Lone Hawk's Main Room
New, Updates, Changes, Website History

Family History,
"Dad, Mom. Where did I come from?
And who are all these people?"
asked the kid at the reunion.

Pickens SC Business District,
it's one of those never ending on again off again projects
with thousands of puzzle pieces that just won't go together.
And there's more pieces here too
notes from PICKENS SENTINEL issues

Investing money is risky business, always has been except
for low interest savings accounts. It's even more risky
when the people at the top and
running the HomeGold live the high life
while we unsuffisicated investors pay for it.
Random Thought File,
the Last Attempt at Organizing My MindStorms.
It's a JunkPile you know.

Miscelleanous ThoughtSmithing 1999, the Catch All File.

ThoughtSmithing, 1999 ©
Within these pages you will find,

Wish I had     ... A Regression Analysis.

Journey of a Thousand Days      ... a work in progress.

River Meeting      ... a forgotten piece of work from '97.

Metaphysics of Quality      ... one of the more interesting email exchanges with someone.

Stars & Bars      ... it's the Confederate Battle Flag thing again. Or is really the other flag with Stars and Bars?

Southern Heritage      ... LoneHawk stye.

Dear Editor:      ... the circular filed.

Catastrophic Civilization Collapse      ... the Role of Popular News Media and
and Information Flow Theory.

Show No Mercy      ... Never Forget! Never, Never, Never, Never, Never.

TAyoo LKut noh tkent ...      So I was reading the "C" volume of Encylopedia Brittanica
and happened upon this topic.

Terrorism 2001      ... The new/old plague of humankind raised it's ugly head higher that year.

Terrorism 2002      ... The Second Year of the Preceding.

DC of US      ... The Decline and Collapse of the United States. I suppose this is a form of terrorism too. Or else it's just part of CCC up above.

An Excerpt from the Conversation© manuscript.

Viva La R E V O L U T I O N

Before there were WebCams and LiveCams
where people bare their lives to the world,
there was the Journal. ©

Book 1 Parts 1, 2 and 3 , March thru July 1969. Last of College, I dropped out, going to Tec at night. Kind of dry stuff but hey it was my first LogBook and I was a kid, what do you expect. There are a couple of events worth reading though. Book 1 Part 4, September and October 1969. Beach trip and entering the Navy.
Book 1 Part 5, July 1971 and that Summer. Living in an apartment with some friends off base. Getting more verbose now, starting to think and write. Adventures with best friend begin. Book 1 Part 6, Summer 1971. Adventures continued.
Book 1 Part 7, Jan thru Mar 1974. Brief fill in for '72 '73, Living alone in motel mostly, beginnings of new adventures in a traveling squadron down in Key West Flordia. Book 1 Part 8, Jan thru Jul 1975. Med Cruise and another encounter of sorts, a dialogue exchange in "Grip Book", thoughts about life and the Med Cruise.
Book 1 Part 9, Random Ressurrected Remeberances, 1965 - 1975. Book 1 Part 10, Random Ressurrected Rememberances, 1965 - 1975.
Book 2 Part 1, Mostly replays from 1975 to 1985, there wasnt any Journal then. Book 2 Part 2, My Deep Thought Period began September 1985.
Book 2 Part 3, January - March 1986. Book 2 Part 4, April - June 1986.
Book 2 Part 5, Mid Summer's Eve - September 1986. Book 2 Part 6, Random Ressurrected Rememberances, most Anytime and Anyplace.
Book 2 Part 7, Random Ressurrected Rememberances, most Anytime and Anyplace. Book 3 Part 1, Jeep Tour and the Beach, September 1986.
Book 3 Part 2, Jeep Tour and the Beach, September 1986. Book 3 Part 3, Fall 1986 - Spring 1987.
Book 3 Part 4, Summer Fall Second Winter 1987. Book 3 Part 5, First Winter and Spring 1988.
Book 3 Part 6, March - May 1988. Book 3 Part 7, June 1988.
Book 4 Part 1, June - November 1988, Truck Tour. Book 4 Part 2, Caribbean Cruise.
Book 4 Part 3, January - May 1989. Book 4 Part 4, May - October 1989.
Book 4 Part 5, November 1989 - June 1990 Cal Trip. Book 4 Part 6, Random Ressurrected Rememberances.
Book 5 Part 1, May - December 1990. Book 5 Part 2, January - June 1991.
Book 5 Part 3, June - December 1991. Book 5 Part 4, 1992.
Book 6 Part 1, British Isles Bus Tour.
Book 7 Part 1, July - December 1998. Book 7 Part 2, January - February 1999.
Book 7 Part 3, March - June 1999. Book 7 Part 4, July - August 1999.
Book 7 Part 5, September - October 1999. Book 7 Part 6, October - December 1999.
Book 8 Part 1, January - March 2000. Book 8 Part 2, April - June 2000.
Book 8 Part 3, July - Sepember 2000. Book 8 Part 4, October - December 2000.
Book 9 Part 1, January - June 2001. Book 9 Part 2, July - September 2001.
Book 9 Part 3, October - December 2001. Book 9 Part 4, January - March 2002.
Book 9 Part 5, April - June 2002. Book 9 Part 6, July - September 2002.
Book 9 Part 7, October - December 2002. Book 9 Part 8, January - March 2003.
Book 9 Part 9, April - June 2003. Book 9398 Random Ressurrected Rememberances, 1993 - 1998.
Book 10 Part 1, July - September 2003. Book 10 Part 2, October - December 2003.
Book 10 Part 3, January - March 2004. Book 10 Part 4, April - June 2004.
Book 10 Part 5, July - September 2004. Book 10 Part 6, October - December 2004.
Book 10 Part 7, January - March 2005. Book 10 Part 8, April - June 2005.
Book 10 Part 9, July - September 2005. Book 10 Part 10, October - December 2005.
Book 11 , January - December 2006. Book 12 , January - December 2007.
Book 13 , January - December 2008. Book 14 , January - December 2009.

The Columbine Event Writings.

The Columbine Event Writings

     Columbine High School, Littleton Colorado, Jefferson County School District. You know the name and the date and the happenings. I became involved, more like absorbed, more like consummed into the event. I cried over the memorial pages and images and poems and writings. I followed the Discussion Group postings, even put in a few myself.
     The following pages are my writings concerning the event. They are mostly all just incoherent collections that didnt go well together. So, I've posted them all here as well, long with the other writings from my mind.

We Are Columbine
The Gather and Gathering
Eric and Dylan
How many ways are there to say,
"Be Nice to Each Other."
Speaker's Corner
Thoughts and Observations
Counsel for the Youth
CEOs and Board of Directors
Will There?
The Next Year Thoughts

A Tour of Pickens County, South Carolina,
some places that make the home turf home.

A Tour of Pickens County, South Carolina ©


Glassy Mountain Hagood Mill Rocky Bottom Eastatoe Valley Whitewater Falls
Pickens Main Street Sliding Rock Oolenoy Valley Laural Valley

LoneHawk's Banishment
from everywhere and everywhen into NoWhere and NoWhen.

The complete collection of ThoughtSmithing. ©

ThoughtSmithing ©
Within these pages you will find,

July '66     This was a weekend camping trip and I was seventeen.

Circa 72     During the Summer of '72, in the Navy, in Virginia Bech, out of Nam, Out of hippie culture, and out of hard rock came this one. Post Scriptum '81 is included here. Older and somewhat wiser, maybe, just one of the survivors.

Tis So Sad, A Friend      Still they're those out there in the twilight zone.

TK     Don't know who TK really is, but he's the best friend the kids of the world have.

Oconee Party Spirit      Everywhere in the world, there are these places where the youth gather. This is one of them.

the Man, or is HE?      Anyone whose been falsely accused knows this one. It really hurts, doesn't it?

PACMAN, PACMAN      The first popular video game had arrived. But like THE MAN it held some hidden meaning.

Maggie May M.      I thought she was just a song, but there really is one.

Pic Ice Par      This is a role reversal for the boys who play games with girls.

Gamesters      Then, after some thoughtsmithing, there were all kinds of games.

Junk Yard Motor      For every kid who's always broke but still bitten by that baja bug.

Sliding Rock #11      Another gathering place, but which is older and not so well known.

Pairs on the Beach     I wrote this in the sand early one evening and walked on down the beach. I watched a young couple stop to read it then walk on. She turned and tugged him back; they hugged and kissed then walked on.

Yesterday Life      While sitting in the YESTERDAY bar one evening, listening to the band, drinking beer. It was written on a paper napkin.

Ripley's      You're not to sit on Ripley's front steps, but most everybody did. I did too and this is what I saw and felt.

Auction      The Cannon Memorial Hospital moved into a new building. The old one was to be auctioned off but that never happened. It was torn down two or three years later.

Knoxville World's Fair      My friends at work finally talked me into going. I'm glad they did; it's good to have someone to look after you.

Myrtle Beach Magic     Made many-a-trip to "the Beach." This time it's September '85 and being a loner has really started to show it's wear and tear.

Go Away Kids, You Bother Me      Cruising was being outlawed. It seems no one cares for the kids anymore.

Always in Transit      The story of my life.

In Nature be Free     How I wish the story of my life would have been.

Mystery Lover      There's always hope the lonliness will end.

Please Stop, Please Don't Do It      Bergenfield, NJ circa March '87, teen suicide.

the NAM      Since news reports from way back in '63 and before, this one has worked its way to the outside. If you know the NAM vet, listen to what he has to say, if he can talk about it.

Freaked Out Downer      From the dark side of the force.

Some Thoughts On Terrorists      More from the dark side.

Lamentations for Twentieth Century Man      If Jeremiah were here today, this is what he might say.

Jubilations      An answer to Lamentations

Hang Gliding      The occassion was sitting on top of Whiteside, the hang gliders fly around at eye level.

TALK to me WALL     The "MOVING WALL" was near by, so I stopped by for a visit. A man saw me sitting across the street and came over to see how I was. Told him I was waiting for the wall to talk to me. It did.

Island Lights      An excursion into the Carribbean by cruise ship.

Nothing Else To Do Friend      Just something written while deciding what to do.

Tracking TK's Trail     A brother who read TK said I was wrong about TK not being into the hippie thing. He was right that I was wrong. Seems TK has been into a lot.

University Mystic Twine      Dropped out of college the first time; grades falling, draft status rising. It was a long time afterwards when this connection to old, college feelings made itself know.

SM LA CA      After all these years of knowing about glamorous, exciting Los Angles, finally made the journey.

Be Still My Spirit      While in California, a visit to other wilderness trails seemed neccessary. If you ever have the opportunity, take a walk through the big tree forests.

Campfire     There's a campfire ring of stones beside my driveway. Spent many an afternoon and evening tending the flames. One of those times it felt like I was not alone.

Post Scriptum

     It has been part of the art, to leave these in places, to be discovered by others.
     They have been left on mountain tops, top and bottom of water falls, on sand dunes of beaches, beside wilderness trails; mostly in the wilds of nature but also college campuses and big city scenes.
     It's been part of the art, to walk away and leave behind a bit of my spirit being; to never know if they've been discovered, or lost to the elements.
     {Now they've been left here, for all the world to find. These scribblings of ink on paper have transformed into magnetic bits on some distant device. They are now femoscopic, electronic impluses of some description in this place called cyberspace.}

Insights from Gratuitous Papyrus. ©

      There's not much of a way to introduce these papers. They're mostly just Nobody's social-political-philosophy observations of the human condition. They have no titles or names. So only their code number along with a bit of a clue as to their topic compose this table of contents.
      Like ThoughtSmithing, these, also have been left behind in places to be found.
      Other people's words of wisdom at the top of each papryus were found in the sources noted below.[5][6] This is not to imply Nobody's words are nearly as profound.

825108      When there's no one left to speak for me.

808118      Silk thread binding nuggets of gold.

818119      The Greed Factor, it occurrs much in all things, most seem to be bad.

819118      Demise of Truth.

803129      The times, they are a changing, sometimes with a whiff of a breeze.

815079      Ethopia, during the El Nimo drought.

905100      Embargo, just another name for a weapon of war.

905110      Ahhhh, the hidden power of silent actions.

908100      My spirit weeps for youth is lost.

810059      Time, time, time, time, streaches to the ends of infinity, not.

912021      What does it take to put down a war?

903031      The Other Face of Victory

910071      We're all truly mad you know.

The Prayers.


Creator of All That is.     Written when Lonehawk was only just twenty-something.

We ask for Your Guidence.     Some thirteen, hard years later.

Who is this Fourth Man?     This is someone else's concept. Lone Hawk heard it on the radio late one evening during the early seventies. His voice and delivery was most impressive.

Prayer A Day.     These are the only ones I wrote, for the Prayer a Day group; maybe it should have been a prayer on special days.

The Iraqi war thing in '91 prompted these, just a couple more anti-war requests.

Religion, Faith, Beliefs .... it's a life long process.

     Nokomenam, me I suppose, least part of me, it's my nick when I hang out in Yahoo religion chat rooms. Don't think it's all of me though, maybe a little of what I would like to be, really. I don't talk religion or faith with anyone in real life, heck, don't talk much to nobody about anything. But what Nokomenam believes is what I believe, or have come to believe, or am in the process of believing....

Topics:     Return to MainRoom.

Self God Origins Mysticism Suffering
Sacrifice Creation

Short, Short Storys.

Short, Short Storys

Pin Ball Parlor.     Many years, decades, ago the rebel youth idled away their time in pool rooms and beer joints playing pinball machines. Then came the video games. Now it's Web Wandering and virtual, cyber-space games. Ohhhh, the wasted years!

The Kudzu Patch.     An interesting weed this kudzu. Over grows fields, houses, barns, trees, forests, towns, cities. Nothing seems to kill it, except maybe goats, they eat anything. These are someone elses words on kudzu.

Chase the Dragon.     It starts out as another type of weed and usually leads on to other things, usually bad ends. Would say Lone Hawk's "been there, done that" but it's more like "almost been there, done a little of that." For those who are on dragon chases, this one is a simple warning of caution and take extreme care not to end up being the one chased.

Lone Falcon     Loners are an interesting people, though they don't appear as such; never seemly to fit in to any group, except those of kindred outcasts. If only, one could read their thoughts with telepathy!!!

Forest Green     That's the name the young man chose for himself, the man who sat in a tree. Keep the forest green was his goal. It warmed my spirit, really, to know there's still youth fighting for a cause.

Bill Fold by the Creek     This started out being a Journal Entry. It sort-of got out of hand and turned into a short story. I needed to add something to this section anyway.

Lone Hawk's Farewell Thoughts.

Sampler of Engage Imagination Here.

     Words, correctly ordered, form images within the mind while images inspire words. Words-images, they are but mates like male and female.
     Some pictures are thought provoking, though others may invoke provocative thoughts, perhaps one in the same. But like it is said of art, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
     The words are mine. Engage the imagination for your own special images.

Barely Sitting Range Rider The Portrait Sand Time First Times
Entwined Teen Times Two on One Don't Blink The Doorway
Shed Pair Boy Pair Falls Wash Brown Stone Snow Camp
The Touch Sleeper Shower Move Leaf Cave & Man

The Left Side of LoneHawk's mind.

of LoneHawk's mind

Resume'     This is who I am and what I've done, professionally.

Hughes Code Writer     This is what do for contract, temperary work assignments.

Iteration Paper     This is a write up for a numeric interation process which is useful for inverse function applications, locating maximium, minimium, inflection points of a curve, or intersection of two function.

Iteration Source Code     This is the source code for the numeric iteration process; it is in QuickBasic 4.5 syntax.

World Religious Population Data, 1961-94      The source data had some problems. This is the write up of what those problems were and how they were corrected. A summary of trends is included.

World Religious Population Tables, 1961-94      These are the source and revised data tables. A percent of world population table is also included.

Photography ... 150 years later.

Acknowledgements, Credits, Sources
for those things not my own.

NoWhere NoWhen portals from banishment into cyber-space-time.

Old Enterance, this use to be the way into my website,
I got tired of it so I changed it.

© jwhughes 1997