Stuck in the '70s logoMarch 1978 diary

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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. On March 3 1978, I turned 15 years old.

Wednesday, March 1, 1978

Today was great! Well, the mall part of it was. The bus part was yucky. Got all kinds a stuff. Andy shirt, C&T shirt, a C&T biography, billfold & more. On the way to catch the bus, we got stuck in detweiler park and had to back down the whole hill!
We didn’t get home till 11:30 P.M!
I missed all of Buster.

Thursday, March 2, 1978

Wore my Andy shirt. Every girl at school loved it! Some how, Kim found out my combo. She got in my locker, and drew on my Andy Gibb pin-up. I’m gettin the combo changed tomarrow. The snow is horrible!! 2-4 inches, more by tomarrow! Got 1 letter and 1 tape in mail. Called Buz. KZ-93 is having a “Strip the pants off the Jock” contest. If you guess the right d.j., you win a pair of blue jeans. Told Buster I was gonna rip his pants off before the contest was over!! He said “You do that!!” Boy, I sure would love to!!!!!!! Stacey called and we talked for quite awhile. Tomarrow is my 15th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a 36 on an Algebra test. My room needs cleaning! I think I better get on that now, since I’ve got so many things for my birthday, I should keep my room neat, at least!! Look out Buster, I’m gonna rip your pants off!!!!  

Friday, March 3, 1978

My 15th birthday!
Great day! Only 1 class at school. Had party 4th hour. Got combo changed. It’s now 49-37-29. Babysit Chad. My pen pal, Debbie called me at Bob’s. We talked along time! B&S gave me 3 singles, “Night Fever,” “How Deep Is Your Love” & “The Way You Do the Things You Do.”
C&T were GR-8!! on Midnight Special. They’ve changed soooo much! Pooh with his mustache. And Toni has a new hairdo. Feathered! They were super great!! WONDERFUL!!
It was a good B-day. Called Buz & asked him to play some songs for my party. He asked how old I was. I said 17! He said, “Well, I’ll be dogged!!” He played Andy!  

Saturday, March 4, 1978

Went to the mall with my friends! Had fun. They bought me lunch. I got a big Andy poster, 8x10 of him, and a great pic of C&T. KZ-93 has a list of the top songs out now. Soon they’ll have pics of the jocks!
Changed my room around. One wall is solid Andy Posters! Dad’s been yellin’ ’bout all the holes I put in the walls to put ‘em up. Him & mom are always bitching at me about something.
Only thing Mike got me was a card. No present, no money, no nothing! Great brother! 

Sunday, March 5, 1978

Today wasn’t too boring. We went to Lakeview Center, then to the Glenn Oak Zoo. We also went to Kroger, and I got a new mag with a centerfold of Andy in it!
Came home. Was bored. Later, I watched, On Our Own, All in the Family, Alice, and Carol Burnett.
Mailed a letter to see how I can get into Andy’s fan club. 

Monday, March 6, 1978

Went to school. Looks like Joe is growing back his beard.Got 2 letters in mail. Watched a yucky show called, “The Body Human: the Red River.”
Hi Walker is sick, so Buz’s on from 8 p.m. till 1 a.m. I only got to listen till 11. I called at 10 after 10. He was super goofy. Mainly cuz he was tired. He told me he was busier than HELL! The way he said it was so funny. If ya wanna read the conversation, look in my famous junk drawer.  

Tuesday March 7, 1978

An 11 year old kid ripped Buz’s jeans.
Stinky day at school. Ain’t it always? 3 letters in the mail. Had pizza for supper.
Called Buz. Hope to see him Sat. when he’s in that walk-a-thon. The “Z” all of a sudden went off at about 10 till 8, and came back on at 26 till 10. when they came back on, Buz interupted a song & said, “KZ-93, WKZW Peoria returning to the air after technical difficulties. It’s 26 till 10 P.M.” he sounded so business-like & official.
Tonight’s conversation is available in my junk drawer. 

Wednesday, March 8, 1978

Barfy day at school. Joe shaved off his stubs. He’s in Shick shape. Got in trouble in library. Science too. Took Algebra quiz. Ripped off a poster for KZ’s walkathon. Aunt Dot gave me “J” necklace, 5$, jeans!! I didn’t even request “LWKUT” and Buz played it for me! I called to thank him. He was acting crazy tonight. I could hardly understand him, he was so nutty! I didn’t write it down tonight cuz it was stupid.
Got a nickname for Andy now. He’s my “Beef Cake!”
Pretty good, huh?
Buster, you’re a crazy person! (ha, ha!) 

Thursday, March 9, 1978

Today at school was average. Beth gave me some real great pics of Andy! In Study hall, Jeff & Ed wiped chalk all over me & Pick’s face. Pick got back by dumping water down Ed’s shirt. Bumped into Joe! In the mail a pal sent me a candle just like a taco! Neato!!!
Didn’t bother Buster tonight. Don’t want to make a total pest of myself! I’ll be seeing him Saturday! 

Friday, March 10, 1978

Today was pretty neat!
Got 1 letter in the mail. There was the stinkiest assembly at school. Some college choir. It was gross!!!!!
Called Buz. Gonna meet him tomarrow. Should be grand. I’m kinda worried, though. What if he’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my life? The answer lies in the pages of tomarrow! (hey! That was pretty good!) Check out my horoscope & Wishing Well for today! Could they be talking about the meeting of “Julie of IVC” & “Buster Bradley of KZ-93”?
Put a note into Joe’s locker! It was a cute poem Stacey showed me! 

Saturday, March 11, 1978

Stephen B., Andy K. on Sat. Night Live
KZ walkathon
Pick up Andy songbook
WHAT A CUTIE!! Went to Allied Agencies. Cut through line. Got in. Asked around and found Buster. Mom stayed in car with camera!! He was really good looking!!!! Very neatly dressed. He had a great complexion. Looked real young! Talked to him for a pretty long time! His shirt was a bit undone and I could see FUZZIES! He also played my song for me! So sweet!
Staying all night with Grandma.
Buz was such a fox! He has crystal clear green eyes. 

Sunday, March 12, 1978

Still can’t stop thinking of yesterday. IT WAS GREAT!! Oops, spelled Great wrong. Oh well. Went to grocery store. Got stuff. Had lasagna for lunch. Real good! Sat around in p.j.’s. Wrote down a detailed report about my meeting with Buz. It’s available in my junk drawer. I bought him a cute card that said something like this: “I like you becuz you’re you. The fact that you’re good looking, charming, intelligent and talented and have a good personality, has little or nothing to do with it!”
BUSTER!! Not only does he have a great personality, but he’s a fox! Card is perfect for him! 

Monday, March 13, 1978

Stinky day at school!! On Joe’s locker he put, “I’m still not interested! Stop writing me notes!” But that doesn’t bug me anymore, cuz now I have someone who really IS interested: BUZ! Got a notice in the mail that says I’m failing Algebra. There’s a test tomarrow and if I don’t do something, I’m gonna flunk it!! Maybe I’ll study.
Buz was on from 3-8 cuz Terry got sick. He said to me that he really liked seeing me Sat. I told him I want to see him again and he said, “Oh, there’ll be other times!” Va-va-va-voom!
Watched a cool movie called “The Death of Her Innocence.” 

Tuesday, March 14, 1978

Average day at prison. Took Algebra test. I know I did bad. Skipped Science.
Buz was on tonight from 3-8 too. I called and we had a Great talk! I found out he is 20! Only 20 He was born Sept. 13, 1957! I’m so glad he isn’t real old. He’s just right diary! I think I’m in love with him! Everything about him is wonderful! Do you know what he said to me tonight? “Let’s get freaky!!” Ha, ha. I’d love to Buz! Do you believe it ONLY 20!!!!! He’s silly too. tonight he was gargling Diet Pepsi! What a sweetheart!
At 8:30, I watched SOAP. So did Buster.

Wednesday, March 15, 1978

Good enough day at school. Today was Holley’s b-day. We went to Farrells after school and had lots of ice cream.
Talked to Stacey on phone for 1 1/2 hours.
Got 56 on Algebra test. Tomarrow is the 9-weeks test.
Buz was on his regular time. Didn’t call him. Didn’t have time. Mailed him that card this morning. He’ll get it tomarrow. I love him. Tonight was not much fun, cuz I didn’t call him and cuz I missed a hour and a half of him. I’ll call him tomarrow night. ONLY 20 

Thursday, March 16, 1978

Blah day. I'm sick of school. Took the 9 weeks test in Algebra.
Buster was on at his normal time. Guess what the very first some he played was? You guessed it! My song!! But when I called him up, he didn't seem to be in too good of a mood at all. He said he was tired. I'm worried. I hope something isn't wrong. I hope he isn't mad at me! But then, I don't see what he would be mad about. He must not feel the way about me that I do him. Of course, the guy is totally unpredictable. One nite he's super goofy, the next nite he's DULL!! Tonite was the latter of the two!
Talked to Stacey for 2 hours. My ear just fell off!!

Friday, March 17, 1978

He called me Dear
Played my song at 5:00 P.M.
Yucky day at prison. As usual. Flunked the Algebra test with flying colors.
Buster was on from 4-9. I called & he was in a real good mood. We had it all planned for me to call back at 7:15 and he would record me saying, "KZ-93 plays less commercials & more music." But when I called back, he couldn't get the recorder to work! He told me to hang on while he tried to fix it. I could here him back there cussing the thing out. He never got it to work, but he said we'd try again tomorrow. I don't want to though. I'm a little on the pissed side.
I'm staying all night with Stacey. We've had pretty much fun.
I can't stop thinking about that! I'd say I have a right to be mad. Don't you? I'm mad at the machine, not Buster.

Saturday, March 18, 1978
Bee Gees Children of the World album

Today wasn't too bad. At the store, I got a Bee Gees album. I listened to Buster. I took a short nap & I cleaned up my room. Hung up a new Andy centerfold. Everything went fine till dad got home. I showed him my B.G.'s album & he said that they looked like a bunch of long haired hippie gangsters. Then he picked out something I did wrong in the past & started yelling at me about that. He hates me. I cried for ½ hour. You know what I'd like to do? Run away from home, and live with Buz! That'd show them!

Sunday, March 19, 1978

Today was terrific, weatherwise. Sunny and in the mid 40s.
We went to Sears. I didn't get nothing, so it was stupid.
Came home, layed around and watched t.v.
Watched 2 Easter cartoons All in the Family, ALICE, and Carol Burnett.
Today was no big deal, but I must admit it was a nice rest.
I was super sleepy cuz I stayed up till 2:30 this morning watching a Dracula movie. It was gooey!

Monday, March 20, 1978

First day of SpringJulie's broken heart, illustrated by author
I think I'm experiencing what people call a broken heart. I'm not joking, so don't laugh. Tonight I found out that Buster has a girlfriend! The CREEP He said, "That doesn't mean that we can't be friends, though." HA! Do you know what my life is now? A big fat NOTHING!! I guess no guy will ever like me. I don't blame them, I wouldn't like someone as ugly as me either! I don't think I'll call him again. You know me, I'm an incurable romantic and daydreamer, and when my dreams are interrupted with reality, it hurts!!

Tuesday, March 21, 1978

Today was nothing! What did you think it would be, something Special? You should know better than that. Of course I didn't call my "friend" Buster! Tonight he had to rub it in on the air. Before the song, "It feels like the First time," he said, "This song is for someone very special to me out there, and I want you to know dear, that every time with you feels like the first time!" And you know DAMN well he wasn't talking about me!!! BASTARD!!!
I hate My Life!

Wednesday, March 22, 1978

I was still in mourning today over Buster. Didn't call him. Didn't even listen to him for an hour and a half!
School was a bore.
I've got my eye on a cute Junior. His name is Mike C*******. He has a mustache. You know how I LOVE them!
Well, everything is going just grotesquely.
Julie Fidler (a future recluse)

Thursday, March 23, 1978

End of 3rd 9-weeks
Today was much better than the rest of the week. As a matter of fact, I LIKED it!
I watched my new beau at school. We got out at 2:30. Watched the band in a parade. I GOT MY C&T NEWSLETTER! IT'S GREAT! Also got a mag with pic of Pooh with no hat!
Hey, I wasn't gonna call Buster, but 10 mins. Before he went off, he played "Shop Around"! So, I broke down & called! H asked where I'd been lately. I said I didn't want to be a pest! We talked about C&T's new image. Ya know, no hats, new records & stuff. He said he thought of me when he played the song. I said, "Aww, that's nice!" And before we hung up he said, "I'll talk to you tomarrow, if you'll call!!" I realize now that I was the one who was being snotty & stupid! I should have assumed that he would have a chick. A sweet & handsome guy like that, ya gotta expect it!

Friday, March 24, 1978

no school
Got my hair trimmed back into a Tennille.
Went to the mall. All I bought was some cotton candy. Looked all over for KZ's new music menu, but didn't find it.
Called Buster. Talked a little while.
Made pizza. Mm-good.
Snowing a lot. Yuck!
I thought all of that was over!

Saturday, March 25, 1978

Today was boring. The only time I left the house, was to get the mail, that of which I didn't get any!
Listened to Buster but didn't call him.
Bob, Sharolyn & Chad came over.
Our band was on the news!
Watched Saturday Night Live. It was funny.

Sunday, March 26, 1978

Today didn't even seem like Easter. But we did have candy.
I went with Stacey and saw "High Anxiety" again.
I've been playing with Bob's tape recorder all day.
The weather was yucky. Do you know that I haven't missed a day in this diary? Ain't that neat. I can't wit till I'm an old lady to go back & read it. What a bore.

Monday, March 27, 1978

Today was a good day. Nothing bad happened at prison.
It's getting warmer, and the snow is starting to melt!
Buster was being obsene with me on the phone. At least that's how he described it! We were talking and all of a sudden he said, "What are you wearing?" I go, "WHAT!?" He said, "Oh nothing, I was just being obscene!" That's okay, I didn't mind.
This week is GREAT C&Twise. 3 times. Can't wait till April 3rd!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 1978

Today was also a gr-8 day!!!!! School was okay. The temp was GRAND! Went to the Doc's.
Buster was hilarious! Tonight I asked HIM what He was wearing!! He said he was doing his show totally nude! Ha, ha! Really he had on a short sleeve shirt. I told him it was our anniversary, 3 months! He thought that was neat. Before we hung up, he said, "Happy Anniversary!" We talked for quite a while, about a bunch of stuff. He was in the silliest mood. Even on the air he was acting like a nut. For the song, "It's the Right time Of the Night for Making Love," he said, "It's the right time of the night for making love, so when do we begin?!" What a fox!

Wednesday, March 29, 1978

Today was fabulous! Mom let me stay home! We went shopping I got a jacket, "The Amityville Horror," and the new KZ list.
Saw C&T on Dinah. They were WONDERFUL! Daryl is soooo cute! I love them both!!!
Listened to Buz from 6-7 and 9-10. I had to see Carol Burnett's very last show. It was good & sad.
I didn't call Buster.
I love Toni & Daryl. The more I see of them, the more I like them! I've been a fan for around 2 years now. This summer, I wanna, and I'm gonna meet them!!

Thursday, March 30, 1978

temp got up to 63
Today was a change of pace, and wasn't very great. Nothing really went wrong at school, just a bore! Finished reading "The Amityville Horror." Boy was it scary! Really good!
My throat hurts soo bad!! OUCH!
Talked to Buster. He wasn't in a good mood. I could tell by the vibes. He said he was on t.v. tonight! On cablevision, channel 6. We don't get that!! I asked if "Buster" was a nickname. He said it was, but wouldn't tell me his real name. He said it was "common, but didn't want to reveal it!" He won't tell anyone! I feel like he's slipping away from me. He knows me much better than I do him. Don't think he likes me as much either. I feel like a damn FOOL.

Friday, March 31, 1978

Listen to this: The temp got up to 80!! I woke up with stomach cramps & a sore throat. Ma let me stay home to rest. Later, I found out the cramps were for my period. I got it this morning.
Couldn't have called "Buster" if I wanted to (but I didn't want to!) They're having a "Battle of the Champions." Daryl and Toni got beat by a yucky group, "The Doobie Brothers."

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