Stuck in the '70s logoFeb. 1979 diary entries

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The real life of a '70s teen . .

Thursday, Feb. 1, 1979

(Last Day of Driving - Letter from Stacy) 

Today was nice! School was good cause it was my last driving day! I get my blue slip in 2 weeks! I got my grades, all B's and A's! I'm proud! I wore my black leather pants & got alot of comments. When I got home, guess who I got a letter from? No, not Mark; Stacy!Stacy Liston He's living in Cisne, IL. It's about 150 miles south of us. He's 5'8" now! Same height as my Buster!! He sent a pic & he looks much better now. Maybe, I'll be able to begin a new love-life; maybe! I sure do need someone to help me forget about you know who.

I watched Mork & Mindy. That guy gets cuter every week. What a "clone"! Then I watched more tee wee, including SOAP.

Friday, February 2, 1979

Today i mailed a letter to Stacy. That means he should get it tomarrow. At school, Ichanged back to my old schedule of getting out at 20 till 2. I wasn't supposed to change back till Monday. Oh well, so what can they do about it, fire me? Mom let me drive, and we went to Ben Franklin where I got an '81 necklace, and a grey-ghost basketball pin. Then we went to a gift shop where I got a big valentine card for Stacy. Then we went to Dorothy's figurines where we got some plaster figures to paint, I got Donald Duck and a two way traffic sign. Then I drove home. In the mail, I got a broadcasting magazine, and guess what!? An application from the FCC to send in and get a restricted radio operator permit that requres no exam!! I'm senting away for it and then after my birthday, I'm going back to that stupid WCLL and get a JOB!! Looks like the start of my career! Stacey asked me if I wanted to go with her with her Dad to the bowling alley, his league bowls Fridays. So we did. It was pretty fun. This little girl was dragging her doll along the floor by a few strands of hair. We played Robot Bowl 3 times. I got 128, 165, 140! I wish I could play that in P.U. instead! I'm good at that. We also played air hockey. While we were at the bowling alley, I called home to see if Stacey if could spend the night. Ma said yeah. We had to wait for her mom to get back from shopping to make sure it was okay. While at the alley, good ol' Prunella arrived for her monthly visit! Fine! We talked and watched old peiple on the Dating Game. I had horrible cramps. I didn't sleep at all. My gut was killing me, back too. And it didn't help much to sleep on the hard floor either! I'm not typing too well, am I? I'm not always this bad!

Saturday February 3, 1979

high: 21, low: 7

Today was somewhat raunch. I didn't sleep. I got up at 7. I drove Stacey home. Then I drove up to Venture. There, I didn't get anything. We went to Kroger. There I didn't get anything. Then, we went to Sheridan Village. I saw the Bee Gees new album. There, I didn't get anything. I wanted the album, but Mom couldn't swing a few dollars to get it for me! We stopped at McDonalds on the way home. I got a burger, fries and a large coke. I slept from 12:30- to 5:30. I got up, and ate some stuff. Then I watched The Muppet Show, which stunk because Liberace hosted it. He's gay!!! Then I watche CHiP's. It was fantastic. I swoon every time I take a look at that gorgeous Erik Estrada. What a hunk. The show featured him tonight. Something weird is going on, because they said next week a new show premeires at that time, and they didn't say anything about what is gonna happen to CHip's! It better not have been cancelled! At 8 o'clock, I'm typing this. Tomarrow, I'm invited to that swimming party. I guess I'm going. I don't really want to though, because of Prunella. Maybe I won't. We're supposed to go eat at Grandma's too, and I have homework. I thing maybe I won't. I think maybe right now, I'll do something. Saturday Night Live isn't on tonight, so I think maybe I'll just snack on something, then go to sleep again. But now that I've cut out this piece of paper and begun to type on it, I might as well fill it all up. So, what can I say? How about my birthday is in 4 weeks? That's a pretty good thing to say isn't it? Well, the tee wee in my room is on, so I better go in there and do something about it. I think maybe I will go in there right now and watch it. Think maybe I shoul do that? I think maybe that would be a good idea. I think maybe I'm running out of typing room now See ya later!!

Sunday February 4, 1979 (Shelly's swim party)

Today was K.O. kinda boring. I decided not to go to the party, cuz it'd be too gross what with Prunella here and all. She didn't wanna go either! I drove Mike's new car to Grandma's where we ate lunch. We came back. Stacey called and told me that only 4 out of 23 people showed up at the party. I felt kinda bad. Others didn't show up for the same reason I didn't. I hope they'll come to my pizza party! I made dognuts. A pen-pal, Kristi Miller, called. She was in Chicago on her way to Fla. She lives in Montana. I'm watching the Bad News Bears. I can't wait to play softball again! I watched last hour and a half of Rocky. It was pretty good I suppose.

Monday February 5, 1979 (Letter from Stacy)

I went to school. The heater was broken in the english rooms. Stacey didn't come. Mike picked me up today. I had to wait 45 minutes. Guess what? I got another letter from Stacy! How's that for quick? I wish Buster would write back like that!! I answered the letter right away and hiked down to the Con. in the bitter cold to get a couple stamps. I'll mail it tomarrow. I watched Carol Burnett, then Little House on the Praire, MASH (stinks!) WKRP, the best! It was really funny.

I wonder if Stacy still likes me the way he used to? From his letters, it's very hard to tell. He didn't used to be that way. He would tell me EXACTLY how he felt! He sure has changed in that respect. I hope he still loves me. I need someone to love me now!

Tuesday February 6, 1979

In Business, S.B. asked me about Stacy. She wants his new address. I don't want to give it to her! In Art, I transferred my Snoopy onto the lino block. I start carving tomarrow. In P.U., I bowled a 92. Well, I'm improving! I drove to the Chilli P.O., then Wendy's where I ate a bugger and fries, then to the Doc's to get a blood test. The student doc was cute. I drove home. I received my Broadcasting. Cindie Tegg came by with that stationery I ordered. It sure is tough! I love it! It's real official. I watched "The Horror Show." It was cool. I dig spooky movies; this included the best of them. Except for the very best, "The Body Snatchers."

Gotta split. Gonna listen to the Sears radio theatre.

Wednesday February 7, 1979

I liked today! Before I left for school, mom & I decided that I would call home after 3rd hour & we'd go shopping! So I did, and we did! First, we went to the Peoria "lieberry," and I checked out 2 old Bee Gee's albums. They're neat! Then, we went to Northwoods. We ate lunch at J.C. Penney's. It didn't taste very good. At MusicLand, I got the Bee Gee's new album, "Spirits Having Flown." It's quite neat too. I drove us home. I listened to my records. I answered pen-pal letters on my cool new stationery. I had two hambuggers for supper. I watched Carol Burnett. It was funny. I then watched the Odd Couple. I began to watch Spiderman, but it stunk, so I just fiddled around the rest of the night.

Thursday February 8, 1979

Today did fine. It was snowing till about noon. I finished carving out Snoopy's teeth. In P.E. Aletha told Cathy she hates her. Dad came and got me. My counselor said she wants to see me during my study hall. I don't have one! I wonder what she wants? I made tortillas for supper. Aunt Dorothy witnessed a shooting from across the street! It was on the news.

I watched Mork & Mindy, and other shows.

Friday February 9, 1979

My life ain't worth beans. In Business, we had a sub and threw airplanes all hour. In Art, I made 5 prints. They all stink bad. My counselor loves to discourage me! She tried to talk me out of everything I've always wanted, always planned on! Well, I won't let her! I'm going to do what I want. She can't run my life! In the mail, I got my Steve Martin Head arrow! I love it. It really looks real! I called Shelly to see if she was gonna go Sun. to IVC Nite at the 2nd Chance. She was gonna call back but didn't. I watched Charlie Brown's V-day show. Bee Gees honoredThen I talked to Stacey she asked me over tomarrow. I am now watching The Heroes of Rock & Roll. It's quite neat to see how it's grown over the years. I think it's at it's best now! Shelly called. Her & I are definately going.

Saturday February 10, 1979

hi: 13 low:1

I guess today was okay. We went to the grocery store. I got a tape to record on. I went to Stacey's for 4 hours. We watched tv, looked at pictures, & listened to records. I came home. Dennis Brem came over. Mike brought his new girl-friend home. They went to a movie, but came back & watched Sat Nite Live. I've seen her before at school. Poor girl, Mike fell asleep & she left without him even knowing it! Wow, what a date that must have been. But she seemed to be real nice. She said she had fun. I don't know how she could have?! There were 48 commercials during this week's Sat Nite Live!

Sunday February 11, 1979

Today was good & bad. Steve, Judy, their kid, Aunt Dot & Uncle Art came over for dinner. The food was good. I had fun visiting. We had spaghetti. Shelly called & said she ain't goin' to the 2nd Chance. That ruined it for me! I did a bunch of exercises. I wanna lose weight. I'm 12 pounds more than I'm supposed to be. I'm watching Gone With the Wind for the 6th time! I love it. That Clark Gable was sure some guy! The conslusion is tomarrow. Too bad I already know what happens! My muscles all ache like @#%!! from those exercises! Me & Snookums are playing Space Tilt. He loves the marble! I'm watching 60 Minutes. It's pretty interesting. I sure wanted to go to the Disco tonight! I am really p.o.'d! It would have been alot of fun!!!!! Watched a Streets of S.F. with my hero Richard Hatch.

Mon. Feb. 12, 1979 (no school - Abe's birthday)

Today was sorta boring. I went with Mom to her craft thing this morn. It was boring. I sat there and watched the portable. On the way home, I drove. We went to Bergners, and Hardees. In the mail, I got 1 letter. Not from Stacy. I wish he'd hurry up! He's getting as bad as what's his name. I'm already nervous about calling him. I beat Mom in a few games of checkies. I beat Dad too! I was in kinda a bad mood this evening. I watched the second half of Gone With The Wind. Mike bought a Deluxe Monopoly set. It's really neat! He's runnin' around looking for extra money. I'm so scared about what I'm gonna say Wed. night. I hope I don't get sick from nerves. And I hope he'll talk to me! I still love him. Wonder if he misses me.

Tuesday February 13, 1979

Today went quite well, I'd say! In Biz, S.B. asked if I had Stacy's address. I told her I forgot. In Art, I began to carve out the rest of my Snoopy. It looks yucky now. In P.U., I bowled a 103!! The highest I've ever gotten! I drove home. I got another letter from Stacy. 'Bout time! I'm so scared about calling Mark tomarrow. I wish it would hurry up and get over with! I worked some more on my weight losing techniques. I played a game of Monopoly with Mike & Kevin. They smeared me! I had about 10 G's on my tab when I quit!

Valentine's Day

Today was the best day I've had since the night Mark and I went out! It all started out like a normal day when I was gonna call him that night, I was super nervous, and worried all day at school about how he was gonna act.

In Biz, S.B. asked for S.L.'s address again; again I said I forgot it. In Art, I'm carving the rest of my Snoopy. The band got back from their Florida trip and was at school today. I bought myself valentine candy. In P.U., I gave Mr. Magoo a piece of my mind. I really told him, boy!

When I got home, I was growing nervouser and nervouser. Then, a minute or two after 3:30, the phone rang. Mom got it, and told me it was some fellow. He said to her, "May I speak to Julie, please?" I got on there, and he said, "Happy Valentine's Day!" I was shocked out of my gord. I said it back. He said he was Buster, and I said I knew. He was calling because he wasn't gonna be at the station tonight at the time I said I'd call. He had his shift changed 2 months ago. We talked for about 20 minutes!!! I thought I was gonna die!! It was so good to hear him again! He said he's bored with that station, and just doesn't know what he's gonna do. I made it known that as soon as I get out of high school, I want to travel. He didn't think I wanted to! Now that he knows different, I sure wish we could spend the rest of our lives together travelling all over the country. I'm so amazed! I love that guy so much. Just when I was starting to give up, he proves he cares by calling! What a man! I love him! I want to live with him. By golly, I think there's still hope for me and him yet! I've just gotta keep in tough until I get out of high school, then, I'm gonna go be with him.

Thursday February 15, 1979

Today wasn't the greatest. As a matter of fact, it was somewhat yucky! There was freezing rain that put a sheet of ice on the area. Dad picked me up. We gave Gary (guy in Art class) a ride. I got 3 letters in the mail. I sat around & was bored. I watched Morky. He was great! What a cutie. Played Mike a game of Mono. He smeared me once again! I'm watching the Grammy's. Only people of importance on it are: Stephen Bishop, Bee Gees, Andy Gibb, Steve Martin.

Friday February 16, 1979

Today, I liked today! In Art, I completed some prints. They didn't turn out too stinko. I learned the abc's in sign lingo. I'm learning the rest out of Holley's book. It's fun! I had to stay for 6 & 7th hour cuz ma wouldn't get out on the ice to get me. I got no mail. I called Aunt Dot to see if I'm still stayin' all night. I am, and here I am! This is alright! I'm lounging around watching tv, eatin' Chip's & drinkin' sodie. I worked on her latch hook rug, and am now getting ready for to watch the Body Sntachers, the best movie ever made! I'm watching the Channel 9 Chicago News. Guess what?! All the music in B.S. is directed & produced by Carmen Dragon, Daryl's dad!

Saturday February 17, 1979

hi: 7, low: -2

Today was okay. Kinda busy. Ma got to Aunt Dot's early & woke us all up! We went to K-Fart, where I got 2 Andy Gibb puzzles. Then went to mall where I got the Peoria Game, and the book of the Body Snatchers. I didn't get any mail. Maybe S.L. ain't gonna write me cuz I mentioned Mark in my last note. Speaking of him, don't let me forget to write Buz a letter & mail it Tues. We got home. I could not get the car up the icy drive. The Brem's came over. Me, Mike, Kev, & Spock played Peoria. They quit at 8:30 to go cruise. They left me with Dennis! I played Peoria with him. I smeared him! Stacey asked if I could come over tomarrow. Ma & Pa said no. Oh well, I didn't really want to anyway. I'm now watching Saturday Night Live. It's been pretty good, for once!

Sunday February 18, 1979

Leif Garrett clipping from Tiger BeatToday was your average Sunday. I woke up at 11. I cleaned up my room as soon as I got up. Then I ate roast and potatoes for dinner. I added onto my Mork scrapbook. It snowed for awhile, but then it quit and the sun came out. I went on the air for a couple hours. I typed Buster a letter. I'll mail it Tuesday. I made corn fritters. At 6, Leif Garrett was on The Osmonds. He's cute! Here's a picture. He only got to sing one song, and they kept calling him "Life" and "Leaf"! I started to watch American Grafitti, but it stunk, so I tuned into Alice. Then I watched Marathon man.

I'm entering myself in a talent contest in a magazine.

Monday February 19, 1979

Today was fine. In English, I got to read a part in a story. In P.U., our volley ball team almost won a game! I drove us to a few shops in Chilli, then to Venture where I got 2 tapes & a new pair of white painter's pants. I borrowed Stacey's dad's tape recorder. It stinks! I made lasagna for supper. I listened to some old tapes. I watched M.A.S.H. Then, I tuned into WKRP, my fave. It's a 2 parter, continued next week. It's good. After it, Stacey called and we chatted for awhile. My throat hurts like hell! Mike's supposed to be borrowing Bob's recorder for me. He ain't come back yet. I think it's about time for me to go to sleep. I hope I don't have any more of those freaky dreams!

Tuesday February 20, 1979

Face it Fidler, you're FAT! You gotta lose weight: now I mean it!! C'mon! Instead of going down, I've gained 2 pounds! In Art, I made a mess of myself. In P.U., I'm back to the old me again, and bowling stinkier than ever! I got an '81. Oh well, it's a good year anyway. I drove us up to Eagle grocery store. I can't wait to get that little ol' license of mine! Won't be long now! I only got one stinkin' letter in the mail from a stinkin' pen-pal! I ate supper. I watched Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley. Stacey call & we shot the bull around a bit. Don't hink her parents are takin' her swimmin'. We got a high temp in the low 40's today! But now, we're getting freezing rain. Well, gotta split. See ya tomarrow.

Wednesday February 21, 1979

Today was okay for me. In P.U., our team won a volley ball game for once! Mom called & said she wasn't gonna pick me up. That upset me quite a bit! I didn't get no letters in the mail. Just my Broadcasting. Today I stuck to my diet well. I plan to keep it up now! I just have to lose weight!!!!! I made a tape for that talent contest. I guess it's pretty good. I'll settle for it! Wouldn't it be neat if I won?! But, you know that's impossible. Tomarrow, there's a softball meeting after school, and I'm going. I'm watching One Day at a Time. I watched the Jefferson's. I read some of the body Snatchers. It's great. My room is a disaster area! I must break down & clean it some day! But now, I must go to sleep if you please!

Thursday February 22, 1979

Today was good enough, I suppose. I was in a nontalkative mood. I drove us to the mall. I didn't stay at school for the softball meeting. At the mall, I got a Mork & Mindy book. I drove us back home. I made pizza for supper. I finished reading the Body Snatchers. It was great! It ended completely different from either movie. I watched Mork. It was the funniest one yet! Stacey called as usual. She was crying with parent problems. It's nice to know that someone confides in you.

I started to read my Mork book. It's really good.

Friday February 23, 1979

In P.U. we square danced. It stunk! I had to swing Mark Monce's own. He's gross. All of the guys in my class are a bunch of meely mouthed dust heads. I drove us straight home. Stacey didn't come to school. She called me. We had a tremendous misunderstanding. I asked her to come over meaning to stay all night, but not specifrying. When she got here, she brought only a game. I thought that was weird. She said she had to be home by 9. I figured she meant in the morn. Later, I realized she meant tonight. Me & dad took her home.

I called Mr. Easter & told him I want to be in softball.

Saturday February 24, 1979

Donald SoutherlandEverything stinks! I wish I were dead or only 3. Then I wouldn't have nuthin' to worry about. I drove us to the Peoria Lieberry. On the way, dad made me cry by yelling at me about pot-holes. We went to the mall. I got nuthin' much there. At the Westlake S.C., I got the Foto-Novel of the Body Snatchers. Then I drove home. Again, dad made me cry by saying I can't go swimming tomarrow cuz he's "always on the go." Bull! I hate this age! You're old enough to be called an adult, but too young to do the things they do. Only 2 more years, then I'm splittin' this joint! I watched Chips. Erik Estrada was only in 2 scenes! I watched B.J. & the bear. I didn't hear from Stacy yet. I wish he'd write. It's makin' me wonder if he's gonna or not. I want a car. I also want a man! Matter-a-fact, just gimme both of 'em and I'll be on my way!

Sunday February 25, 1979

This morning I drove to the Cat parking lot where dad coached me on parking techniques. Once at home, we decided that it would be nice to eat out. So, I drove with Mike in his car to Hardee's. When I got back, I practiced parking with a play tractor. Then I watched a few sports shows. I failed at an attempt to make popcorn balls. They turned out too mushy & sweet. I watched All in the Family & Alice. Then I saw that hunk, Erik on Celebrity Challenge of the Sexes. The men lost due to handicaps.

Monday February 26, 1979

eclipse of the sunI heard some very suprizing news at school. Lisa Bickley has an out of school suspension for being caught in the turlet taking speed!! Who would have ever thunk it?! If only she would've listened to me! What a true pot-head! I drove home. Today, there was an eclipse. The last one till 2017! I'll be 54 then! I watched it on a piece of paper at prison. Pretty neat!

I typed a letter for ma. Mike's been on the phone all night, still is! Now, what if someone important was trying to get through?

I watched Salvage I; it was pretty good, then M.A.S.H.; which stunk as usual, then part II of WKRP.

Tuesday February 27, 1979

Today was good enough. I got out at 12:55 because of mini-courses. Hey, wow, I set a new bowling record for me! I got 125!!! Is that great or what? Ouch! Snookums is chewing up my feet! I'm watching Jimmy Cahtah give a news conference. I finally got my C&T program. It's great! Has a ton of pics of Pooh without his hat!! I saw an add in the paper for a job as a concession girl at the Metro Cinema. I think I want that job. To pay for a car. While I'm working there, I can apply at CLL. If I get a job at CLL I'd quit the other one of course! Is that a good plan?

I watched some t.v. I had a heavy phone convo with Spacey Stacey.

Wednesday February 28, 1979

Today was good enough. I had to dance with yucky old Shawn Ball!! I was so embarrassed!! I drove us home in the rain. I didn't get any mail. Aw man! We ate leftover noodles for supper. We went to the dairy in the Lake of the Woods Plaza. I got 2 magazines, and saw a bunch of stuck-up sluts! I watched tee wee and talked on the phone to Stacey!

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