Further Information         

Each page of this website contains only a small part of the information the Spiritual Teachers have on each topic.  If you have a genuine interest in this spiritual philosophy, and wish to know more, or if you have reasonable questions on any of the topics covered, please send an email to the Spiritual Teachers. Your question may be one that others would like to have answered, so please mark your email 'for publication' or 'not for publication'.  Suitable questions, with the Spiritual Teachers' answers, may then be included on the website.  The Spiritual Teachers would also like to hear from you if you have good results from utilising the Spiritual Healing method given on the 'Free Spiritual Healing' page . 
Are You Psychic - Part Two
Games and exercises for development

You learn best when you are happy and relaxed, so treat these games as fun, they are designed to lead you gently into using your psychic abilities. Do only the ones you want to, and in any order you  wish,  and feel free to experiment with your own adaptations. Some may be too easy for you, just leave them out. Most of them are ideal for use in a development group.

What's in the box?   Have someone hide an object such as a comb in a box. They put the box in front of you and offer you a simple choice,  such as, "In here there may be a comb or a pair of scissors." Make mental images of these objects and compare them. You are looking for any differences in the way the images appear to you. Do they differ in  size,  distance, brightness or background? Is one still, while the other moves? Notice any differences in the way they appear. Then have a look in the box and find out what the object is. Repeat many times with different  objects.  You should notice  a pattern with your mental images, with the correct one perhaps always appearing bigger or brighter, or maybe always on the left - something you can notice. Now when you play the game, you can look at your images and guess which object of the two suggested is in the  box,  and expect  a high success rate. Make up variations of this game, with past events, for example, your friend saying, "I went out yesterday, and I might have done this, or I might have done that," and you compare your images of those activities. Or they could say, "For lunch yesterday, I might have had soup, or  I might have had yoghurt," (one of these being what they did actually eat, of course), and again, compare your  mental  impressions.  Another game is to make up variations of the  test  for clairvoyance given earlier, using incomplete stories of real events.

Telepathy game. Have someone be the information sender. You sit quietly and clear your mind, and look gently for the image being sent to you. The sender thinks of a simple, bright shape, such as a red cube, or a yellow ball, and thinks of showing it to you, getting you to hold  it, describing it to you, spinning it round the room. When the sender tells you they have finished, you give your impressions and find out how well you have done.

Another time, have the sender try to convey a strong feeling. You may begin feeling the same thing yourself, or you may see images which symbolise that emotion, such as hearts for love,  a fire for anger, a sun, or balloons, or smiling faces for happiness. Whatever you see will fit your ideas of how that feeling could be symbolically represented.

Precognition games. Easy one first. Sit quietly, gently think about tomorrow in a vague way, and write a list of the first ten words or phrases that pop into your mind. Check them next evening to find out if they were relevant in any way to the things you saw, heard, felt, or did during that day. Do this frequently, and you will get used to the way in which correct information presents itself to you. Another game is to choose a near future day, when you will be out somewhere  with others around. Imagine your way through it and write down how the day goes in your imagination. You will mostly notice things you are expecting to happen, but also notice anything unexpected in your imaginary construction, people appearing that you're not expecting to meet, a friend who is unexpectedly happy or sad, etc. Check on the evening of that day to see how well your written precognitive version compared with the actual events. Again, do this many times, until you can tell which kind of information you tend to foresee well. Then you can practise the same exercise on your friends' futures. Remember to be respectful and polite about this. Do not look for information you know they would prefer to keep private, and also be careful how you tell them what you saw, they may not want to know everything.

     Tarot cards, palm reading,  tealeaf reading and other  systems  of fortunetelling are useful aids when you are developing your psychic powers. Learning any of them will help you to focus your abilities, give you a framework to use them in, and help to build your confidence. Simply get a good book explaining the system of your choice and try it out.

     Like any other skills, the more you use your psychic powers,  the better you will understand your own capabilities. You will discover that you pick up certain kinds of information better and more accurately than others, according to your interests, natural talent, and the attention and practise you give each kind. You may find that more and more, you pick up information in a variety of ways; as pictures and movies, or thoughts that you know are not "your own",  a voice, or a person you can see, telling you something, feelings or impressions you know mean certain things, names that just pop into your head. Or you may come up with your own memories, apparently unrelated material, or symbols, any of which you can interpret, relating their appearance to the information you are looking for. You will also need to notice an absence of expected material. The games  and exercises given here all concentrate on having you look for information that can be proven to be true. It is important that you practise with this kind of material until you know for sure what you can pick up correctly, and only then will you have good reason to trust material you can't check at the time, about the future for example, or material that may never be proved, such as past life information. Some people find it hard to use their psychic abilities to pick up information about themselves or their loved ones. They have trouble being objective enough, and it is true that strong concern, or desire, or other emotions can block or  distort  the information. If you have this problem, try anyway, and then turn your attention to something else. The information may then come to you when you are calm, jumping into your mind while you are not looking for it.

Uses of psychic abilities

     The information available on the inner or spiritual  levels  is literally infinite, and can be used to help in every aspect of your life. You can pick up very practical information about the future of a  business venture, or the trustworthiness of a business colleague, for example. You can discover whether  a new person you have just met would make  a  good friend, or whether you would be better off keeping  away  from them. You can ask about your health or the health of others, about the  condition of a car or other machinery, about the neighbourhood around a house you are thinking of living in,  you can find out how happy your friend is in some other  town  or country. You can find lost pets, or stolen cars, or relatives you have lost touch with, depending on how well your abilities develop, of course. It is possible to peek into the future and find out just about anything - whether you will have children, and how they will grow up, for example. However you use your abilities,   remember to discover first how  reliable   your information in this particular field is before  trusting  it. Perhaps you are wanting to buy a new car. You'd like to use your psychic abilities to help you choose a good one. Practise by finding out   what information you can pick up on your friends' cars, both their current conditions and past history of work and replacement parts, and accidents or breakdowns. Check with your friends, and when you have confidence in your psychic information about cars, then you can give the cars you are considering buying a thorough once over.

     Another very valuable use for psychic abilities is to help with decision making. The future is not set in concrete, so if your precognition shows events or situations developing that you do not want, use the information to change or avoid them,  where possible. And where you have a decision to make, you can predict the future trend of each choice. Take each choice in turn and follow it into the future using your  usual   precognitive abilities,  a string of pictures, or a movie, or a voice telling you what will happen, whatever you find works for you,  and discover whether you like the way it goes. This will help you decide which choice will give you the best future. If  none  of them appeal, then ask yourself what future you really want.  You can use creative visualisation and telepathy to  improve  your chances of getting it. Set aside time daily to imagine as vividly as possible the situation that you want. If objections come up, deal with them using affirmations that counter them. For example, if you want a better job, and you keep objecting, "but there are no better jobs for me," then use the  countering  affirmation, "there are better jobs for me, and I can find one." If your desired situation includes other people, see them behaving as you want them to. You will be sending them strong telepathic messages telling them what you want. With their freewill, they can them agree to the situation or refuse it, but you are at least offering them  a chance to bring about the  desired  situation. While you cannot force people to agree to do something you wish, you do have the right and the power to prevent or stop them doing something to you that you object to. Deliberately thinking about what you want and sending telepathic messages about it are the first steps in learning to exercise these rights and power.  Such psychic activities can radically change the future that has been forseen.

     You may wish to use your psychic abilities to talk to a loved friend or relative who has died. One way to do this is to sit in a  comfortable chair and imagine your loved one sitting in another chair  opposite  you. Mentally tell them what you want them to know. When you do this,  you attract their attention. They can use the image you provide to help them focus and speak to you through it. If you have difficulty  hearing  them speak to you, first imagine what they might say. Keep listening. When they say something unexpected you will know you have really communicated  with them. If it helps, before you begin remember other conversations with them, when they were alive. Notice how you follow these conversations in your mind. This will give you  a guideline to help you hold  a  psychic conversation with them.

     It may not seem very practical to find out about past lives, but in fact it has many uses. It is hard to be racist, or sexist, for instance, when you can remember belonging to other races, and being the opposite sex. Many people look to past lives for help with current problems, which may have begun then; there are teenagers, for example, who are afraid they will not live to be adults, and often it will be found that they died young in their immediately previous life. Discovering this, they can set aside their fears, knowing that they belong to the past. It is less common, but even more useful to look  to past lives as a source of strengths, abilities and successes already developed elsewhere. If you know you played  a  musical instrument in a past life, for instance, you will find it easier to learn to play it again. Or if you want to be self-employed, knowing of other lives when you successfully ran your own business can be enormously helpful. One way to use clairvoyance to find out about  someone's  past lives, is to take a mental image of that person, look for their past in this life, which you may see as a line of pictures stretching out in one direction, back to their birth, or perhaps as a screen in which a picture appears and is then replaced by another, going backwards in time. Find out what works for you, and then simply continue back to previous lives. Also, everyone has a unique pattern of energy,  a "vibrational signature",  that identifies them in all their incarnations. If you can discover that,  then you will be able to pick up on their past lives using it as your reference. Practise by having a group of people move around in a dark room. When they stand still, try to tell who is where only by picking up their individual energy signals, preferably with your eyes closed. When you can do this, take one person's pattern, mentally open your mind to all previous times, and use it to search  for their other incarnations -   people from other centuries with the same energy signal.
Communicating with Spirit Beings

     It is not necessary to communicate with spirit beings in order to use your psychic abilities, they will operate perfectly well without that help, however it is another valuable way to use them, to get in touch with wise, helpful, and interesting spirit beings of many different kinds. You have already read how to get in touch with someone who has died. The same method can be used to invite a wise teacher or helper to communicate with you. The image you use can be just how you would expect such a person to look, however be prepared for it to change as the person you make  contact  with shows you how they really look.

     When you are picking up psychically on someone, you can look or listen for the spirit beings around them. You will always find a guardian angel if you tune in correctly with them, because everyone has one. You will usually also find other spirit friends and helpers who can give you information about themselves and why they are with this person, and they also often have information and advice for the person they are with.

     Other beings you may be able to contact include people's oversouls; nature spirits and earth angels, past life friends and family, children not yet born, and healers, teachers and  helpers  for every stage of spiritual development.

     You may wish to try channelling. Here is one way to do this. Choose only a well intentioned and trustworthy spirit being.  A guardian angel, or a wise and loving teacher are good first choices. Give permission to this being to speak through you. At first you will probably listen to their words and repeat them. Then the words will begin coming so fast that you simply speak them. If you prefer, try automatic writing. Give your permission to the chosen spirit being to use your hand, then let it write, not your thoughts, but theirs.

Contacting these beings is very exciting and can produce very valuable material, but there are some things you should remember at all times. You must be prepared to decide for  yourself  how wise or helpful a particular spirit being is, and how reliable and useful the things they say.  A spirit being is not a  highly advanced soul just because they say so, they must consistently demonstrate it. Some of the qualities you can look for are these. An advanced being will never order you to do  anything,  only advise; will show great respect and compassion for others;  and will be able to give you information  that is news to you,  and, where relevant, this should  usually  prove to be  correct when checked. Their wise sayings will be of high quality and not just emotive "fluff". And even if you are sure you are in contact with a wonderful teacher, remember your own power and wisdom, and keep control of your own life and decisions at all times, even if that means disagreeing with, or going against the advice of,  this teacher. A truly advanced being will want you to do exactly this.

Making the most of a psychic reading

     Your interest in psychic matters may make you decide to go for a reading, and everything you have learned here will help you to get a good one. Make sure the psychic gives you some very definite information that you can check is true, either about your present or your past, before s/he tells you unprovable things. Keep the reading relevant, either direct the psychic with questions, or stop a flow of irrelevant information,  by explaining that isn't what you want. Be aware of what you say and check that the psychic isn't just feeding that back to you.  A good psychic will be able to tell the difference between your desires, and the actual situation. Be suspicious if everything you are told sounds exactly like what you want. Do not expect all unrealistically marvellous news about your future, life isn't like that, and the psychic cannot magically give you a wonderful future, but should tell you realistically what you are heading for. However  a good psychic will also advise you on ways to avoid unpleasant future events, where that is possible. Do not put up with vague and frightening prophesies of doom, such as, "a man, a close family member will die this year," or,  "someone you love will be in a carcrash."  This kind of vague, upsetting, material is worse than  useless.  Nevertheless, there are some excellent psychics around, and you can have a very helpful reading, especially if you are an informed and discerning client.

Your psychic future

     I hope you have been inspired to try the tests, games and exercises given here, and that you will soon have plenty to write in your success notebook. Remember to treat the learning as fun, and to be  gentle  with yourself. If any exercise seems hard, look for ways to make it easy. Even a tiny hint of ability can blossom if nurtured with faith and with practise. Psychic abilities work best if you are also paying attention to your spiritual development, so keep up with that too. Although you are travelling  a  well-worn highway, you own   journey will be  a  unique adventure; I wish you great success and even greater pleasure.
Copyright   ©  Z Smith  1993,1994
Unaltered copies may be made for free or non-profit distribution.
All other rights reserved
Sumpter on Oversouls
Sumpter on Reincarnation
Sumpter on Angels
Sumpter on Goals
The Glorious Castle
Sumpter on Natural Guilt, page 1
Sumpter on Natural Guilt, page 2
Sumpter on Natural Guilt, page 3
Sumpter on Dimensions of Delight
Sumpter on A New Beginning
Good and evil
Sumpter on Natural Heroism
Tree Thoughts
Love is Powerful
Sumpter on Life between Lives
I Love You God
Are You Psychic
AYP - Part Two
4 Levels of Power
Primary Origins
Some thoughts on
simultaneous time
Meditations for rain
Emergency access to spiritual power
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