Kris's Journal
October 2005

Friday, October 7
Last year, this was my due date. Wow. That was a fast year.

This is my favorite picture from the hospital. Max is going to be one in just 10 days. He is so big. And John is so big. And so smart, I think. He's been using words like "too" and "twice" and recognizing shapes of things, he just put a few blocks together and said they were bricks because he had them staggered like in a brick wall. OK, I think he's smart.

We went to Columbia, MO last weekend. John had an interview Monday at Missouri. We thought there was a good chance that this would be the next place. Today they called to set up a call between NIU AD and theirs. John called me to talk about it and we decided it just wasn't the right job. The right place, but not the right job.

He got a call from Idaho yesterday that we're excited about. They said he's in their top five and wanted to talk to some people not listed as references. It's an assoc. ad, #1 position that pays well and is located in a nice small town. I think we would both really like it. (the place, the job, the pay) Only one slight drawback so far - there's already a Bradley instructor there and only a population of 21,000. There are no instructors in Columbia with a population over 100,000.

I sent my resume to NIU College of Law for a secretary position. I figured it would be fun to work at a law school and then easier to get a job at a law school wherever we go next. After daycare, though, I would only make about $40/week. So it probably doesn't make sense, but I think I need to get out of the house. Before I get pregnant again and now that Max will be 1, it seems a good time to get a job.

I want to make note of the new stuff these guys have been doing, but of course I can't think of everything I've told myself to write down. Max had a bad night last night. He wouldn't let me hold him to get him back to sleep but he would scream when I put him down. I had to boob him not long after he first went to sleep, then again around 2 am. And twice more before 6 am. ugh.

Saturday, October 15
John is going to Idaho for an interview!

We're very excited and hopeful. They're bringing in 3 people to interview. He goes in 2 weeks. It seems like a great town, Moscow, ID. He'll have to be gone for 3 days just because of flight schedules. I wish we could all go.

Max will be 1 in two days. I don't know what we're going to do, since it's on a Monday and no family will be here. I guess we'll just do dinner somewhere, John says Hooter's, and hit Toy R Us after. I plan on making him a banana cake with chocolate frosting - kinda like our wedding cake.

Yesterday John said his tummy hurt - the first time he's said that and he counted to 10 in Spanish when I asked him to, while we were winding down for bed. He's so smart. I want to find some kind of learning toy at Toys R Us when we go. I want to get him a Thomas engine and tell him he can have it if he stays dry for a day. I think having it right in front of him, instead if just telling him we'll get it, will work better. I need some new ideas for potty training.

Max and I are a bit sick. John was sick earlier in the week, and I guess he gave it to us. Little John has the sniffles, but not too bad. I don't think he's ever had a cold and this is Max's first.

Tuesday, October 18
My babies are too big.

John ran around the park tonight holding hands with a little girl. And Max is 1.

It was just us for Max's birthday yesterday. We had tacos and birthday cake. The cake was from a mix and not very good. I knew I should have made it from scratch. It was a Duncan Hines banana supreme with chocolate frosting. The box made it look dark like banana bread but it turned out yellow with that fake banana popsicle taste. I'm going to complain.

We went to the park tonight and Max went down a big slide three times without any help, besides getting him to the top of it. Whattacutie. John ran around playing on his own pretty much. We just watched. He ran around with a little strawberry blond girl who just turned 3. They looked the same size. He had fun.

We didn't have much of a good day yesterday. It was a busy day and I took John to get his haircut. For some reason I thought it was something that had to be done. I ended up trying to hold him down while the chick buzzed him. It was awful. I was so pissed off when we left the place. Why was I so determined? I have no idea. And Max has a doctor appointment tomorrow so we could have gone to the kiddie place for the same price.

Anyway, today was better. I hope tomorrow isn't too crazy. Max will have to get shots. I hate thinking about it.

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