Stuck in the '70s logoApril 1979 diary entries

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20 years ago this month. . .

Sunday, April 1, 1979

hi: 42, low: 33

I woke up around 8:30. Ma & dad went to K-mart. I stayed here and watched t.v. We had homemade lasagna for supper. I drove myself to play practice. It stunk! Shelly & Darcy didn't show up! I didn't even get to read. It rained, but I'm a safe driver!

I wrote Mark a letter explaining the Mizpah. I'll mail it tomarrow.

I'm watching Jesus of Nazareth Part 1. I wish I could watch all 4 parts, but I have stinkin' play practice.

Now I'm watching the new Mary Tyler Moore Show. It stinks!

I hate Prunella! I feel like I'm living In Shore Acres!

Monday, April 2, 1979

hi: 40, low: 32

In Art, Cathy drew a picture of Sigmund for me. Mom fimed the Diane Barber Show. It'll be on tomarrow morning. She says she did awful. Well, we'll se tomarrow! We beat 2 boys in badmitton 15-8! After school, we went to the drug store to get my prescription refilled. I came home & worked some on patching my fave pair of blue jeans. I had to go to stinkin' play practice! I don't think I like this! I left at 8 to come home and watch WKRP. It was kind of serious tonight, but good, as usual.

I watched an hour of Jesus. I'll watch the whole 2 hours tomarrow.

Headlines: big fire Washington school, nuclear plant still big news, flood waters rising

Tuesday April 3, 1979

hi:50, low, 27

In business, we flew airplanes, in Art, I modeled, in p.e. I remain undefeated. When I got home, I called Buster. We talked for quite awhile. I swooned just hearing his voice. We discussed so many things, that I can't list them! One, was, he got a new car a '78 white Honda scorpion 4 speed. The gas and insurance on his beautiful Monte Carlo were just too much. I love him! I also broke down and called Charlie. I still don't like him. I told him I listened to WIRL! Hah! That'll fix 'im! It was 63 & sunny in Chattanooga when I called. April 19 - May 16 are ratings.

I'm watching Jesus again. I love it! He sure was some guy! He has a great answer for everything! Jesus Lives!

Wednesday April 4, 1979

hi:41, low:25

We got a new seating arrangement in Business. For a strange reason unbekown to anyone, he put me & Darcy right next to each other. We had a test over Caesar that I know I flunked. We tied in a game of badmitton. I made pizza for supper. I skipped play practice. I watched Donald Duck. Tomarrow, I'd be getting out at 9:49, which is a waste, so, I ain't goin' to school. I got a new magazine, and it has the most gorgeous picture of Erik Estrada in it! I straightened up my room (it was pretty crooked)! I took down some old posters and put up a few new ones. Now, I'm listening to the newest Bee Gees album on my beautiful stereo. Some day, when I'm a rich and famous disc jockey, I'll pay mom & dad back.

Thursday April 5, 1979

hi: 59, record low: 23

After I got up (no-actually before I got up) we went to Bob's. Chad's getting very onry. The new kid is cute, except that she cries too much. Then we went to Unca Don's. David was the only one there. He's stupid; he dropped out of school! Then, I drove us over to the mall, I got a photo key chain, and had my own car key made! I tried to call Stacey all afternoon. Later, in great winds, I drove myself up there - got her- and brought her back here. We read diaries, listened to records, did exercises, jogged around the block, and watched slides. Oh, man, am I hungry! But I've got to lose weight! My room looks nice. I've got it pretty clean!

Jimmy Carter is the stinkiest president ever! Gas prices are already out of the world, and he says - UP THEY GO!

P.S. Watched Mork - it was good.

Friday April 6, 1979

hi: 39, record low: 20

I drove us to Bergner's where I got scalped. I don't like it. From there, we went to K-Fart, I got 2 records & a Steve Martin t-shirt. I left off a couple pics of me & Pooh, and the one Mark gave me of himself, to get negatives made. It'll take a week & a half. When I got home, Stacey asked me to come over. Her mom came down to get me. I drove their bus to her house. We played records, badmitton, ping-pong, and watched a tape of Pooh & Toni's show. Me, Ma & Dad went out to eat at Long John Silver's, and went to K-Fart (I saw Neil), Venture & Kroger. At Kroger, I saw my 8th grade math teacher, Mr. Sales. He isn't teaching anymore: he's a computer analist at Cat. Now, I'm watching the news.

Saturday April 7, 1979

Tony Danzahi: 55, low: 31

Looked through some old junk. I found a few old Teddy Bears and a Batman cape that really brought back the memories. Mom went to McDonald's & brought back the munchies. I drove up to the school for play practice, but no one was there, so I came back home. Oh well, it was a nice drive.

I watched tv. Chips was a repeat-so I tuned into the Bad News Bears & The 1st Easter Rabbit. Then, was B.J. & the Bear. Mom & dad turned on some corny old time movie, so I'm now in my room watching Super Train. Tony Danza was on it. I think I like him. He's kinda hunky! Mets beat Cubs 9-4.

For the first time in a longtime-Saturday Night Live was hilarious!

Sunday April 8, 1979 (267 days left of 1979)

hi: 55, low: 36

I woke up around 11. We ate Roast & Potatoes for dinner. Today's Cub-Met game was cancelled due to rain. I went to play practice. Shelly was there. We had it. I drove me back home. It rained.

I watched television. I watched the conclusion of Jesus. It was great! I cried.

Now I'm watching Mary Tyler Moore. Johnny Mathis is butchering a song that reminds me of Mark. This show always stinks, but I have to watch something while I'm waiting for the news!

Monday April 9, 1979

hi: 40, low 34

In P.U., we smeared the 2 sluts of the class-- Jody Kelenbach & Lori Kilpatrick in a game of badmitton. Then, we got slaughtered by Jim McCready & Jeff Samp - but at least we tried! After school, I drove me & ma up to the Dunlap Self-serve station where it was 72 cents a gallon for unleaded. Finally, I got some mail! Ate supper. I'm applying Wednesday for a job at Garrott Jewelers in the mall. I sure hope I get it! I want to buy a car! I watched the Easter Beagle. I talked on the phone to Stacey. I turned on 31 to watch WKRP but it wasn't on! That bites a big 'en!

Tuesday April 10, 1979

hi:48, low:29

We got beat in badmitton once agin. This time-by Kenny Radley and Cris Sibrel. Miss Laymen has lost all respect for us. When ma came to get me, we went to Chilli. I got a boy's gymsuit at Mannerings. Then we went to the Doc's so I could get poked. I told the nurse about me & M*A*S*H. I made pan pizza for supper. It burned. I watched the Odd Couple, Dracula, Peter Cottontail, and now I'm watching Richard Hatch in a movie I saw last year. It's great.

Snookums has been out courtin'. He's really acting weird.

My lips are falling apart! They hurt real bad. It's a good thing I don't use them frequently!

Wednesday April 11, 1979

Been rainy all day. For lunch, I ate an overheated dog. In P.U., I won one, lost one. I say "I" because I do all of the hitting, and Sherry does all the ducking. I put in an application at Wendy's in Chillicothe. I want a job, to buy a car. I'm not going to school tomarrow. I folded up a bunch of clothes and straightened drawers. I watched Walt Disney cartoons. I called Stacey and had her call me back. She read me a bunch of letters I had written her last summer from Arkansas. Gaaah-I'm a riot!

Thursday April 12, 1979

hi: 74, low: 48

I watched t.v. all day. I packed my stuff. Bummer! The weather was beautiful. Sunny & warm! Stacey left for her grandparents this afternoon.

Bob & wife & kids came over.

I watched mork. Took a bath.

Friday April 13, 1979

We woke up around 3, and were out of the drive way by 4. We took a wrong turn in St. Louis & ended up going back through it again. I drove for an hour. We drove through a flowing stream. We got here around 4. We brought stuff in. I wrote to Stacey. The t.v. works okay. I watched Bugs Bunny.

Saturday April 14, 1979

Dad woke me up at 7 by drilling on something. I had some hot chocolate, then washed my face and hair. We went to Mountain View. I got a pair of overalls. I mailed Stacey's letter. When we got back, I jogged. I've been writing S.D. a big long letter all day. I boiled & dyed the eggs. I fought off ticks. I ate a ketchup sandwhich. I saw the news. Look at the high & low! Wow! I watched the Brady Bunch. While I was getting ready to watch Chips. I felt something crawling on my shoulder. It was a tick! Gross! I wanna go home! I took a bath. I'm not going set foot out of this house again.

Sunday April 15, 1979 (happy Easter!)

Woke up around 10. Watched a church show. Ate roast & potatoes for dinner. Sat on the porch & got a tan. Ma & dad have been wallerin' & brought in the ticks. They're obviously holding a tic fest here!

Monday April 16, 1979

Went down to the Post Office. Got a letter from Stacey. Answered it. Sat around and watched television. 3 girls from here came over. I went out and played frisbee with them and two guys and one of them was a hunk. His name is Alfred. One girl said L.G. is in Mt. View, and that he talks about me alot. Oh dear! I'm going on a starvation diet. All I ate for supper was a potatoe and lettuce. I watched Little House on the Prairie. I took a bath. I think Snook got stung by a wasp. He's going crazy. I'm watching MASH.

Tuesday April 17, 1979

Went to Post Office. Didn't get a letter. Then went into Mt. View. Ate at the Kentucky Fried Chicken. Got a refill for my erasable pen that I'm writing with. Sat around and watched television. The weather was beautiful. We had Chilli for supper. Snookums is a sweetheart! I'm watching Dracula '79. Now, I'm watching Laverne & Shirley. Now I'm watching 3's Company. Next, I'll watch Tony Danza in Taxi. Then I'll wash my face and go to bed.

Wednesday April 18, 1979

Went down to Post Office. Got 2 letters from Stacey. Came back. Watched t.v. Washed my hair. Worked on my Snoopy rug. I've done 12 rows since I got here. The design is just like June 26. There are only 29 more days of school left! I watched Days of our Lives. It's supposed to rain, but hasn't. I'm bored. I wanna go home! This is black Mr. Erasable. Mom found the sacred "J" necklace I wore on that date with Mark. It was buried in a yard! I have no idea how it got there, but I'm glad she found it! I played frisbee with Alfred. I watched Real People.

Thursday April 19, 1979

hi: 84, low: 60

Today we went to Batesville. I bought a gorgeous hunky poster of gorgeous hunky Erik Estrada. I got a mag & a mork book & a B.G.'s shirt. We ate at Taco Hut. I got a letter from SD. I found a tick on Snook. We ate hot dogs for supper. I packed up my stuff. I wish we were leaving tomarrow 'stead of Saturday! I got some Compound W to put on the big ol' ugly wart on my finger. Alfred's down at his house playing frisbee with his sister. I'd go down there but I wanna see Erik on Who-dunnit. I have a headache and I'm fat! I'm also going to bed!

Friday April 20, 1979

Boy am I glad this is the last day! We went down to the P.O. to get a letter from Stacey. She says the high is gonna be in the 50's this weekend. Big dingy's! The high's here have been in the 80's! I want a car! My wart is falling off. It hurts! I'm sceeming up an idea for me and Stacey. Sunday, I have to get Buster's pics at K-Fart. Maybe the folks will let me drive us up there! Think they will? We'll have to wait and see! Or, perhaps we could go see Love at 1st Bite I watched tee wee. After Diferent Strokes, the television started burning, so I turned it off. I can't wait for tomarrow this time. I'll be at HOME SWEET HOME!!! And by summer, I'll have a job and a car, and I ain't comin' back here!! 4 cheers: hip-hip-hooray! hip-hip-hooray! hip-hip-hooray! hip-hip-hooray!

Saturday April 21, 1979

We left there around 3:30 & got here at 1:30. I got a bunch of letters. I unpacked & cleaned up my room. I talked on the phone to Stacey. She asked if I could come over, so here I am! I'm staying all night, then tomarrow, we're gonna see Love at First Bite. We played games, and watched a tape of Erik's first movie called The Cross & the Switchblade. It was good!

Sunday April 22, 1979

Ate strawberries for breakfast & hamburger for lunch. Went & saw Love at First Bite. It was kinda dumb! Walked over to the mall. I got an application from Farrells. I'll bring it back tomarrow after school. They brought me home. I answered letters. I ate turnips & cottage cheese. I watched All in the Family, One Day at a Time, Alice, Just Friends. Then, I washed my face, and am now proceeding to the boodwah! I love Buster! I'm mailing him a card tomarrow. I wish he would communicate with me! I'll take that application in to them tomarrow. I see 2 more jobs I want to apply for while I'm out. I just have to get a job! I'm finally growing up! And as I do, I realize my needs and wants are also growing. My needs range from money to men; my wants from records & posters to a tape recorder. I want to get out there and start my life, so look out world -- here comes Dusty Larue!

Monday April 23, 1979

GUESS WHAT?! I got a job!!! I'm a waitress at Farrell's! Neat? I started tonite with an orientation. And, I'm getting paid for it! This is gonna be a blast! After I get past the hard part I'll get to goof off as much as I want! Ya get a cute lil' outfit, and you get to act hilarious! I'm gonna love this! And the folks let me drive up by myself, and back home in the dark. Wow! My life is making a change of pace! It sure is gonna be hard to memorize the whole stinkin' menu! I gotta go back tomarrow at 5:15. A guy called about Mike's car tonite, so maybe he'll sell it & I get car!

Tuesday April 24, 1979

I told Mr. H. I quit the play. I went to work. I took my first price test. I flunked. I get 2 more tries. We learned how to carry trays & plates & stuff. Boy, it's hard!!!!!! We learned the steps of waiting on people. I can't remember all of this stuff!! But I will, cuz I'm gonna be the best waitress there! After I get a little experience under my belt, I'm sure I can do it. I'm afraid of dropping the stuff though! Oh well, wish me luck! So far, I've done okay with the driving part. Mike has had an offer for each his cars! As soon as he sells one, I get my own. Hope he does QUICK. I estimate I'll get approximately 23 bucks this week.

Wednesday April 25, 1979

At school, some kid fell through a window. They took him off in an ambulance.

We went to Aunt Dot's, and I went to work from there. I took the price test again, & I passed! Before I even started, we had a 45 min. break! I had a fudge-ana. Then, I followed her around, & tried to learn what to do. I don't know if I got it or not. But, I better, cuz I have to do it tomarrow! Oh no!

On the way home, it was pouring down rain. I hate night driving anyway, but with the t-storm and all of it's garnishes, I couldn't see a blasted thing! I was so scared! I said a prayer or twelve, and the good man above, got me home safe & sound!

Thursday April 26, 1979

I was in a lousy mood all day.

I worked 5-7:30. I was practically on my own anyway. It was fun. I made a few mistakes, but all in all, I think I did okay. Tomarrow, it's gonna be just little ol' me! Oh no! And it's gonna be B-U-S-Y!!! Wish me luck! I'll need it! I still don't know what I'm doing!

Bob came over. I finally got my labels today! Here's one:

Friday April 27, 1979

I stayed home from school. At noon, I called work & told the manager I couldn't come in tonight. I got a letter from Stacy. He hasn't written cause he's been busy with a play. He's coming up some weekend soon! I wrote & told him to let me know when. I wrote to Buster, and enclosed his pictures. I felt gross.

Mary Ellen, assistant manager from work called. She wanted to know why I wasn't there. I told her I had called & told Mr. Murphy I wasn't coming. She said he didn't tell her. I hope I'm not in trouble! Murphy told me to come in tomarrow at 11. I don't want to! I have to wait all on my own, and Saturday afternoons are the busiest times!

Saturday April 28, 1979

Today STUNK!!!! I worked from 11-5:30. You name it, it went wrong! What a horrible day! I only got 3 tips. And all together, they added up to $1.35. If that don't suck the biggest donkey dick in the world, I don't know what does!!

KZ-93 was having a dance-athon at the mall. Charlie was there, so I stopped by to say "hi." We talked a bit. The guy couldn't keep his hands off of me! He's lost weight.

I don't like this work routine at all! I'm gonna keep trying at WCLL! I mailed the manager a letter today. I want to be a disc jockey more than anything!

It's almost May already, and it still feels like winter!

Sunday April 29, 1979

I went to work. After 2 1/2 hours, she sent me home because we were so unbusy. But I was doing okay. I made more in tips today in 2 hours than I made in 6 hours yesterday! I think I finally have the hang of it! But I don't wanna go to work tomarrow! I went up to Stacey's and brought her back here for a few hours. Then I took her home. Mike is selling his Elite tomarrow. I wrote to Erik Estrada's Fan Club and asked how to join. I talked to Stacey. I watched t.v. I'm not using Mr. Erasable, as you can see. I put stuff in my scrap books.

Monday April 30, 1979

School was fun. I jumped 5'11" in the standing broad jump. Last fall, I only did 5'8". I went to work at 5. It was fun tonight. I made alot of tips. They let me off at 7:15! I stopped at K-Fart to get my Buster picture, but it wasn't there. I came on home. I get the day off Saturday. I'm going to Six Flags with Darcy's church group. Mike didn't sell his car! Damn! Stacey ain't goin' to 6F. And I went to all the f**kin' trouble of asking my bosses if I could have the day off! Boy am I pissed! I watched Leif on Miss Usa. If Shelly ain't goin', I'll just have to tell the boss I can work Saturday. But first I'll wait to see if Stacy's coming this weekend. If he is, I'll keep this Saturday off. Okay?

Stay tuned for May 1979:

--I get my own car!!
--Stacy comes to visit
--Work at Farrell's sucks
--Last day of sophomore year

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