martin arrived 22 Jan 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip on the Industry - source Launceston Courier 25 Jan 1841
Dr Martin 7 Mar 1841 arrived Melbourne from Sydney, on the Jewess
Dr Martin arrived 12 Oct 1841 at Sydney from Port Phillip on 9 Oct on the Sea Horse steamer
Dr Martin departed 19 Oct 1841 from Sydney for Port Phillip on the Sea Horse steamer
Edward Martin was a Blackmsith's boy and was convicted of stealing a box in May 1835 at the Central Criminal Court. He came as convict 1835 on the Royal Sovereign to Sydney. He was issued with a Ticket of Leave for Geelong in 1841
Edward Martin, one of 170 convicts transported on the Royal Sovereign, 25 July 1835. Convicted at Central Criminal Court for a term of 7 years.
Edward Martin, and Jane baptised Marshall Edward 1840, Mary Elizabeth at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Melb 1842 #13057
Edward Martin and Jane baptised William Henry 1845
Edward Martin wed Catherine Quilty in 1843 at Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong;
Edward Martin Directory 1847 off Bourke lane
Edward Martin Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
© Say thanks to space Patrick Mar, space Eliza Martin

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