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The Ethiopian-Egyptian War
Gundet and Gurae

The Assab Issue! by T.D. - July 28, 2000

The bad politics that keep Ethiopia and Ethiopians apart - by L.G. Sadik, July 27, 2000

Whip of mud (YECHICA GIRAF); A response to Getahun Gebre-Amlak "Dagmawi - Sha'ebia's Trojan Horse?" - By Getachew Assefa; July 28, 2000

Ethioindex - Ethiopian news index service

Agazian Online - Newsletter and live chat

Eritrean POWs
Defeated Eritrea Licks its Wounds. BBC Focus on Africa Magazine -- September, 2000

COMMENTARY: A Precedence Based Analysis is Hardly Irrational: (A response to a critique) - by Samuel Fasika, July 26, 2000

COMMENTARY: Dagmawi's Nail-Biting Analysis - by Aynalem Sebhatu; July 26, 2000

COMMENTARY: Tigrai: Ethiopian since inception, Ethiopian forever! - By Million Rahman, July 25, 2000

COMMENTARY: Motion For Endless War, Why? The Issue Of Assab And Nationalism. - By Kibralem G. Germany, July 25, 2000

COUNTDOWN to SYDNEY: Coach of Regina Jacobs - American 5,000 meter champion - says Gete Wami "not looking great" (July 23). As a result Regina might compete in both 1,500 meters and 5,000 meters in the Olympics.

Ethiopia's Gete Wami, 1996 Olympic bronze medalist and current world champion in the 10K has not competed much so far this year. In any case, Regina has got her hands full with the 1,500 meters, where in addition to Svetlana Masterkova (Russia) and Gabriela Szabo (Romania), Ethiopia's Kutre Dulecha is also a serious medal prospect.

Meanwhile top Kenyan 5K runner Daniel Komen failed to finish the 5K race at the Kenyan Olympic trials (July 22) so the much anticipated showdown with Haile will not happen. On the other hand, marathon world record holder Tegla Loroupe has declared she will win the marathon and then the 10K. She was defeated by Gete Wami in the 1999 10K world championships, where she finished third despite setting a Kenyan national record.

Sports News:

Ethiopian MiGs Ethiopia and Eritrea -- Air Forces Monthly, August, 2000

COMMENTARY: Society must learn from its mistakes - By Dr. Lulseged Ayalew, Germany; July 23, 2000 (on dam siltation and environmental degradation)

COMMENTARY: The Misleading Metaphor of Assab - By Afera Gebru; July 22, 2000

COMMENTARY: Meles´ Assab Policy Threatens Ethiopia's National Security - By Belai Abbai and Zeru Kehishen, July 15, 2000. e-mail:

COMMENTARY: Support our war victims - By Taye Addisu, July 18, 2000

PRESS RELEASE: Foreign armies or peace keeping forces are not acceptable on the Afar land - Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF), June 23, 2000. MS Word format -- Previous release from June 16

COMMENTARY: Renewal of the EPLF-TPLF alliance: what prospects? - By Dagmawi, July 15, 2000

New Websites:
La France en Ethiopie - French embassy in Addis Abeba

CHEWATA: humor website - "A Webpage Where You WIll Find Witty, Funny, and Interesting Articles With Ethiopian Flavor"

Akababi: Ethio Enviro Page - "The site is meant for exchange of environmental views particularly on Ethiopian situation."

WORDS OF WISDOM FROM KENYA: Democracy: Why Kenyans have given up the struggle - By MUKHISA KITUYI, Kenya Daily Nation. July 16, 2000. " Ethnic communities voting as blocs, and tribe-based political parties cannot provide the foundations of a democratic political system. They erode the possibility of consensus among the mutli-ethnic citizens...

When a society is emerging from a history of ethnic competition and seeking to hold together other than through the domination of a dictatorial authority, there is a premium on de-tribalised and visionary leadership. One of the problems Kenya suffers at the onset of the 21st century is the dearth of such leaders in its political organisations. Indeed the very survival of the liberal experiment in Kenya will hinge upon the capacity of the society to provide new leaders whose driving obsession has more to do with inclusiveness than the erection of bridges to the past .

It has always been an amazing feature of Kenya that civil society and professional associations operate at a level of leadership way ahead of the politics of the land. Part of the frustration and despair so blatantly evident in the country today is the consequence of this anomaly. Mediocre politicians have been allowed free reign while more enlightened leaders pretend that they can get along by minding their professions."

Defeat and Discontent: ERITREA: The morning-after effect The Indian Ocean Newsletter, July 13, 2000. -- Despite propaganda from Asmara that its army's withdrawal in the face of the Ethiopian advance was just a 'tactical manoeuvre', that army was in fact disorganized by the battles of May and June. Students who volunteered to go to the battlefront are bitterly disappointed and in silent revolt. Transported back to their university campuses, they protested against the regime and some were hurriedly evacuated to military camps in the countryside to be taken in hand to avoid them spreading disaffection to civilians.
South America Lows - July 13, 2000 Brazil frost watch for weekend July 13-17: Coffee prices fell to six year lows last week, but the arrival of a cold air mass in Brazil has rescued the market. Light frost occurred July 13, 17, and 18. More frost risk predicted for Thursday July 20. Coffee Links: Daily Coffee Newsletter; International Coffee Organization; Coffee News;
Ethiopian Refugees - July 7, 2000 (BBC) Orgy of Hatred in Eritrea: After losing the war, Eritreans console themselves with violent abuse against innocent civilians.
Ethiopian refugees' atrocity tales - BBC, July 8. Thousands of Ethiopians, released from detention camps in Eritrea, have been crossing into Ethiopia, where they have been speaking of atrocities they say they have suffered.
July 13: Thousands of Ethiopians still missing in Eritrea - GSP
Susan Rice The Washington Talks: The Eritrea-Ethiopia talks have moved to Washington DC. UPDATE: (July 7) Peace talks end with little substantive progress. Jun 11-20, 2000 satellite vegetation image Update on the Current Humanitarian Situation in Ethiopia. UNDP-EUE, June 30

Drought Fundraising Links

Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Susan Rice: Target of an irrational Eritrean hate campaign.

COMMENTARY: Towards a new Beginning. By Hailu Zewge, July 6 2000

COMMENTARY: Old Realities and New Myths. By Afera Gebru, July 6 2000

ANALYSIS:The Press in Independent Eritrea By Yoseph Berhe, June 30, 2000. - (Yoseph Berhe is an Eritrean journalist who recently gave himself to the Ethiopian army following the battle at the Zalambessa-Egela front)

ANALYSIS: Ethiopia and Eritrea at Doubtful Peace The Economist, June 24, 2000.

REFERENCE: The African Growth and Opportunity Act

Analysis of the Trade Legislation: Clinton Signs Africa-Caribbean Bill. IPS May 18, 2000

Ethiopia's Cotton Sector: King Cotton Feeds Royal Textile Hopes. US Emb Commercial Report, Dec. 1999

President Clinton signed the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) into law on May 18, 2000 as Title 1 of The Trade and Development Act of 2000.

Based on the growth trend of U.S. apparel imports in recent years, the cap on apparel imports from Sub-Saharan Africa under AGOA could conceivably expand to $4.2 billion in eight years, from the current level of $584 million.

Ethiopia Drought Relief Links:
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