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The real life of a '70s teen. . .

Tues. Aug. 1, 1978

Ma woke me up early. She wanted me to go to expo with her for some 4-H thing. Lisa came down. Some lil kids were stealing our lumber and building a fort, so we went and "paid their fort a visit". All of the wood is back in our yard now. That'll learn them. I picked up my room and cleaned out my desk. It was getting cluttered. I'm getting better at my typing.

Tonight, I made it clear to Buster that I want to see him sometime at a place other than the station. It might have been this Sunday, but he has a hop to make at a dancathon in Pekin. He explained how busy he is and how much he does want to get together with me. I said for him to let me know when he's free.

Wed. Aug. 2, 1978

Today was pretty fun. We did alot of shopping. We went to Bergners, Venture, K-Mart. I got a new pair of maroon dress slacks for school. I can wear a size 13/14 now! Also got school supplies, stationery, a Bee Gees mag., and the book "Foul Play."

I typed up all my famous poems that I could find, and put them into a notebook. It was rainy this morning.

My talk with Buster was no big deal really. Most of it consisted of him practicing a commercial and singing along with the song.

We got a bunch of pictures back from being developed. A couple are of me in my bikini. Ma wants me to send one to him, but I don't know if I will or not. Who wants to see my flab? I'm so ugly it isn't funny!!

Thur. Aug. 3, 1978

Today was a blast! We went to Aunt Dots, then shopping, AGAIN! I went to all of the stores in the mall and asked them for their C&T in concert posters. I have 5 coming to me! They are also featured in this week's Nearby Night Life. Got a BIG Travolta poster. And a green, lined satin jacket.

My talk with Buster tonight had to be the best and longest one I've ever had. He wanted to know if I was gonna go to the pool party. I asked if he was. He said yes, so I want to go. I stayed on while he did the contest. I was his 4, 7, and 13th callers! Ha, ha! The lady who won, had the same name as the one who is on the Addams Family, so we started to sing that. He wanted to know if I know Shawn Ball, because he called to request a song and said he was from Chilli. I said yes I know him and he is a nerd! Then he answered another line. When he came back to me, he apologized it took him so long, then he immitated in this squeaky girly voice someone named Peggy who requested a million songs. He is sooo funny! Then he said, "JEEZ! Why don't they leave me ALONE?! Can't they see I'm trying to talk to you!!?" Now is that sweet or is that sweet? Then we talked about how the weather is so much cooler, but very nice. Before we finally hung up, he said, "I really enjoy talking to you."

Fri. Aug. 4, 1978

Weather-wise, today was great. Otherwise, it was so-so. Helped Lisa weed her front yard. Supposed to get paid. Guess what? I have a car of my own now. Mike got a new Mustang, and gave me that '67 LTD! It needs to be fixed up a little, but by the time I have my lisence, it'll be just great!

I didn't talk too long to sweetie tonight. He wasn't quite as goofy, cuz Charlie told him to knock it off. When he wanted the 12th caller to win a Sgt. Pepper album, I was no. 11. He wanted to know if I was gonna call tomarrow, so we could talk.

Sat. Aug. 5, 1978

Today was fun. Me & Lisa went shopping at the mall. Went to Metro Center. Saw Charlie. He was at TEAM for f.m. converter day. I talked to him & introduced Lisa to him. He had to do a report to Buz on what was going on & he said he wanted to surprize him with me! So he told him he wanted him to say hi to someone & gave the phone to me. Buz knew it was me right off, of course. He's not for sure if he'll be at the pool party. He'll let me know next week.

Sun. Aug. 6, 1978

Today wasn't bad for a Sunday. I had fun goofing off with my car, starting it. I'm getting pretty good. Unca Don and brats came over. Lisa was here all day.

Just think, day after tomarrow is the big Captain & Tennille concert!!!! I can't wait!

Mon. Aug. 7, 1978

Today brought with it the most heart-breaking news I have ever received in all of my 15 years. Buster caught me in a real good mood, then told me that he is leaving the station! He has found a bigger and better job as a d.j. in Chatanooga, TN. I was sooo upset! He wants to keep in touch by writing, and says he may come back to town to visit once in a while. I will miss him so much. Diary, what am I going to do? I cried all night long. I'm going to see him this Thur. at the pool party, and he says we can get together to say goodbye some time early next week. Now, after he's gone, my life will go back to being the most boring thing you've ever heard. And this diary will be worth something someday. It has been the best year in my life. It's like a movie that's on t.v. I can't actually believe he's just gonna leave me like this! But I know it will be better for him. He wants to move on and I know he will be a famous disc jockey someday, and that he'll never forget our relationship. Just as things were getting good, he has to leave. He said he's known about it for about a week now but was waiting for the right time to tell me. Well, I've got news for you, Buster, you picked the wrong time.

Tue. Aug. 8, 1978 (C&T CONCERT)

Good Lord! Have I got a story for you today!! Here goes: Went to theater, saw Sgt. Pepper. Got to park at 2:00. Sat in lawn chairs by lake. Got up, and walked along lake behind the stage. Went back and stood by gate where the semi's with keyboards and speakers were coming through, thought maybe it was Toni and Daryl. I was right! Halfway right. When me and ma realized it was Daryl, I went back to the gate where I came across a member of the staff. I asked him if I could go down there and meet Daryl. He said sure go ahead! So, I went down there and he showed me how to get backstage and where Daryl was! I spotted HIM leaning over the fence watching the water in the lake. I ran towards him yelling his name! He said hi. I told him how I was in the Friends Club and had been dying to meet him and Toni. He said let's sit in the shade, so we moved over to a park bench under a tree and started to talk!! I got his autograph right off. Then asked if it was okay if I took a couple of pics He said for me to be in it too, and had a roadie take pics. We talked a bit more about stuff. He said Liz died. Toni was back at the hotel resting. Asked how long I've been in the fan club. I said since '76. He called me an original. I asked if he would wait for me while I went and got ma and his birthday present. He said sure! So I ran histerically back to ma and got the present and my scrapbook. He was still there when we returned, waiting for me! Gave him the dragon. He liked it. Me, mom and him talked about EVERYTHING! It was just like talking to an old friend!!!! He signed my hat. Ma took more pics of us together. He is such a nice man! He wore old blue jeans, a t-shirt that said something about healthfood, and tennis shoes and a cordorouy cap. He had his arm around me the whole time I sat there. He gave me advice to take Kelp (seaweed) pills for my thyroid. He talked so much, and asked us a lot of questions. Before we left him, I gave him a kiss on his left cheek! Wowie! After talking on that park bench with him for an hour, he had to go. We floated off. ... (concert time) I dashed to the cement 2 feet in front of the stage! I was in the front row, noone ahead of me but THE performers. They came out. When they turned up the lights, Daryl looked right at me and nodded!! I waved back! While Toni was saying that there would be no hat jokes or goofing off, he was looking at me! Then they started there next song, and he interupted saying hold it, I have a hat joke! So people started to yell, and were expecting a really good hat joke. He was looking at me as he said, What goes on your head and is cute? Then he pointed to me and said "Stand up!" He said, "That's what!" The whole thing was so hard to believe!! Daryl is so much unlike a big t.v. star!! It was just like I had known him for years. This has been the best day of my life!

Wed. Aug. 9, 1978

Today was good. Went to the mall & picked up all of my C&T posters. Dropped off the film at K-mart. Hope every picture turns out. Spent most of the day telling people about my day yesterday. Boy is my throat sore!

Told Buster all about it. He was real happy for me. He was eating birthday cake. He was glad to get the card and picture of me & said it really made his day. He is going to be at the pool party tomarrow at 10:30.

I still don't believe everything that has happened to me this week. Who knows what might happen next?!

Thur. Aug. 10, 1978

Hang onto your hat! You ain't gonna believe my day today! Me & ma went shopping & got some very fancy, expensive clothes for tonight. It began to look like rain, but the party was still on. So, we left & just as we got there, it began to pour. He announced it was called off. I told Mike to take me to the station. I wanted to talk to Buster. I got there. He took me to the control room. Then, diary, he asked me out Monday night!!!! He said if I could get someone to bring me in at 10 P.M., we'll go out & get a bite to eat, then he'll bring me home! Well, of COURSE I accepted! He then walked me to the door and said "Bye, I'll be talkin' to ya, and I'll see ya Monday night!" WOW!! I'm soooo happy! A real live date with him!

Fri. Aug. 11, 1978

Today wasn't the greatest. Had to go to the Doc's to get poked. He says I'm perfectly normal now, so I have to take P.E. Yuck! Wasn't planning on going to the slumber party cuz I wanted to record all of sweetie, but Stacey talked me into it. Poor Buster. He was telling me about how he practically sliced his finger off while making lunch. He cut it real bad....Then, I came to this wild & crazy slumber party where we are camping out in a tent & it's supposed to rain.

Sat. Aug. 12, 1978

Today was pretty much so of a bummer. Woke up at 5:30 after sleeping a 1/2 hour. Ma got me at 8 ... We went to the Cat Power Parade. The show wasn't bad, but it was shitfully hot & uncomfortable & I was missing Buster. Got back at 4:30 & I ran in to call him. I love him. I started to remind him about Monday, but he finished my sentence. He says, "I wouldn't forget that." The way he said it made me feel so good! I think he really does like me! He had to "make a hop to Morton" tonight to spin records for a party. Why is it that just as things are getting good, & I'm sure he likes me, he has to leave? I hope that Monday turns out the way I've been dreaming it! I really do love that guy!

Sun. Aug. 13, 1978 (Mom's big 50!)

Went to family reunion at Dickson Mounds. It wasn't too bad. Came back home. Tried my best to make ma a birthday cake. Boy what a mess! The cake wasn't so bad, but the decorating was sickening! Finished typing the detailed story of my day at the C&T concert. Mr. Brem's gonna get copies made for me. Finished reading "Foul Play." Now I'm watching the world premier for the movie on t.v.

I can't wait till tomarrow night! I just hope I don't start crying as we say good bye. I hope he don't have bucket seats. I hope he don't notice how ugly I am! I hope we share a nice, long kiss!

Mon. Aug. 14, 1978 (BIG date with Buster)

Tonight was beautiful! To eat, we went to Lums. He is so much fun to be with! His car is so neat! His real name is Mark Emery Evans. We drove around everywhere for 2 hours & talked. We even cruised Chilli. I felt so good sitting there next to him. He showed me the apartment where he lives. He said we would've gone in, but Charlie was probably laying around in his underwear! He gave me a big pic of him (about 10x12). We have everything in common! He gave me the address of his new station. He don't know where he'll be living. He told me about the girlfriend he had (March 20). It didn't last long, cuz she wouldn't get off his back. He's a very sentimental person. We pulled into the driveway about 12:30. We sat there & talked for a bit & I gave him the mustache comb. He liked it. He had the light on in the car while he opened it. Then he turned it off & moved closer. It was silent. He put his finger under my chin & turned my head so I was looking at him. Then, it happened. We kissed! It was nice! After the first one, he kissed me again. I loved it! I finally got what I wanted! After it, we talked a little more. He thanked me for being a part of his life. This night was wonderful!

Tue. Aug. 15, 1978

Today I brought the film that we had taken last night into a Kodak film place. I pick it up Thursday.

The rest of my day was nothing.

I had a hard time getting hold of Buster. When I did, he repeated his address to make sure he got it right last night. Then he said, "Here's my phone number, if you need me." He asked if I would call tomarrow. I said of course. I can't stop thinking about last night. He's so sweet. I'm gonna miss him something fierce!

Wed. Aug. 16, 1978 (Buster leaves after work)

Tonight was murder. I recorded his whole show. I called. The whole gang was in there. He told me Monday he didn't want that. We both don't like long good-byes. He said, "I think I told you pretty much how I feel about you the other night. And that will always stay the same." I wished him good luck & told him I knew that he'd make it to the very top. He says he knows I will too. We both promised to write & call each other, and we said good-bye. I was about to cry on the phone but managed not to until after we hung up.

Thur. Aug. 17, 1978 (register for school)

Today stunk! Went and registered for school. Of course, they screwed my schedule up. Stacey came back with us. Got those pictures. In one, (that lady) she completely cut me in half and his head off. The other one is too close, but not that bad. I'm sending it to him, and getting more prints made for me.

I'm holding out pretty good. I haven't cried much. But, this is only my first night without him. It can only get worse. I'll never forget what it was like kissing him. It felt so good!

I take driver's ed the 2nd 9 weeks!

Fri. Aug. 18, 1978

Today stunk. Got up early to go with Lisa to register her for school. I'm not looking forward to school at all anymore. I'm not looking forward to any of the rest of my life anymore!!!! Since Mark has left, I've been eating like crazy. I have to watch this, I don't want to gain back the 20 pounds that I lost for him this summer. I mailed my letter to him this morning. Whenever I'm alone, it seems I start thinking about him, and I go into a crying fit, so it makes me feel good to have friends like Stacey and Lisa around to talk to. ... I wish ma would take me shopping for school clothes, but she is always telling me about the money she is wasting on me. Makes me feel good. ha, ha

Sat. Aug. 19, 1978 (Buster's 1st day at WSKZ-106 fm)

The weather was beautiful today. A nice cool breeze. Me and ma went into Chilli. Got a IVC t-shirt and Buster a card. My pen pal from Louisiana, Traci Musso, called me. We talked for an hour about our experiences in meeting C&T. It was fun. I tried to call Charlie a couple of times (he's working Buster's shift) but he never did answer. Stacey went to the Andy Gibb concert at the State Fair. Dad's friend, Mel, the pilot, his wife and 2 girls were supposed to come over tonight. The folks did, but not the girls. I cleaned my room for nothing. Bob and Chad came over and brought Mike's bike back. Chaddy is getting so big, it's funny. Shar's new baby is due in November. I had another lonliness crying fit about Mark today. Life is so boring without him. I hope he writes or calls as soon as he can! I know I'll never stop missing him.

Sun. Aug. 20, 1978

Today's weather was beautiful, too. I rode my bike 10 miles altogether. I went to the park, and back, then rode into Mossville to mail my letter to Mark, and around the nieghborhood untill I had gone 10 miles. It was fun. Watched a Cub game against the Reds. We won. The rest of the day was a real bore. I hope tomarrow is better. It should be, cuz ma says we're finally gonna go shopping for school clothes! Lately, since last Monday night, I've been wanting to be by myself alot just kinda to think about things. Ya know? That's the main reason for these long bike rides I've been going on. It's hard for me to grasp hold of everything that's happened this summer. It's just like a movie. I've grown up quickly in 1978. I had no choice. Little kids aggravate me now, and I can't stand it when Lisa acts so immature sometimes! I'd rather be in Buster's arms than doing things that I used to do, like listen to records and stuff. Things have more meaning today than they ever did before.

Mon. Aug. 21, 1978

Today was about the first fun day I've had since a week ago. Went shopping for school clothes. Got all kindsa neat stuff. Made sure all the pants I got are skin tight. Nice shirts too! I'm gonna be the hippest chick at Chilli's IVC! Mom's home extension meeting was at our house tonight. What a loud mouth bunch of old ladies! Lisa and I had a lot of fun. This bike riding is killing me! I just realized that my muscles ache like mad.

Do you believe that I can't bring myself to even turn on the radio?! It just depresses me so much, and I can't bear hearing a different voice on KZ93, when my Buster belongs there!

Tues. Aug. 22, 1978

Today was pretty good. Me & Lisa rode to the park. Today I did 12 1/2 miles! We had fun. Then Stacey came over. The 3 of us got wet in the sprinkler. She ate supper (spagetti) with us. We (with Lisa) rode around some more & played games & stuff. We took Stacey home. Watching a Cub-Astro game. It's 2-1 Astros in the top of the 7th.

Do you believe I still haven't turned on the radio. I really should call Charlie like Mark wanted me too, but it's all messed up! I don't even know when he's on.

Wed. Aug. 23, 1978

Today was fairly decent. Did a little shopping. Got a new address book, sneakers, Snoopy needlepoint. Layed around all afternoon. Had leftover mushy spaghetti for supper. Moved my room around again. Looks real nice. Dad's done a little work on my car. He says it needs a new something-er-uther, and we'll get one at the junk yard. Went up to Lisa's to see her school clothes. She only got a few, and they were sick compared to mine!

Thur. Aug. 24, 1978

Today had a rather horrid aroma about it. Me & ma got out in the rain to bring Unca Don his b-day present & he wasn't home. Then went to grocery store. Went up to Lisa's. Me, her & Stacey were gonna go skating from 6-10. Got up there, & found out it don't open till 8! BUMMER!!

Came home & messed around writing to pen-pals & stuff. Charlie is on his normal shift now. I'll call him tomarrow for sure.

Fri. Aug. 25, 1978

Today was pretty good. Me & Stacey went to the mall. Got a big C&T poster free from Musicland! 3 singles. I called Charlie. He sure is a nice guy! Buster called the station. Says he's happy & likes it down there. He's found a place to live & is moving in Monday. His car is a Monte Carlo Landau. I went up to Lisa's & played "Barbie's" for a little while. Came back & sat around & watched Cub game against Reds. we won!

Sat. Aug. 26, 1978

Today was great. Went to K-Mart. Left C&T negatives for reprints. Got a Barry Gibb T-shirt.

Me, Lisa & Stacey went & saw "Foul Play." It was great. I knew it would be. Chevy Chase is sure good looking! Good movie!

Mike took me for a ride in my car. It's cool. They plan to get new brakes for it next week. Then he's gonna take me to a back road & let me drive it! Far out!

Ma & dad were invited to that Mel guys tonight. But I'm spending the night at Lisa's We always have a lot of fun together. We got all of our pennies together & bought munchies.

Sun. Aug. 27, 1978 (Daryl turns 36 today!)

Today was relaxing. Left Lisa's at 9:20 a.m. Took a refreshing shower. Layed around. Wrote a new poem. Typed it & a few more up. Me & ma went to Bergners so I could get some Xeroxed copies of my C&T pics made for pen-pals. They didn't turn out too good. Also got a photo album. Spent the remainder of the evening putting pics of me in it. Mom took a couple of pictures of me tonight. One with a wig on. Cubs beat those yucky reds again. They have not come to an agreemnet with the postal workers yet. There's liable to be a strike. I pray there won't be. I haven't even had a chance to get a letter from Mark yet.

Mon. Aug. 28, 1978

Today was great! Went to the freshman orientation with Lisa. It was funny watching them all running around not knowing where to go or what to do!

I called BUSTER tonight! He's working 10-2 there, so I didn't get hold of him the first time. Called back at 9. I didn't know it's an hour later down there! He answered like Fred. He went running down a flight of stairs to get to the phone. It was so good to talk to him! He'll be moving into an apartment later this week. Right now he's living with one of the other d.j.'s there. He spent the first night at a hotel. He mailed me a postcard today. Says as soon as he's in his own place, he'll write me a longer letter & be able to call! He doesn't work Sat.'s & works Sunday's 3-7. He told me all about his trip down. He said he misses me! He said not to tell Charlie, but he likes this station better than KZ-93! It has a "temporary" request line. His finger is just perfect now. He sounded happy to talk to me. I told him how I start school tomarrow. He said it should be a fun year for me, since it's my senior year. I wish I wouldn't have lied about that.

Tue. Aug. 29, 1978 (1st day of school-1/2 day)

Today wasn't too bad. My schedule is pretty good except for P.E. where it works out "perfectly" that I have the gay lady that pinches girls butts and boobs. The rest was fun.

When I got home, we went to the Snap Shop to see if the copies of the pic of me & Mark are ready. They aren't. We went to the mall. I got another card for him.

We ate supper. Swiss Steak. Me & Lisa rode around; goofed off with my car. She drew a no-smoking sign for it & I posted some rules. Mike messes it up every time he drives it!

Wed. Aug. 30, 1978

School was pretty good. I'm gonna have early dismissal, and get out at 1:45 every day. That's cuz I have a study hall the last 2 hours. Had homework but did it in S.H. Typing and Art are fun. We get to use IBM Selectric Typewriters -- the best there is! Got my locker in P.E. Tomarrow, we have to dress -- YUCK!!

Rode bikes with Lisa for awhile and skateboarded on Brookview Court. I'm good, thank you!

I like school even better this year. It's fun not to be a freshman anymore! And I've picked up a lot more friends.

Still, all of this doesn't take my mind off of Mark. It helps, though.

Thu. Aug. 31, 1978

Today wasn't the greatest. School was okay. We got dressed in P.E., but didn't do anything. Tomarrow we finally get our yearbooks! I can't wait!

When I got home, I expected to have my postcard from Mark. But it didn't come today! I was so mad! And the reprints of us ain't in either! Boy was I mad!

Me, ma & dad went to the mall to get a tire for the car. I got some rock candy.

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