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Victoria before 1848
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List of Surnames
© Say thanks to space Surnames - James Wright, space Mary Abberton to Joseph Alden,

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Frederick Xavier and Rosine Degourney christened Aosine Pauline 1844
John Yabsley, 24, (Single man 20), Farm servant RC, came 24 Nov 1839 on the William Metcalf
William Henry Yaldwyn, Justice Of The Peace, Melbourne, 1939 Directory of Port Phillip
W.H. Yaldwyn (squatter, banker), purchased from the Crown in 1839, one of eight allotments each of 25 acres in Richmond Hill
WH Yaldwyn, arrived from Sydney on the Barque 'Indemnity' as Cabin Passenger on 7 Jan 1840. Source - Port Phillip Herald 10 Jan 1840
WH Yaldwyn, subscribed 5/5/- to the Testomonial to be presented to Captain Lonsdale, raising a total of 325 pounds 17s from 76 men. Source - Port Phillip Herald 31 Jan 1840
Mr Yaldwyn, on Married side, first innings not out 8 runs, in first recorded Cricket match against the Bachelors. Source - Port Phillip Herald 10 Mar 1840
WH Yaldwyn, on 10 June 1840 purchased suburban allotment in Prahan of 60 acres - source Port Phillip Herald 12 June 1840
Mr and Mrs Yaldwyn and 3 chn Melbourne arrived 23 Jan 1841 from Circular Head on the Eagle
Mr Yaldwyn, Mrs Yaldwyn and 3 chn Yaldwyn ( Steerage) cleared 29 March 1841 for London, on the Eagle
Mr Yaldwyn, Cabin arrived 16 Nov 1844 on the Royal George
W H Yaldwin Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
William Yarbury 31 hus (76 family) Carpenter Prot both Somersetshire, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Sarah Yarbury 32 wife of William (76 family) House Servant reads, came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
Sarah Yarbury 8, Emily Yarbury 7, William Yarbury 4 and Alfred Yarbury 1 chn of William (76 family), came 12 Dec 1841 on the Ward Chipman
from 'Somerset Years', William Yerbury born 12 Aug 1810son of Ann Sultan and William Yerbury of Frome, wed 1831 to Sarah Adams. Family moved north to NSw where Edward and Anne were born. Later ownedproperty at Lacmalac, Wyalong.
Mr Yarbury, Cabin arrived 13 February 1842 from Plymouth on the Andromache
John Yarston 35 hus (family 66) Smith Prot Both Glasgow arrived 26 Nov 1841 on the Wallace
Mary Yarston 35 House Keeper (family 66) Smith Prot Both Glasgow arrived 26 Nov 1841 on the Wallace
Adam Yates Letter at Post-office unclaimed 27th February, 1847
Captain Yates master arrived Sydney 23 Jan 1841 from Port Phillip 10 Jan on the Vesper and continued on later records of Vesper travels
Catherine Yates, 22 dau of Thomas g Prot Buckinghamshire arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
David Yates, 19 son of Thomas Labourer Buckinghamshire Prot both Left the ship on his own resources arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
James Yates 22 hus, 38 f, Shoemaker Derbyshire Prot both, came Dec 1840 on the Orient
Catherine Yates 19 wife of James, 38 f, Staymaker Derbyshire Prot reads, came Dec 1840 on the Orient
Samuel Yates, 17 son of Thomas Labourer Buckinghamshire Prot both Left the ship on his own resources arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Thomas Yates, 47 hus of Mary Labourer Buckinghamshire Prot both employed by Robert Purnell Melbourne arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Mary Yates, 46 wife of Thomas arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Josiah Yates, 14, Elizabeth Yates, 13 and John Yates, 6 son of Thomas arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Charles Yeman - Yeaman 37 hus (23 family) Labourer Prot Both Edinburgh, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
Euphemia Yeaman 37 wife of Charles (23 family), came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
Archibald Yeaman 11, Charles Yeaman 10, Mary Yeaman 6, George Yeaman 3 son of Charles (23 family), came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
twins - Elizabeth Yeaman 1 and William Yeaman 1 son of Charles (23 family) twin, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
Charles Yeoman - Yeaman Directory 1847 shoemaker Darabin Creek
Charles Yeamon was christened in 1804 at Canongate and his wife was christened Euphemia Craig in 1802 at Kilmarnock, Ayreshire. Charles had a bootmakers shop in the Royal Mile at Canongate in Edinburgh before leaving Scotland and before that the family had farmed at Dundee. On arrival in Australia, and after loosing everything they owned in the ships fire, Charles uncle sent him out some bootmaking tools to get started with. Charles opened a bootmakers in Little Burke Street in 1842, and some time later moved to Heidelburg area before moving to Carlsruhe to farm. Charles died in 1879 and his wife Euphemia in 1861. Both are buried in the Kyneton Cemetery.
Charles Yeaman aged 8 and his mother were in the last group to be taken off the burning ship.
Thomas Years, 20 both was Taylor, trained as Taylor single crime - Felony 7 years convicted 2 Jan 1843, at Worcester, received 30 Jan 1843, at Worcester, became an Exile and received a Royal Pardon 10 Oct 1844, arrived at Geelong 18 March 1845 on the Sir George Seymour, (List a29)
Catherine Yeates wed Samuel Harbour in 1844 at Independent Congregational Melbourne
William Yeates Directory 1847 Flinders lane
Peggy/Margaret Yersby 20 (35 single woman) Farm servant RC reads Cork, came 4 Oct 1841 on the Enmore
Mr and Mrs York steerage 4 Feb 1840 Madras cleared for Launceston with part of original cargo from London.
Katherine Sarah York buried 5 Jan 1839 child aged 5 weeks at St James Cathedral, Melbourne
James York, House Off Bourke St The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in Gipps Ward
James York and Anne Moriarty christened James 1841, Ellen 1847
Directory 1847 plasterer off Bourke lane
John Yorke and Harriet Birch christened Emma Jane 1843, Harriet 1846
Directory 1847 gardener Richmond
Mr York departed Launceston 22 Jan 1841 for Port Phillip on the Mary - source Launceston Courier 25 Jan 1841
Mr Wm York arrived 18 Feb 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip, on the Mary cutter
John Yorston, letter at Geelong Post Office 26 Feb 1844. Source - Geelong Advertiser 26 Feb 1844
Archibald Youille, one of 469 voters who qualified by Freehold in Suburb near Corio Geelong Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
George Youl, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
George Youl Directory 1847 settler Quamby Portland
Adolphus William Young, successful candidate for election to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
Agnes Young Steerage passenger arrived 12 Dec 1840 from Greenock on the Helen Thompson
Alfred Young adult Steerage 18, in Historical Records of Vic, Vol 4, immigrants arrived 13 Dec 1839 on the Westminster
Alfred Young, letter at Geelong Post Office. Source - Geelong Advertiser 20 May 1844
Andrew Young 20 (24 single man) Carpenter Prot both Edinburgh, came 27 July 1841 on the William Abrams
Andrew Young wed Jane Hunter in 1847 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Mr A Young, Steerage arrived 17 Aug 1843 on the Francis
Catherine Young 19 (38 single woman) House servant Prot both Co Fermanagh, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
Catherine Young wed John Mckenzie in 1846 at Methodist / Wesleyan Melbourne
Charles Maurice Young, unsuccessful candidate for election to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
David (Snr) Young with wife and 3 chn, Cabin passengers came 6 Dec 1839 on the St Mango
Mrs Young wife of David with David (Jnr), Janet, Alexander, came 6 Dec 1839 on the St Mango
David Young Steerage passenger arrived 12 Dec 1840 from Greenock on the Helen Thompson also Agnes Young
David Young, freehold, Comely Bank, Merri Merri creek The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 26 May 1843 District of Port Phillip Electoral List of 291 names voted in election 20 June 1843, during first hour, 9-10am
David Young, Shop Collins St The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in Lonsdale Ward
David Young, foreman in jury for Fri 15 Mar 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 19 March 1844
David Young, voted 12-1pm Melbourne to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
David Young, before the court over illicit distillery Sentenced to a year in jail. Source - Port Phillip Herald 2 July 1844
David Young, one of 105 who signed letter supporting ministry by Rev Peter Gunn. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 10 Aug 1844
David Young, County of Bourke depasturing license for 1-30 Sept 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 15 Nov 1844
David Young, one of 469 voters who qualified by Freehold in Comely Bank Merri merri Creek Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
David Young, a Burgess in Lonsdale Ward voted for George Annand but John Joseph Fawkner won the seat. Source - Port Phillip Herald 12 Aug 1845
David Young, voted in Melbourne for Mr Curr as Member of Council to succeed Mr B Boyd. Source - Port Phillip Herald 30 Sep 1845
David Young, sworn in as a Special Constable before His Worship the Mayor 21 Oct 1845 72 enrolled, all publicans exempted. Source - Port Phillip Herald 23 Oct 1845
David Young, Licensed to depasture stock at County of Bourke Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
David Young Directory 1847 grocer Collins street
David Young Owned Property Comely Bank Merri Merri Creek - Freehold Property
Eliza Young wed Thomas Curran in 1845 at Church of England
Elizabeth Young wed John Flack in 1841 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Elizabeth Young aged 20 came Sep 1844 with 283 on the Abberton wed George Carnaby in 1846 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Elizabeth Young wed John Thomson in 1843 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
Eliza Young, Sugar Loaf Creek beyond the Goulburn, signed letter supporting ministry by Rev Peter Gunn. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 28 Sept 1844
Elizabeth Young, 20 single woman House maid Gloucestershire Prot both employed by Rev A Thomson Melbourne arrived 22 Sep 1844 from Cork on the Abberton
Frances Susauna Young Page 32 letters at Post Office 3 Feb 1847
George E Young 26, 71 single man, Farm servant, came Apr 1840 on the Glen Huntly
George Young assistant light-house keeper Directory 1847 Gellibrand's Point
George Young Directory 1847 farmer Banks of Yarra Letters at Post Office Jan 1847
James Young 24 Farm labourer came with wife and 2chn, Jan 1839 on the Hope, was employed Jan 1839 by Anthony Cottrell of Melb
Mary Young 24, wife of James Young, with Edward 4 and Sarah infant, came Jan 1839 on the Hope
James Young, and Mary baptised William at Church Of England St James, Melbourne born at Melb 1842 #12891
James Young and Mary christened James Hume 1843, Charles Herford 1847, Samuel Hinchy 1847
James Young, List 5, 31 May 1844 letter at the Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 4 June 1844
James Young, Glenarona beyond the Goulburn, signed letter supporting ministry by Rev Peter Gunn. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 28 Sept 1844
James Young, No 6, letters at Melbourne Post Office. Source - Melbourne Courier 4 July 1845
James Young Directory 1847 farmer Banks of Yarra
James Young Directory 1847 Moonee Ponds Letter at Post-office unclaimed
Jane Young 24 (37 single woman) House servant Prot both Edinburgh, came 22 Oct 1841 on the Grindlay
Jane Young 27 (29 single woman) Domestic Servant RC both Belfast, came 30 Nov 1841 on the Allan Ker
Jane Young, letter to be collected from Melbourne Post Office. Source - Port Phillip Herald 6 Feb 1844
Janett Young, 17 single female House Servant Prot, both Glasgow, Bounty arrived 23 Aug 1842 from Greenock on the Manlius
Jane Young wed Frederick Forster in 1845 at Methodist / Wesleyan
Mr J Young, Steerage arrived 17 Aug 1843 on the Francis
JT Young, Tobacco Manufacturer, Port Phillip, 1939 Directory of Port Phillip
John Young departing 27 Apr 1841 from Launceston for Port Fairy, on the Fox
John Young, departed from Launceston for Port Fairy on the brig 'Fox' 27 May 1841 - source Launceston Courier 31 May 1841
John Young 1st Mate (3 on list), came 16 Dec 1841 on the William Mitchell
John Young 24 (46 single man) Labourer Prot Both Fifeshire, came 7 June 1841 on the Frankfield
John Young and Johanna Londrigan christened John 1844 died, Mary Anne 1846, Jane 1847
John Young, letter at Geelong Post Office. Source - Geelong Advertiser 31 Oct 1844
John Young Directory 1847 shoemaker Bourke lane
Margaret Young 26 (65 single woman) House servant Prot reads Meath, came 4 Nov 1841 on the Diamond
Mary Young arrived 8 Feb 1840 from London via Adelaide on the Caroline
Mrs Young arrived at Sydney 20 Jan 1841 from Port Phillip 9 Jan, on the Anne
Mr Young departed 25 Feb 1841 from Sydney for Port Phillip, on the Anne
Mr Young arrived 5 Apr 1841 at Launceston from Port Phillip, on the Tamar
Mr Young Cabin, came 27 Aug 1841 on the William Metcalfe
Mr Young departing 10 Nov 1841 from Launceston for Port Phillip, on the Corsair
Mr Young departed 18 Dec 1841 from Sydney for Port Phillip on the Sea Horse steamer
Peter Young, Melbourne Times 23 Apr 1842 granted Publicans Licence Sydney Road 'Bushman'
Peter Young, The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 21 Apr 1843 Publicans Licence renewed for 'Sugar Loaf Inn' Sydney Rd
Peter Young and Elizabeth christened John William 1843
Directory 1847 Owned Property settler Sydney Road Seymour Goulburn River - Freehold Property
Peter Young, purchased Allotment first sale of blocks at Seymour. Source - Melbourne Weekly Courier 23 Mar 1844
Peter Young, Sugar Loaf Creek 'The Bushman' granted general license. Source - Port Phillip Herald 27 Apr 1844
Peter Young, Western Port District depasturing license for 1-31 August 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 22 Oct 1844
Peter Young, one of 469 voters who qualified by Freehold in Seymour Goulburn River Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Peter Young, Licensed to depasture stock at Western Port District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
Philip Young 28 Labourer Co Fife Prot both Constable for voyage arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
Philip Young wed Amelia Smith in 1845 at Presbyterian christened William Fleming 1846
Directory 1847 carpenter off Collins lane
Richard Young 24 hus Labourer Oxfordshire Prot neither employed by Robert Sutherland Geelong arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
Mary Young 20 wife both arrived 22 Aug 1844 on the Lord William Bentinck
Richard Young Page 32 letters at Post Office
Robert Young departing 19 Feb 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Dusty Miller - source Launceston Courier 22 Feb 1841
Robert Young, Licensed to depasture stock at Murray District July 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 18 Aug 1845
Robert Young Directory 1847 Correspondence settler Murray sold Benalla Wabba Station to Whitehead, Thomas
Stephen Young 25 single man Shepherd Prot reads Oxfordshire arrived 16 Feb 1844 on the Wallace
Stephen Young, Geelong Post Office has an unclaimed letter. Source - Geelong Advertiser 28 May 1845
Stephen Young wed Matilda Baker in 1847 at Church of England St James, Melbourne
Mr T Young, Cabin For Sydney arrived 2 Dec 1843 on the Midlothian
Captain Walter Young, Master arrived 18 Jul 1840 from London on the Theresa and it left on 8 Aug 1840 for Sydney
Mr and Mrs WA Young with 2 chn and a servant, Cabin arrived 30 Sep 1842 from London 7 June and going to Sydney on the Aden
William Young departed 9 Feb 1841 from Launceston for Portland Bay on the Minerva - source Launceston Courier 15 Feb 1841
William Young, 19 single man Farm servant Prot, reads Perth, Bounty arrived 23 Aug 1842 from Greenock on the Manlius
William Young 1845 occupied Mt Koroite & Dundas (Coleraine, east of Casterton, 36,840 acres)
George Younger wed Elizabeth Hope Affleck in 1841 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong
George Younger, and Elizabeth baptised male Robert at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong born at Melbourne 1842 #739
George Younger, House Stephen St The Port Phillip Herald Fri 8 Sep 1843 Burgess in Gipps Ward
Directory 1847 Correspondence farmer Boroondara Portland Bay Grange Burn no 2 13 118 Transferred from Griffin & Craig
John Younghusband and Jane christened Conoinah 1841
John Younghusband, carpenter The Port Phillip Herald Tue 5 Dec 1843 New Insolvents list Deficiency under 100 pounds
Archibald Buchanan Yuille, Melbourne, 1939 Directory of Port Phillip
Mr Yuille met on 10 Nov 1838 by Rev Wm Waterfield
AB Yuille, letter at Geelong Post Office 30 Dec 1843. Source - Geelong Advertiser 1 Jan 1844
AD Yuille, County of Bourke depasturing license for 1-30 Sept 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 15 Nov 1844
Archibald Yuille, Portland Bay District depasturing license for 1-30 Sept 1844. Source - Port Phillip Herald 15 Nov 1844
AB Yuille, exported 32 bales of wool to UK in the previous year. Source - Geelong Advertiser 28 June 1845
AB Yuille, Licensed to depasture stock at Portland Bay District Sept 1845. Source - Melbourne Courier 3 Nov 1845
Archibald Yuille Directory 1847 Owned Property settler Bunninyong district of Geelong - Freehold Property
Mr Yuille (Cabin) departed for London 3 Apr 1841 on the Indemnity
Robert Campbell Yuille, cabin arrived 27 Sep 1842 from Liverpool on the Ocean
William Cross Yuille first settled on the Barwon River at Murgheballoak with his cousin, Archibald, in 1836, later had land, briefly, in New Zealand, and, back in Victoria, at Rockbank, then at Barwidgee and Ballanrong (near Hastings).
WC Yuille, settlement before marriage to Mary Denny 6 July 1842, Archibald McLachlan as Trustee has the Title Deeds for collection. Source - Melbourne Courier 25 July 1845 William Cross Yuille wed Mary Denny in 1842 #692 at Presbyterian Melbourne & Geelong, 6 chn christened Betsy 1844, George 1845
Directory 1847 Depasture Licenses Western Port March 12, 1847
Vincent Zahel, Insolvent granted certificate of discharge. Source - Geelong Advertiser 1 Apr 1844
R T Zeally 29, 25 single man, Labourer Youghall Prot both, came May 1840 on the China
Arthur Mr Zouch single man, Cabin passenger arrived 18 Jul 1840 from London on the Theresa and on 8 Aug 1840 the Theresa cleared for Sydney,
© Say thanks to space Surnames - James Wright, space Mary Abberton to Joseph Alden,

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