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Victoria before 1848
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© Say thanks to space Bridget Shea, space Archibald Sherris,

Colour code Here before 1840 Here in 40 Here in 41 Here in 42 Here after 42
Andrew Sheils, No 7, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 5 Aug 1845
Frederick Shewils - Sheils wed Anna Conway in 1846 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne christened Anne 1847
Margaret Sheill 27 (single woman 66) Dressmaker RC both Dublin arrived 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
Margaret Sheil wed Cornelius Obrien in 1841 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Mr Patrick Sheil departed 8 Mar 1841 from Launceston and arrived at Port Phillip late last night 11 March 1841 on the William Hughes - source Launceston Courier 15 March 1841
Richard Sheilds, No 11, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Dec 1845
Ralph Sheills, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
Joseph Sheldon, 24 imperfectly was Gun finisher, trained as Taylor married crime - Felony 10 years convicted 25 March 1843, at Warwick, received 27 Apr 1843, at Warwick, became an Exile and received a Royal Pardon 10 Oct 1844, arrived at Geelong 18 March 1845 on the Sir George Seymour, and was left sick in hospital Hobart Town (List a140 and b19)
Henry Shelton, and Ellen Gorman baptised male John at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #476
Harry Sheldon and Ellen christened Ellen 1847 Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Mr and Mrs Sheldon, Arrival 13 Feb 1842, from London on the Sultan
William Sheldon, wed Susanna Robinson 1842 #735 Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
William Sheldon - Sheldon and Susannah christened James 1844, John 1844, William 1844
William Shelbourne - death reported Page 2, Thursday, July 9, 1846, The Port Phillip Herald - employed by Captain Bacchus, was riding after some cattle when he fell from his horse, about 30 June. He was brought to Melbourne, placed under medical care of Dr Thomas, and died Monday 6th morning.
Mrs Elizabeth Sheldrake, No 8, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 10 Sep 1845
Elizabeth Sheldrake wed John Gullock in 1846 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Samuel Sheldrake Convict, came on Captain Cook, TofL 11 Feb 1842 #42/693. Reported dead
Captain Shell master arrived 8 Feb 1841 at Launceston from Portland Bay on the Brazil Packet
Catharine Shelly 20, 21 single woman, Farm Servant Queens Co RC, came Jul 1840 on the Coromandel
George Shelly, Licensed to depasture stock at Murray District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
G Shelly Directory 1847 settler Hume River Murray district
RJ Shelly, Licensed to depasture stock at Murray District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
N. J Shelly Directory 1847 Jenwramul
Thomas Shelly wed Elizabeth Smith in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne Page 153 letters atPost Office 31st May 1847
William Shelly, No 7, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 5 Aug 1845
Executors late William Shelly, Licensed to depasture stock at Murray District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
William Shelly Directory 1847
William Shelly Correspondence sold Cudgeewa to Hervey, Mathew
Henry Shelton wed Caroline Edward in 1841 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Directory 1847 storekeeper off Flinders lane
Henry Shelton and Ellen Gorman christened John 1842, Eliza 1844, Margaret 1845, John Thomas 1847
Directory 1847 Richmond
John Shenan 23 single man Labourer Prot neither Fermanagh Left on own resources Left on own resources arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
William Sheny, and Margaret Carty baptised female Margaret at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #311
Abraham Shepherd Page 197 Letters at Office 30th June 1847
C. F Sheppard Directory 1847 painter Malop street North Corio
Caroline Sheppard 19 single woman General servant Prot both Oxfordshire To Mrs Seth Maguire, Collins St employed by Mrs Seth Maguire, Collins St arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Carol Sheppard wed Coggan Brumby in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
George Shepherd, List No 7, 31 July 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 6 Aug 1844
George F Shepherd and Margaret christened Susanna 1846
Mr JW Shepherd arrived 16 Nov 1839 as Cabin passenger on the Alice Brooks
J. Sheppard To cut timber Bourke Page 67 31 Jan 1847
James Sheppard wed Elizabeth Pallas in 1844 at Presbyterian Portland
James Shepherd - Shepherd and Caroline christened William James 1846 died
John Sheppard wed 5 Apr 1839 to Margaret Marr witnesses William Sheen and Amelia Dennett by Rev James Forbes Presbyterian
John Sheppard and Margaret Marr christened Martha 1841, Joseph 1841, Ellen Kath 1843
Directory 1847 waterman Esplanade Williams Town
Mr John Shepherd arrived 13 August 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip on the Tamar - source Launceston Courier 16 Aug 1841
John Shepperd - Shepperd wed Anne Traynor in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
John Shepherd, and Ann baptised Sarah at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Wtown 1842 #12718
John Shepherd and Ann christened John 1843, Cath 1845, William 1847
John Sheppard, Tue 27 Jun 1843 Geelong resident signed supporting William Lonsdale
Mr Shepherds, arrived from Launceston on the barque 'Wallaby' as Cabin Passenger on 12 Feb 1840. Source - Port Phillip Herald 14 Feb 1840
Mr and Mrs Shepherd and 2 chn arrived 20 June 1840 from Greenock on the Dumfries
Mr Shepherd on 16 Mar 1841 at Geelong from Melbourne on the Governor La Trobe
Mr Shepherd (Intermediate) came 4 Apr 1841 on the John Cooper
Mr and Mrs Shepherd family and servants arrived 19 Apr 1841 at Geelong from Melbourne on the Alice
Mr Shephard arrived May 12 1841 in Sydney from Port Phillip on 8 May on the John Cooper
Mr Sheppard (Cabin) arrived 8 Jun 1841 on the >Frankfield
Mr Shepherd, Geelong, employed Catherine Condron who arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Rebecca Caroline Sheppard wed Charles Harvey in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Sherbourne Sheppard, dwelling house, Moonee Moonee Ponds The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 26 May 1843 District of Port Phillip Electoral List of 291 names voted in election 20 June 1843, during sixth hour, 2-3pm
Sherbourne Sheppard, voted 12-1pm Melbourne to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
Shurbourn Sheppard, Murray District depasturing license for 1-31 August 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 22 Oct 1844
Sherborne Shepherd, Licensed to depasture stock at Murray District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
Sherbourne Sheppard Directory 1847 Correspondence settler Bourke River sold Murray Tallygaroopna to Khule, Edward
Sidney Sheppard, No 8, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 10 Sep 1845
Soloman Shepherd 23 (single man 58) Blacksmith Prot both Warrickshire arrived 30 July 1841 on the Westminster
Timothy Sheppard 35 hus arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Harriet Sheppard 36 wife arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Timothy Sheppard 11, Ann Sheppard 9, Henry Sheppard 5, Charlotte Sheppard 3 and John Sheppard 0 arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Timothy Sheppard and Harriet christened Thomas 1846
Thomas Sheppard Convict came 1835 on the Bengal Merchant assigned to Mr A Balcombe
William Shepherd, one of 270 convicts transported on the Bengal Merchant, 27 September 1834. Convicted at Gloucester Assizes for a term of life on 29 March 1834.
Thomas Sheppard and Harriet Richards christened Thomas Stanley 1843
Directory 1847 storekeeper Corio street
Shepphard, The Port Phillip Herald Tue 27 Jun 1843 voted in election 20 June 1843, resident of Geelong
Thomas Shepherd, Tue 27 Jun 1843 Geelong resident signed supporting William Lonsdale
T Shepherd, sent cargo of 12 bales wool. Source - Geelong Advertiser 28 May 1845
Thomas Shepherd, to serve as Member of District Council for Grant. Source - Port Phillip Herald 25 June 1844
Thomas Shepherd, grocery items for dale. Source - Geelong Advertiser 2 Sep 1844
Thomas Sheppard, exported 29 bales of wool to UK in the previous year. Source - Geelong Advertiser 28 June 1845
Thomas Shepherd, one of 469 voters who qualified by Freehold in Corio St Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Thomas Sheppard Owned Property Corio Street Geelong - Freehold Property
William Shepperbottom, departed from Launceston for Portland on the schooner 'Minerva' 7 Mar 1843 - source Launceston Courier 13 Mar 1843
Elizabeth Sherar 15 dau of John (single woman 3) Housemaid Prot both Argyle arrived 9 Jan 1841 on the Ariadne
John Sauer/Sherar 39 hus (family 13) Carpenter Prot both Argyle, came 9 Jan 1841 on the Ariadne
Jane Sherar 25 wife of John (family 13) Housemaid Prot both, came 9 Jan 1841 on the Ariadne
Peter Sherar 13, Agnes Sherar 10 and Ariadne Sherar 0 dau of John (family 13) born on board, came 9 Jan 1841 on the Ariadne
John Sherar and Jane christened Ariadue Georgina 1841
John Sheran wed Elizabeth Elliot in 1844 at Church of England St James Melbourne christened John Edward 1845, Cath Margaret 1847
William Sherd Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
Thomas Dugdale Sherer wed Grace Proctor Hamilton in 1847 at Independent Congregational Melbourne
Anne Sheridan wed James Mackivelay in 1843 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Bridget Sheridan wed Edward Robert Summers in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Elizabeth Sheridan, 23 drowned when the Cataraqui was shipwrecked 4 Aug 1845, see Account of disaster
Jane Sheridan 17 single woman Child's maid Prot both Cavan arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Jane Sheridan christened Mary Jane 1847
Thomas Sheridan 20, 30 single man, Farm Labourer Co Cork RC reads, came Jun 1840 on the Andromache
Thomas Sheridan and Mary Mason christened James 1847
Walter Sheridan and Mary christened Cath 1847 died Owned Property Marrabool Street Geelong - House & Land
W.M. Sheriden Page 32 letters at Post Office 3 Feb 1847
Frances French Sherlock wed 1841 to William Wignell at St James, Church of England, Melbourne - see notes on her sister Julia who wed 21 Dec 1848 to William Lombe - see note on her father Samuel Sherlock and family coming for her wedding
George Sheerlock, Convict came on 'Marquis of Huntley 4' Certificate of Freedom now at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 19 March 1844 and Melbourne Weekly Courier 28 Feb 1845
George Sheerlock, one of 320 convicts transported on the Marquis of Huntly, 23 March 1835. Convicted at Kent Quarter Session for a term of 7 years.
George Sherlock wed Catherine Hyde in 1843 at Church of England St James, Melbourne christened Mary Ann 1843, William 1845
Catherine Sherlock South Yarra, employed William and Mary Cartwright who arrived 21 July 1844 on the Dale Park
Directory 1847 farmer South Yarra
Honora Sherlock 25 (single woman 68) House maid RC Both Tipperary arrived 17 July 1841 on the Royal Saxon
Norah Shorleck 20 (60 single woman) House Servant RC neither Cork, came 15 Jan 1841 on the Fergusson
Honora Sherlock, female wed Thomas Hallinan 1842 #35454 Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Honora Sherlock wed David Doherty in 1843 at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne
Honora Sherlock, mother of Mary Doherty born 26 Oct 1846 dau of David Doherty - see my Chapman page for details of this event
John Sherlock 23 hus (family 42) Labourer RC Both Ireland arrived 24 Dec 1841 on the Alexander
Margaret Sherlock 23 wife of John (family 42) RC Both arrived 24 Dec 1841 on the Alexander
John Sherlark, and Margaret Wallace baptised female Elizabeth at Roman Catholic St Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #205
John Sherlock and Margaret Wallace christened James 1843, Mary 1845, Margaret 1847
John Sherlock, letter at Geelong Post Office 12 Feb 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 12 Feb 1844
John Sherlock (B. circa 1813) and wife Margaret (nee Wallace) ( B circa 1816). They married July 8th 1841 (ref: PP Rochefortbridge, according to Church records held at Parochial House Rochfortbridge, County Westmeath.) They left Plymouth as Bounty Immigrants on 31st August 1841 on the 'Alexander' and arrived Port Phillip on December 27th, 1841. John's parents were James Sherlock and Elizabeth (nee Brennan). Margaret was the daughter of James Wallace and Bridget (nee Dangan)
Mary Anne Sherlock wed Benjamin Stinnacan in 1843 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Samuel Sherlock departing 14 Aug 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip, on the Henry
Samuel Sherlock jun, Mary Ann, Julia, Sarah, Henry and Francis Sherlock departing 14 Aug 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip, on the Henry (see note above for Frances Sherlock)
TW Sherlock, arrived from Launceston on the 'Fox' on 20 Feb 1840. Source - Port Phillip Herald 25 Feb 1840
Richard Sherman/Shaman, 22, 39 single man, Servant, Surrey, Prot, came Jul 1840 on the Theresa
Christina Sherralf 23 (single woman 42) Housemaid Prot both Glasgow arrived 2 Oct 1841 on the Thomas Arbuthnot
Margt Sherralf 18 (single woman 43) Housemaid Prot Glasgow arrived 2 Oct 1841 on the Thomas Arbuthnot
Robert Sherran, 23, Labourer, Prot both Glasgow, arrived 26 Jan 1842 from Greenock on the Robert Benn
Isaac Sherrard 23, 23 single man, Labourer Tyrone Prot both, came May 1840 on the China
Charles Sherrard, Cabin passenger will sail Monday 14 July 1844 for Liverpool on the Sea Queen
Charles Sherratt Directory 1847 settler Glenelg River
© Say thanks to space Bridget Shea, space Archibald Sherris,

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List of Surnames