Stuck in the '70s logoAugust '79 diary entries

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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Wednesday, August 1, 1979

Left around 4. Got home at 2. Mike has been using my car. The rear view mirror fell off. My stereo was in the kitchen. I called Stacey. I took a shower & went up there. We went with her family & saw Moonraker. I didn't like it. I spent the nite. Compared diaries up to July 24th.


Thursday, August 2, 1979

hi: 82, low: 56

Woke up. We watched a recorded Hardy Boys. I came home. I picked up my room. I washed my hair. We got a new ice box. I went with M&D to Venture & Kroger. I got 3 magazines. I came home. Stacey drove herself down. She stayed for awhile. I enjoyed being home. I ate, sat & watched t.v. Talked to SD. She's leaving on her vacation tomarrow. I watched the news.

Friday August 3, 1979

hi: 86, low, 67

Ad for "The Amityville Horror"Watched a couple game shows. Answered letters. In the mail, I got my Erik Photo transfer, they sent a slide of it too! I drove myself to C.J.'s, and for 2 bucks, they put it on my shirt. I really love it! I watched the story. I washed my car. Dad repaired my rear view mirror. I took a shower. We got to the movie early, & boy are we lucky we did! I've never seen so many people in my life! And even more on the way out! The movie was fantastic! They left out alot of junk that was in the book, and added a bit of their own. But it was great!! I'm scared! I loved it soooo much! What a marvelous movie!Erik Estrada

Wednesday August 4, 1979

hi: 88, low: 68

Woke up at 8:30. Washed. Me, Ma, & Pa went to Aunt Dot's and visited. Then to the mall, where I begged Dad to give me the bucks to buy Robin Williams' tape "Reality: What a concept." It was sold out (the album) & they only had 2 tapes left. We stopped at the grocery & stocked up on sodie. While we were gone, we had the fogger going to get rid of the fleas. I brung Booger in, but had to put her back out cuz she still has 'em. Listened to Robin's tape. It's funny. Rode my bike to station to tell Mike about it. Came back & cleaned my room. Unca Don stopped by on his way home from work. Made spaghetti for me & Dad. Watched a re-run of The Muppet Show, and C.H.iP.'s, Love Boat. Locked up my car. Watched Fantasy Island, the News, a re-run of Sat. Night Live. Won't be long till back-to-prison time. Oh well, it'll give me something to do I suppose.

Sunday August 5, 1979

hi: 92, low: 69

freaky kittenDidn't wake up until quarter till 12. Mike & I listened to Robin Williams' tape. I washed. Drove to the Convenient to get some junk for Ma & Pa & a can of lasagna for myself. Saw Cow & Fish there. Ate my stuff. Me & Dad fixed my station. I went on the air for awhile. I made some brownies. Watched Disney. Ate mashed potatoes. Put my car in the garage. Watched All in the Family. Isn't this kitten freaky? Got out the movie projector. I set it up in my room and watched home movies. It was fun. I'm now watching the 10 o'clock news. It is beginning to storm outside. Dad has to go back to work tomarrow. I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for me, I'm fat & zitty. Life is a big disapointment. Last year was my best year.

Monday August 6, 1979

hi: 93, low: 76

Me & Ma met Aunt Dot at the Venture. I got some clothes & supplies for school. Went to mall & Randalls. This Mr. Erasable don't work too good. I watched 1/2 the story. Ate supper. Watched t.v. Wrote to Otto. Watched WKRP.

Tuesday August 7, 1979

hi: 94, low: 70

I didn't particularly like today; although it was quite interesting and eventful. I was awaken early by mom who told me that Erik had been injured. She told me it was in a motorcycle accident. I got up and watched Good Morning America. On there, they said he had been filming a scene for CHiP's last night, his motorcycle hit a parked car, It hurled him from the bike, then the stupid thing came from behind and hit him. He is listed in very critical condition in a hospital. He has broken ribs and something happened to the artery that pumps the blood to the heart! I'm gonna croak! I want to know more about this. Lord, please let him be alright. I feel so horrible. Their is nothing I can do for him but pray; and believe me, I'm doing plenty of that!!

In the afternoon, after they called and informed us that our new telephone number is 691-3034, me and mom went up to Krauses fruit and veggie stand to get some corn on the cob for supper. On the way back, just as we were about to turn into Brookview, someone came barreling out of their in front of us. Meanwhile, the car that was passing us on the left side, came around and smashed it!! It was pretty neat. We left the scene of the crime, but Ma called Mike and he saw the whole thing at the gas station and had already called the sherriff. Quick thinking on his part.

I rode my bike down to the Con. to see if they had a Chicago paper thinking it might have something about Erik's accident in it, because the lousy Peoria paper didn't. But they didn't have one. After supper and nothing on the evening news about it, I got in my car with my faithful companion, mom, and went to Sheridan Village and got both Chicago papers. We stopped at Thompson's. Got home only to see that neither paper has a word about Erik in it! I'm very upset!! I have to know how he is. I love him! He means alot to me. I hope I'll hear more about it tomarrow. Now I'm gonna watch t.v., then go to bed, okay? ERIK, I LOVE YOU!! PLEASE GET BETTER!!!!

A year ago today, Buster told me he was leaving.

Wednesday August 8, 1979

hi: 91, low: 72

When I woke up, I heard Ma on the phone talking to Aunt Dot about Erik. She said there was an article in the morning paper. I drove down to the Con & got it. I wrote a letter to Val Valentine about him. Me & ma went to the Doc's so I could get a blood test. At Ben Franklin, I got a 7 day get well card for Erik. You send 1 a day, they're in the shape of an apple. Came home. I watched the story. I drove to Mossville P.O. & mailed Erik's 1st card. In tonight's newspaper, is a better article & a pic of my poor baby in the hospital. I love him! We still have a very bad flea problem. It's a rather embarrassing, and itchy problem. Ate supper. Watched the tee and vee. Mike brought his new girlfriend in to see us. She's the same age as me. I was really not impressed with her. Poor Erik. I feel so bad about him being hurt. I hope it don't take him too long to recover. Poor Erik!!

Thursday August 9, 1979

hi: 80, low 60

Went to Bergner's. I looked up the correct addy & zip of the UCLA medical center. I mailed Erik's 2nd card. We went to the new K-Fart. I got a poster magazine with a big one of Erik. We ate at Long John Silver's. At the mall, I got rabbit treats for Harold, and the movie I took in Pleasant Grove. In the mail, I finally got a letter from Stacey. I missed the story. I projected the movie for me & Ma. I brought Mike his burger, then drove back home & ate mine. I then drove to the Con. & got drinks. Heard the ice cream truck. Went out & got a drumstick. Watched t.v. I showed M&D the moie. Watched more t.v. I made some popcorn. I don't know why, but I've become awful zitty lately! I listened to the scanner for 1/2 a second, but was chased out by Mom. Get well, Erik!

Friday August 10, 1979

hi: 83, low: 68

Watched television. Mailed Erik's card, and a letter to Val Valaenine. I got a letter from SD in Colorado. I watched the story. We went to the Thompson's & got food & stuff. On a news update, they said Erik was taken out of the intensive care unit, and moved to a regular room. That is good news. Brought Mike spaghetti. Came home & ate mine. I wish SD would get home! Picked up some cluttered items in my room. Watched the news. I wrote Erik a note, and put it in a card to mail tomarrow. I watched Diffrent Strokes, Hello Larry. These fleas are really beginning to drive me crazy! I don't have nothing to do. I like men. I made up a little clever saying I wrote on the envelope for Erik. It goes: "When the C.H.iP.'s are down, remember...I love you!" Kinda neat, huh? Now, I'm gonna watch the news. Goodnight!

Saturday August 11, 1979

hi: 73, low: 57

Watched cartoons. Mailed Erik's card. Washed. Went on the air for 2 hours. Ate barbequed chicken. Called Grandma, then went up there. She wants me to pick her up Mon. & take her to Sheridan Villiage. I said ok. Came home. Watched news. Watched Gong Show, then C.H.iP.'s. I love Erik. He is such a guy. After it, I went up to the Brems were M&D already were. Came home.

Sunday August 12, 1979

hi: 75, low: 47 (record breaker!)

Went to K-Fart. Got another poster mag with one of Erik. Ate tortillas. Washed my car. Watched Cub-Card game. We won. Made brownies. Watched Mork, which is now on Sundays, Ropers, All in the Family. Played Ma some Uno while Dad played the dulcimer. I wish Stacey would hurry up and get home. I don't know when she will.

Monday August 13, 1979

hi: 82, lo: 56

Woke up, washed. Told Ma Happy Birthday. Mailed Erik's card. I went & picked up Grandma. I took her to Scoot-n-scamper where she got a pair of old lady sandals. Then, it was off to Sheridan Village where at the bank, some guy balanced her check-book. Next, a stop at the book store. I got 2 magazines. On to Bergner's. We ate lunch there. I got Ma's b-day present, an ear-ring box & cards. Next, we went to a supermarket, then, I brought her home. I came home. I watched the end of the story. I got a letter from SD. I answered pen-pal letters. When Dad got home, we gave Ma her present. She really liked it! We went to the grocery store. I got 3 more mags. Came home. Watched Little House on the Prairie, MASH, WKRP. Dad had the check I sent Val Valentine for the Erik Estrada fan club kit made a copy of. See? You can see their official stamp! Neat, huh? Dog-gone, I wish Stacey would hurry up and get home! There's so much fun we could be having, and this summer's going to pot! Have you noticed I've really gone crazy for Erik lately? I'm gonna meet him, & kiss him! Don't laugh! 2 years ago, I said the same thing about Daryl, & it happened, didn't it?!!

Tuesday August 14, 1979

hi: 65, lo: 52

Mailed Erik's card. It was cold out. Watched t.v. Got letter from SD. Watched Story. Washed hair. Me & ma went out & got me new curtains & bed spread. It looks pretty good. I got another magazine. WOW. I ate supper. Mike got another car. He has 2 now again! This one's a T-bird! He's strange! Watched the t.v. line up. A hard man is good to find! Remember that!

Wednesday August 15, 1979

high: 70 low: 45

Woke up at 7:30, 'cause I was freezing! I got washed up, fed my kitty & rabbit, & mailed Erik's card. I went to the school, got my schedule1979-80 class schedule & paid for my book rental & put some stuff in my locker. My shed. goes like this: (1st sem:) Journalism, Oral Interpetation & Drama, PE III, 2 Dimensional Design, U.S. History, Practical Speech, Study Hall, (2nd sem) American Literature, PE III Consumer Ed., Health, Independent Living, U.S. History, SH.
I called most of my friends, but only got hold of a few. Not many have classes with me. Maybe SD will. I wish she were back! Frog & Cow Dung called, they have a couple of the same classes. Same with Rosanne & Darcy. I ate corndogs. I watched Dorothy, Real People, and a scary movie called, "The Sentinel." Listened to tapes of Ron Jordan. The guy is great!

Thursday August 16, 1979

hi: 75, low: 56

Today was great! I got washed as usual. Mom heard on the news this morning, that Erik was released from the hospital yesterday! Yipee!!! It made me feel much better! We went to the mall & grocery store. I got nothing. But, in the mail, I did! I finally got my Erik fan club kit! It took over 9 weeks, but now, I see it was well worth the wait! Man! What gorgeous pictures it includes! I switched my bed & coffee table around, & hung up all of my Erik pics, also the neat membership certificate. I tidied up my room a bit, and ate some buggy cabbage. Stacey called! She just got home. I asked her to come down & eat supper. Ma got Grandma. She ate with us too. Stacey came down. She brought me back a pretty necklace. We talked alot, ate and generally goofed off. It's great having her back. This was in tonight's paper about Erik. Private nurses, huh? Stacey left around 7:30. I watched t.v. Poor Erik, he must really hurt! I'm sure those nurses will help him through it! (Ugh!) Stacey called. We're gonna do some cruisin' tomarrow. I can't wait! It'll be fun! Johnny Carson commented on Erik being out of the hospital. I hope he quits hurting real soon. I imagine it really must not feel too nice!

Friday August 17, 1979

hi: 88 low: 61

Went up to Stacey's. We drove to school for her to register. Which is all well and fine, but we don't have any classes together! Nary a one! Man that made us mad! We went back to her house. Then I drove us to Long John Silver's for lunch, came back here to get you. I got a bunch of mail, including the stupid disco record that lady conned me in to, & these articles about Erik a pal sent me. Went back to SD's. Watch a movie with Dirk Benedict in it. Came home. Ate. Answered pen-pal letters. Made potatoe chips. Stacey called and we talked about her imaginary harem and other things. I'm burning up. I watched a Dallas show I'd already seen cause Stacey wanted me to.

Saturday August 18, 1979

hi: 88 lo: 68

Watched cartoons. Made a tape of me on the air. Stacey came down, left, then came back, and stayed all night. We're writing a story about the harem. C.H.iP.'s wasn't on.

Sunday August 19, 1979

hi: 88, low: 66

Me & Stacey ate breakfast. She went home. I ate spaghetti for lunch. I watched a Cub-Padre game. We won 3-1. I talked to SD on phone. we planned a bit of our novel. I washed up. We went to the Dimmin's. I brought tons of Andy Gibb shit and traded it for about 2 Erik things. Oh well. I'd do anything for "Mr. Macho"! He's a hunk.

Confusious say: "Life is a bed of roses, but watch out for the pricks!"

Monday August 20, 1979

hi: 86 lo: 66

Me & Ma went to Venture & Kroger. I got another magazine, of course. On the way home, we stopped at Long John Silver's where I got "Fish & More" to go. I watched the story. Stacey called & asked me to stay all night, so I said ok. I ate rice for supper. I drove up to SD's house. We did a little on the novel. We watched "The Cat in the Hat," and "WKRP," "Get Smart," "The Tonight Show," and Erik dancing a million times. I can't get enough of that guy! We sat around & talked.

Tuesday August 21, 1979

hi: 82 lo: 68

Today may have been a step into my future. I stayed at SD's house for a couple hours this morn. I got home around 11:30. Mom said she saw on tv an ad for this week's "Star." It has a big thing about Erik's accident. I went down to the Con. to purchase it, but the lady said it won't come until tomarrow, and that she'd save one for me. I got a letter from my old lady pal. She sent an article about Erik from "the Enquirer." It stinks and so does that paper! I saw a preview for "Kids Are People Too," and Daryl had his beard. I watched the story. I washed. We went to Chilli. Here comes the good part. I went to WCLL to tell 'em about our phone #. The secretary says they need someone to type up the logs and stuff! She asked about my typing experience. Then she asked if I had time at the moment to take a typing test. I said I had to meet Ma & asked if I could come back. She said tomarrow afternoon. Ain't that great?! I HAVE to get that job! We picked up my drugs, went to Bob's apartment for a visit, then on the way home, we stopped at the Dairy Queen. Mr. Flagg was there, and I talked to him a bit. I spilled a hot fudge on my good blouse. We came home. I practiced typing. I ate 2 hot-dogs for supper. On the news, they had a group of male strippers called "Fast Freddie & the Playboys." They were in town at the 2nd Chance disco a couple of days ago. Wish I was older & could've seen them! Watched Tom & Jerry. I practiced my typing more. I have to pass that test tomarrow! That job is the beginning of my career! Lord, help me out, please? I talked to Stacey on the phone. I told her about the sheep dip it said in that Erik article, & my happenings at WCLL. Now I'm gonna watch the 10 o'clock news, so I can see Fast Freddie again! Isn't that neat? Mike just came in my room to tell me he read that article about Erik, and that he thinks it's bull shit! See, even he knows better! The whole thing sounds like ostrich cookies to me! How dare they say things like that about him, when his only wish is to spread hope, understanding and excellence!

Wednesday August 22, 1979

hi: 85 lo: 63

This morn, I went down to the Con. and bought 2 issues of the Star & one of the Globe. The pictures of Erik are pretty good. Of course the articles are kinda dumb! I watched game shows. After the story, I went up to WCLL. The lady had me type a commercial. I guess I did okay, and I guess I got the job, because she said they'd call me later in the week, and she asked me all kinds of questions about what hours I could work. I came home. I cleaned my room. I talked to Stacey. I've been eating more than I should. I'm 10 pounds over weight! I made some Erik stationery. He's a hunk!!!!!! Watched Tom & Jerry, Dorothy. Talked to Stacey. Put some stuff in my scrapbook. We still have fleas! Can't get rid of 'em! This job at WCLL will be neat! Wonder when they'll call me?

Thursday August 23, 1979

hi: 82 low: 64

Mom fell on the garage step and hurt her leg. We went to Sheridan Village. I got some new school clothes & a mag with a beautiful pull out centerfold of Erik. I watched the story. I cleaned my closet. I sewed a patch on my jeans. I ate a fork full of tuna. Aunt Dot came over to see how Ma is. Watched a little t.v.

Friday August 24, 1979

hi: 78 lo: 53

Finally, I got to sit and watch my game shows. I talked to SD. I made hash browns & corn fritters for supper. Watched the news. Asked her to stay all nite. We went to K-Fart with Dad. We had fun.

"C.H.iP.'s day" (Saturday) 8-25-79

hi: 83 lo: 56

We slept 4 hours, at the most!We watched cartoons. We washed. We went to her dentist's in Henry. We were an hour early, so we walked around town. He worked on her teeth. We ate at a Dairy Queen. She brung me home. Ma & Dad have moth balls all over the floor hoping to get rid of fleas! I needed to talke a nap, but couldn't sleep! I ate. I watched C.H.iP.'s it was the one where he square dances & next week, they're gonna repeat the DISCO one!!!! I LOVE that one!

The Brem's came over. We had pizza. Dan had to show me his Firebird. He called it his "Ponch car." It was really cool, but I like Erik's burnt one better. I can't wait till next weeks CHiPs! I wish Prunella would hurry up & get here before school does! Gonna try to stay up & watch Sat. Nite.

Sunday August 26, 1979

hi: 80 lo: 57

Woke up at 11:30. Ate toast. Listened to the top 40. Ate roast for lunch. Took a shower. Went with Ma & Dad to the Cat. credit union, Kroger, & Unca Don's. He wasn't home. Came back. Watched Cub game. Otto called. We talked for a while. He's #99. He's expecting me to come down this fall & see him in a football game. Talked to Stacey. I can't believe I have only 1 free day left. I don't wanna go back to prison! I wish Prunella would hurry up & get here! I watched the Hardy Boys, Mork, the Roper's. Talked to Stacey.

Monday August 27, 1979

hi: 81 lo: 66

I got to watch all of my game shows. I watched the story. Stacey called. After a slight mix up, Me & Ma went up there and got her. We went to Venture & got our pictures. Then to the mall. We walked around. We just beat Dad home. My monthly visitor came around 4:30. I'm glad she decided to show up now instead of tomarrow! I called Stacey, then hopped in my car and cruised up there. We talked about how much we don't want to go to prison tomarrow. She's gonna get me in the morning & drive to school. I came home. I watched WKRP. I talked with SD on the phone. Now, I'm gonna go to bed if Prunella will let me sleep!

Tuesday August 28, 1979

hi: 83 lo: 62

Reluctantly, I got out of my bed. I took a shower, and got ready. Stacey got here at 7:45. We left. Got to school. I hung up some pin-ups. We met the gang in the library. I went to Journalism. There are only 6 people in that class, and they all stink! We're gonna be putting together a bi-weekly newspaper. Our assignment was to think of 3 stories for it. Next was Oral Interp. It looks like it might be fun. We have to bring a short story or poem tomarrow and preform it! Oh no! 3rd hour was P.E. Stacey had a class changed and is now in my 3rd hour P.E! That's great! 4th hour was booney-bah. It bites a biggie, and I wish I wouldn't have taken that 2 dimensional design! U.S. History is 5th hour. The class might be interesting. Our assignment is to read the funnies and pick out the socially relevant points! 6th hour, I went to Practical Speech. I don't think I'll like it either. We have to do a lousy demonstration speech some time. The kid who's a jock on WCLL is in that class. Last hour is Study Hall. Stacey drove me home. It was only a 1/2 day. I got the mail, watched the story, talked to Stacey, put away clothes. Got ready & had M&D take me to Bergan for my radio class. It was really interesting. The teacher was a jock. It's really great. It's neat to go to a class & have a person teach you about what you are real interested in!

Wednesday August 29, 1979

hi: 83 low: 65

Woke up (wish I hadn't!) I fed my rabbit before heading down to the bus stop. In Journalism, I have to have a story by Friday about the could be teacher's strike. I don't want to! The lady cop is crazy about Erik too. She's gonna keep an eye on Playgirl for us in case he's in there! In 7th hour Study Hall, me & Kim got sent to the assitant principal's office for sneaking out and going to the turlet without permission! He just gave us a warning. It was a riot! I got home. Ate supper. While I was at prison, Ma & Pa got my Broadcasting text book. I went down to the Con. to get sodie, and had to get this week's "People" cause it has an article on Erik's accident, & pics of him at the hospital. One is with his new girl friend. She's a scuz, and she's only 19! Do you believe it? She's only 3 years older than me! I may have a chance! (doubtful - odds are about 1 to 8 million) Talked to Stacey. Watched Dorothy, Real People and a movie about a beauty contest. It was pretty good.

Guess I'm gonna go to bed and dream about another fantastic day at my fave place to be! I'm sick of school! I wanna stay home. I wish I were pretty, don't you? Then I could go out there and give Erik the ol' Razzle Dazzle!

Thursday August 30, 1979

high: 86 low: 60

Now, I have to do a story on the band cuz I can't do the strike. In Oral Interp, I'm expected to make a fool out of myself by overacting! Got our lockers in PE my combo is: 34-16-22 I don't understand U.S. History. I wore my Erik shirt. Every female loves him. My bus driver got to see Fast Freddie & the Playboys when they were in town! Lucky floozy! I didn't get no mail. I'm in a lousy mood! Ate Fried eggs for supper. Watched Tom & Jerry. Talked to Rosanne about my band story. Gonna get a story from her tomarrow. Stacey's gonna drive me to school again tomarrow. I read my history. I don't understand it. I watched more t.v. Gonna go now. Erik's a sex god!

Friday August 31, 1979

high: 88 low: 68

Stacey & her ma came & got me. At school, I got my band story from Mr. Sparks, the director. He is gorgeous! Whew! A looker! Problem is, he's trying to talk me into joining again. We got out of school an hour early because of the heat. The high school has air conditioning, but the grade school's don't. And since they let them out & we're the same district, they had to let us out! We had hamburgers for supper. I talked to Stacey on the phone. I watched the news. I listened to Mom & Dad argue about the check book. Watched tee and vee. Wrote some letters. Am now watching a Cub-Dodger game.

Stay tuned for September 1979!

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