Stuck in the '70s logoJanuary 1979 diary entries

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The real life of a '70s teen. . .

1979 diary cover

Happy New Year! It's 1979!

Jan. 1, 1979 Snoopy graphicMon. Jan. 1, 1979

Today wasn't the most exciting way to start off a new year. I watched a "toilet" bowl parade or something to that effect. Then I cleaned up my room to find out only that Snookums did "his thing" on my nice shag carpet. It is still snowing out there with humongous drifts! Mike left early last night for a party, and still isn't home yet! It is now 2:30 p.m. I typed a business letter for ma. I am now listening to WIRL; something Buster once told me was a SIN!! I put on a whole gob of clothes and went outside and laid around in the snow for awhile. Snook got mean, so I threw him into a big drift! I came in and watched Zoom. At 6:00, there are now 9" of snow on the ground. Stacey got back from Indiana & called. I watched Mork, S.Martin & John Travolta on a Rona Blabbit show. Then I made popcorn & watched a Laurel & Hardy movie. Then I watched most of a Marx Brothers movie, and now, I'm gonna go to bed! Toot-a-loo!

Jan. 2, 1979 graphic






Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1979

Today had a pretty bad aroma about it! We went out to the mall where I got absolutely zip! Then we headed to Bergner's where I had an appointment to get my hair done at the beauty salon at 12:30. But what do we see when we got there? A nice big ol' sign on the door saying, "Closed Today." Man, was I pissed! We came home. I got a thing from the Y to conform the class I took. Big deal. Dad worked on my "on the air" sign a little. When I woke up at 7:30 this morn, it was 14! I tore up my legs shaving. I talked on the phone a bunch to Stacey. I got caught up on my mail. Channel 19 has been off all day. Our high temperature for today was 3 below zilch! The low was 16 below. Goody, goody, tomarrow I get to go back to prison. I'm gonna go to bed early so I can get up in plenty of time. Wouldn't wanna miss the bus and perhaps end up having to stay home!

Wed. Jan. 3, 1979

Today was fine, I guess. School was very boring.

In the mail, I got my first Broadcasting magazine. It's neat. I also got a thing from the Steve Martin fan club. It's neat too.

Cindy - the hair lady - called today. She made an appointment for me for this Saturday at 11:30. I watched "Tony Orlando's 1st Special" on Channel 20 from Springfield.

I played a bit of Master Mind with Dad. Then he loaned me a pretty tie of his to wear to school tomarrow. He also gave me a jacket. But I think wearing it too would be a bit risky, so I'll go slow and just wear the tie first! I love it!

Thur. Jan. 4, 1979

Today was pretty alright. In Business we had a new seating arrangment. I drove 2nd hour in the snow. I did just fine. In Art, I got my mug back. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. I made pizza for supper. I didn't get no mail. I watched a rerun of Mork & Mindy. Bob & Chad came over. Bob can't get his car to run, so Mike's letting him use mine. What a bummer! I watched SOAP, then a show that previewed Body Snatchers. Now we have Barnaby Jones on. It's so cold out! Dad let me drive down to the Conveinient. I bought a Tiger Beat Star magazine with a centerfold of that sex God, Erik Estrada!

Well, I must be bob-bob-bobbin' along!

Fri. Jan. 5, 1979

Today wasn't too bad. We had one of those retarded pep assemblies where you see who has the biggest mouths. I, not interested in making a monkey of myself, didn't participate! When school got out, it was snowing again. We ate steak for supper. I watched Charlie Brown's 30th birthday show. It was really cute! Happy birthday Charlie Brown! Now, I'm watching a movie called "Killer Grizzly." It's pretty good. Come to think of it, it wasn't very good at all.

I just washed my hair so I don't have to wash it tomarrow morning.

Sat. Jan. 6, 1979

high:10, low -14 (record!)

I liked today. Oh, except that I woke up a little after 2 in the morning because of horrible cramps that told me that Prunella had just arrived. After sleeping about 1/2 hour, I woke up at 7:15. I got dressed & ready to go. I drove up to Kroger & back. I did pretty good. Then dad drove the truck to the mall. Finally, I got my haircut! I really like the way it turned out! I bought 5 singles: 2 skip, 1 is cracked, and only 2 are okay! Stacey is staying all night. We listened to Steve Martin, read diaries, ate, watched the Muppet Show, Chips, made candy stuff, played backgammon, Master Mind, and Play-doh Burger and Malt shop. Right now, we're watching Saturday Night Live. It hasn't been very good this time. I think my hair is cool! I like it!

Sun. Jan. 7, 1979

I woke up about 7:30 cuz the cat crawled on me. We ate long johns for breakfast. I played albums on my stereo. I drove Stacey home, then me & dad back home. I sure love to drive! I wrote Buster a letter to tell him what I've been doing lately. We ate roast & taters for dinner. Bob came to work on his car & had some too. I washed my hair & let it air dry. It turned out good. I like it this way. It's easy to take care of. I took a "one hour, didn't really fall asleep" nap in front of the fireplace. Then I made some vanilla pudding. Then I watched Disney. I watched 60 minutes. Stacey called. I watched All in the Family.

Well, sorry this hasn't been too thrilling, but I really must go. I'm gonna go to bed early to make up for last night's lost sleep.

Mon. Jan. 8, 1979

Today wasn't good or bad. In Business, we wrote a bunch of checks. 2nd hour, I had Mr. Flagg write me a pass so I could go to my old Art class. It was fun! In Driver's Ed., I took a test in drugs & alcohol. I think I only missed 1. Everyone told me they liked my hair & how cute it is. I know! Ha, ha! When I got home, I received the "good news" that the media course was cancelled! Fine, huh? During supper, I was in a great mood. But ma & dad started talking about Arkansas again & ruined it! I played with Merlin. Then watched Carol Burnett. Then I watched Charlie Brown's first kiss. I played M.M. with dad. Stacey talked at me for awhile. Me & Snookums layed in front of the fire. Now, I'm bored. I played with Merlin for awhile. Now I think I'm gonna go to bed. Okay? Okay!

Tues. Jan. 9, 1979


Today in my dr. training I drove from the school to Cedar Hills drive on old Galena Rd. In P.E., I bowled a 93. My highest score since 4th grade when I got an all time high of 95. Since I got home, I've been in a horrible mood, so I've trying to keep my talking down to a minimum. I watched Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, then Airport '75. It had Erik Estrada on it, but he croaked within the first 45 minutes. I didn't miss any of the questions on yesterdays driver's Ed. test! I didn't even study! I never do!

Wed. Jan. 10, 1979

TV guide ad for Unicef concertMy school day was inferior to any other one I've ever experienced. It was a bore.

In the mail, I got my new Broadcasting magazine, and the November Captain & Tennille newsletter. It's a cute one!

I watched a show called "When Jenny? When?" Then a great night of entertainment on channel 25. First, was a "gift of song" with Andy Gibb, and the Bee Gees. Then was "the Best of Saturday Night Live" It was great. Really hilarious!

In a week, I should be getting my school jacket. I hope it comes sooner, though! I'm dying! I wish it would hurry up!

Thur. Jan. 11, 1979

In driver's training, I drove back from Lacon all the way to the school! Mr. Snyder said I did good. Me & Cathy did a nutty routine in P.E. In Driver's Ed class, I took a test over insurance. In Art, I had fun talking to "Foxy Flaggy." ha, ha! It started to snow then, hasn't stopped since. We had spaghetti for supper. I watched Mork & Mindy, What's Happenin', Barney Miller, and Soap. Played Super Master Mind with dad. I've been having some really funny dreams lately. I gave dad the wrong clues in Master Mind, and I think I'm gonna croak. I really feel like an idiot. I wached Family. It was good.

Fri. Jan. 12, 1979

Today was almost fantastic! I got up & got all ready for school & began to complain. Ma let me stay home! How about them apples. It was fun just laying around most of the day. I did clean my room though. It's been snowing all day. I colored on my poster pen sets. I'm almost done with the Saturday Night Fever one. We went up to Venture & Kroger. I got the Bee Gees "Too Much Heaven." This time it ain't cracked. I also got a Tiger Beat with the cutest pics of Leif you've ever seen. When we got back , I settled down to watch The American Music Awards. Guess who was on it? DARYL & TONI!! They're the greatest! Also, the Bee Gees & Andy were on it. Right now, I'm watching a Sonny & Cher movie called "Good Times." I seen it 3 times before. Brings back plenty of old memories.

Sat. Jan. 13, 1979

Today was actually pretty sickening! The snow was the worst I've ever seen in my whole life! There is almost 2 feet on the ground now! I was on the air for a few hours. I made corn fritters. They turned out really tasty! I think that Snookums has a cold. I love Buster Bradley. The mail lady never came today. I watched the Muppets, Chips, Love Boat. Now I'm gonna watch Fantasy Island. I watched Saturday Night Live. The whole show stunk except for the part where Stephen Bishop sang "On & On." That guy is a real cutie. I like him! The snow was a record breaker. There hasn't been this much since 1900! We have 18 inches on the ground.

Sun. Jan. 14, 1979

Today was boring. I went on the air for about 1 1/2 hours. We had meatloaf & baked potatoes for dinner. They announced that there is no school tomarrow! Farm-out, huh? I got super bundled up and played out in the snow at 9 below zero! Mike is adding onto his castle. We drew circles on people's faces, and made dart boards with matches for darts. They're a lotta fun. I watched Disney. Me & Mike walked down to the store. It's like we're stranded out in the snow in the middle of nowhere! I watched All in the Family, Alice, then Dallas. Stacey called and we talked about stuff and caught up on our diarys. I sure hope it's cleared up soon enough to get that farm out & freaky school jacket of mine!

Mon. Jan. 15, 1979

This snow is getting really boring! I sat around and watched game shows. No mail, the mail boxes are snowed in like everything TV Guide ad for WKRPelse. No school tomarrow either. We had fish & fries for supper. There was a special one hour Mork and Mindy on. It was the first one on. I watched that, then M.A.S.H. And then my very favorite show, WKRP in Cincinnati! It's back after they had taken it off! I love it! They used this show to kind of review stuff that has already happened thus far. I talked on the horn to Spacey. I listened to the CBS Mystery Theatre on WMBD.

Tues. Jan. 16, 1979

Another boring day. I laid in bed till 9:30. I watched television. I talked on the phone. I went to the mail box. They finally got it dug out, and we got some mail. I got two letters, and the check back from the Y for the media class they didn't have. I made tacos for supper. I ate 4! They were good, gimme a break! I'm sending away for C&T address labels tomarrow. I just heard that good old I.V.C. is gonna have school tomarrow. Great, I can't wait! (sarcasm) I watched Carol Burnett, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Three's Company. There have been alot of roofs collapsing under the weight of the snow! The governor declared Peoria a disaster area. I did that years ago! It's supposed to get up to a tropical high of 30 above zip tomarrow! I listened to the mystery theatre and am now gonna crash!

Wed. Jan. 17, 1979

Well, what can I say? School days, school days, good old golden rule days! Seems the sweetie pie teachers voted to have finals anyway tomarrow & Friday! Gave us an unlimited abundance of study time. In Art, Cathy spilled a jar of blue paint on her white sweater. I have a huge bump on my head. Hurts like all hell. In Dr. Ed. Mr. Snyder said, "Two way hot dog" instead of 2 way highway. I have to drive tomarrow in this mess! Yuck! I called Jack & Bill's to see if my jacket's in. It ain't. The lettering is still being done & I won't get it till next week! What a total downer! We had "2 way" hot dogs for supper. I did some studying for finals. Now, I'm watching the corniest movie I ever saw, it's called, "The People that time forgot."

Thur. Jan. 18, 1979

Today was great! (Almost) First hour I took the final on Business. A mutual friend of me & Stacy's (the boy I went with in 8th grade) gave me his address in Washington State. I wrote him a letter and mailed a picture. I drove clear to the south end of Peoria in Dr. Training! I drove 40 minutes. It counted as 2 sessions this time. When I got home, Jack & Bill's called, for my jacket! So went and picked it up! I LOVE it!! It's about time! I ordered "81" for my sleeve. They'll call me when it's in. We had pizza for supper. I watched Mork & Mindy. It was so cute! I love this jacket! I'm wearing it as I write this. I talked on the phone to Stacey. I'm watching SOAP. Now, I'm watching the show "Family." We're expecting more snow! Goody, goody!

Fri. Jan. 19, 1979

I woke up to the sound of the guy on the radio saying that school for I.V.C. was called off for today! Freezing rain flipped the switch. I mailed that letter off to Stacy. I watched t.v. I answered pal letters. I bought some personalized stationery from Cindie Tegg. It'll take about 3 weeks. I watched Batman. Karen, from K-mart called and said I still have a paycheck there! I picked up my room. It was heavy. I still have that huge bump on my head, and it still hurts like hell! I watched Carol Burnett, then Donny & Marie. In one of their skits they had a guy named Barney Fidler!! I played a round of Super Master Mind with dad. I added a bit on to my Captain & Tennille scrapbook. I love them! I'm listening to the CBS mystery theatre. It's pretty good. We're supposed to have another storm! Please, don't come!!!

Sat. Jan. 20, 1979

Today was good. I went to Venture & exchanged a cracked "Too Much Heaven" for a good "Soul Man." We went to K-mart to get my paycheck, but the little thingy was closed. I came across that hunk, Neil, and we talked for awhile. He's a cutie! I bought 2 records there, they both skip! Fined! Then we went to the mall. There, I got Stephen Bishop's 2nd tape. I saw a hunk there. Had enchiladas. I went on the air for awhile, but my station kinda sucks! Me & dad got my Stand By, On the Air sign all rigged up. It's really decent! I changed the set up of the place around. I talked a gob on the phone to Ms. Dunk-a-bugger. We compared diaries. The weather was much better. I watched a movie called "Salvage." It was about a bunch of people who went to the moon in a home made space ship. It's really a cute show. I see it's gonna be a series now. Well, my friend, I'm going to sleep now!

Sun. Jan. 21, 1979

Today was kinda boring. I tried to run my station a bit after I woke up, but it didn't work, cuz everyone was bangin' around makin' noises & stuff. So, I fiddle-farted around till time for lunch when we had chicken & mashed potatoes. I'm sending away for the C&T concert program & the Steve Martin head arrow. We went up to Grandma's for a short visit I drove both ways. When we got back, I went on the air, and tried out a new mellower voice. I like it, but no one else even noticed! I then made some Orville Rednecker popcorn. It only lasted about 2 1/2 seconds with me & dad here. He took a couple pics of me with my IVC jacket on. I'm watching a movie called "Black Sunday" that I just haven't been able to follow. Mabye cause it sucks!

Mon. Jan. 22, 1979

We had 5th & 6th hour finals this morning and got out at 11:15. I drove to the drug store to get my pills. I also got Mike's b-day present. I then drove to K-mart where we met Aunt Dot. I tried to pick up my pay check, but they won't give it to me till I give 'em my K-mart shirt! Assholes! I found some Mork shirts, and purchased 2. I then drove to Bergners where I didn't find a parking space so I drove to the mall. I met Stacey there & screwed around till 2:30 & drove back home. We ate. They changed the time of Carol B. to 6:00. I watched it. Then the Odd Couple. I watched Andy Gibb & Steve Martin on George Burns' 100th birthday show. I viewed my favorite show, WKRP, on the ion bombardment tube. It was a real funny one. I got stations from all over like Pittsburg, Cleveland, Arkansas, and Canada, plus lots of other far out places. Gotta slap the straw now!

Tues. Jan. 23, 1979

Mike's 20th birthday

Today was the longest day in my life. I took the Art final. I didn't drive cuz of shortened classes. In P.U. we're playing co-ed volley-ball. I hate it! It started snowing a gob. We're supposed to have another big winter storm tonight. Hoo-ray!! That sucks! We had supper. Then Mike's birthday cake. Mom made it, it was good. I played with Snookums. I watched Carol. Then I watched Happy Days, Next was a repeat of Laverne and Shirley. During the president's speech, I alsmost fell asleep. And when I saw that Three's Company was a rerun too, I went to bed.

Wed. Jan. 24, 1979

Before I really woke up I heard 'em calling off school on the radio. What a total bore. I sat around and watched the tee wee. I made a batch of corn fritters, and ate almost all of them. For the third day in a row I haven't got any mail. That sucks! I sure can't wait till summer. Think of it, me cruisin' along main in my car, when Stacey & I decide to go on into the Poison Apple & pick up a couple dozen guys. I ate supper. Me and Mike played two games of chess. He smeared me at them both. I watched Carol. Now I'm watching a movie called, "Mandrake the Magician" Stacey called afterwards to tell me that she heard on the radio that there isn't any school tomarrow either.

Thur. Jan. 25, 1979

BORING! DULL! That's the way I'd best describe today. I woke up at 9. Watched game shows. I made some dog-nuts. Best dog-nuts I ever ate. They tasted just great! Once again, I got no mail. Once again, that sucks! I watched our soap opera. Then I moved around the stuff in my room. It looks real fine this way! I watched a few more shows. I ate sloppy Joe's for supper. I write boring things in my diary. I've been invited to a swimming party 2-4. I don't think I will be able to go. Prunella is scheduled to come on that day, and I can't find my swimsuit! I watched Carol Burnett, the Odd Couple, then that adorable, cute, hilarious, Mork! I love him! Then I viewed What's Happenin' and played Master Mind with dad. Stacey called & told me they said on CLL that there's school tomarrow.

Fri. Jan. 26, 1979

Today was much better. School was much more fun than just sitting around the house. When I got home, I was thrilled to find that I didn't get any mail today either!! So I threw my mittens and one landed behind the stove. I ate a bowl of alphabet soup. Then we went to Venture & Kroger. I bought 2 records and 2 magazines. At Venture I saw Mr. Prim who's not fit-n-trim. At Kroger we saw Bob and fambly. People were getting stuck in the parking lot. After that I got my paycheck at K-Mart. It was only for 5 1/4 hours. It $13.57. Not bad! I shouldn't have quit! Daniel stopped by to borrow my typewriter. I watched The Pink Panther Strikes again. It was funny.

Sat. Jan. 27, 1979

I woke up at 9:30. I watched cartoons. Stacey asked me to stay all night. Mom wouldn't drive me, so her mom did. I got over here. We played ping pong. Watched recorded shows. Ate pizza, went over to the Rices, came back, played ping pong, and watched Saturday Night Live. It stunk again.

I wrote what's his name a letter and told him I'm calling on Valentine's day.

My "81" #'s are in.

Sun. Jan. 28, 1979

We woke up about 9:30. I only slept a couple of hours. at 10:15, I called home & told them to pick me up at noon. Me & Stacey ate breakfast, then went downstairs & played ping-pong. We came up & watched a tape of Battlestar Galactica. Mom & dad came & got me. I made a double batch of corn fritters. I slept for an hour & 1/2. I woke up at 6:00 and watched The Osmond Family Hour, then All in the Family & Alice. Now I'm watching a movie about a deaf boy called "And your name is Jonah." It's great! I've practically cried through the whole thing.

Mon. Jan. 29, 1979

Today was pretty stinky really. On my way out the door, mom hit my head with it. I drove today instead of tomarrow. In the library, Eagle Beak assigned us seats. In the mail I got letters and last week's Broadcasting. 3 boys at school are gonna try to get me a KZ93 shirt. It's more than "he" ever did for me. Daniel brought my typewriter back. I typed pal letters. I watched WKRP. Mom sewed my 81 on my jacket. We're supposed to get 3 more inches of snow. Boy, its about time we got some of that beautiful white stuff!

Tues. Jan. 30, 1979

Today was dull. We took notes in Art on Printmaking. He showed one of the prints Bob did long ago. It was good. On the way home, the snow started to really come down. Goody! I got my tax thing from K-mart. We ate beans & taters for supper. I watched Carol B., Odd Couple, Happy Days, LaVerne and Shirley and 3's Copany.

I wish I had a man!

Wed. Jan. 31, 1979

Today was for the best part good. Mom let me not go to school! We went shopping! I bought a new pair of earth shoes. Mom bought me that pair of black leather pants that I was gonna buy at X-mas for $30, they were 50% off! She also bought me a blouse! We ate at Sambo's. I didn't get any mail. Mike traded MY car to get himself one (he now has 2!) Boy was I pissed about that! Still am!

I watched 8 is Enough, 1 day at a time & the Jefferson's.

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