Stuck in the '70s logoDiary Who's Who

Diary who's who1973197419751976February 1977March 1977April 1977May 1977June 1977July 1977August 1977September 1977October 1977November 1977December 1977January 1978February 1978March 1978April 1978May 1978June 1978July 1978August 1978September 1978October 1978November 1978December 1978January 1979February 1979June '79July 1979 diaryDecember 1979return home

Welcome to the real life of a '70s teen ... as recorded in my diary!

This guide to my diary will help explain who is who, where is where and what's what. I'll continue to add to the "Who's Who" as I get time and information to keep you better informed.

Before the Who's Who page was first suggested, I had actually already given it some thought, and decided "Naw, they can figure it out." All of the information is in the diary if you read every word, and I think things become pretty evident as more and more diary entries are added. The diary begins just before my 10th birthday, March 3, 1973, and soon, it will all be uploaded. I'm now planning on going on into 1980 and 1981 to finish the high school days.

Here goes (Be patient during the download, and you will be rewarded with some cool "then and now" pix):

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My brother Bob's wedding day -- Nov. 16, 1974. Mossville (Illinois) Methodist Church Pictured from left are: Mom (Earlene Marie Biddison Fidler), Grandma B. (Vada Mae Clingler Biddison); Grandpa B. (Earl Biddison); my sister-in-law, Sharolyn Kennington Fidler; Bob (Robert Dale Fidler); Grandma Katie L. Fidler; and Dad (Richard Lee Fidler).

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 Stacy Liston

 "Stacy" was one of my first boyfriends. Stacy Tod Liston was born in September 1964. We met in summer marching band practice while I was in eighth grade and he was in seventh. I got his attention with my sense of humor. He was several inches shorter than me, which made school dances interesting. He moved out of state for a time in the late '70s after I went on to high school. Last time I saw him was in late 1981. At that time, he had grown taller than me, looked a whole lot like Tom Cruise, who was starring in "Risky Business," and  had a girlfriend named Joanie. Just my luck! The picture at left was taken by my mother in my back yard when we got together for a visit in May 1979.
On Dec. 26, 2002, I got word from a former classmate of Stacy's that she learned at their 10-year high school reunion in 1992 that he had passed away and someone believed he had succumbed to cancer. The news struck me like a ton of bricks. A Web site visitor provided the following interesting information in March 2004. If you have any information about Stacy, please e-mail me at!
 Julie and Buster  "Buster Bradley" was never really a "boyfriend," per se. Mark Emery Evans was born Sept. 13, 1957. He was a disc jockey on Peoria's top 40 station, KZ-93. He didn't seem to like disco, but humored me. He always played my requests for Captain and Tennille, and we developed a nice phone relationship. We had one date. He broke my heart in August 1978 when he moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., and again in July 1979. He was a nice man, six years older than me. This picture of us, taken Aug. 15, 1978, best describes our relationship. Buster's now been "found" after all these years! Click to see "Where in the world is Buster Bradley?"
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Mom and Dad, then and now. The pictures at top were taken in the summer of 1976. Mom and Dad were 48 years old. The photo of them together below I took myself in the summer of 1999 for their 50-year wedding anniversary. Richard and Earlene (Biddison) Fidler have always been the best parents anyone could ask for. They have always been supportive. They've always believed in me and defended me and everything I've ever stood for. I'm sure at times in my adolescence I may have written a couple of unkind things here and there about them, but the truth is I was spoiled and they did their best now and then to remind me that the world did not actually revolve around me. Mom passed away Nov. 23, 2003. She is sorely missed.bobmom.jpg (11456 bytes)

 Mike in 1976Mike in 1997

 "Mike" is the youngest of my two brothers. Michael Richard Fidler was born Jan. 23, 1959. The top picture shows him as a senior, class of 1977, at Illinois Valley Central High School, in Chillicothe, Ill. The bottom picture shows him now. Mike still loves cars and is working at a hardware store in Chillicothe, Ill.

 Bob class of 1973Bob in 1997

 "Bob" is the oldest of my two brothers. Robert Dale Fidler was born July 30, 1955. The top picture shows him as a senior, class of 1973, at Illinois Valley Central High School in Chillicothe, Ill. The bottom picture shows him in the home of his oldest of three children, Chad, in Chillicothe in the late '90s. Bob is still an excellent drummer. He married Sharolyn Kennington, his high school sweetheart, Nov. 16, 1974, and they had three children, Chad, Miranda ("Mandy,") and Samantha. The couple and Samantha live in Mackinaw, Ill. He is an electrician at the Mitsubishi plant.

 Uncle Art & Aunt Dotmy Aunt Dorothy

 "Aunt Dorothy" Dorothy Mae Biddison Herron Graf was the greatest aunt a gal could have. She was my mother's older sister and was just the coolest chick I knew. Mom, and Aunt Dorothy and I would often play hooky to hit the stores. Before their mother, my Grandma Biddison's death, the three of us were some serious garage sale hunters. She is pictured above in the early 1970s with her second husband, Art Graf. The bottom picture is her in the late '80s. We lost Aunt Dorothy in July 1997. She is dearly missed.

Go Grey Ghosts!Go GREY GHOSTS! Click on the ghost at the left to go to my high school alumni site. Those of you who also attended Illinois Valley Central High School will find your classmates here, including Josh Taylor, who plays Roman Brady on NBC's Days of Our Lives! Those of you who didn't go to our high school will probably find some fun stuff to reminisce about anyways!

Stuck in the '70s

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