Kris's Journal
November 2005

Friday, November 4
We're moving to Idaho!

Woo hoo!

So much to think about and do. He's going to start on the 14th, yes, that's in 10 days. We have a mover and realtor coming over Tuesday. He's going to go out on his own next weekend, then come back for Thanksgiving and we'll all drive back out.

We think.

He'll need to get us an apartment while he's there. We'll have to put some stuff in storage this weekend and get the moving arrangements worked out. A coach John works with wants to come see the house Monday. That would be nice. With the house sold, there wouldn't be much to worry about.

Yes, happening very fast.

So excited! Yes!

It's about time!!!

Thursday, November 17
A lot happening.

Plans changed slightly. John doens't think it would be a good idea to drive my car out there due to mountains, snow, time. I guess it would be bad enough with either the long drive with two toddlers or snow in the mountains. So I changed his ticket back on Thanksgiving to a ticket out there for little John and I bought a ticket. We leave at the same time as my mom so she can help me with these guys and our stuff.

John signed a lease through May for a townhouse. It seems nice enough, though no dining room or basement, so I'm not sure if we'll have a problem with furniture. He got the moving plans going today. They will come pack us the day before Thanksgiving and load the following Monday, then we leave Tuesday morning.

We'll be staying at Kari's that weekend. Fun fun fun.

I'm excited about the move and can't wait to get out there. Well, except for the thing about my car. I guess we have to sell it. We can't get it out there.

I rode to the hospital in labor in the back of that car. We brought home both little boys in that car. I like that car.

John's been gone almost one week. Weird. And I hate having to think about taking care of everything here without him here. And I hate trying to take out garbage with these guys to think about.

It will all be done soon.

Yea! Idaho!

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