Kris's Journal
July 2005

Saturday, July 2
Yea! Nice long weekend.

John had his interview Tuesday and says it went pretty well. Instead of excited anticipation, I now have a mix of nausea and dread. The excitement of the possibility is gone and the dread of a big let down has taken over. This is such a big opportunity. It would be like winning the lottery in a way. Or it could be sentence for more aggravation for John.

He had a phone interview with Temple last week and they've asked him to come in for an interview on the 11th. The pay is okay and it would be near my mom, but I don't think Temple is on his top 10 list. Maybe after not getting the NCAA and knowing nothing will happen with Penn State anytime soon, Temple would be fine for him. It would be the number one position.

Max is really getting around - he started walking with this walker toy thing that John got for Christmas when he was 10 months. Max is good with it. I remember John getting so mad when he would walk into something with it.

John and little John slept outside in a tent last night. I didn't expect it to go very well, but John said everything was fine. I stayed up late making donut dough. They didn't turn out very good. I'm thinking about trying blueberry scones tomorrow morning.

I don't know what to do about Max nursing at night. I can't believe he's 8.5 months old and still nursing at night. I know I'm just a pacifier. John was cut off at 4.5 months. But Max won't go for a plastic pacifier or bottle, so I don't know what can take my place. I guess nothing. Ugh. I need to do something about it soon.

John is saying everything - pointing out everything and naming them. John said he dropped something last night and said, "Oh, shoot." He picked up a W in the tub and said some version of "double U," and then turned it upside down and said M. Smart boy. He's counting well, naming numbers and letters. Pretty good.

He's still pretty rough with Max, though, and spending a lot of time in the corner. Max seems to be handling well. He's a tough little guy and getting big. He's been taking a few bites of food at each meal, but not eating much. He likes Cheerios more than anything else, besides boobie.

Sunday, July 3
Aren't they adorable?

They have started playing together. John can be a little rough sometimes, but Max loves rolling around with John. John gets frustrated when he goes for his train, though. But it's great to see them (what is almost) playing together.

I made yummy blueberry scones this morning from a recipe I found at And coffee was really good, too. A much better breakfast than the donuts I tried making yesterday morning.

Wednesday, July 6
The wait is killing me.

Jeez. Please someone call and offer John the job. Please!!!!!

I'm so glad we bought John the train set. He plays with it everyday. Max usually destroys it, though. But after a minute he crawls off to check out something else. They are so cute together. I'm glad they have each other.

We've been talking about putting regular underwear on John to see if peeing on himself will move the potty training along. We bought him some SpongeBob briefs last night. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, July 12
Found out that the NCAA people will be talking about hiring decisions today. So I guess it shouldn't be too long.

I had a great birthday last week. It felt like a special day, the first time in years. It started with a spa fun stuff from John and a trip to Starbuck's, then later an iPod from my mom, and I got cards from my grandmother, mother-in-law, chiropractor, boys, and a sweet one from John. He always picks out good cards.

Kari came over and brought me pants and a pink shirt she bought but hasn't worn and a cake. She watched John and Max while John and I went out for fish at a local dive bar. Our bill was $17.50. Not bad, but I think the girl may have forgotten to add something. Kari spent the night and we hit Hot Dogs Days the next day when she left.

It was a really good day. But now I'm 35. Wow. 35. How did that happen?

Thursday, July 14
He didn't get it.

Whattafuckingletdown. We're pretty bummed. But I don't think either one of us is sorry that he passed on Michigan State for the chance with the NCAA.

We're handling it well. We'll see what happens with Temple and Vermont, who called yesterday and will be setting up interviews soon. Vermont would be a nice place to live, but not sure where it would take him next. Temple is more high profile, but maybe not such a nice place to live. Vermont seems more picturesque and serene, where Philadelphia has a big city, long commute feel to it.

Max has two teeth coming through on the bottom. You can just see the sharp little tops of each tooth. He's been crawling up the stairs, chasing John. I've held off feeding him most of the night the last two nights and it hasn't been too bad, plus he's napping and sleeping a bit in the crib.

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