Saturday, December 11, 2004

Hi all... hope u are all doing fine... shall we arrange for a day and catch up a little? heheh... miss you guys lots.... Anyway Kit ar, my hp is 96800437... nv change from last time... I dun tink I can attend studio wu classes la... coz I dun have $$$$ to pay for classes... =/

But I do hope that we can all come out together one day... so far by chance i met jane in orchard with junyang... and saw sheila at HMV... the rest hvnt get to see wor... i guess everyone oso busy... so see how bah... shall arrange something soon...

Take care peeps...

Friday, December 10, 2004

Errr.... where is everybody???

Audrey.... whats your phone number here??? U have my number?? Still same one....

We all go out one day leh.... everyone so busy ahh??? :(