Tuesday, September 07, 2004

my com died~ every single precious photo is gone.... T_T ok~ i'll stop mourning...

how is everyone doing?

I seem to have lost alot of drive in things... This is my final year and i'm getting lazier.... there's shouldn't be any excuse for it... i just stopped being hardworking. :/

How's rehearsal for the musical? I love all of you~ do take care.

Monday, September 06, 2004

hi everyone! it's been ages since logging in here. it was really great catching up with some of u a while ago. me in class now...sigh...wish i could be dancing w u all again! really cant wait for this whole school thing to end next june then i will dance until xiao ah!!!
when is the musical?? i jus realised i din knw what date today is,, just spent about 5 mins trying to figure out wat date it is today. ha...u guys all take care okie? can't wait to see u all again =)