
- Matt's Poll- 
Which game is the best? 
Perfect Dark
TWINE beats them both!
They all suck!
Please vote for me

Latest Update

February 12, 2002 - Wow, quite a lot has changed in the four months since I updated... But i'm not dead, i have just had more important matters to tend to. I've been getting a lot of emails asking about two new things, Agent Under Fire, and the new Perfect Dark. First of all, the new PD is waaaay off, 2003 or 2004 is the slated release. And AUF, well, I havent heard a whole lot of good things about it. If you can tell me otherwise, please do so. email- razor@mgv.8k.com

On another note, the Geocities/Yahoo! server seems to be a bit.... crappy, so if you get a 404 error, just try to load the page again, the page actually DOES exist, the server's just to lazy to load it for you...

Enter your email to be informed when I update.


Note! This site uses the font "BazoukSSK," which can be quickly download here. (30k)

Perfect Dark

Goldeneye 007

The World Is Not Enough

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Combat Sim.
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Multi Player
Beta Version
Beta Version
Button Cheats
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Beta Version
Multi Player
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