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Fascisme Brun, Fascisme Rouge

Otto Rühle

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This french translation of a text by Otto Rühle was published by Spartacus Editions in the 1970s. It was translated by J.M.Laurian and Arthur. The footnotes are those in the Spartacus edition and clearly added by the translators. From these footnotes we learn that it was translated from a manuscript - presumably from the Rühle papers held in the IISH in Amsterdam.

On the version of Rühle's The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism on this website we wrote that this present text was part of a longer text called "Weltkrieg - Weltfaschismus - Weltrevolution". A correspondent sent us an email to tell us that this was wrong and that it was actually a translation of a text called "Brauner und roter Faschismus. Und was dann ?" written in 1939. This was published in Germany in "Schriften : Perspektiven einer Revolution in hochindustrialisierten Laendern" ( Mergner, Gottfried - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, 1971 ), along with "Weltkrieg - Weltfaschismus - Weltrevolution". The correspondent went on to tell us that there were also several part translations of this text in english in the IISH. We don't know which source this present version is translated from. Unfortunately after copying this information we lost the original email and with it the correspondents email address - if the person who sent it reads this we would like to thank him very much. Any further information ( especially if what we have written here is still wrong ! ) would be most welcome.

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