Stuck in the '70s logoAugust 1977 diary entries

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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. When this month was written, I was 14 years old and going into my freshman year at Illinois Valley Central High School in Chillicothe. Days skipped indicate I didn't write in my diary on that day.

Mon. August 1, 1977

Last night I spent the night with Grandma. I skateboarded. I got a letter from pen-pal Cindy Studley. Daryl is cool!

Wed. August 3, 1977

Hi! Nothing much has happened, that's why I haven't written lately. Don & kids came over. We had a big pot o' spegehtti. Got a letter from pal Kevin Denz.

Thu. August 4, 1977

Not much happened today. Tomarrow I'm getting a hamster. I got a letter from, Jody, Karen, & Deanna.

John Ritter was on Dinah. He's a fox!

Fri. August 5, 1977

Today I got my teddy-bear hamster. He's a real character! Right now he's hanging from the wall of his cage.

I didn't get no mail.

We saw a real spooky movie on TV tonight, called "The Legend of Hell House."

Sat. August 6, 1977

Went to Lisa's to spend the night, but she got sick, so I went to the Brem's with ma & pa.

Got a letter from Patty Murphy & my very favorite, Nicki Ott.

She told me all the details 'bout how she met Pooh & Tone!

Sun. August 7, 1977

I didn't hardly sleep at all last night coz of a noisy storm. 't do much all day, but play bar with Lisa. We watched Disney with Mickey Mouse, D.Duck etc.

Now I'm watchin' Rhoda. Starland Vocal Band is next.


Mon. August 8, 1977

Got a letter from Debbie Sanders & Brenda Goodman.

It's been raining all day.

Lisa's staying all night. I love Pooh!

Tuesday August 9, 1977

I got two pen-pal letters. One from Kristi Miller & one from Cindy Studly. Did you know I now have 16 pen-pals!

I'm sleepy. Didn't get to bed till 'bout 4:30 this morning

Wednesday August 10, 1977

Went shoppin'. Got a neat new cage for Daryl. (the hamster) for the real Daryl, for his b-day, I got a turtle neck shirt. I'm embroidering on it: "I'm the Captain, She's Tennille."Ain't that cute? got a letter from pen-pal, Kevin Denz, & a buncha C&T pics from Heidi Utz

Thursday August 11, 1977

Got a letter from pal Joe Natalicchio.
Three's company was on tonight. John Ritter's a sweetie!
It's now 10:00 P.M. At 10:30, he's gonna be on Kojak.
Tomarrow, I gotta go to the doctor's for my school physical. Yuck! I just wanna go & get it over with!
Got done with Pooh's shirt, & I'll send it off soon!
Wish me luck for tomarrow, I may need it!

Friday August 12, 1977

Got pal letterz frum Cheri Gibson & Karen Andersen.
Tonight the Keane bros. were on. Boy are they ever cute! Tom is 13 & John is 12 and they're so neat!
Mailed my package 2 Pooh. Saw Bob at the P.O. Me, ma, & him went to A&W. Him, Sher & Chaddy R cumin' over tomarrow for ma's b-day.
All went well at the doctor's. 'Cept I got a tetnas shot!
It's 10:30, I gotta watch the Honeymooners!
Ant Dot came over 4 awhile!

Saturday August 13, 1977

Got letters from Dee Rewers, & Heidi Utz. Now I have 17!
We missed Bob & Shar. Unca Don & Brats came over. Boy, do they make me sick!
I got ma a jewlery box for her b-day.
My arm is all puffy & hurts from that tetanus shot yesterday.
Tomarrow's Sunday. Sundays are always boring. The family reunion is tomarrow, but we ain't goin'.

Sunday August 14, 1977

Today I took a whole roll of 20 exposure film on goofy stuff. Then Lisa came down & we made half of a movie. We'll make the other half tomarrow.
Me, Mike, & Lisa went roller skating. It was real fun. This dumb kid tripped in front of me & I fell all over him! I felt so stupid! My face musta turned red! My feet are killing me!
I love Daryl!
My arm still hurts!

Monday August 15, 1977

Got a letter from a new pen-pal, Laura Smith.
Went to Thompsons & Hardee's.
We finished our movie.
I love Daryl. He's my sweetie. I'm gonna give him a big, fat kiss! (I wish) Know why I'm talkin' bout him? Cause he's a fox! I wanna cuddle with him! Thurs. C&T are at the State Fair, but I don't getta go!

Tuesday August 16, 1977

Me & Ma went shoppin' today. I got a buncha school clothes & some supplies.
Got letters from, Debbie Sanders, Kristi Miller, & Deanna Creamer!
Elvis Presley died today. He was 42.
Tomarrow I gotta go to the dentist's at 10:30 A.M.
We got a little bitty T.V. set. It's run on batteries, or a plug.
I'm watchin' the Honeymooners.
3 of my pals R gonna send me real in concert pics of C&T!

Wednesday August 17, 1977

Went to the dentist. Boy do my teeth hurt!
Got a letter from Patty Murphy.
Went with ma & Chad to get his pic taken in the mall.

Thursday August 18, 1977

The Keanes were on the Merv Griffin Show this morning. Next Friday Daryl & Toni are on it. Tonight They're at the Ill. State Fair. Performing this very minute!
Got letters from Jody Natalicchio and Kevin Denz.
We had tacos for supper.
Watched my sweetie, John Ritter on "3's Company."
I'm staying up to watch an Elvis tribute at 10:30. He was a good dude!
Daryl's a foxy fella!

Friday August 19, 1977

I registered for high school today. Sandy came with me. Then she came back to our house.
No mail for me!
Keanes were on tonight.
I'm staying all night with Bick. We're watchin' "Summer o '42" It's GOOD! Va Va Va VOOM Pooh was forn in the summer of '42

Saturday August 20, 1977

Letters from Brenda G, Karen, Laura S.
Me & Lisa went to see the movie "Roller Coaster" It was humongus!
DARYL HAD BABIES My hamster is a girl! It had 8 (?) little ones!
We went to Unca Dons & had tortillas. They were good!
I'm a proud grandmother!

Sunday August 21, 1977

I didn't get anything in the mail. Know why? It's Sunday Stupid!
Nothin' happened today.
Lisa came over. We played bar.
I got yelled at.
Nothing good happened today.
I htink Toni (my hamster) only had 7.

Monday August 22, 1977

I didn't get any mail today! CRUDHEADS!
We got our movie (me & Lisa's) back. Turned out pretty good!
Went shopping. Got a skateboard necklace.
The babies are doin' fine!
Well, that 'bout wraps it up!

Tuesday August 23, 1977

Got letters from Debbie Sanders, & Cindy Studley.
Went shopping. Got a tube for my hamster. We connected the two cages. My hamster, TONI sure likes it.
I'm watching the Tonight show. It's real funny!
Well, today was nothing special.

Wednesday August 24, 1977

No mail for me today. Went shoppin' some. Got a mag. with a cool pic of Rich Hatch in it.
Started to clean out my closet, my whole room is a mess. I'm gonna sleep on the couch!
3 days till Pooh's birthday! What a fox!

Thursday August 25, 1977

Got letters from Nicki Ott, Kevin D., Susie K., Joe N. and an autographed picture from Scott Baio!
We went to aunt Fishes for lunch.
Tomarrow C&T R on Merv Griffin. I hope it comes in! I love Daryl & Toni Dragon!

Friday August 26, 1977

C&T were on Merv Griffin today. They're super!
Went to the mall with Lisa. I saw C&T's new songbook. I'm gonna get it tomarrow.
Got letters from, Marla B. Heidi U., & Kristi M.
Kristi sent me 4 real in concert photos of C&T! Ain't that neat?!
Watched the Keane Bros. show. They're cool!
But C&T will always be the best!

Saturday August 27, 1977

Daryl's 35 today!
We went to the mall & I got the "Come in From the Rain" Songbook. It has the foxiest pic of Pooh in it! A full page color poster! I celebrated his b-day by listening to C&T records & staring at his pic. I also ate a apple pie (his favorite)
Got letters from Laura Smith, & Tami Wein & Patty Murphy.
Happy birthday Pooh, I love you!

Sunday August 28, 1977

Today we went to a friendof dad's. They have a girl my age & she's pretty nice.
Konw what? We might get a piano & I might take lessons!
It's been raining all day.
Tomarrow is my last free day! Yuck I'm kinda scared to go to high school! It's sorta spooky. But I think I'll do okay. (I sure hope so, anyway)

Monday August 29, 1977

Well, tomarrow is my very first day of high school. I'm scared stiff! I'll let you know how it all comes out.
We went to the mall. I got a whopee cushion & 2 mad libs.
Got letters from Karen Andersen & Paulette G.
Well, wish me good luck for tomarrow. I'll probably need it!

Tuesday August 30, 1977

Today wasn't so bad after all. School turned out to be kinda fun.
I didn't get no mail at all.
Well, guess that's about it.

Wednesday August 31, 1977

Got letters from Debbie S. & Kevin D.

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