Friday, January 09, 2004

good for u guys den... haizzz.... as for mi... its assignments and assignments again...
there's one due in a week.... jeezzz.... hvnt start yet.... anw happy new year guys!

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Yea!!! I agree with you , Kit. Well, take it as a time to catch up with relatives, friends and sleep!!! =)
Time for me to start slogging like hell again this year... I hope everyone has a good year ahead.
Ok lah... Chinese NEw Year may be more boring compared to Christmas and all.... but there's a lot of things to eat! And its a HOLIDAY!!! No need to work best.... I lurrrve all holidays.....
Everytime a holiday pass, I just look forward to the next one.... Any day that I dun have to work is a good day.....

Think all those working will agree with me... ahaha.....

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

hmm... i jus started school.... not so bz right now... can't say the same when it approaches the end of the semester though~ i'lll work like siao again... CNY coming~ i hate CNY... dun ask why... jus not the kinda person to celebrate chee-na holidays... damn boring also...
Ya... sad... Is everyone that busy??
hmmm... getting a tad too quiet in here ain't it....?