Stuck in the '70s logoNovember 1978 diary entries

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The real life of a '70s teen. . .

Following are excerpts from my 1978 diary, updated as I can find time to escape the '90s and start up my "wayback machine." I was 15 years old. All of the spellings, grammar, etc. are left original. More will follow soon!

Wed. Nov. 1, 1978

Today stunk. I did the wrong homework in business last night. In English, we're discussing capital punishment. This morning, ma was gonna send away for the book from Broadcasting about how to become a d.j., but someone threw away the order form! After school, ma took me to Lakeview library so I could get the book that has the address of the magazine. But the book is checked out! S**t! We went to venture. I left negatives there a week ago Saturday & they ain't back yet! those are the ones with me & Pooh! If anything happens to them, I'll kill! At the mall, I got a new FCC handbook to study. I went on the air, but as usual, was interupted numerous times, so I quit!

Mike got a new car again.

The 25th of this month, me, ma & Stacey are going on a bus trip to the Woodfield mall in Chicago. It'll be alot of fun. I'm getting sick of writing in this stupid diary!

Thur. Nov. 2, 1978

Today? Well, it ain't even worth writing. I got one pen-pal letter. About the only event worth recording was that I learned a whole gob in my License Manual! I sure have been wracking my brain with that stuff! Oh well, it'll all pay off when I pass the test with 100%!!! Mork & Mindy was hilarious as usual. Watched SOAP and Leif Garrett on Family. The weather was beautiful! It got up to 76! Really nice, huh?

Fri. Nov. 3, 1978

No big deal today either. I went on the air from about 2-3. I watched Happy Days & Kotter and talked on the phone alot to Spacey. The weather was great today too.

Sat. Nov. 4, 1978

Got my negs back from venture. Today's shopping expedition stunk. I didn't get anything! Cathy came over for a few hours. We skateboarded, played Mastermind and Waterworks. Mike drove us to Dunlap to see some farmhouse he liked. Big deal. I want to live in an apartment in the city! I'm spending the night at Stacey's We watched Chips, & Saturday Night Live. We're writing on my story. Gonna make it nice and juicy. There was a record breaking temperature of 76.

Sun. Nov. 5, 1978

Today had to be THEE most boring day of my entire life. I got home around 11:30. I took a shower and shaved. We had hamburgers. Sharolyn's baby shower was the pits. Me & Ma were the only Fidlers that went. Chaddy was throwing a fit. He wanted some of the presents too!

Came back home. I answered pal letters. Watched Disney & the Sting.

Mon. Nov. 6, 1978

Today wasn't really great. But then, no day has been since my Buster left. This morning, I gave in, and finally mailed the letter to him that I wrote during the great depression of 10-19-78. I think if he doesn't send that tape to me pretty soon, I'm gonna croak! I wonder if he even cares about me any more? The damn fool! I don't know why I spend so much time thinking about him! I guess it's just becuz I love him. I'm stupid. It's all so one-sided!

Well, anyway --

In P.E. we started basket-ball, and go bowling on Tuesdays beginning tomarrow. Should be fun.

Driver's Ed looks like it's gonna be hard! I'll be getting my permit next Friday! Yipee!!! I can't wait!

I watched WKRP.

I made up my own program log for W-FIZ. It really is decent. Real official!!

Tue. Nov. 7, 1978

Today wasn't so bad. In Art, I'm gonna get a B this 9 weeks. We have to make a 8 inch tall something out of clay by Monday. They announced that there's a dance Friday at the school with a KZ Jock. So I was curious and called Charlie. He said it ain't his turn; it'll probably be Jerry Jennings. He was in a good mood. I asked him if he'd heard from what's-his-name lately, he hasn't. He said he, "just doesn't know about him any more." We had a pretty good talk.

We went bowling in P.E. Oh, how embarrassing! I got a 53! Ha, ha! Oh well, I guess that ain't so bad since I ain't bowled in 6 years!

We learned a few rules in Dr. Ed. And guess what?!! Ma let me drive out on the salvation army road! It was a blast! I was darn good for the first time if I do say so myself!!

Tomarrow, I have an appointment at the eye doctor's. I'm getting new glasses, that I MUST wear, now that I'll be driving. Oh well, can't win 'em all!

I was on the air from 5:30 to 7:12 tonight. I recorded it all in the program log. It was really fun, and a neat experience. I'm gonna do it that way from now on! I'm gonna be playing more stories, along with the songs I play.

I took a shower & washed my hair.

I had a tremendous urge to call Boo-bah tonight; but I'm NOT giving in!!

The election returns were the only thing on t.v. tonight.

Thur. Nov. 9, 1978

Julie with new "cool" glassesHey, looks like I missed a day don't it? Oh well, nothing exciting happened. Today was nice, though. We only had a half day today. Oh yeah, how could I forget? Yesterday, I picked out the coolest glasses you've ever seen! (Webmaster's note: Check out the picture at left. It's me when the glasses came in, sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree. Ever seen any painter's pants-wearing teen prouder of her cool specs?) They're rimless & tinted pink. I can't wait to get 'em!! They're really decent. I'll have them in 2-3 weeks!!

Back to today. We got out of school at 11:03. Got my grade slips. I got a B in everything! Not bad.

Me & ma went to Murphy's so I could do some film business. I also got the game, "Master Mind" and a Thanksgiving card for what's-his-name, and one for Charlie too.

Mom let me do some more driving today! I'm getting pretty good!! But I need a bit more practice at parking along curbs.

Mork & Mindy was great tonight as usual!

Rosanne Alessi called.

I picked up my room. Bob's bringing Chaddy over in the morning, and I wanted to clear the place of all breakable objects.

Me, ma, & dad played a few games of Mastermind it's pretty hard.

Fri. Nov. 10, 1978

Today was hard to describe. For the most part, it was good. Bob brought Chad over around 10. Us and Aunt Dot went to the mall. We bought Chaddy a new belt. We got eats, he spilled his sodie. I got a Snoopy 1979 diary. I can't wait to use it. He really wore me out! We walked to Cathy & Lisa's, and he kept wanting to play games. Bob finally came & got him around 6:30. We went up to grandma's for her birthday, but she wasn't there. I decided to call Buster, but I couldn't get hold of him. Ron kept saying that he'd be in soon. So at 8:45, I finally got him. You know what he said? He told me he couldn't talk cuz his dad was on another line and it was an emergency and asked me to call back Monday! Some lover boy, huh!? I could have killed him!!!!!

My pal Nicki Ott called from Penn. We talked for over an hour! It was really fun to talk with her. I was glad she called when she did. It cheered me up.

I have to finish reading my Rules of the Road. I take the written exam Tuesday!!!

Sat. Nov. 11, 1978

Today was gross. Prunella came this morning. The whole day, I felt like I was gonna die! One minute, I'd be freezing, the next, hot & dizzy! Throwing up & all that other good stuff. I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up, I felt a bit better. We went up to the Brem's. It was boring!

I watched Saturday Night Live.

Sun. Nov. 12, 1978

Top 10 songs listToday was pretty good. I woke up at 9:00. Listened to the first 26 of the top 40. Mom & Dad took me driving. We went to the Caterpillar Parking Lot. It was a whole lot of fun, and I did a real good job!!

Cathy and Lisa came over for a bit. I went up to Lisa's and finally got my Daryl and Toni dolls back!

Mon. Nov. 13, 1978

Well, I called Buster tonight. I called early enough, but he was on the air taking someone who was sick's place. So, I didn't get to talk much. He had the flu and missed two days work last week. Friday, his dad was in town on his way to Florida, and called to ask for directions to the station. He's a travelling car salesman. Buster thought it was long distance from Fort Wayne, Indiana. They're still in ratings. We talked for awhile. It was nice to talk to him again.

I got my pictures back from Olan Mills. I'm mailing him one for X-mas.

I picked out an X-mas card for him & Charlie.

WKRP wasn't on tonight.

Tues. Nov. 14, 1978

class ring order formToday was pretty good. In P.E., I bowled a 67. Oh well, better than last week. I took my written driver's test. I got every question right! It was the easiest thing I've ever done! Get my permit Friday! Hey, I drove MY car with Mike! I love it! We went up to McDonald's. I did my homework and watched television.

Mailed Buster a letter.

Wed. Nov. 15, 1978

Today I got my class ring. It wasn't the way I planned it. I didn't get the stuff on the sides that I ordered. Oh well, too late to complain now! I like it anyway.

Thu. Nov. 16, 1978

Today was pretty alright. In Business, we saw a filmstrip. In Art, I turned in my 8" project. Ha, ha; it was a 7" tall J!! Oh well. In English, we did our discussion on Capital Punishment. For not knowing anything, we did pretty darn good! Put up a good argument! In P.E., our basketball team lost 10-6, not too bad, considering I made two of the baskets!!! In Driver's Ed, we saw a stupid movie. Tomarrow, we're having a test, and I GET MY PERMIT!!

It was rainy and pretty gloomy outside. We're supposed to get snow flurries tomarrow night. Wow

I wrapped up Boo-bah's Christmas presents. I'll send them as soon as possible. Today, for the second day in a row, I didn't get any mail. Bummer!

Mike's doing alot to fix up my car. Got a new exhaust system, tires, light, and I guess some other stuff too. Farm out!

But, the best thing that happened today, was that K-Mart called and wanted to know if I still wanted that job!!!!! Of course I do! The lady wants me to come in to see her tomarrow night at 5:30!!! The problem is, I told her I'm 16, and put that on my application too. I think I have to get a work permit from the school. If I do, I hope he don't write my real age and birthdate on it. If he does, I'll just take out my handy dandy ink eraser!! God, I hope I get the job!!! I sure do need that money! But knowing my luck, something will go wrong. It always does. Guess we'll just have to wait till tomarrow and find out. Well, you won't; you can just turn the page and find out!!!!!!

I watched Mork and Mindy. It was hilarious, as usual. Dad was gonna make a on the air sign for FIZ tonight, but he got too interested in a movie. I wished they wouldn't have screwed up my ring, oh well, like I said, that's Fidler luck for ya! Well, I'm DUSTY LARUE!! They can't do that to me, the world reknowned platter jockey!

A little later, when you're a little straighter!

Dusty LaRue

Fri. Nov. 17, 1978

Kmart logoToday was BEAUTIFUL!! For one thing, school wasn't even that bad. I got my driver's permit!! YIPEE!!!!

It rained outside all day, and was very windy.

Guess what?! Right, I GOT THE JOB!!! Ain't that terrific? I start work Monday! I'll be working from around 5 or 5:30 till 10 on week nights, and varying hours on the weekends! I'll get $2.75 an hour!! How do you like them apples?!! I'm going in early at 4 or 4:30 Monday so they can start training me to work the register! I'll be working up front with that for a while, then they'll move me into one of the departments, I'm on a 60 day probation. That's where they watch how I work for that long, and if I do good, I'm promoted to a different department, and get an automatic raise!! WOW!!! I"M IN THE MONEY!!! The lady didn't even mention the work permit. I guess I don't need one! Fine with me. I can't wait to get started! It's gonna mean giving up alot of things, but it'll also mean getting alot of new stuff I've always wanted that I can now buy with my new money! I"m gonna miss all of my favorite t.v. shows! Boo-hoo, hoo! I'm a t.v. addict, you know me! The lady said it may just be for X-mas help, they can't know for sure if they'll keep me on after the season. It all depends. There's a dress code. No jeans, or courdoroys! Well, that's about my whole wardrobe!!! Looks like I'll be getting a new one! I don't mind! I can't wait for all of that money! I won't be getting as much sleep, though. I had to tell her that I won't be able to work next Saturday, because of the bus trip to the Woodfield mall that we have planned. But she said that I would definately be working all other Saturdays, because that's their busiest day. 1978 has been the most exciting year in my life! Not all of it has been good, but I sure have grown up quickly all of a sudden this year! Don't you agree?

Sat. Nov. 18, 1978

Today was pretty cool. I got to drive all around the neighborhood before we left to go shopping. I did real good! Me, ma, and Aunt Dot went shopping. I got a new blouse & dress slacks for work, and a neat sweater that's maroon & grey, underwear, 3 records, Stephen Bishop's "Everybody Needs Love," Leif Garrett's "I Was Made For Dancin'," and "A Fifth of Beethoven." When we got home, I got to drive all around the neighborhood again!

The Brems came over, Dan too. I watched Mork and Richard Hatch on the Battle of the Network Stars. Watched Sat. Nite Live.

Mike bought an AM-FM stereo 8 track tape player for my car!!

Sat. Nov. 19, 1978

Today was fantastic! I did my solo for the first time on the highway! Rt. 29, the Park, Rt. 88, Cedar Hills Dr., Old Galena Rd., Chillicothe, & back home on 29! Whew! That was mind blowing! Wow, it was hard! A driver needs about 3 pair of eyes! I don't know how people are so cool about it.

Ran my station for about 2 hours. I did great!

Changed my room around. I put up the little Christmas tree in my room.

I ate alot of munchies.

Watched Mickey's 50 and Alice.

C&T's single is still #10.

Sun. Nov. 20, 1978

First snow! First day on job at K-Mart!

Today was good. It snowed, but didn't amount to anything.

Work; was something else! My clock # is 196. Boy what a night! Worked 4:30-9:30! It was pretty neat. Very confusing at first, but I caught on pretty quickly, and did a good job for my first night. I think I'll like it, but my body is killing me! I learned alot. Too much to write down now. I wanna go to bed! I guess I'll write more later! For now...Thank you for shopping K-Mart!

Tues. Nov. 21, 1978

got measles shot & blood count at the doctor's after school. Bowled an 81 in P.E. Worked from 5:30 to 9:36.

Wed. Nov. 22, 1978

Mom let me stay home from school today. Went up & got my glasses. They're really cool! Went to Eagle grocery store. I worked all by myself. I had a tremendous void. It rained hard. Mike came to the store. I looked right at him & didn't even see him there. All I see when I'm up there is price tags.

They put up X-mas decorations in our aisles.

Thanksgiving 1978

Today wasn't the greatest for a Thanksgiving. I drove up and got Grandma. I watched the parades. We had alot to eat. I called Charlie. It was depressing. He suggested I find a boyfriend and forget Buster. He said alot more but I'd rather not talk about it. Buster called him last Friday. I told him about me working at K-mart.

Watched Mork & Mindy. It was great. Me & Mike made candles tonight.

I wrote "him" one last letter. That's it, I'm through with him. I lived before he came along & I can live without him now!

Fri. Nov. 24, 1978

Well, well, well.

Today I drove the same route I did last Sunday. Mom says I did better the first time! Oh well.

Work was long & hard. I worked from 11-6. I met this cutie who works in the stereo department. He's neat. I had to work the old register on the express lane. It kept sounding like it was gonna blow up! Got my first paycheck! For 13 hours it came up to $33.17! Wow, not bad! Not bad at all!

Sat. Nov. 25, 1978

Today was fun! Me, ma, Aunt Dot & Stacey went on the bus trip to the Woodfield mall near Chicago. It was really packed!

I bought Leif's "Feel the Need" album, Steve Martin's, "Let's Get Small" l.p., a new pair of Levi's movin' on courdoroys, and a shirt.

On the way back, there were two little kids buggin' everyone, so me & Stacey gave 'em hell.

We got home around 10, I listened to my S.M. album. Then, I watched Saturday Night Live.

Sun. Nov. 26, 1978

Today was great!!

Well, I worked from 10-6! Boy, am I pooped!

But, while I was workin' my buns off, ma & dad bought me a fantastic stereo, 8 track tape, record player, AM-fm radio-stereo console! It's WONDERFUL!!!

The speaker lights up in beat with the music! I LOVE IT!

Mon. Nov. 27, 1978

Today wasn't too bad. I got out of school at 1:42.

I was on call for work; and, she called! Yuck! had to work from 5:30-10.

Tues. Nov. 28, 1978

Over all today was good. In English, we took an interest survey. In bowling I got an 84. Hey, guess what? I'm one of the first ones in my driving class who'll get to drive!! Mr. Snyder said today that he's gonna change my schedule so I'll drive 2nd hour and have Art 7th hour!!!!! I start next week. Only bad thing is, no early release! Oh well, I getta drive.I think I'm in love with a guy at work! He's really neat, and always talks to me. He's a sweetie! I'm glad he came along! Maybe he can help me forget about Mark Evans, that d.j. I used to know. Worked from 5-10.

Mom let me drive home from school.

Wed. Nov. 29, 1978

Today was pretty good. In business, we had a fire drill. They don't know what set it off. So we all had to go outside in the cold and freeze our buns off!

In art, we took a test. Cathy and I cheated!

In P.E., I about collapsed.

In driver's ed, we tested how long it takes us to react. The average is 1/2 a second. It took me 43/100!

I didn't have work!

Ma let me drive home. I wish she wouldn't yell at me over stupid little things!

Stephen Bishop was on Dinah. He's cute!

I made popcorn. Watched Fat Albert X-mas. Played Mastermind with dad.

Watched Steve Martin on Barbara Walters.

Thur. Nov. 30, 1978

Today was fine.

Take me to December 1978, man!

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