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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. When this month was written, I was 14 years old and in the eighth grade at Mossville Junior High School (Illinois). Days skipped indicate I didn't write in my diary on that day. BTW, don't quit reading -- it gets much better as the year wears on!!

Monday May 2, 1977

Hi! I'm doing my homework now. Mom picked me up from school at 12:30 and we went out to eat & then a little shopping. Just at K-mart. Saturday was fun. I still ache all over from it! Well nothing else to say, 'cept I better finish my homework.

Tuesday May 3, 1977

I've been drawing funny pictures all day. Today it has been pretty stormy. I got nothing in the mail.
I went to the doctors like I do every other Tuesday and got a blood count taken.

Wednesday May 4, 1977

There has been toronado warnings all evening.
Today I got sick at school & went home after lunch. Pardon my writing I have the hiccups.
Nothing speacial happened today at all. Maybe it will tomarrow. This Sunday is Toni's birthday. Happy Birthday to her.

Thursday May 5, 1977

Just got done watching Richard on Streets. Boy is he adorable!
You should have seen the golf ball sized hail that fell earlier. The weather has been horrible. It's always raining & there has been lots of tornado watches & warnings.

Friday May 6, 1977

So far it hasn't rained yet tonight. Amazing!
Sandy came over from about 4:30 to 6:30. We had fun talking about high school. I got a letter from my pen-pal, Karen Andersen today. She's nice.
It was a normal day at school. Only 3 more full weeks of it left! Yee-ha!

Saturday May 7, 1977

Today I bought a magazine called "Contemporary Keyboard." On the cover is my Pooh-Bear surrounded by his keyboards. Inside is a 2 page interview with daryl about his organs & stuff. It's really neat!
I also got a bulletin board to pin stuff up on. Another pen-pal wrote to me who saw my name in C&T's newsletter. I wrote back. She lives in Joliet, Ill.

Sunday May 8, 1977

Happy Birthday Tennille! C&T tour begins in CA.
We went to Heritage house to eat for Mothers Day.
Bob, Sher & Chad came over.
I'm watching the Boy in the Plastic Bubble. It's been real good! I saw it before.
I fell off my skate board while trying a new trick and really twisted up my left leg.
I love Daryl Dragon! (what does that have to do with anything?) C&T

Monday May 9, 1977

Absolutely nothing interesting at all happened today.
I hate school!!!I completely despise it!!!! I will kill to get out of it! Only 3 more long dragging weeks. It will seem more like 3 years!
Daryl is cool. I wish he was mine.

Tuesday May 10, 1977

Today was just like yesterday. Long, and boring!
El zilcho in the mail.
I did some homework. Played badmitton for awhile. We went to Sheridan Village, I got zip. We had dogfood, (corn-beef has) for supper. Absolutely no good shows whatsoever! I can't wait till school's out.
I'm sleepy. C&T concert Fresno

Wednesday May 11, 1977

Today was just as bad as all the rest.
Nothing out of the usual happened.
I got this months Tiger Beat in the mail today.
I'm watchin' "Grizz" right now.
I ain't got no homework! Now isn't that amazing?
C&T are in Bakersfield today (CA.)
14 1/2 days of school left. Boy do I ever hate it!

Thursday May 12, 1977

Today was NOT boring. First of all I got a letter from both of my pen-pals. Now for the biggie. Prepare yourself! May 24th C&T are in Chamaign & I'M GOING! Ain't that great?! It's a bus trip with the YWCA! Boy I really get to see my pooh-bear & All of his keyboads in person! If I can, I'll give him a big kis! Ha, ha. (Poor guy)

Friday May 13, 1977

Hi! I got a new pen pal today. Dianna & Lisa are spending the night. Fell off my skateboard & burgered my knee. Got sick.

Saturday May 14, 1977

Got another new pen-pal.

Monday May 16, 1977

I'm sorry I haven't been writing. I've had the flu bug or something. I stayed home today from it. I got another pen-pal. I now have 5! A week from tomarrow is the big day! I can't wait! I'm so excited. I hope we get good seats. Who knows, maybe we'll be in the very front row! Well, I'll go now. 10 1/2 days of school left!

Tuesday May 17, 1977

I am still sick today & am out of school. Pretty soon I have to go to the doctor's. I got another new pen-pal today. Now I have 6! A week from today is THE BIG CONCERT! I'll probably get so nervous, I'll be sick! I sure hope not. I don't wanna throw up on the bus, like an idiot! I'm praying that I'll be okay! The bus trip was cancelled, but we're going by car.

Wednesday May 18, 1977

I didn't go to school today either. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. But I imagine it must have something to do with the "big concert." Every time I think about it, my stomach gets queezy. Mom & dad say if I don't feel good next Tue, we won't go! So I just pray that my bod will cooperate & let me go! (Please?)

Friday May 20, 1977

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, I forgot. Mom, dad & Mike don't know it, but I skipped school today. Mom went on a bus trip & noone was home all day, Sooo....We got our tickets in the mail today for the big concert Tuesday. Oh yeah, today is Chad's 2nd birthday. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Chad, happy birthday to you!

Saturday May 21, 1977

Happy Birthday to Richard! 2 MORE DAYS! Tonight is Marie's Stinkin' party & guess who's not goin'? Me! She only invited me for my records. I didn't get no mail at all today. Well, I can't wait till I get to see my Pooh-Bear. He's so handsome.

Sunday May 22, 1977

Today we went to Bob's to wish Chad a happy belated birthday. Then we went to Unca Don's to borrow his binoculars for THE BIG CONCERT day after tomarrow. I got my rug for C&T finished Friday. Yuck! Tomarrow, it's back to school! Only about 6 1/2 more days left of it. Then it's Hello Vacation! I just wish I'd hurry up & get this "dumb" C&T concert over with! It's making me nervous!

Monday May 23, 1977

Today I went to school. I did not feel good, so I layed in the 1st aid room for awhile. With out me knowing it, the dumb lady called mom & told her to come get me! That did it! I was sure that I blew my chance to see C&T. But I managed a "quick recovery" so I still get to go. I just hope I can make it at school tomarrow, cause then is the time I've been DYING for to come. THE BIG CONCERT! I'm so happy! As of today, I have 8 pen-pals. 1 is a 14 year old boy named Kevin! I hope he's cute!

Tuesday May 24, 1977

Big C&T concert in Champaign! At Last! Wow, What a Night!!!!

Wednesday May 24, 1977

Wowie! Last night was very exciting. My Pooh-Bears keyboards took up the whole stage! My present got back stage to them. Daryl even sang! I bought a real neat program book & it has the sweetest baby pic of Daryl in it. With curly hair & big round eyes! He was so polite & sweet last night. Oops - I almost forgot to tell you about Toni. She was really great too! They looked just like they do on TV & pictures. They sound just like their records too. CAPTAIN & TENNILLE ARE GREAT!

Thursday May 26, 1977

My hero, Richard isn't on tonight.
Cousin Doug, Cheryl, Darrell, Steve, Judy, Uncle Art & Aunt Dot came over for a short visit.
I ordered a shirt with C&T on it, that should be neat!
Did you know that I'm crazy about Daryl Dragon? Well, I am! He's toe tweet!
Well, I'm out of things to say. The temp was 91.

Friday May 27, 1977

Today was just a normal day. Nothing for me in the mail.
Tonight (or is that tomarrow morning?) Toni will be on the Midnight Special.
Right now it's 20 till 10 P.M. I'm eating some Choclate Chip cookies I made & a glass of milk.
It's been real hot. Today it got up to 89.
2 days of school left!

Saturday May 28, 1977

Today was pretty fun. I got a spirograph. I also got 2 new magazines. I didn't get nothing at all in the mail. I've been cleanin' my room all day & it's still a mess! I'll have to finish it tomarrow. Well, I have absolutely nothing else to say, so ... I fell asleep last night & missed Toni on Midnight Special (crud)

Monday May 30, 1977 (no school)

Last night I spent the night at Grandma's. I skate boarded for hours & some this morning. Boy are my legs tired! Uncle Don & kids came over & we cooked out on the grill. I got 5$ from Grandma for graduation. Tomarrow is no school either. Right now I'm watching Robby Benson on TV in a play. He's pretty cute too! Also a good actor. Well, I'm gonna watch it now. the play was our Town

Tuesday May 31, 1977

Today we went shopping. I got a skate board shirt, some knee pads, slime and some other stuff.
I got letters from 2 of my pen pals. One of them the boy I told you about.
Well, nothing new.

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