Stuck in the '70s logoDecember 1979

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The real life of a '70s teen ...

CHiP's Day December 1, 1979
high: 25 low: 18
Well, I woke up. Ma & I went shopping. I spent most of my money. I got a Santa hat with my name on it in glitter. I got micellaneous other items too. We came home. SD called and asked if I wanted to stay all night. So, I did! We played games & stuff.

Sunday Dec. 2, 1979

high: 29 low: 21

I went home a bit after 11. I called Kim. She said she'd meet me & SD at the mall. I ate lunch, then got ready. I went up & got SD. Took her to Brown's Chicken. She applied but didn't get hired. We met "Browt" at mall. We didn't have much fun. Except, I saw Mr. Sparks there. He is soooooo good lookin'!! Love lookin' at that guy! Took Stacey home. I came home. Wrote a couple letters. I watched the news. They flew the Shah to Texas today. Watched X-mas special, Mork & Mindy, Archie Bunker, One Day at a Time, Alice, Jeffersons, then, my new favorite man, the unmarried, Greg Harrison! He's a hunk!

Monday Dec. 3, 1979

high: 38 low: 27

I went to suckin' school. It's freezin' out, but all the snow's been gone for awhile and it ain't snowed since Nov. 28. Nothing especially different happened at prison. I came home. Oh, yeah, I asked Malea, who works at Brown's how late she works, she said only till 9! Yipee! This is gonna be great! I watched Lorenzo Lamas on Dinah. Fed my rabbit. Ate pizza. Answred letters. Watched a couple X-mas shows, MASH, & WKRP. I can't wait to make big bucks! Time to get that VCR I've been dreamin' of.

Tuesday Dec. 4, 1979

high: 48, low: 19

This morning I talked Ma into letting me stay home. I made my bed and straightened things up. Around 9:30, we left. Went out to Uncle Don's, but he wasn't there. Next we went to the mall. I didn't buy anything there. We ate at Long John Silver's. Got some groceries. Went to Venture. I gave Mom 9 bucks and she charged a pair of hiking boots for me! I love them! Now I owe her the rest of it. We came home. I set up the X-mas tree. We went to the doc's where I got a blood test. He said I looked healthier than hell! We came home. Ate supper. We decorated the tree. It sure looks beautiful! Ma & Dad went to Mike's. I stayed here & watched Lorenzo Lamas on California Fever, 3's Company.

Wednesday Dec. 5, 1979

high: 58, low: 35

Went to school. Nothing unusual happened. It was a normal day. Came home. I answered letters, ate supper. I watched the news, looked at the paper. Necrophilia is having sexual intercourse with a dead person. Isn't that interesting? You learn something new every day! I watched Carol Burnett, Diff'rent Strokes, Hello Larry, Sat. Nite Live.

Thursday Dec. 6, 1979

high: 44, low 27

I went to suckin' school. I didn't dress for P.E. After 5th hour, I absent mindedly went to my 7th hour Study Hall. I didn't relize I was supposed to be in 6th hour until the bell rang! I came home. I got a couple letters from new people. I had a snack. I read some of the paper. I watched the news. Bob & family and Mike and what's her hair came over to celebrate Dad's 51st birthday. They stayed till about 8:30. We ate hamburgers & b-day cake. Mandy was such a good girl. After they left, I watched "SOAP." I think I'm gonna go to bed now, I'm awful sleepy! I wish I could go to sleep and wake up with a boyfriend.

Friday Dec. 7, 1979

high: 43, low: ??

With no alternative, I went to school. In Journalism we had a sub. 2nd hour, Oral Interp., we had a sub. 3rd hour, P.E., me and Darcy practiced our dramatic duet. I brought Mr. Jackass, better known as FAT's play book to the gym balcony. Well, I forgot it after P.E. and didn't remember until 6th hour! I went back to look for it, but it was gone. Now I'm in trouble! HELP!! In U.S. History we're watching a video tape of "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman." I'm just crazy about that history teacher, Mr. Childs, of mine! He's just great! I mean, not that he's handsome or anything, although he ain't ugly. I just think he's such a sweetheart! In Pract. Speech, the teacher, Ms. Crothers, didn't have anything for us to do, so we drew Christmas pictures on the chalk board! 7th hour, I had fun in Study Hall watching Mr. Sparks and "Legs" Childs walk by!! It was real windy & cold out today. After I got home, I ran to the store for Ma to get a Chilli paper and frozen pizza. We ate it (cooked it first) I fed my rabbit. Elgie called. I talked him for awhile. Says he might come up this Christmas. He said the same thing last year! I watched "Frosty the Snowman," then my all time very favorite Christmas show, "Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey." I love that one! Today, the Iranians shot the Shah's nephew. Things are getting worse. The hostages have been there for 34 days now. I love how "Legs" prounounces Khomeini, (Ho-mainy) like "Coal-a-meeny." I watched a movie starring Kristi McNichol called "My Old Man." Matter of fact, I only watched half of it. It was a dumb horse story, and you know how much I love horse stories! Caterpillar's union is still on strike. It seems to be affecting everyone in and around Peoria. I put up a couple new pin-ups on my closet door. I wonder why it hasn't snowed? I don't want it to, but I was just curious. I'm watching the 10 o'clock news on 31. They were talking about Coal-a-meeny.

Saturday Dec. 8, 1979

high: 30, low: 20

I woke up around 10. I got the mail. I got a letter from Lisa, so I wrote back right away. I watched Leif Garrett on American Bandstand. He did 2 songs from his new album. Daryl & Toni's song is #10 this week. Me & Ma went to Sheridan Village. At the Music Shop, I bought Leif's new album "Same Goes For You." Then, we went to Bergners. Guess who was doing a remote for KZ-93 there? Yup, Charlie. I talked with him for awhile. He says Mark isn't in the radio business anymore. He's in hardware, of all things! In Indianapolis. He said he walked out of the station down there. Wasn't in very good terms when he left. Couldn't hack it any more. Next, we went to the mall & picked up some film I had left there. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home. I listend to Leif. Stacey called. I typed pen-pal letters. Forgot to tell you, Chuck threw a t-shirt at me. It ain't a KZ-93 one though. It's blue and says Pioneer Month. I'm wearing it now. I watched the news, The Gong Show, CHiP's. I made up an Income and Expense record to help me save bucks to get that VCR. I watched Fantasy Island, then I watched the 10 o'clock news. We've only had 8/10" of snow so far this season. Now, I'm gonna watch Saturday Night Live. I've given up on being a d.j. I don't have any idea what I want to do, but no doubt it won't be radio or media. Maybe I'll just get married and have a gob of rotten kids. Who knows? As a matter of fact, who even cares?

Sunday Dec. 9, 1979

high: 49, low: 25

I got up about quarter till 9. Me & Ma went to Kroger's to get food. Came back here. Then we went and got Aunt Dot. We all went to the house where her & Ma are gonna rent a craft shop. We met the lady who owns it there. After that, we went back to Aunt Dot's where Ma did her hair for her. I put the little X-mas tree up in my room. Ate a couple wienies. Went to Con. Regular is 105.9. Got 10 bucks worth. Gonna drive to school & work tomarrow. Did my History. My boss called. She gave me my work schedule for this week. It sounds great: Mon 4-9, Tue 4-9, Wed. 4-9, Thur. 4-5, Friday off, Sat 10-4, Sun 10-4. I drove down to the Con & got some powdered sugar & fixin's for X-mas cookies. I came back & whipped up the cookies. They turned out DEELISHUS!! I watched "The year without a ---- no I didn't, I turned on Mary & Joseph 40 minutes into it. At 9, I switched channels to watch my honey bun, Gregory Harrison on Trapper John MD. He's great.
Tomarrow, I have to confront Fat about his play book that I lost. Lord help me. He's gonna skin me alive.

Monday Dec. 10, 1979

high: 59, low: 31

Shelly had Fat's book. She gave it to me this morning. PTL! During Journalism, I interviewed Mr. Richmond Sparks about his X-mas concert. What a gentleman! He opened doors for me & pulled me out a chair. I'm in love. What a babe -- those eyes! SIGH!! I bought a Leif book off a girl in lunch & read it during Art. In "Legs"' history class, we watched the end of the Miss Jane Pitman thing. After school, I got in my car and went to work. First, they got me a uniform. I put it on. Then she showed me around. And I did a little of everything. I don't know how I'll like this job, but who's gonna complain if it brings in bucks to get my VCR. I'll probably go into more detail about my work another day. Right now, I'm bushed!

Tuesday Dec. 11, 1979

high: 58, low: 24

Got A in PE

Wednesday Dec. 12, 1979

high: 24, low: 15

Hi. I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday. Things have been kinda hairy for me this week. Yester at school was just normal. But work stunk. I simply don't fit in with everyone else there. Every single one of them are extraverted drunken pot heads, including the manager! Honey, I ain't jivin' you. This is all the truth! So, when I got home last night, I told Mom and Dad about the whole deal. They said they'd rather I didn't work in an environment like that and encouraged me to resign. Oh yeah, we had freezing rain while I was there last night and it stuck all over my car. Fun to scrape off and drive in.
Today, I went to school. In Journalism, I still haven't gotten the story on the retreats (retards). I'm supposed to get it tomarrow. In Oral Interp me & Darcy rehearsed our duet. In bowling, I bowled a 105. Me, Kim & Caren are a team. We're a pretty good team too! During lunch, I look at the hunky drug counselor, Terry Neuswanger. He comes to our school every Wednesday. I Art, I'm working on those lighter fluid mgazine transfers. In my fave - US History, "Legs" said "Colameeny" 5 times. He surely cracks me up! Great teacher. In Practical Speech, I took a test on listening, think I got an "A." I love school, and I love my friends. I came home. I gave that bitch at Brown's a call & told her I quit. I said that my folks made me because it interfers with my school work. That's partially true because I need to study tonight for a big test in Leg's class tomarrow, and memorize my duet for Fat.
I fed my rabbit. Dad brought Rod in to look at his lamps. He's good looking! We ate good ol' Pizza balls Ma made. Mama mia that's a spicy pizza ball!
I watched the news. They have been giving the address of the hostages for people to send cards. Almost everyone in the country is. Cat is finally doing some bargaining with the union. They should be going back soon.
Me & Dad stuffed a bunch of straw into Harold's cage. He is so big!! I watched "Real People." I studied for my tomarrow's history. I looked over the Journal Star. Do you believe I've finished up this whole stinkin' diary finally. For tomarrow night and probably about another 6 month's tune into "What a Boring Life I Lead" my red plaid anything book #0-517-265206.
I watched "The Best of Saturday Night Live." I had seen it all before.

Thursday Dec. 13, 1979

high: 32, low: 18

Not as good of a day as I would have liked it to be for starting off a new diary. Oh well. It's kinda hard to explain, but I will try. In Journalism, I finally got an interview with the retreat lady for the paper. In Oral Interp I didn't have to do my duet, and won't until next week. Now, In bowling is where everything started. I'd call it a lack of proper communication. When I got on the bowling bus, I was gonna sit with Stacey, but I don't like to sit on the inside next to the window, so I told her to go ahead & sit there. She said "What if I want to sit on the outside?" I merely replied, "I'll sit with Frog then!" so I did. On the way back on the bus, she said with Darcy. I heard her telling her about it, so I turned around, and jokingly said "Aay-quit talkin' bout me!" Darcy then bit my head off with "If you'd change your attitude, we would!" My attitude? I had no idea what in the name of hell was wrong with it!! So, I didn't really give it a 2nd thought, and went on with my schedule. In History, I took that test. I think I did pretty well. After history, Darcy gave me this Mickey Mouse letter about my & Kim's attitude. I responded with a cool headed mature letter pointing out the misunderstanding. In Pract. Speech, I got a B+ on the test I took yesterday. I came home. I picked up my room. After supper, I called Stacey & tried to straighten things out. I must have cuz we talked quite awhile. Mike stopped by with a pretty new kitty he found. I watched "Jack Frost." Stacey called back and we talked awhile. The whole thing started when I was getting sick of some of her bragging. But I've decided to just accept that as the way she is. I can't change her. I watched "SOAP." In the mail Uncle Chuck & Aunt LaVerne sent me 5 dollars. Aren't they the greatest?! I watched 20/20.

Friday Dec. 14, 1979

high: 35, low: 16

I went to school. My ugly Journalism teacher bough us all donuts. In PE, I bowled horribly! I only got up to 80! Don't tell anyone, okay? I sold the IVCene at lunch. In history, we saw a film on Adolph Hitler. We only got one Colameany out of Mr. Legs! He's a honey bun! Love him! Came home from school. Got a whole bunch of letters in the mail. Ate supper. Typed some letters. Watched Tom & Jerry. At 7, Erik was on a Donny & Marie X-mas Special. He sang with Marie. He's a dream. Made some popcorn. Typed some more letters.

Saturday Dec. 15, 1979

high: 44, low: 22

We went to the mall. Dad and I rode the SR2. It's a type of Chevy show rollercoaster thing. I got Ma's present. It's a pretty tray. I got a couple mags. Went to Venture. I got both of Rex Smith's albums. He's sexy! Went grocery shopping. Came home. I listened to my new albums. Mike and Fuzz came by. They left. We went up to Bob's for Mandy's 1st birthday tomarrow. Came home. Watched Chips. Wrapped presents. Watched Fantasy Island. The Shah left the US this morning and is in a island in Panama. I heard from the Parkers Brothers people today. They said if I'll return my Merlin to them, they'll repair it for me free. Isn't that great?!
I watched Saturday Night Live.

Sunday Dec. 16, 1979

high: 33, low: 4

I woke up. Me and Mom made a whole gob of cookies. We had chicken and potatoes for lunch. I took a shower. It was snowing when I woke up, but tapered off by lunch time. We went to the Christmas concert. It was great! Mr. Sparks is such a babe! He wore a tux & tails. He looked soooo handsome! They gave him a Santa hat like mine w/ "Rich" on it and a beautiful gold pocket watch and fob with his initials on it. He's a man! It was sooo cold out, my wet hair froze! Came home. I watched news. Me, Ma & Pa played Clue. I watched Pink Panther, Mork, Part f an American Christmas Carol. At 8:30, I turned on Channel 31 and watched Erik on Circus of the Stars.

Monday Dec. 17, 1979

high: 19, low: -2

When I got up, I was coughing, sneenizing, and stuffed up. Ma kicked me out into the bitter cold. The bus was late. At 9, I called Ma and asked her to come get me. While I was in the office, Stephanie informed me that Stacy is now living in Peoria somewhere near K-Mart!! He had called her & asked if she knew my new phone #. I gave her my #. I sure hope I hear from him! I could use a boyfriend. Wish me luck! Ma got me. I watched television, took a nap, watched more tv. We ate pizza for supper. Watched news. I called Caren and asked her to tell me about the constitution notes. Do you believe we are just starting it today and we have to take the US and Illinois Constitution on THIS Friday! Ol' Legs has really out done himself this time! I watched WKRP. Did some homework.

Tuesday Dec. 18, 1979

high: 37, low: 26

I didn't go to school today either. My throat hurts even more now. I watched some t.v. Ma said she was gonna go mail my Merlin off and go to K-Mart and get Dad a X-mas present. I said I still had to get him one, so she let me come along. I picked him out a box of King Edward cigars. We came home. I started to watch the story. About half way through Mom went up to the mail box. She came back with a card from you'll never guess who! Mark Evans! It includes a couple firsts: it's a one of a kind card. That means he picked it out especially for me and not just a whole box! This is the only time he's ever writeen "Love" before he signed his name. That has to mean something! I wasted no time and wrote back quickly. Luckily, he wrote his new return address on the envelope. I do still love that guy. I let him know in my letter that I'll always love him no matter what his occupation is. I gave him my new phone #. I hope he calls or writes back. But knowing him, he most likely won't. Unless he's changed since he's given up radio. We'll have to be patient and see.
I also got another letter from Lisa. I tidied up my room a bit. Watched more tv. We ate supper. SD called. She tried to help me w/the Constitution. But it didn't help much cuz I don't understand. I'll ask Legs for help tomarrow. I watched Casper's 1st X-mas. Here's Buster's address: 2741 S. Walcott, Indianapolis, IN 46203. I watched The Family Circus X-mas, 3's Company. Stacey called again. I'm gonna go to bed now. I know what I want for Christmas and for the rest of my life.
Mark Emery Evans!

Wednesday Dec. 19, 1979

high: 50, low: 21

I went to school today. In Oral Interp, Darcy and I did our skit. It went better than I thought it would. I've really been bowling sucky lately. Today, I only got a 93! In History, Legs gave me a coupla work sheets and a handbook for the constitution and told me he'd stop by and help me during my study hall tomarrow! Is that sweet, or what? Oh yeah, I saw Mr. Sparks in the hall. He winked at me. Sigh. In the mail, I heard from another of my men. I got a card and letter from Otto. I fed my rabbit. I wrote back to Lisa. I did some Constitution stuff. I ate supper. I watched the Grinch, Real People. Oh yeah, got another A+ in US History! A 96 on the test I took last Thursday. I studied a bit. I watched Best of Sat Nite Live.

Thursday Dec. 20, 1979

high: 47, low: ??

Went to school. It was fun in Oral Interp. We played charades. I only bowled a 118. I have to pick this up. I'm doing lousy. It's been beautiful out lately. But I wish we'd get some snow for Christmas! Unlikely though. In art, I drew a picture of the Grinch. It took all hour to get it just perfect and colored in. Then I went to Legs' class. In there, a strange impulse came over me, and I made my drawing into a card, wrote "Have a Merry Christmas Mr. Childs! Julie Fidler" in it, and gave it to him! I felt the Christmas spirit for the first time this year as a smile made it's way to his lips! He thanked me and pinned the card up on his bulletin board. It made me feel good! In Pract. Speech, I read a couple Christmas poems to the class. I studied for the Constitution test in Study Hall. When I got home, I studied more. I ate eggs for supper. We went to the Kroger's. I ran into Venture. With the bucks from Aunt Dot, I bought the Village People's new album called "Live and Sleazy." When we came home, Stacey called. We studied together over the phone. I then listened to some of my new albums (it's a double album set).

Friday Dec. 21, 1979

high: 51, low: 38

Today was fun. Oh yeah - Cat went back to work yesterday, strike's settled. I went to school wearing my Santa hat. I got lots of various comments. Most of them saying "Cute, Julie." Legs just gave me the biggest smile I'd ever seen. Joe wanted to know if he could sit on my lap. I shoulda said yes, but I'm stupid. Oh well, guess I'll tell ya about the day now. When I got to school, I gave everyone their X-mas cards, and Stacey her present. She gave me mine. We opened them. I got the book "The Jerk," a cassette tape of the Bee Gees "Main Course" and a 1980 date book. We went into Legs' room and studied for the Constitution test a little. In Oral Interp, we had a party. It was fun. All kinds of good munchies. I brought Bugles. In bowling, I did stinky again. Got a 96. Next, in History, I took the Constitution test. It was really pretty easy. I think I did good on it too. Mr. Childs is such a honey! At lunch, I couldn't eat lunch cause I'd had so much junk to eat already. Kim and I sold the IVCene. In Pract. Speech, we had a sub, and things went totally wild! We started out playing charades, but then all of the "silly little boys" began throwing erasers all over the room at each other. I came home. I ate supper. SD called. I asked if she wanted to stay all night. She did. I drove up and got her. I drove us to the chicken place. I handed over my chicken outfit expecting a check in return. But the pot headed drunken manager said it wasn't in yet, and that it would be either tomarrow or next Friday! That's great! Hell then! I brought us back here. We worked on a pinata. I wrapped a few presents, we listened to records, compared diaries, watched Jan & Dean on the Midnight Special and went to bed.

Saturday Dec. 22, 1979

Well, this is great! Prunella arrived right on schedule and was here when I woke up. I washed my hair, then we got all ready to go to Holley's X-mas party. Put all of SD's junk into my car. Suddenly, I realized I felt intensly gross! I called Holley & asked her if we took SD up there, if she could take her home. She said yes. Then, I felt too rotten to drive, so, I asked M&D to take her. They took my car. I really did want to go to the party. I missed out on the fun again. All of the candy too. I let Stacey take all of mine to the party! Now I feel good enough to eat some. I came into my room and lay down and almost died! I listened to the AT 40. C-n-T's "Do That .... " has moved up to #6 this week!! I don't believe how warm it is outside! Oh, we're getting plenty of precip, but it's all rain! I want snow! Stacy Liston called me. We talked for quite awhile. I want to go see Steve Martin in "The Jerk," but he can't go. He's doing a bunch of relative visiting all this week. He'll be back Saturday and says he'll call me. I might go see "The Jerk" with Mike tomarrow. I ate a couple hot dogs. Stacey called and told me how much fun they had at the party without me. I watched the news. The President has asked the U.N. to take economic sanctions against Iran. Colameeny is allowing Prodistendt and Catholic clergymen into our embassy in Iran to hold Christmas Services for the hostages. Ain't that nice of the senile ol' coot? I watched a cartoon called "The Stingiest Man in Town" it was Scrooge. I feel gross again. I think I'll go to bed now. I'm wigged out.

Sunday Dec. 23, 1979

high: 59 (26 degrees above norm); low: 42

After I woke up, I took a shower. We went to Grandma's. We ate Sunday dinner there. We watched a Vincent Price movie on her cable tv. We came home. Mike had been here to take me to see "The Jerk." I guess he forgot we were going to Grandmas. Stacey called. I watched Walt Disney, Mork & Mindy, One Day at a Time, Alice, the Jeffersons, then my favorite "Trapper John MD" Gregory Harrison is a hunk. Got to see his chest tonight! Whew! This doesn't seem like Christmas time at all! No snow, it's like Spring, and Mom's been crabbin' at me all the time! I'm not even looking forward to Christmas. Gonna watch Grizly Adams & go to bed.

Monday Christmas Eve 1979

high: 44, low: 35

Do you believe Ma woke me up at 7:30? We all went to K-Mart. The whether stinks horribly! It's rainy and windier than all get-out! I didn't really get much at the store. Just the usual magazine & a blank tape. We came back. I answered letters, watched the story, ate lunch. Aunt Fish & Sandy came by, Uncle Don & brat came by. Bob and kids came by. Tis the season for surprize visitors! After they all left, I made some deviled eggs. I watched the news. Oh yeah, I got a date stamper today at K-Fart. I watched some t.v. Mike came down to spend the night with us. Just like the good ol' days! We all opened 1 of our presents in the usual tradition. I got the game "Downfall." Dad & Mike played it with me. It's fun! I'm gonna watch "A Christmas Carol" now. G'night!

Tuesday Christmas Day 1979

high: 36, low: 26

We got up about 7:15, and started opening presents. I shall list what I got and from whom. From mom & dad: an Einstein electronic game, a blouse, an Andy Gibb microphone, a collection of Stephen King books, From Mike: Steve Martin's "Comedy is not Pretty" album, from Bob: a Teen Beat magazine, from Sandy, a yellow Mickey Mouse T-shirt that says "Taylor University" on it. Mike & I listened to the Steve Martin album. Ma made pancakes.Grandma called. She wanted me to come up and get my present from her. I took a shower. Uncle Carol & I mean -- ha, ha -- oops! Uncle Jerry & Aunt Carol & Carma stopped by & gave us some oriental tea. Dad was kinda sick, so me & Ma went up to Aunt Dot's. They had food. I tried to hear the story, but found it impossible. We didn't stay very long. After we got back, I had a snack of cheese and crackers. I went up to Mike's. Oh yea - Glorius news!!! Mike told us this morning - he's NOT GETTING MARRIED! Ain't that great? Any way, I went up to Mike's I played with his t.v. tennis game, his cats, and watched him put up the lamp Dad made him. I came home. Stacey called. I played "Downfall" with Ma and beat the socks off her. They have candles in brown paper bags lining the streets of Brookview. It really looks pretty! I watched the news. Next was a Honey Mooner's special. It's getting colder out. More Christmassy. But still now snow. I watched "Happy Days." Played Downfall w/Dad. Had a sudden attack of nausea. Watched "Taxi." Oh yeah, I made some of those chocolate & chow mein noodle thingys. Well, I'd like to stay up, but my eyes wouldn't. I'll just have to wait till tomarrow to write down today's high & low temp. G'night!

Wednesday Dec. 26, 1979

high: 31, low: 26

Ma woke me up early again. We met Aunt Dot & went shopping. I got a book, blank cassettes & general junk. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home. I'm reading "Night Shift." It's really nifty. I watched the Story. I went up to the mail box. All I got was income tax forms. I recorded Leif's album. I cleaned up my room. I put my collection of Jesus things on my dresser top & hung the painting of him Ma did above it. It looks real good. I watched "Petticoat Junction." I read more of "night Shift." I watched the local news. I recorded all of C-n-T's singles. I wrote out my entry for the jacket contest. I'll mail it tomoarrow.

Thursday Dec. 27, 1979

I got out of bed about 11:30. I watched Password, then the Story. i got washed up. Ma & I went to Ben Franklin in the Heights. We stopped at Grandma's on the way home to get my present. It's a pair of gloves. Came home. I answered letters. I watched the Soapy Awards on Dinah. We ate spaghetti for supper. I read over the paper. Watched the news, LaVerne & Shirley, Benson, Barney Miller, SOAP, 20/20.
Still no snow yet. None forecast either. Oh well, I don't want any now!
I read some of Night Shift. Watched a little of the Tonight Show.

Friday Dec. 28, 1979

high: 27, low: 20

Got up about 9:30. Made Christmas cookies. Stacey called. I watched the story. Stacey called. I went up to Sandy's and took her a belated Christmas present. I went to the Con. after that and bought a couple mags. The electricity went off for about 20 minutes. I ate pizza balls. Called the chicken place. Went up there & got my check. It's for $24.85. Came home. Watched "Shirley," and a special about the '70s. Now I'm watching the 10 o'clock news. It's real foggy out there. Still now snow yet though. And none in the forecast. I'm gonna attempt to watch Daryl & Toni on the Midnight Special. I do believe 1979 has been one of the most boring years I've ever experienced!

Saturday Dec. 29, 1979

high: 38, low: 21

I got up around 9 to listen to Billboard's top 50 songs of 1979. I recorded most of them. Mom & Dad went out to the store while I stayed here doing that. I don't believe it's been 2 years since I called Buster (Mark?) to request a song, and he began a conversation. That started the whole thing off! I wonder what the past 2 years would've been like if that hadn't happened? Oh well. I watched Daryl & Toni on American Bandstand. They're still great!! I listened to the rest of the top songs. Some of the ones that were at the top surely didn't deserve to be! Ma & Dad left to go look at some dumb little cars. I got Stacey & went to Sheridan Village. I cashed my paycheck. Didn't buy nothing. Took her home. Came home. Mom & Dad have informed me they're buying some stinkin' little car. Yuck! I hate little cars! Stacey called. I watched CHIPs. It was a repeat of the season premiere with Leif. I'm sleepy. I think I'm going to bed early. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep this morning.

Julie's Review of 1979

 Good Points:

 Bad Points:
 I turned 16  I quit too much
 Got driver's license  Disappointed in summer
 In touch with Stacy  Flood in Spring
 My Monte  Snookum Lukemia
 Love school  Erik got Married
   no boyfriend

Looks like a pretty average year!

Click for top songs of '79Sunday Dec. 30, 1979

high:39, low: 33

I didn't get up till about 11:30. Stacey called. I invited her down to eat dinner with us. We had swiss steak and mashed potatoes. We played a game of Down Fall. Then, we went up to her house. We played a bunch of games, colored, and ate pizza while I recorded songs off of WIRL's top 129 songs of the year. She brought me home around 20 after 8. I recorded more songs. I have to go relieve my bowels - hold on! Okay I'm back! I've had too much sodie today. Resolutions for '80: Get good grades, LOSE WEIGHT!, find a manfriend. I fed my rabbit and cut myself on his cage. Feels good! Time for Gregory Harrison. Later! I'm back. Trapper John was cute. Got to see Greg's body even more this week! What a man! I wrote a letter to him asking for an autograph. Mail it tomarrow.

New Year's Eve 1979

high: 41 low: 29

The phone rang about 10:30 and woke me up. I figured it was Stacey, so I called her back. I washed my hair. I watched the story. Ma drove us to Peo. Heights. At Ben Franklin, I bought the Jesus painting I wanted. I also got some stamps and mailed that letter to Gregory. I got a letter from Lisa. Uncle Don came over. Stacey came down. I got my stuff together and we went up to her house. After we got there, we left again and went down to her local store and got chips and crackers. Went back to her house. We colored, played games, ate and watched t.v. At midnight, we ran outside with our little party hats on, blew our blowers, made noise w/our noise makers, and yelled "Happy New Year!" Then we had grape juice, and went to sleep!!

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