Stuck in the '70s logoJune 1979 diary

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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Friday, June 1, 1979

hi: 80, low: 52

Woke up about 6 a.m. We got ready, then went to Mossville grade school. It was a total waste! I brought Stacey home. I sat around & watched t.v. I'm gross! I slept about 3 hours last night. I'm dying!!

Saturday, June 2, 1979

hi: 78, low: 59

Ma woke me up. We went to the mall. Then to the Junction Pet Shop where I got a bunny rabbit. I named him/or her "Harold." We brought him home. In the mail I got a letter from Stacy. He said he might be over this weekend, but I haven't heard from him yet. I also got a letter from the Gen. Manager of WCLL. He says to make an appointment & come in some time. By golly, I will! Dad flew to Missouri. I talked to S.D. I watched my hunk on Chips. I viewed a repeat of B.J. Talked to SD. Dad came home & told us about his trip. Watched the news and Steve Martin host a re-run of Saturday Night Live. Everything is reruns!

Sunday June 3, 1979

hi: 85, low, 51

Got Stacey. Went to Glen Oak Park/Zoo. Came back - went to Shore click for Joe!Acres swimming pool. Saw Joe Gusman there. He's a hunk! Came home. My car is acting crazy! Watched the Time Machine. I wish Buster would write!

Monday June 4, 1979

hi: 84, low: 57

Robby BensonI did a gob of house work while Ma went to some meeting. I washed my car. I fed Harold. I called WCLL, and made an appointment to see Mr. Weatherford, the general manager, this Wed. at 4:30! I want to work there real bad!! Me & Ma went to the Mossville Dairy Bar. I got a banana split. I'm gonna take some courses at I.C.C. on radio. I can at my age! I'm gonna talk to my stinkin' counselor about it Wednesday when I go into Chilli. I wrote Mark a letter, then watched Carol Burnett, Little House on the Prairie. Talked to Stacey. Watched MASH, and WKRP, then the last hour of Jeremy starring Robby Benson.

Tuesday June 5, 1979

hi: 85, low: 60

I went to Jacksonville Illinois with Ma, Aunt Dot, & Judy for that craft camp. I made me, Stacy & Steve bracelets, me a key chain, & moccasins. It was pretty fun. I almost enjoyed it! We got home around 7:30. I watched television. Stacey called, Rosanne called. It should be neat to talk to Mr. Weatherford tomarrow. I'm also gonna talk to my counselor to see about this ICC business! I hope I can start that next year! That way, by the time I'm done with HS, I'll be done with college too!

Wednesday June 6, 1979 (called Buster!)

hi: 90, low: 57

Bob & Chad came over. I went to WCLL. The manager is really nice! He wants me to make a newstape for him! I also talked to my couselor about the classes. I might be starting this fall!
When I got home, I called Buster! It was great! We talked for 20 minutes! About everything! I love him. Don't feel like writing now though. More later!

Thursday June 7, 1979

hi: 82, low: 69

Mailed Buster's Jock shirt. Got 2 magazines, and a Monte Carlo shirt.Julie in Monte shirt I got no mail. I put up a few new posters in my room. I talked to SD. I watched the news, Odd Couple, Mork, Angie. I've been in a dull mood lately. And you know what else? I'm getting sick of this dumb diary! I want to remember what I've done, but I hate writing it down!
I want to say a prayer for Snook:
Father, please help my kitty. He's such a sweet animal. He's very sick and doesn't deserve to be. Please, Lord, let him live! Thank-you. Amen
I'm working on my zitty face, and flabby gut, and boring hard to get along with personality. Maybe by the time I see Mark, I'll be good. I need to lose 20 pounds! HELP!

Friday June 8, 1979 (206 more days of 1979-YUCK!)

hi: 86, low: 67

Woke up. Watched Captain Kangaroo, Card Sharks, Whew. We're Snookumsgonna take Snook to the Vet at 2:15. More on that later. Mom went to the grocery store. Watched Laverne & Shirley. Put Harold out. Watched Price is Right. Got the mail. It stunk! I didn't get any. Mom came home. we put away groceries. I washed my hair. Watched Password, Hollywood Squares, our story. Sad news: we took my baby to the Vet. The doctor checked him out, and told us he had lukemia, and that it was fatal. Said he was probably born with it. He had to be put to sleep. It was that or watch him die at home within a few days. Snookum was the best kitty I've ever had.

Saturday June 9, 1979

hi: 89, low 67

Mom woke me up to show me that I'd finally heard from Erik's fan club. I'm gonna join & order all the posters and stuff. Went to mall where I picked up me & Stacy's reprints. Watched Cub-Dodger game. We won! Helped with house-work. My car wouldn't start. When it finally did, I drove around the neighborhood. Talked to Stacey. I painted a picture. Ha, ha! I made a new weather graph. I watched the Gong Show & Chips. The Brem's came over. Me, Mike & Dennis played Monopoly and watched a repeat of Saturday Night Live.

Sunday June 10, 1979

hi: 73, low: 56

Jaws clippingDidn't wake up until 11:30. Called SD to see if she could go to see Jaws in Chilli with me. She could, and we did. It was real good, but kind of fakey. It was cold out today! After I got home, I read some of a book "S" is letting me borrow by Rosemary Rodgers called The Crowd Pleasers. It's pretty good. Watched the Muppets on 60 Minutes, Part of the Hindenburg, Greg Evigan on One Day at a Time. I started to play Monopoly with Mike, but his little girlfriend snapped her fingers! I sure hope I see Buster this summer! If I do, I'll wrap my arms around him & never let him go again!
This is a good show, I'm watching "The National Gossip." It's funny!

Monday June 11, 1979

hi: 80, low: 54

I went to Mom's craft thing with her at Bradley Park. Then we went to the mall where I got a good new tape recorder! It is fantastic! Went to CJ's where I picked up my Buster shirt. Here's a pic of me in it. I'm ugly, but he looks pretty good! I taped alot of stuff (news) just practicing to make the news tape for ol' Larry! Watched the Odd Couple, Little House on The Praire. Let Mike use my car to take him & the little fat girl to see Jaws cause his car is on the blink. Watched MASH and WKRP. Talked to SD. Looked for my d.j. book, but couldn't find it. I will tomarrow. Watched the people on the 10 o'clock news breathe, then I watched part of the tonight show hosted by Bill Cosby. He's quite hilarious really. Now, I'm going to bed. I lead such an exciting life, don't I? WHEN WILL IT CHANGE?

Tuesday June 12, 1979

hi: 80, low: 63

Woke up. Cleaned my room. Found my disc jockey book. Watched our story. Ran out to Bob's. Ran back. Talked to SD. Recorded some practice stuff. I think I'm getting worse! I brought my car down to the station where Mike filled it up and paid for it. John Wayne finally kicked off last night. He was a good guy. Rode my bike. Watched the news. Rode bikes with Ma. Took a bath and shaved my legs. I watched LaVerne & Shirley. Put Harold in the garage. Watched a re-run of 3's Company. Talked to SD. I'm spending the nite at Stacey's tomarrow. I watched half of Taxi. Well, I don't know about you, but I want a man! A good one!
I've got to lose weight! I believe I need to get rid of around 20 pounds before I see Buster this summer! Me & Mike finished our game of Mono-he won, of course! Gordon came over & watched.

Wednesday June 13, 1979

hi: 77, lo: 60

Watched a couple shows in the morning. I went to the doc's with Ma. Came home. Watched the story. Made corn fritters. Went up to Stacey's. We talked to Mrs. Rice, and played frisbee. Then we went to the Rices barn where we found a family of cats. There were 2 itty bitty kittys. I called Ma to ask if I could have one. She said yeah, so I went back & got it. We kept it in a box, and it kept us awake.We ended up moving it into their library.

Thursday June 14, 1979

hi: 86, lo: 62

I woke up at 7:30, then went back to sleep until 9:40. I called Uncle Art to try to catch Ma up there, but she wasn't. So, I packed up my belongings and returned home. She had left a note that said to meet at Aunt Dot's at 11:30. So, I washed my hair and drove to A.D.'s. Ma gave me my mail. I got a note from stinkin' Stacy. He says he can't write often cause he has so many friends to write to! I HAVE 20, count them 20 pen-pals, damn him! Came home, ate a salad watched our story. Wrote to Buster. Tried to take a nap but couldn't sleep. Watched MASH & Captain Stinks. Ate supper. Put the spedometer on my bike. Rode 1 1/2 miles on bike. Played with Booger. Watched the news. Watched a Mork re-run. Talked to Stacey. Played with Booger. Put on P.J.'s, brushed hair, did lots of exercises. I still weigh the same, dammit! I'm 10 pounds overweight, but I want to lose 20! I'll just have to keep working on it, I guess! My face is clearing up a bit. By the time I get to Chattanooga, Prunella will probably be here, and I'll be so gross!

Friday June 15, 1979

hi: 90, lo: 67

Ma woke me up early by flapping my window shades. I fed Booger & Harold, washed my face, watched TV. I got the mail, ate deviled eggs, and watched the story. Me & Ma went to the Mossville dairy bar & got an ice cream cone. I sat out and got a tan. Came in and washed up. Toured a research center with Ma & Pa. On the way home, a guy yelled to us, "Hey, you in the Ford, you have a pretty nice looking daughter!" Aw shucks! We stopped at Long John Silver's to eat on the way home. Watched Steve Martin on The Tonight Show. He's a riot!

Saturday June 16, 1979

hi: 90, low: 65

Went to Venture and Kroger this morning. At 1:30 we saw "Alien." It was really fantastic. Scared the soup out of me! Made "Body Snatchers" and "Jaws" look like didley squat. The effects, everything - great! Best movie I ever saw!
I talked to Stacey. I watched the news, the Gong Show, re-run of Erik on CHiPs. I talked to Stacey. Put stuff in scrapbooks, talked to Stacey. Watched some of the Love Boat. I viewed Fantasy Island. De Plane! De Plane! Played with the kitten. Now going to watch Saturday Night Live. It's a repeat, of course, but it's a funny one. I'll watch it until I get sleepy. Stacey is having a slumber party next Friday. It should be fun. We're invited to a family get together at Uncle Carl & Aunt Phyllis' tomarrow. We plan on seeing Buster on August 1st, if I don't die from nerves before then! I can't wait to see him! I love Erik Estrada! I'd love to meet that guy & plant one on his kisser!

Sunday June 17, 1979

hi: 84 low: 69

Woke up. I ate some Cookie Crisp cereal. Washed and shaved. -- No, dummy -- my legs, my legs! Went up to Cow & Fishes. Me & Sandy went up and got Grandma. We ate barbequed chicks. Me & Mike swam in their pool. It was alot of fun, and I got a good tan! Me & Mike came back in his car at about 4. I watched part of a Cub game while staring at pics of Erik Estrada. Oh, what a man! What a beautiful man! Went to Con and got a magazine. Talked to SD. Watched Goofy on Disney, All in the Family. Ma & Dad came home. Watched Greg Evigan on One Day at a Time, made brownies. They turned out like pudding! I viewed an Art Carney movie called "Harry & Tonto." It was weird! Watched 31's news. My face is greasy! I feel like a pudgy grease ball! I've gone completely bonkers over Erik. My day-dreaming is unbelieveable. Everywhere I go, I imagine him there too! I'm weird!

Monday June 18, 1979

hi: 79 lo: 59

Laid around the first half of the day. Watched the story. I called Buster. He was in a production and could only talk a minute. I told him we will be there August 1st. He's such a sweetheart!
I talked to Stacey. I washed up. Straightened my room. Watched the news. Ate supper. Watched a Cub game & listened to part of it on WCLL. Buster said he likes his Jock jersy and was wearing it when I called. Friday at SD's will be fun!
I'm dying to see Buster. This time, the moments we share are gonna be spent wisely, I guarantee it! I'm gonna give him one helluva kiss he won't ever forget!

Tuesday June 19, 1979

hi: 91, low: 64

Me and Mom went to Venture. I got 2 magazines with Erik in them, and undies. At the mall, I got a pretty outfit to wear to see Mark, and a corn-dog. We came home. I biked 3 miles. Watched some tv. I invited SD over. She stayed for 'bout 1 1/2 hours & I took her home. I wrote to Buster to tell him we'll be there August 2 also, and for him to suggest a motel for us. I watched the 10 o'clock news, and am now watching The Dating Game. There's a bunch of cornballs on it at this moment.

Wednesday June 20, 1979

hi: 92 lo: 71

Went to K-Fart. Got shirt, shorts, sandals. Went to Cohen's & bought a sofa sleeper for our Arkansas home. Watched the last 40 minutes of the story. Taped a news tape for ol' Lare. Talked to SD. Picked up my room. Ate 3 tacos. Watched the news, Carol Burnett, the Odd Couple. Ate another taco. Uh-oh, I'm gonna be fat. Good ol' channel 25 had some stinkin' show on, so I watched Laugh In on Springfield's channel 20. I talked to SD. I watched a movie I saw last Halloween called "Stranger in our House." Went outside to roll up my window, but it was stuck. So I pulled my car into the garage in case of rain. Got Harold some fresh water. Watched the rest of the movie. I'm now watching the news. The world is really going downhill quickly. The gas shortage is horrible, there are numerous arson fires on the S.side of Peoria, truckers are striking all over blocking off gas stations & killing people, EVERYONE IS GOING BONKERS!!

Thursday June 21, 1979

hi: 90 lo: 65

Mom barged in and woke me up. It never fails! I washed up and brought my news tape into WCLL. On the way home, I stopped at the Brem's where Ma was helping with their garage sale. I came home and watched our story. Talked to SD. Our electricity went off for 45 min. earlier this morning. I made some corn fritters. Ma came home and yelled at me for numerous things. I put some clothes in the wash. I watched MASH, the first 1/2 of Captain Stunk, Flipper, Gilligan. Some woman called & surveyed me about watches. Ate crummy pizza. We went to the grocery story. My genius of a father, figured out how to fix my window! He's great! Came in & washed. Played with Booger. Watched ABC's news show 20/20. Watched the news. I'm monitoring my television device at this very moment. The Dating Game is on. The broad on here thinks she is hot shit on a silver platter, when she is actually cold turds on a paper plate! Joke -- Me: I broke my Greek urn this morning. YOU: What's a Greek urn? ME: Oh, about 2 dollars an hour! HA-HA!!

Friday June 22, 1979

hi: 85 lo: 66

Got up. Sat around. Washed. Watched story. Left mom a note. Went to Stacey's. Her mom brought us to the local supermarket where we got chow for later on. We compared diaries, played frisbee, volleyball. Waited for Shelly and Holley to get there. They did. We all sat on the curb and waited for Vicki to get there. She did. We roasted weinies, had corn on the cob, cake and ice cream. After supper, we played volley-ball. Me, Stacey, and her dad beat their team. We had a water baloon fight with 2 neighborhood boys. It was pretty fun. We came inside and watched a bit of "The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming" and played a neat card game called Uno. We went out to the tent for awhile but got scared and came in and watched part of a movie with Erik, my hunk, in it called "The New Centuraians." But they didn't want to stay in to see the whole thing, so I asked stacey to record it for me. We went back out to the tent and laid around and told stupid jokes and just acted stupid in general. Then everyone fell asleep, but I don't think I did! All in all, it was a pretty fun day. I'm typing this on June 23rd, cause I couldn't very well do this over at Space's in front of everyone last night!

Saturday June 23, 1979

Wizard of Id comichi: 69 low: 56

We had breakfast at Stacey's. I left. I came home. I typed letters. I fried fish & ate them. I watched a corny nature movie. Slept for a couple hours. Watched the news, the Gong Show, Chips. Sat in my bedroom amongst the debree. Made popcorn and pigged out. Stacey called and we talked for awhile. I brushed the little sweaters off of my teeth. Then, I proceeded to wash my zitty face. I am now sprawled out on the living room floor waiting for the 31 Late Movie "The Curse of Frankenstein." Saturday Night Live is a repeat. Here's a comic out of today's newspaper that I thought was pretty funny.

Sunday June 24, 1979

hi: 75 lo: 48

Went up and got Stacey. We went shopping. I got a set of Uno cards. We stopped at McDonald's and brought home the eats. She stayed here for awhile and we played Uno. I took her home, then brought Mom's money to Mrs. Brem. Came home, played Uno and monopoly with Mike and Kevin McCready. Played with the kitty. Played a few rounds of Uno with Mike. Watched the 10 o'clock news. Good ol' L.G. called. I made Dad talk to him. The guy really wigs me out! He's gross!

Monday June 25, 1979

hi: 79 lo: 49

Woke up around 9. Helped Ma with chores. We went up and ate at Long John Silver's. I love that place! Yummy! I watched Days of our Lives. It was exciting today. I brushed my teeth and egged my face. I watched MASH. Booger chewed on my foot. I love men! I want Buster! I watched Dinah where some guy discussed sex. According to him, I've had sex before! He says holding hands, kissing, anything that arouses some strong emotion, can be considered as sex! Wow! I'm filthy! Batman was on The McCoys. Prunella hasn't arrived yet. I ate supper. I washed my face. I watched the news. SD called. I'm sick of her for reasons too various & complicated to list in today's entry. Maybe tomarrow. Watched Lil' House on the Prairie, Mash while playing Mike Uno. Watched a repeat of WKRP. Made some popcorn. Kinda watched Lou Grant. Am now watching news, will then proceed to view The Dating Game.

Tuesday June 26, 1979

hi: 84 lo: 53

(I've gone to another diary. For the continuing story of my life, please read the sequel "The Stinkiest diary ever Written" refer to Anything Book #0-517-271478)
 I was getting tired of writing real small and with little detail in my Snoopy diary, so I got this one so I can write as much as I want!
Mom woke me up around 8:30 so we could go underwear shopping. I washed my face and hair. Then we met Aunt Dorothy at the mall. At Monkey Wards, I got undies for me and a card for Buster. I went to the Book Market and got 2 of these diary things. We stopped at Dipper Dan's and I did something I shouldn't have! I had a Sprite and a Hot Fudge Banana Suprise. From there, we came back home. I didn't get any mail. I came inside, and am now writing this!
I'm waiting for our story to start. Yesterday, Laura hung herself, and we left her just hanging there! I watched the story. She is really wacko!!!
Now that I have this kind of diary. I can tell you what I wanted to last night about Stacey. Well, for one thing, she has her beedy little eyes on my brother, not because she likes him, but simply because she wants a boyfriend. She would delight in using him to make me jealous! I, myself, would like to see Mike find a girlfriend that would truly like him, and also, I don't like her snotty attitude!
2:20 PM - I went out into the hot beating sun and fought the battle of the drying spots as I attempted to wash and chamois off my beautiful car. Mike did his at the same time. I came inside and took a tea break. While Mom was doing the dishes, the cat was jumping up and down in it's box meowing. Mom threw water on it, and now it's hilarious looking! I watched M*A*S*H. 3:10- PM- I picked up some stuff in my room, but it's still a bit cluttered. I am watching Captain Stinks and Salty Ham. They said hi to Chad Fidler who is 4 years old and that he wants his grandpa Gene McCleary to call. Who the hell is he?
A guy from "Alien" was on Dinah and they talked about the movie. Do you believe that I lived through the scariest movie out today?!
5:20 PM- We ate supper. Next, I brushed my teeth and washed my face (this is so exciting!). I did a bunch of exercises to help me lose weight.
I watched the news. There's no good news anymore at all! First the snow, the cold, the flood. Now gas shortage, trucker's strike. Oh, I forgot the famed 3 mile island incident! The world is coming to an end!! 8:00 PM -I helped Dad in the garage with Harold's cage. In my room, I watched 3's Company. It was hilarious! When SD called, I had people tell her I was at my grandma's spending the night. Do you believe I've wasted about 4 pages on nothing!?
10:07 PM - I helped Mom with some homemade potatoe chips. Basically, she made them, and I ate them!! Watched the 10 o'clock news. I hope this gas shortage doesn't ruin my chance to see Buster this summer. I am absolutely dying to see him!
Well, I guess now I am going to watch the Dating Game, then I'll go to bed. Hey, this eligible bachelor is a disc jockey! But he's ugly. Oh well, they can't all be as fortunate as Buster!

Wednesday June 27, 1979

hi: 78 lo: 60

I woke up about 9. I watched my usual shows. Mrs. McCready came over and talked both of Mom's arms and legs off. She's full of bull! I ate a sloppy joe. Then, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and hair. I watched my story, Days of our Lives. After that, I picked up stuff in my room so it looks less cluttered. I called Cindy, my hair lady's, new hair place and made an appointment to get my head trimmed Saturday at 10. I rode my bike for 1 1/2 miles. Stacey called and talked at me for a few minutes. Then the guy from Cohen's came with our sofa/sleeper. I laid on it for awhile. Some high pressure sales person came and pushed an album at me. I didn't even want it, so how did I get talked into buying it? I then viewed Gilligan's Island.
Dad came home with a friend who had car troubles. They fixed that. It rained long enough to create water spots on my car, that of which I carefully washed yesterday. I ate chicken and corn for supper. I watched Robin Williams on Laugh Inn. The guy's riot! Watched some other shows. Stacey called and as per usual, talked my ear off!!
I had a beautiful dream about Buster and me last night. I hope I dream the sequel tonight!

I don't think I will get my hair trimmed this weekend. Then again, maybe I will! Then again, it's too short already! Oh well, we'll have to just wait and see!
I can't wait to see Buster! I'm dying! I want to just ride around and talk to him about everything. Maybe he'll take me into his apartment this time & we can sit & talk.

Thursday June 28, 1979

hi: 85 lo: 58

Mom woke me up early. Me, her, and Aunt Dot went to see Steve and Judy's house. We ate at some greasy place in Flanagan. We didn't get home till around 3.
I talked to Stacey on the horn and asked her to stay all night. She came over around 6:30. We played Uno and Pay Day. We walked down to the store and got chips, milk, and butter. We caught lightening bugs. We played a very short game of Pay Day with Mike. We watched the Dating Game, and Starsky and Hutch. We went to sleep.

Friday June 29, 1979

hi: 81 low: 66

Today was the pits! Prunella came while I was asleep. She did her best to get rid of me, but I put up a fight. We took SD home. We were gonna go shopping, but I got sicker and sicker! So we came home and I barfed and died in pain! Bob came over. They're going to repossess his trailer, and he and family may end up living here. I watched Captain Jinks and Gilligan. I ate a few pieces of toast. I watched the news. I hate being a female! Guys don't have any of these problems! I laid on the sofa-sleeper and I viewed Different Strokes, Welcome Back Kotter. Right now, I'm watching a movie called Love Trap. As soon as this is over, I'm going to bed. I don't feel too swell!

Saturday June 30, 1979

hi: 84 low: 61

Me and Ma went to Venture. We got film, I got the single "Is she Really Going Out with him?" I also got a couple magazines. We got groceries at Kroger. Dad finished the rabbit cage this morning. Harold really loves it. News flash: I'm looking forward to vacation!! It should be pretty fun this year, if I don't die from nerves on the way to Tennessee! I spent the night with Stacey. We goofed off. Played Bill Cosby records, volley ball, etc. Watched my hunk, Erik, on Chips.

Stay tuned for July 1979:

--President Carter says a recession is likely
--Parents call off trip to see Buster, and I plot an adventure
--Summer vacation trip
--Sky Lab crashes to earth
--I date a Southern boy
--A turning point in the Buster zone

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