Following the daily meditation at 6 AM, 1 PM and 8 PM, the Spiritual Healing Service is conducted for anyone who requests help. There is never a charge for this powerful healing ministry.

The Healing Service takes place continuously around our globe according to various time zones, building a light field around our planet. This light field creates a boundless source of healing energy and inner strength, helping thousands of people no matter where they are, who they are, or the nature of their concern.

You may participate in this service by sending God's Light, within you, to an individual or around the world. The hands are a powerful source of healing when selflessly placed over a person who asks for help. Concentrate on God's Light flowing from the Heart of your heart into the "patient". There is no need to image particular colors or conditions as God within knows the need better than we. Image every discomfort going from the patient, through your arms, to the Heart of your heart and continue to send Light and Love back to the patient. (See Gernobyl experiment, under Health, for an example of the powerful results of using the hands for healing.) To request specific help, send request by fax to (480/ 464-8707) or e-mail


Home | About Dr. Friedrich Plog | The Daniel Alliance - Origin, Principles, Goals, Emblem | The Meditation - Introduction / Preparation/ Meditation | The Healing Service | Excerpts from Dr. Plog's Seminars / Teachings / Writings--Introduction,Bible Origin, Jesus / The Hanging God of Externsteine /, More About Jesus, The Hidden meaning of Christmas / Christmas Tree, The hidden meaning of Easter (The Lord's Supper / The Garden of Gethsemane /, The Passover / The Cross / Pentecost, The Personal Message, What is Health, The Meaning of Positive Thought | The Blessing of Food | Song - "Brotherhood of Love" | Daily Exercises - Gland and Organ Functions | References