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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Cat strikes clippingMonday, Oct. 1, 1979

high: 78 low: 48

Went to school. It was real foggy this morning. It got real windy & rainy. Cat's union went on strike. Dad don't belong to the union, but he couldn't get across the picket lines, so he had to come back home. He & Ma picked me up after school. I went to the P.O. & mailed Erik my 8 x 10. Then I went to WCLL. They said they don't haven't any openings, but didn't forget me. We went to the Doc's. I'm off my pills till Dec. 1. I got a letter from a real Erik fan. We ate supper. I watched t.v. Pres. Carter made a speech about the Soviet troops in Cuba. I did homework. Watched Jonny Carson's special.

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1979

hi: 61, low: 51

I went to school. Got an A+ on an archery test, and History quiz. Picked up Sandy's yearbook. Came home. I watched "I Love Lucy," "T & J." Ate supper. Talked to Stacey. I went to my RADTV class. I got an A+ on last weeks quiz! Wow, 3 perfect quiz scores in one day! I don't think I can handle this!! I came home at 9. Today was a typical Chilli gloomy Autumn day weatherwise. Mom hates me. She is so difficult to talk to. The Poop is in America. Big deal! The World Series is going on. It's the Pirates and the Reds.

Wed. Oct. 3, 1979

hi: 61, low, 40

School stunk in comparison with yesterday. I did the lay out for this week's IVCene. I got a B on my Oral Interp test I took Thursday. We started basketball in P.E. I ate my lunch in the library. It rained on & off while I was in school. I got one letter. Ma, Dad and I went out and ate at Long John Silver's, then went to the mall to get money for their fall trip to Arkansas. Once back at home, I studied for 2 1/2 hours for the essay test we're gonna have in US History tomarrow. It just won't sink in. I can't follow this stuff! Stacey Dunkelberger, who appears to be on some wild ego trip, called. She loves to insult me in order to build up her ego, and make herself feel better than myself. Now, the big baby doesn't want to go see "The Amityville Horror" tomarrow night with the gang. She might have "dreams." My God!
I watched a show on PBS called "Sitcom." It featured Gary Marshall, the producer of "Mork & Mindy," "Laverne & Shirley," and "Happy Days."
Mike is getting married on Feb. 16, '80. I still can't believe it! Why her?!
I've got a head ache from studying too hard. I'm not really as stupid as Stacey says I am. She's just a brown nose.
I'm going to bed!

Thu. Oct. 4, 1979

hi: 54, low: 39

Amityville HorrorWent to school. It's cold. Took that test in History. I don't know how I did. The IVCene came out. At home, I ate supper. Went up to Stacey's. Got in her car, filled it up. Met Kim and Caren, Frog & Cowballs at the theatre. We got in, no questions asked, to view "The Amityville Horror." After it, we went to Pizza Hut and ate. It was fun. I got home at 11. I watched the last half hour of "Streets of San Francisco" with Richard Hatch.

Fri. Oct. 5, 1979

hi: 60, low: 31

Woke up around 8. Cat's union voted this morning to stay on strike. Me and Ma met Aunt Dot at the new K-Mart. I got 2 magazines. Went to Venture. I got a blank tape. Ate at Long John Silver's. Got grocery's. Came home. Vacuumed and washed my car. Watched Andy Griffith. Took a hamburger down to Mike. Ate one myself. Watched "Tom & Jerry." Mom & Dad started putting junk in the truck. Stacey called. I watched the local news. It's too cold out! I hate it! I watched "Happy Days," "The Incredible Hulk," "Dukes of Hazard"

Sat. Oct. 6, 1979

hi: 57, low: 44

I woke up at 7:30. Mom & Dad were already long gone. I watched a cartoon or three. I brought Booger in. I made brownies. I washed the dishes. I picked up my room. Stacey came down. We went to the park. It was packed so we came here. Kim & Caren came over. We played soccer, etc. We all went up to SD's & played ping-pong. Came back here. Played billiards. Stacey went home. I typed pp letters. I washed dishes. Made hot dogs for me, Mike & Cindy. I watched CHiP's. Erik had a kissing scene. He kisses nicely! Guess what? Cindy gave me one of her old Playgirl magazines!

Sun. Oct. 7, 1979Mork ad from TV Guide

hi: 69, low: 33

Woke up. Watched Richard Hatch on "KAPT." Washed. Sat around. Took Chad to the park. Came back. Showed Shar & Bob home movies. The bulb in the projector burnt out. Talked to SD. Watched Mork. Watched a vampire movie with Mike & her. I have sores on my tongue, a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and I think a cold! C'est la vie

Mon. Oct. 8, 1979 (Columbus Day)

hi: 75, low: 48

Woke up. Cleaned the house up. Stacey came down. We talked, watched the story. Then I drove us to the Convenients to get gas, and to Long John Silver's to get more gas! Ha, ha! Came back home. She left. I watched Captain Jinks, Petticoat Junction, I Love Lucy, Tom and Jerry, the news. Talked to Stacey. Made lasagna. Watched Little House on the Prarie. I did a little home work. I listened to the Shaun Cassidy album Stacey taped for me. It's real good. Every night, Mike brings fuzzhead here, they mess up the place, and I end up cleaning it the next day. I'm getting sick of it! My throat hurts alot. So do my cabobules! I'm gonna go get a drink then go to sleep!
I want a man. Erik will do! I wonder how Ma & Dad are down there in Pleasant Grove? I wonder what I'll be doing a year from now? Probably sitting around reading this dumb thing! Good night!

Tue. Oct. 9, 1979 (GOT ERIK'S AUTOGRAPH)

hi: 55, low: 45

Hi! Today wasn't too bad at all! Not at all. This is homecoming week. The theme is Las Vegas. At lunch, I bought some cheap styrofoam dice and a pin with Vegas spelled wrong. In Practical Speech we discussed birth control, abortion, and devorce. Now, here's the great part of today: when I got home, guess what was waiting for me in the mail box?! Wrong! It's the 8 x 10 I sent Erik to autograph for me!! Wow!!! Really freaks my mind!!!! He signs it, "Julie, Keep Smiling and Stay Happy Erik Estrada."! Ain't that neat!!?!! Wow! He also enclosed a b/w 8 x 10 of him and D.C.! Ain't that neat? What a guy!
Grandma called and asked me to come up and eat with her this Thursday night. I accepted her offer. I had forgotten that that is the eve of the bon-fire. Oh well. . .
I called Stacey and told her about the autographed picture I got from Erik.
I cooked up a couple hot dogs and ate them.
I watched the news. I fed the animals.
I got in my Monte, and went to my radio-television class. I came home.
I tried to tidy my room a bit, but it still looks cluttered. I have a ton of dishes and housework to do tomarrow thanks to Mike and fuzzy! Now I gotta set my alarm and try to get some sleep.

Wed. Oct. 10, 1979

hi: 57, low: 33

Went to school. Came home. Washed dishes. Fed animals. Aunt Dot called. Made supper for me, Mike & Fuzzy. I watched T&J, Real People.
Tried 8 million times to call Mom & Dad, but the Turner's never answered. I'm gonna go to bed early.

Thu. Oct. 11, 1979

hi: 56, low: 45

Went to school. During 5th & 6th hours, we took the school bus to ICC for career day. As soon as I got home, the phone rang. It was Bob asking me to babysit. So, I went to G.Ma's early. We ate hamburgers and I stayed for about an hour 1/2. Then I went to Bob's apartment and waited outside for them to get home. Finally they did. What a nightmare. I'd rather not go into all of the small details, but I will tell you a bit! Miranda's happiness lasted for about 2 minutes, then she threw herself down and started screaming! Well, you know how much I dislike kids, and I didn't know what the hell to do! So I picked her up. The little thing proceeded to throw up all over me! This was all well and fine, but I could have done better without! So I put the kid in her bed, and prayed she would sleep. Well, I'm not sure if she ever did, cause I fell asleep myself a little later.

Fri. Oct. 12, 1979

hi: 51, low: 44

This morning at 3, I heard someone pounding on the apartment door. It was Bob & Shar. They'd forgotten their door key. I reluctantly got up and let them in. I woke up again about 7:30. After B&S got up around 9:15, they gave me $6, I got dressed and came here. Believe it or not, Mike had cleaned up & did the dishes! I went and cleaned my room. Then watched the story. At 1, I tried calling Mom & Dad. Got hold of Patricia, but she said M&D weren't home. I said I'd call back at 3. Answered a pen-pal letter. Watched "One Day at a Time." Mike came home in between jobs. He told me he got the loan from the bank to get the house trailer he wanted. He'll be able to move in in another month, then fuzzhead will move in after they're married. I called Mom & Dad. It was nice to talk to them both. I'm glad they're coming home tomarrow. Oh yes, by the way, I am skipping school. Thought I'd best make that clear! I watched "Petticoat Junction." Mom said Otto had written me a letter. But I haven't gotten it yet. I watched "Andy Griffith." I took a shower. Grandma called to see how things went last night. I watched "Tom & Jerry." Made myself a few tacos. Watched a bit of the news. I fixed up a couple tacos for Mike, and he comes home and tells me he and fuzzhead are eating out tonight, so I had to put the stuff in the ice box for left overs. I went out and untangled Sam & Gomez. It's freezing out there. The weather guy says it'll get into the 20's tonight. Yechh! Mike & Fuzz went down to the Con. and brought back some Kool-Aid. Watched "Carol Burnett," a Hannah-Barberra special. I did a little bit of homework. Put the cat out. Listened to our homecoming game on good ol' WCLL. We lost our 6th straight game in a row, 51-14!! Alright!

Sat. Oct. 13, 1979

hi: 52, lo: 26

Woke up around quarter till 9. I made my bed. I turned on the top 40. I went out to the kitchen, stuck my head in the sink, and washed it. Listened to more of the top 40. Went to the mail box and got the mail. Made popcorn. Did the dishes. I took Mike his chamois and sponge, then drove on over to Convenient and bought 2 magazines with Erik in them. Watched some dumb ol' Elvis movie. Mom & Dad got home around 2:30. I helped them carry stuff in. I ate sardines with Dad. I watched part of a foot ball game. Played Dad a game of Master Mind. Watched the news, Gong Show, then, the best, CHiP's!! Erik's a hunk! Next week, he disco dances again! I can't wait! What a real guy! I did a wee bit of homework. I wrote to a pen pal who is stupid. I watched the news, then the season premiere of Sat. Nite Live which was hosted by the hilarious Steve Martin.

Sun. Oct. 14, 1979

hi: 60, lo: 26

Woke up. Watched Tony Danza on KAPT. Helped carry the topper off the truck. Me & Ma went shopping. I did not buy anything but 2 magazines. At the mall, they were all out of these Erik posters, but I reserved one. The lady's supposed to call me this week when it comes in! Came home. Ordered 2 more Erik posters & the shirt from his fan club. I made a pizza. Stacey called. I watched Disney cartoons, Mork & Mindy, The Miracle Worker. Played Master Mind with Mike. I studied pretty hard for my Broadcasting mid-term. Me & dad talked t.v. I watched the 10 o'clock news.

Mon. Oct. 15, 1979

high: 72, low: 51

As much as I didn't want to, I went to school. In Oral Interp, I did my song lyrics it went okay. The rest of the day stunk. Oh, exept I got an A+, 99 points on my history test I took Oct. 4th! Once again, I beat Stacey! Came home. Ate supper. Ma & Pa went to get Harold some straw, and some honey (for us) from Uncle Cow & Aunt Fish. Stacey called. I studied. I hate school! I'm really getting bogged down with all this work! I don't think I can handle it! Watched "Little House on the Prairie." I studied more. I watched "WKRP." Now, I'm going to bed.

Tue. Oct. 16, 1979

hi: 63, low: 50

This morn, I made myself a deluxe lunch to take to school. But instead, Dad took it out the door with him! By the time I had made me an all new one, Ma brought me to prison. In Study Hall, me & Kim played shuffle board on the table with poker chips. I came home. I drove to the station and had my car filled up using Mom's charge card. It took 17 gallons. I ate supper. Stacey called. She talked to me. She seems to think Kim is hilarious, but I guess I'm not any more! Went to my radio course. Marc, (isn't that neat? We get to call our teacher by his first name!) wasn't there. So, the sub gave us our mid-term, and after the half hour it took to take, we got to leave. I came home. Ma made real pumpkin pie goo out of a pumpkin earlier this evening. I cooked & salted the seeds and ate them.

Wed. Oct. 17, 1979

hi: 71; low: 51

Today wasn't a real good day at prison. I finally wrote a story for the newspaper, which I forgot to bring home with me to type up tonight. In Practical Speech I finally did my stinky demo speech. In Study Hall, me, Kim & Caren played Shuffle board and craps. While on the bus just about to leave the school, a girl came out from in between the buses and got hit by a girl in a pick up truck. It was horrible. I don't know if she's alive or not. I'll keep you informed as much as possible. This morning, my friend Shelly ran away from home. I'll fill you in on that as I get the info. Things are really going freaky lately! Stacey called. I watched "Real People" & a movie called "Concrete Cowboys."

Thu. Oct. 18, 1979

hi: 76; low: 55

newspaper clipping about accidentToday wasn't a whole lot better than yesterday. I got my story typed up for the IVCene. This week's issue, which comes out tomarrow, is gonna be a biggie. In Oral Interp, I discovered some obscene poems by a famous poet whose name is Diane Wakoski. They changed the bus loading procedure since the accident yesterday to prevent future disasters. There were a lot of concerned people at prison today. I heard the girl was really hurt badly. Lots of internal injuries, broken bones, and a concussion. Here's what it said in the Journal Star about it tonight. In Practical Speech, Kenny Radley brought in his dog, and did a demo speech on how to train a mutt. It was really cute. Me, Kim, and Caren played craps and shuffleboard again in Study Hall. It was pretty nice out today. I came home. I got 2 letters. I ate 2 hamburgers for supper. I watched "Tom & Jerry." Stacey called. She asked me to stay all night Saturday. I don't really want to, but I said I would any way. I'm a real sport! If Prunella's here, I won't! They haven't found Shelly yet. I hope she's okay! I watched "Carol Burnett," "LaVerne & Shirley," "Benson," "Barney Miller," "SOAP," and "20/20."

Fri. Oct. 19, 1979

hi: 72, low: 60

Today, I was named a co-editor for entertainment department of IVCene. Flunked a quiz in Oral Interp. Mr. Jackass got mad at me. It was an okay day at prison. The IVCene was a 7 pager. I got my pictures (Sept. 19) I like them, what do you think? I reckon they're alot better than the ones that were so greasy last year! Came home. We went to Long John Silver's, then to the grocery store. When we got back, of course Stacey called. Oh yeah, I told her at school I'm not staying all night tomarrow. I cleaned my room, and rearanged posters. Guess what?! Erik was on the Tonight Show. He was great! A real sweetie, as usual! D&T Hosted M.N. Special

Newspaper staff picSat. Oct. 20, 1979

hi: 82 (20 degrees above normal) lo: 65

This morning on "The Midnight Special," Toni and Daryl did a bunch of new songs including the new single. I woke up aroud 8:30. I washed. Me & ma went to Sheridan Villiage. I got Vicki's present, and some stamps. Then, we went to the mall. I filled out an application at Fanny May Candies. The poster of Erik still isn't there! At Musicland, I got 2 singles: "Sleazy" by the Village People, and "Pop Muzik" by M. Stopped at McDonalds and brought home the chow. SD called. I listened to my new records, and neither has a single skip!! Amazing, huh? Answered a couple letters. Rested my eye balls. I watched some after noon sports. I ate a couple things. Watched the news. Shields & Yarnell on the Muppets, then, Erik baby on CHiP's. Next week, is the one with his accident. The Brem's came over at 8. Me, Mike, Cindy, & Dennis played Life, ate pizza, and played Uno. I found a gob of poems, and wrote a good general introduction. The Brems left. I watched Saturday Night Live.

Sun. Oct. 21, 1979

hi: 86 (record high!) low: 67

Woke up around 10:30. Stacey called. I made C.C. cookies. I fed Harold. I shaved and took a shower. (don't ask me where I put it!) I looked in my diary to see what I did a year ago today. I was a retard back then. I didn't know what the hell I was doing! I woulda eaten some chicken, but it wasn't done by the time I had to leave for Vicki's party. Went up to Stacey's. We went to the party. It was pretty fun. The weather was beautiful today, even hot! I watched "Mork & Mindy," "TV Guide The First 25 years," and "Prime Time Sunday."
I have a huge lump in my throat. It hurts! Prunella is late. No, I guess she ain't. She's due tomarrow.

Mon. Oct. 22, 1979

high: 73, low: 38

Well, I was up all night keeping "Prunella" company. She woke me up around 2. I complained about the pain, and Ma let me stay home. I watched game shows and the story. I rested my eyeballs. Watched more t.v. Ate supper. Watched Charlie Brown & Fat Albert's Halloween shows. Stacey called. I watched WKRP. I hear Shelly was back at school today.

Tue. Oct. 23, 1979

high: 41, low: 37

Hi ho! Ho hum here! Ever met a more dull, lazy, scum of a slob? The man from the Guiness Book of World Records came by today to see if my record for who sits around and does nothing night after night still stands. He was happy to see that it does, and that I even beat my last year's record!
Anyway. . .I stayed home again because of my cold. It would've been better if I hadn't. Because I wouldn't have heard something I did. Seems Mike and Fuzzbuns think I'm a real dud, a bum. I don't wanna talk about it.
I laid around and recuperated. Me and Ma made some neat cake. It tastes good. I watched the regular afternoon shows. Me, Ma & Dad ate supper. I read the newspaper. Tomarrow, this bum is gonna go apply for a job at the Westlake Cinema! I want a video tape recorder so bad, and it looks like the only way I'm gonna get one is to work for it! Here's my goal: I'll have that thing by the new year!
I watched the local news. Did a little homework. Watched "California Fever," "Three's Company," "Taxi," and "Hart to Hart."

Wed. Oct. 24, 1979

high: 50, low: 30

Mr. Jackass!Well, I went to school. In Oral Interp, Mr. Jackass made one of me in front of everyone. While I was gone, Ma got me a T-shirt with Erik on it in his uniform that says "Erik Estrada is Ponch." I love it!
I drove us (me & Ma) to Venture. Then to the mall. I got an all Erik magazine and 16 mag. I applied at the Toy & Hobby Shop there. The lady said she'd show my application to the manager, and he'd call me! Then we went to the new K-Fart. I applied there too and got 3 more magazines! I brung us home. I looked at my mags and glued stuff in scrapbooks. Watched the Best of Sat. Nite Live.

Thu. Oct. 25, 1979

high: 44, low: 28

Went to school. When I got there, everyone was standing outside the building. There was a bomb threat! Now if that ain't the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Firemen came in and searched the building. In Oral Interp, Mr. Jackass moved me to the other side of the room. "The next stop, Julie, is the principal's office!" You'll have to excuse him. He's fat and has no sense of humor! In 4th hour, I got out of Art class to do the paste up for tomarrow's I.V.Cene. In Study Hall, me and Kim are making paper puppets. Mine is "Binky." I came home. I ate supper. I typed pen-pal letters. I watched "LaVerne & Shirley" and "Benson."
Thre's an ad in tonight's paper for video cassette recorder's that I can't believe the price of! Dad says it isn't worth it. I'll show him when I finally save up all the money to buy one of my very own! And guess who I ain't gonna let use it!! The one's in the paper are the lowest I've ever seen. And it's a 4 hour one!!! I want one of those so bad!!! Mike and the butt hole are in the kitchen carving their pumpkins. I wish Mike would carve her head!!! Did some history homework.

Fri. Oct. 26, 1979

high: 51, low: 25

Peter BartonYeah, I went to school. Mr. Jackass wasn't at school today, so, we got to go to the cafeteria! Haleluja! At lunch, while I was selling papers, Kim found some strange form in her strawberry shortcake that looked similar to pubic hairs, and I told her so! I was so embarrassed! It slipped! There was a pep assembly for the game that we're gonna lose tonight. We brought Seedy and Binky to cheer. Ma picked me up after school. We went to Krause's market where I got a big fat pumpkin. Came home. Answered a pen-pal letter. Ate some pizza Ma made. Watched the news. It's 13 degrees colder than it's supposed to be! Looked at the Peoria Journal Star. I watched Carol Burnett. I watched a new show called "Shirley." It has a cute guy in it named Peter Barton. I cooked the pumpkin seeds from Mike's pumpkin while listening to our last home game on WCLL. We lost it too, of course! We've lost every single game this season! And there's only one left to play! 51-6!! That makes us 0 and 8 this year!

Sat. Oct. 27, 1979

high: 69, low: 41

Got out of bed. Took a shower. (I'll never tell where I took it to!) Ma & Dad went out to get some coal while I stayed at home and listened to the Top 40. Me aNew Captain and Tennille albumnd Ma went to Long John Silver's for lunch. Then to K-Mart. Next we went to Sheridan Village. At the Music Shop, guess what I found?! Daryl and Toni's brand new album!! It's called "Make Your Move." When we came home, I listened to it 3 or 4 times. It's fantastic!!!! I love every song on it!! There are some good pictures too!! While listening, I made a couple of maroon & grey pompoms and hung them on my rear view mirror.
CHiP's was fantastic. Well not as good as usual because Erik was in a hospital bed the whole time, and only had a couple scenes. Popped some pop corn. Watched "Love Boat," "Fantasy Island," "Saturday Night Live."

Sun. Oct. 28, 1979

high: 66, low: 34

I got up quarter till 10. Worked on my Erik scrapbook. Ma helped me with my editorial cartoon for history. Ate dinner. Moved Harold's cage up by the house. Studied for my history test a bit. Made cookies from a mix. Watched "Leave it to Beaver," "The Muppets," more tv, did homework.

Mon. Oct. 29, 1979

high: 69, low: 34

Went to prison. Took a 3 chapter test in History. Came home. Got 2 of my Erik posters from the fan club. I ate supper. I carved my pumpkin. Stacey finally broke down & called. I watched Little House on the Prairie, wrote to a pen-pal. Watched WKRP.

Tue. Oct. 30, 1979

high: 73, low: 51

Today wasn't very good. In Oral Interp, Mr. Jackass yelled at me and I never said one word! In P.E., a girl kicked my head, and it hurts like all hell broke loose inside there! I got a 92 on the history test I took yesterday. I came home. Got no mail. I was amazed when SD called and told me that she wasn't at school because she wrecked the car on the way there! She didn't see someone, and pulled out in front of him! I found it very difficult to believe! But it happened!
I ate supper. I watched "Tom & Jerry." Looked at the paper. I watched the news. My head is killing me!! I decided not to go to my broadcasting course because my head is pounding!
Cindy lent me a book called "Murder in Amityville." It's about the murder that took place in the A. Horror House. Can't wait to read it. Watched a couple Halloween Specials, then a movie with Robby Benson "One on One." It was real good.

Wed. Halloween 1979

high: 72, low: 61Halloween sticker

I went to prison. Stacey gave me a card and a big candy bar. While at prison, I read 130 pages in that book! Our team beat Bulldog's team in basketball today! It was a riot! We're the only team to beat them! In the mail, I got my Erik shirt I ordered from the fan club! I love it! I ate 4 tacos at supper. I put on my head arrow and answered the door for trick or treaters. It was funny to see 'em look again at my arrow! I watched "Real People." It was scary. I watched "Diff'rent Strokes," "Hello Larry," "Best of Saturday Night Live." It rained today.

Stay tuned for November 1979!

  • My quest for one of the first VCRs on the market (priced at $1,000) continues!
  • The feud with Mr. Jackass, my Oral Interpretation teacher, goes further.
  • Who is this Sha of Iran, anyway?

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