Stuck in the '70s logoOctober 1977 diary entries

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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. When this month was written, I was 14 years old and a freshman at Illinois Valley Central High School in Chillicothe. Days skipped indicate I didn't write in my diary on that day.

Saturday, October 1, 1977

pick up C&T photos at K-mart
Today I picked up my copies I had made of some C&T photos Nicki sent me. There really good.
Leif Garrett was on American Bandstand. But I missed it! Lisa recorded it for me, tho.
Right now I'm watching John Ritter on Love Boat. He's cool!
Last night at maries bombed out.
P.S. We got a letter from a guy in Mt. View. He said he'd take us caving!

Monday, October 3, 1977

You ain't gonna believe it! In the mail I got back a 8x10 of C&T I sent to them to autograph. Toni wrote "Keep Singing Julie! Toni Tennille '77" and Pooh put "Ahoy! from the Captain or Daryl" & the letter from Mrs. Cicotti bout the shirt I made Pooh (Aug 10) says: "I want you to knowhow impressed Daryl was with your work on the shirt you sent him. Really, no one has ever sent him one quite like it. He appreciates all your hard work & he said he would wear it. He wanted to make sure you got this message, Julie, & he also thanx u 4 being such a loyal fan." WOW!!!!!

Friday, October 7, 1977

no school
We went to the mall, I bought Shaun Cassidy's album. I think I'm goin' crazy!
Babysat Chad.
Stayed all night with Lisa, last night!

Saturday, October 8, 1977

Cold day. We went grocery shopping.
Anita is staying all night. We're watching Saturday Night right now. And we're gonna do a tape.
She gave me 3 pictures of Pooh & Tone that I didn't have!
P.S. Scott Baio was on Love Boat.

Monday, October 10, 1977

no school

Thursday, October 13, 1977

Well, nothin' super great has happened lately, but I thought I'd write so you'd know I haven't forgotten you. I have a test in almost every subject tomarrow!
Did yo uknow that fact #520 is "Daryl tries to tell Toni 'I love you' at least once a day" Isn't he sweet?!
#607: Daryl is really sentimental & terribly romantic underneath his shy exterior!

Saturday, October 15, 1977

Today me & Lisa went to Bergners, Venture and Sheridan village.

Monday, October 17, 1977

Tonight mom started having chest pains & dad rushed her to the hospital. She's spending the night there. Hope she'll be alright!
This is homecoming week.
Tonight's Captain & Tennille fact is: #609 -- One of their favorite things is curling up in front of a fireplace together with nothing to do.
See? diarys can be educational! You learn something new every day!

Wednesday, October 19, 1977

Tonight in my diary, I'll write a prayer for my ma, who is still in the hospital:
Please lord, help my mom make it safely through this problem. She doesn't deserve to be in pain, for she has never hurt anyone. So, I only ask you to let her be well soon and come home to me and the rest of us who love her. Amen.

Thursday, October 20, 1977

Today I skipped school. I shouldn't have, cuz now I feel kinda guilty.
Thank you lord for answering my prayer. Mom is now out of the Coronary care unit and into a regular room. I'm really glad, she should be able to come home sometime soon!

Friday, October 21, 1977

Today I got out of school at 1:30 becuz of the homecoming parade. Dad picked me up & took me home. We went up to the hospital.
Lisa is staying all night.
P.S. It's true, Pooh Does have a mustache. Got my Sept. '77 C&T newsletter.

Sunday, October 23, 1977

Today we brought mom home from the hospital. Then went grocery shopping. Then back home to do homework!
Got my picture taken in a booth at K-Mart.
It had been raining out all day.
Tonight the Keanes were supposed to be on a show, but they weren't!
I have to go now, cuz it's time for bed!
Daryl Dragon is a fox!

Wednesday, October 26, 1977

Went to Doc's for blood test.
got no mail.
Time for B. Bunny Halloween show.

Thursday, October 27, 1977

Howdy! There was a meeting for the newspaper staff after school.
Got one letter.
Right now I'm watching James at 15, it's real good!

Friday, October 28, 1977

Howdy! I'm spending the night with Bick! We're getting freaked out on her Frampton tape. It is now 5 after 12 tomarrow morning! I got 7 letters in the mail today! (Or is that yesterday? Oh well)
Oct. 29 is the pumpkin carnival at Mossville school. Me & Bick plan to ride our bikes there & back!
Frampton sucks!

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