Kris's Journal
January 2005

Saturday, January 29
These guys are getting bigger and bigger everyday.

I guess I haven't done a very good job at keeping up with my entries. I don't leave the house much either. The computer is in the basement and it's pretty cold down here. We're down here now because there's some college senior football game that John wanted to see on the big screen.

Max is asleep across my lap and John is helping his dad fold laundry. Well, okay, he's not folding laundry, he's just picking it up and cramming it in his Little Tikes workbench.

Max is three months old and getting so big. John is going to be two in a few weeks. I can't believe it. We went to an NIU wrestling meet last night and things went pretty well. John started dancing when some music came on during a break. He joined a couple of little girls in cheerleading outfits.

I went through a million different emotions watching him play and color with them. They were probably a few years older. He likes being around kids a lot. He followed them when they ran back to their mom and sat next to them on the floor while they colored. They shared. It was cute. One of the girls, who looked maybe 5, kept saying things to him. I wish I could have heard what she said. I need to find something for him to do.

Then last night we took the pacifier away from him. Well, we didn't take it, but hid it and didn't offer it. He looked all over his bed for it. After his nap earlier in the day, he had put it and his stuffed kitty right back next to his pillow. He cried, but not for too long. He slept like usual. Then he did it again for his nap today - went without, but cried. He fell asleep rather quickly without it. I hope tonight isn't too bad.

We put Max in a size 3 diaper today and it fits. John just started wearing size 4 a couple of months ago. I think it's mostly due to their difference in width. Max is just a bit thicker.

I haven't lost much weight yet. It sucks. I tried wearing jeans last night and they were not comfortable at all. I wore them last month and they weren't bad. I told John I must be pregnant again. (HA!)

John interviewed at Oregon State and Bucknell this month, but wasn't offered either job. We thought Oregon would be nice, but he didn't realize it was the number three job. We really wanted the Bucknell job. It was for the number one position and it's a good school. They don't offer any athletic scholarships and it's near Penn State, right between my mom and his mom. He said it was a nice small town and nice campus.

No other openings are out there right now, but should be coming up sometime soon. John says it's the season for moving around. Which reminds me, we had someone come over to give us an estimate for moving. We haven't received it yet. I'm curious to see what it would cost for someone to pack us up and move us back to PA.

I've been baking a lot lately. Everyday I want to make something new. It started at Christmas with croissants and biscotti. John thinks it may be linked to the jeans problem. Today I made chocolate chip cookies from an Alton Brown recipe. They might make it to Monday.

I just extended John's subscription to Car & Driver for 3 years and I just subscribed to Better Homes & Gardens for 3 years. I can't imagine where we'll be or what will happen before they run out. Another baby, or two, another city, another house, another car, John will be 5, Max will be 3 . . . yikes. And our 5 year anniversary is this year. Wow.

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