Thursday, September 22, 2005

Photo of my beautiful Jie Meis........

Thanks Angie for the lovely description of the wedding and your well wishes.... *tear drops*
It was a very tiring day I must say... the exhaustion is still lingering even until today.....
Special thanks to all my Jie Meis who helped a great deal for the whole day.... :)
Ooohhh..... And Angie caught my bouquet of flowers.... *Big grin*

Just came back from a trip to Hongkong with my entire family... so it wasn't really a honeymoon. But it was quite alright. Bought quite a few things.... wanted to buy hair wig (there was so many there!!!) but later decided not to.

Thanks to all who came to my wedding and helped in one way or another.... thank you so much....
I will make sure you guys get the prawns (if I still remember how to cook them... :P) during my house warming.... which should be somewhere next year.... keke......

Take care everyone......

Sunday, September 18, 2005

It has been a long time.
Kit's wedding was fantastic and beautiful.
With a tingling of anxiety from last night's insufficient sleep, damn she was as lovely as a bride could be.

The dance item was really the key of the whole show...
Kit's looks and smile was just the thing for latin and kudos to Steven who did a couple of turns and still catch Kit at the right time for the final pose!

I hope this dance will keep both of you deeply in love for many years to come.
It is not easy for 2 person to finally decide that they are willing to spend the rest of their life with each other and having to compromise and adapt to each other no matter what comes next in future.

Should either one of you incidentally misplaced love in future, please remember this day on the 10 Sept 2005 where both of you have expressed unity in union in the presence of so many people ( and of course, the crazychildren), we want you to remember that both of you love each other for a reason, and recall this reason and put back where love should have been. In the hearts of both of you.

After the wedding, welcome to new family and new life!
Before plan B comes into the picture, enjoy the private moments of 2 persons while it last!

We are looking forward to your house warming with delicious prawns!