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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. I was 15 years old.

Saturday, April 1, 1978

Today was SUPER! Daryl and Toni were on American Bandstand and did their new single, "I'm On My Way." ... The song is GREAT! The pic on the jacket is just as good!!! I looked for it at the mall today, but didn't find it. I better find it soon!!! At the mall, I got a new pair of Levi's blue jeans and a paperback about true experiences in comunicating with the dead.
I didn't even listen to Mr. Bradley today! For some reason I just didn't feel like boring myself with it.
It was a beautiful day!

Sunday, April 2, 1978

Today was boring, just like any other Sunday.
We did go to the grocery store and Aunt Dorothy's.
I didn't listen to KZ-93 once all day.
Mom & dad are going to Chicago tomarrow, and I plan to skip school.
I wrote to C&T sending them a pic & asked them to autograph it!

Monday, April 3, 1978

Today was really my day! I did skip school. At 6:20 P.M. "Buster" dedicated "L.W.K.U.T." to me. I called & we talked aobut everything from A to Z. Including C&T's new record!
What a show!!!! It was absolutely WONDERFUL!!! Words can't describe it, it was really nift!! Pooh, oh poor Pooh, they dumped his hat in the Mississippi river. It was sad! But it was nice to finally see him without it for once! He won't be wearing it as much now. What a fox!
Buz called me "Babe"


Tuesday, April 4, 1978

Ya know diary, I think you're just the kind of friend every person should have!You listen to my problems without interupting or asking questions! Best of all, you keep my secrets, and stick with me in all my highs and lows! So far, this week has been one of my highest! I called Buz. He was such a sweetie! He must tell his friends about me. A diff. guy answered. When he found out I was "Julie of IVC," he went to get Buz right away! The whole convo is in my junk drawer, help yourself! He played my song, again.

Wednesday, April 5, 1978

Today was good enough. Nothing exciting. Got up, went to school, came back.
Listened to "Buster" from 6-8 then I watched a movie called "Race With The Devil."
The rain has really been coming down. But like Buster says, "April showers bring May flowers!"
Changed and cleaned my room. Looks much better now.
I hate to admit it, but I think I like high school! I have a lot more friends than ever before!

Thursday, April 6, 1978

1/2 day of school
Today was okay. We got out at 11:15. Lately me & my friends have been conversing alot about sex. Jennie and her mom started going to a mother-daughter sex education class. She brought some books she got from the class and let me see! They're real good!
Got our t.v. fixed. Didn't call Buz again tonight. Oh well, I'm sure he doesn't mind! I keep getting a picture of him in my head remembering what he looked like when I met him. He was so good lookin'! And the hair on his chest. Wa, wa, wa!! I wonder if he's a virgin? No, of course not! He's 20! Oh well, I like guys with a little, what ya call "experience"! Ha, ha!

Friday April 7, 1978

no school
Today was pretty good. We went shopping. I got 2 magazines, and a new Andy Gibb T-shirt. The weather was great! Went to Bob's with Mike. Chad sure is getting big!
I called Buster. He was sweet, but not crazy. We actually talked seriously tonight! Hard to believe!
Stayed up & watched t.v.
Did you know that my favorite Cub, Jerry Moralez is now a Cardinal. I've always hated the cards!
Know what I feel like doing? Making love to Buster! I'd like him to be the one to show me how it's done! I'm pretty sure I love him! Even if he does have a girlfriend!!!!!

Saturday, April 8, 1978

Today was great! We went shopping. I called Buster. I asked him if his real name might happen to be Eggbert. He said I wasn't even close. We had a good talk. The conversation is in my junk drawer.
Guess what I got in the mail!?! The pic I sent C&T to sign!! Do you believe it? I just mailed that thing this Monday! Toni said, "Stay happy Julie!" & Pooh put "& the Captain agrees" I'm soo lucky!!
Stacey is staying all night. The Brem's came over. Watched Saturday Night Live. Didn't get to bed till 3:00!

Sunday, April 9, 1978

Today was nifty. The temp was beautiful! I wore my new blue satin shorts that I got yesterday. I sat around the house & enjoyed my free time.
I got "super glue" on my fingers & had a hell of a time getting it off. Watched t.v., Answered pen pal letters. All in all it was a pretty good day!

Monday, April 10, 1978

Today was super rainy.
Got a permission thing to get out of school, Wed. Thur. & Fri. cuz we're goin' to Ark.
Wasn't gonna call Buster, but at 8, he played my song, so I did. We had a gr-8 convo. It's in my J.D. Before a song called "Jack & Jill," he said "Jack & Jill went up the hill, but not for water this time! Do you know what they went up there for? Well if you do, you have a dirty mind!" Charlie & Terry were on the news. They gave away a 1000 $ bill. I found out Terry was the ugly one I saw when I met "Buster!"

Tuesday, April 11, 1978

Today was wonderful! School was fun, the weather was nice! But best of all, I had a gr-8 talk with Buster. It's in my junk drawer. Boy, I really do love him! I think he likes me back too! Sure seems that way! I remember the night I told him who I was. December 29, 1977.
He thought I.V.C. stood for "Illinois Vocational Kooks!" He dedicated a song to me, not cause I like the song, but cuz he just wanted to dedicate one to me! He did that tonight, I mean, not back then!

Wednesday, April 12, 1978

Left the house at 4:30 this morning. What a long ride! At a gas station on the way, I saw a cute guy who looked alot like Buster. We got here around 3:30 P.M. One of the first things I did was bless this house for Julie of IVC in the name of the Captain and Tennille! I put one of their pics up. The people across the street are real nice. The house (ours) is kinda small and dumpy, but we've got it looking 1/2 way decent.
Well, already I miss Buz! Do you 'member when he said, "Aw Julie, what would I do without ya babe?" (Jan. 9) Now he's finding out!

Thursday, April 13, 1978

We spent the day working around the house. We did go down to the general store. There's a post office and a gas station there too. A little girl lives down the road, and she's been over wanting to "play." Says there is a small cave 'round here. I like it here, but as usual, there's lots of ticks. Guy who lives across the street came over and talked with us for quite awhile. Seems to be pretty nice.

Friday, April 14, 1978

Today we went into Mt. View and did a little shopping. I got a pair of Levis, a magazine, coloring books, & a jumbo comb. Mailed Buster a postcard. We got our electricity. We brought our little t.v. and we can get one channel that is almost watchable.
I'm beginning to miss my Buster! Wonder if he does me?

Saturday, April 15, 1978

Nothing much happened today. Just sat around. Met the lady down the street, she's wacko!
Good weather!

Sunday, April 16, 1978

Left Pleasant Grove at 4:00 this morning. Got here at about 2:00. In the mail, a girl sent me a lovely pic of D&T! No hat! Really good. My room is a mess! It's alot colder up here!
Tonight it's Buster's turn to spin the records for "Z" night at the poison apple! I heard Charlie say it. Too bad I ain't 19, or I could go!! Chuck said Buz can really "burn up the dance floor"! I'd like to burn it with him!!!

Monday, April 17, 1978

Today was fairly decent. School was okay. We had an assembly with a men's Glee club! Oh man, did they stink! Really rank! All of 'em had to be gay!
Ma got me a magazine, it's ALL Andy Gibb. It's GR-8! Beautiful pictures too!
Buz was sweet on the phone. Peek into my junk drawer, it's there! He says he can't really "burn up the dance floor"! Oh well, who needs Fred Astaire?!

Tuesday, April 18, 1978

Only about 30 more days of school.
Today wsa okay. It's been raining off and on since we got home! And more is to come! We had another assembly. It was much better than yesterday's It was about photography and noticing the world around you.
Didn't get no mail.
Didn't call Buster. I just didn't feel like bothering him. He was even wierd on the air tonight. For some strange reason, he said, "Can I ask you a very personal question? Are you wearing pink socks?" I told you he was weird!

Wednesday, April 19, 1978

Weatherwise, today stunk! Otherwise, it was good. Nothing exciting at school. Didn't get no mail.
I had a beautiful talk with my Buster! You'll never believe what he said! He says, "Where have you been all my life, woman?!" Ha, ha! We also talked about how he's gonna give me a tour of the station. (see Jan. 10) For more details, check out the ol' junk drawer. You think he didn't make sense last night? Tonight he says on the air after the song "one of these nights" he says, "One of these nights, you're gonna turn into a marshmallow!"

Thursday, April 20, 1978

Today was lousy, but tonight was great!
Some fruit from the insurance came to give me a medical exam. I had to go in a stupid cup!
Got 3 letters in mail.
Wasn't gonna call Buster, but at 9, he played my song. The convo's in my J.D., (of course)
Then, on WMBD, they played C&T's brand new single!! FINALLY! That means it must be in the stores!!! Can't wait till Sat. so we can go shopping!! I'll tell Buz about the single Saturday!

Friday, April 21, 1978

Today was okay I guess.
I got a tape from Kelly.
Only got to listen to Buster from 6-7:15 cuz I went to a school play, "Brigadoon." It was alright, I've seen better. So, I missed my beau, DAMN!
In the Penny Press, there's a picture of Charlie Quin. Good Lord, is he U-G-L-Y!!! Ha, ha! Guess my babe is the only handsome one! I've seen Terry Alan, & Maria Gilmore in person, and they're gross, and I seen Tom Wood on commercials, boy is he sick! And now I see Charlie in the newspaper and YUCK! But when I met Buz, wow! Guess I just Know How To Pick 'em

Saturday, April 22, 1978

Lights went out at mall while we were there.
Boy am I pissed! God am I mad! Buz interviewed 2 of Chicago Bears cheerleaders on the air today. I was watching the news. They said, "The Honey Bears dropped by KZ93, that film next." I thought for sure he would be on cuz he's the one who interviewed them! But who do I see talking to them? Charlie Quin!!! Oh yeah, Buster was on there, his HAIR THAT IS!! Shit! Damn! @#?!
We got a new kitten today. He is a tabby. He's cute!
Man am I ticked!! I'm gonna have to talk to Buster about this Monday. The fools! Charlie's a dog! Why wasn't BUSTER ON IT

Sunday, April 23, 1978

Today was okay compared to some Sundays. Unca Don, Aunt Sandy & brats came over and made a mess of the place as usual. In an add, I saw that Venture had on sale safety equip for skateboards. Mike took me there but they were all sold out. So, I bought 2 albums. Oh well.
Watched movie "Walking Tall." It was good.

Monday, April 24, 1978

Boy am I high! No stupid, not on drugs! On love! I was floating around all day after I saw in the paper this morning that I'll get to see Buz Saturday. Newspaper clipping about dance marathonNote: clipping. I talked to him about it tonight, & he said, "Sure maybe I'll see you there!" I also asked him about last Sat's news. He said, "Charlie just kind of took over!" That fool! Tonight he said that Buz looked like Bugs Bunny with his headphones on. Charlie's just jealous cuz he's a big, fat, ugly, SLOB, and Buster's GOOD LOOKIN'!! Besides, I think Bugs Bunny's cute!!
silly sketch

Tuesday, April 25, 1978

Today? Oh it was fine thank you. The weather was nice, and will be even better tomarrow.
Took a test in Algebra.
Didn't bother Buster.
Started to clean my closet. What a mess!

Wednesday, April 26, 1978

Today wasn't the greatest. Got period at school. Had to borrow a dime to buy a pad. Found out for sure I'll get to see Buster at the mall. It's our 4th Anniversary, and I asked if I could buy us a coke. For the reason why he said no, look in my junk drawer. But I'm just happy I get to see him again!
Guess what?! I got a 90 on that Algebra test I took yesterday!!!

Thursday, April 27, 1978

Horoscope for April 27, '78

Today was nice. The temp was good, and the sun was out.
I've been "organizing" my room all night, and I'm almost done.
Man is my horoscope ever on the shnoz!! Check it out!
GUESS WHAT?!!!?! Next Fri., May 5th, is Daryl & Toni's Hawaian Special!! Ain't that GREAT?!!!
Didn't call Buster. Did you know that he's a sweetie!?!

Friday, April 28, 1978

Today was acceptable. No big deal at school.
Do you believe I only listened to Buster for 45 mins.? I didn't call him either. That's cuz we went to the mall. I got a tape for the C&T special, 2 mags.
Then, when we got home, I watched a movie called, "Play Misty For Me." About this crazy woman who was in love with a d.j. (sound familiar?) and she just wouldn't leave him alone. At the end, she even tried to kill him cuz he didn't luv her. But she ended up being pushed off a cliff by him! Freaky, huh?

Saturday, April 29, 1978

This is the ghost of Julie Marie Fidler writing to you. Julie died of a broken heart today. That's why this is in black.
I called Buz at 1:30 to tell him I would see him at the mall tonight. He told me he had already been there at 10:30 this morning!! I about Shit! He had his schedule changed yesterday morning! He said if I would've called last night, he would've told me. Damn! He said there will be a dance next month, and he wants me to come. He musta apologized a million times!! He was so sweet about it. I cried from the time I hung up till I went to bed at 12. I wanted to see him soooo BAD!! All week I looked forward to it. I feel sick!

Sunday, April 30, 1978

Well, I'm doing a little better today. But I'm still very upset.
We went to Venture. I got a new pair of Lt. Blue Converse tennis shoes.
I watched a Cub game. We won 7 to 5.
I feel so icky about yesterday! How could God let this happen to me? After I prayed each night asking Him to let it all work out! My whole life is going down the drain right in front of my eyes!!

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