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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. When this month was written, I was 14 years old and going into my freshman year at Illinois Valley Central High School in Chillicothe. Days skipped indicate I didn't write in my diary on that day.

Friday July 1, 1977

Went to K-Mart, got a TV Superstars book with C&T in it. Then to the laundromat & Hardees.
Got a letter from my favorite pal, Hiedi. She's cool!
Lisa is stayin' all night. Captain & Tennille are on the Midnight Special tomarrow morning at midnight!! Can't wait to see my sexy pooh-bear beat up those keyboards! What a fox!

Saturday July 2, 1977

We went to Aunt Dot's and ate hot dogs & hamburgers on the grill.
C&T were great on the Midnight Special this morning! Pooh's a fox!
I got a letter from my boy pen-pal today.
Wow am I sleepy! I only slept 3 hours last night I mean this morning.
C&T are on Midnight Special next week too! I love Daryl.

Sunday July 3, 1977

Hi! Love stricken Julie here!
I blow dried my hair just like Toni's all by myself for the first time! And it looks good Mom sewed a patch with my "pooh" on it, on my fave pair of jeans.
Grandma came over with a couple relatives. I forgot their names!
We had pork chops on the grill, and real good tomatoes. Haven't talked to Lisa since yesterday morn. Wonder wots up?
Daryl's a fox! ... I'm in love with a guy I haven't met.

Monday July 4, 1977

Today I did nothing.
Right now I just got done watching Ernie Kovacks.
There wasn't no mail cause of it's July 4th. Gotta go now. Time for Monty Python!

Tuesday July 5, 1977

Got C&T's Spanish album of "Love Will Keep Us Together," "Por Amor Viviremos." It's real cool to hear Toni singin' in Spanish. She's a gr-8 singer!
Got a letter from pen pal Deanna Creamer.
Me, Ma & Aunt Dot went shopping.
I also got a new scrapbook. It's become my volume 2 for C&T.
I love havin' penpals! But I want more!

Wednesday July 6, 1977

Got a letter from pen pal Cindy Studley & a new one who's a C&T nut too! Her name is Debbie Sanders.
Was gonna babysit Chad, but he got sick. I'll be sittin' him Fri. night. I'll watch my pooh-bear up there.
I got a pretty good tan this afternoon.
Daryl is my foxy dude!

Thursday July 7, 1977

I basically just sat around. There was nuthin in the mail. We went to Pepe Taco & I broke my record for taco eating. This time I ate 5 in a row! Pretty good, huh?
Today is 7-7-77, how 'bout that?
I broke my left big toe, boy does it hurt!
Well, I'm bored! I wish Daryl was here. Sure bet he could "unbore" me! If he was here now, I sure as hell wouldn't be sitting on the couch writin' this! Get my drift?

Friday July 8, 1977

Went to Murphy's & Randalls. Got the record "Slow Dancin'" Today is Lisa's B-day.
Instead of sitting Chad tonight, I watched him this afternoon.
I got a letter from pen pal Cheri Gibson.
"Daryl-the-Pooh and Toni too" are on the Midnight Special. If I fall asleep, I'll NEVER forgive myself! Because I just can't miss a chance to see my big ol' sexy Pooh!
I sure wish I was Toni. She's beautiful, & the world's best singer! Not only that, she's married to the foxiest dude ever to walk the face of the earth!

Saturday July 9, 1977

I had a dream last night, it really made me laugh, I drempt I was a bar of soap in Daryl Dragon's bath! Ha, ha! My p.p. Karen Anderson wrote that for me. Got a letter from her today. Pooh & Tone were absolutely fab on the Midnight Special! I love Daryl! They sang "natural Woman." Toni kinda sounded like she had a cold. I mean her voice was scratchy. Pooh really beat it up on his piano! He's a cool dude!

Sunday July 10, 1977

Unca Don & Aunt Sandy & kids were over all day. So was Lisa. Me & her got in the sprinkler for awhile. We also talked on the CB. I'm gettin' good at the slang.
One week from now, we'll be in Mountain View. BORING! I don't really wanna go. And guess what? My period starts on the same day that we leave, next Sunday. Boy does it make me mad! I wish I was a guy. They don't have any of these problems.

Monday July 11, 1977

Today in the mail I got an autographed picture of John Ritter! He's sitting in a chair, holding a bottle of whiskey, & smoking a cigarette. Behind him is a sign that says "Madam Sophie's massage parlor" And he wrote, "For Julie Thank-you Best Wishes and all 'dot jazz. Love, John Ritter." I also got a letter from pen pal Patty Murphy.
Watched Shields & Yarnell. They were real good.
Ain't John Ritter cool!? On the envelope he wrote,"John Ritter reads his mail!!"

Tuesday July 12, 1977

Me, Mom, & Aunt Dot went shopping.
I got 2 pal letters. One from Heidi Utz, & Kevin Denz.
We ate lunch at Bonanza.
Well, I ain't got nuthin else to say. 'Cept I'm not anxious to go to Mtn. View at all. Mostly cause it's about "that time of the month" again. I HATE being a girl!

Wednesday July 13, 1977

There was no mail for me.
Mom was yellin' at me all morning, so, at about 10 till 1 I left the house. Just walked out. I rode my bike up to the Mossville Dairy Bar & got an ice cream cone. Then we rode up to the school & around town just for kicks. I decided to come home around 3. Mom didn't even act like she knew I was gone!
Now I'm kinda lookin' forward to goin' to Mtn. View. I guess I'll be alright. But I won't be able to swim 4 a few days.

Thursday July 14, 1977

No mail for me today either.
We went shopping.
C&T are gonna be back on the tube Aug. 17 with a special. I finally get to see my pooh back on TV again! He's my little shy sweetie!

Friday July 15, 1977

Stayed home all day. I now have 12 pen-pals! Got a letter from Cindy Studley, & a new one Nicki Ott. Boy is she great!!! She not only met C&T, but she actually kissed my pooh-bear on his right cheek!!!!!!!!!!!! Now she's my favorite pen-pal! She's gonna send me some pictures she took of them up close!! Ain't that super?!!? Tonight on the late show is an Alfred Hitchcock movie, I'm gonna watch it. Boy, if I ever got a chance to kiss Cappy, I'd have a heart attack!I would ab-SO-lutely DIE!!

Saturday July 16, 1977

Boy is it ever raining!
Tomarrow morn we leave for Arkansas.

Sunday July 17, 1977

We were on the road about 12 hours.
My period started and boy do I feel gross. It would have to wait till now to come! Hope it only lasts 4 days! Sometimes it lasts a whole week. If it does that this time, I'll die!

Monday July 18, 1977

I stayed in the motel all day. But I can't tomarrow cause we have to spend the day on our property, YUCK! Wednesday & Thursday we're going to Silver Daollar City. Then back here for another boring week. What a real bummer. I wanna go home!

Tuesday July 19, 1977

Today was a total bore. And the bugs are somethin' else! We've spent the whole day on the property. I feel so yucky & dirty. It rained alot, of course, don't it always? Mike's car broke down. Me & mom saw some bear tracks.
Now ain't this, (sarcasm) a great & fun vacation?
a homesick Fid

Wednesday July 20, 1977

Mike went home this morning. We got to Silver Dollar city at about 11. Boy has it changed! Not as fun anymore. My whole vacation so far has been not fun. I also lost my locket with pooh's picture in it. We called Mike & he said there was a whole stack of mail for me! I wanna go home now. Time is really draggin!

Thursday July 21, 1977

We didn't go to Silver $ City, instead we came back to Mt. View. BORING. We've been on the property all day. Boy am I home sick. And we haven't even been here a week. I hope we go home sooner than planned. I just want to get out of here, NOW! It's so hot & icky! And I'm so scare of the ticks!

Friday July 22, 1977

We haven't been off the property all day. I've had 2 ticks on my so far today. There may be more. I feel so icky! I'm dying to get home!

Saturday July 23, 1977

Today wasn't half as bad as all the rest. We went to Blanchard Springs Cave. And we are now at al motel, holiday Inn.
But I still wanna go home. Dad says we will Wednesday.

Sunday July 24, 1977

Today is mom & dad's Anniversary. We've been on the property. Dad's clearing off trees. I hope we go home soon! I don't like it hear at all.

Monday July 25, 1977

Dad cut trees while we (me & mom) went into town. I got a new pair of jeans. Tomarrow we're gonna pack up & stay in a motel that night, then go home Wednesday, ya-hoo!

Tuesday July 26, 1977

Right now we're at the Dogwood Motel in Mt. View. Boy is it fancy. It is now 5 till 6. Tomarrow this time, I'll be home. We should be there around 3! ALRIGHT!!! Found a tick on my belly.

Thursday July 28, 1977

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I was too sleepy. Wow did I get lots of mail! I now have 14 pen pals!
I got a new mag today with C&T in it.

Friday July 29, 1977

There was no mail for me today.
Me & Mom went shopping. I got a mag with some neat stuff of John Ritter in it. He's a fox, too!

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