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The real life of a '70s teen ...

Webmaster's note: All spelling and grammar remain original, and what you see is actually what appears in my 1970s diaries. When this month was written, I was 14 years old and going into my freshman year at Illinois Valley Central High School in Chillicothe. Days skipped indicate I didn't write in my diary on that day.

Wednesday June 1, 1977

Today we did nothing at school but grad practice & clean lockers.
I didn't get any mail. Oh well. Tomarrow we only go long enough for practice. Then come back at 7:15 to graduate. I'm the very first one.

Thursday June 2, 1977

Tonight I graduated. Boy am I glad to split that joint! I'm all through with grade school. No more school, till September. Now I have my diploma & I don't have to worry NO more. Well, I guess that's all I have to say. Richard was on tonight. Boy is he cute!

Friday June 3, 1977

Today was cool. I got a blue pair of adidas shorts & a blue adidas shirt to match. I just love them. We went shopping this morning. When we got home, I did some serious cleaning in my room so I'm almost done. But not quite. I played badmitton for awhile with dad. Tonight me & Marie are camping out in her yard in a tent. I got a letter from one of my pen pals, Robin Beeny.

Saturday June 4, 1977

I finally finished cleaning my room today. It looks nice. I got a letter from another one of my pen pals. I got 3 new single records, "Da Doo Ron Ron," "The Things We Do For Love" & "Lido Shuffle." As I sit in my room & look around, you can sure tell I'm a Cap'n & Tennille freak!

Sunday June 5, 1977

Today was our family cook out. Afterwards, I went to cousin Sandy's and swam in her 7 ft. pool. That was fun. On the way home, we stopped at the Mossville Dairy Bar & I got an ice cream cone. Every since we got home, I have been working on a story called "The C&T visit Julie Rodgers." I like to write storys. I want to be an author when I grow up.

Monday June 6, 1977

I went downtown with Grandma on the bus. BORING!
I got 3 letters from pen-pals today.
I bought some new Mickey Mouse stationery & 2 new skate board magazines.

Tuesday June 7, 1977

I sat around & watched game shows. Then I went to Lisa's softball game which was rained out. We went back to her house & threw darts at John Travolta for awhile. Friday we're gonna camp out. It's raining. It started about 6:00, and hasn't stopped since. It is now 9:05. No mail.

Wednesday June 8, 1977

Right now I'm watching Donny & Marie. It's a repeat. I learned a couple new tricks on my board today. I didn't get nothing in the mail. We made an appointment at Bergners to get my hair cut like Toni's. It's for tomarrow at 4 o'clock. She said it would have to be a shorter version, but it will still be "A Tennille cut" And when it gets longer, it will be exactly like hers! I can't wait.

Thursday June 9, 1977

Well, I got my hair cut & it really does look like Tennille's! I like it. I got letters from two of my pen pals today. Marie is staying all night tonight. Lisa & I rode our bikes down to the Mossville Dairy Bar this afternoon. That was fun.

Friday June 10, 1977

We watched Chad for awhile this afternoon. Me & Lisa WERE gonna camp out, until I received a quaint little phone call. Listen, here's how it went: Someone called & asked for me. Then I got on & said, "Hello?" & what did they say, you ask. "Good bye!" It sounded like Sundog! I got my tigerbeat today. My hair still looks good.

Saturday June 11, 1977

I'm watching Bob Newhart now. I've done absolutely nothing all day but lay around. I got a letter from my favorite pen-pal. She's as crazy about the adorable Cap'n as I am, (if that's possible) She calls him her "little darling." She must be really smart. I washed my hair & it still looks like Toni's!

Sunday June 12, 1977

We went to Venture. I got a tennis raquet & a dart board. I've been throwing darts at pictures of Jon Travolta all afternoon. It's been very cold outside lately.
Daryl is so cute it's hard to believe. Sheilds & Yarnell were on the Tonight Show Fri. Their show is tomarrow night.

Monday June 13, 1977Shields and Yarnell

Today Sharolyn was supposed to bring Chad over for me to babysit, but as usual, they didn't show up. So we went shopping. For lunch I had 3 tacos & a Sprite. For dessert I had a taffy apple! I got 2 letters from pen pals. Shields & Yarnell's show was very good. They did a neat imitation of C&T. Robert Shields is so cute! But I still love my pooh-bear best of all! Well gotta go now.

Tuesday June 14, 1977

I helped Lisa paint her basement. We went to hear Biddy's band play. Me & Lisa sat & watched this cool guy, but after awhile he came back with a girl. Then on the way back home, we had a friendly little pillow fight in the back of the truck.

Wednesday June 15, 1977

Today was an absolute bummer. Nothing at all happened. I didn't even get nothin in the mail.
Did you know C&T are gonna be at the State Fair Aug. 18? They are! But I can't go. That's alright, though. I feel lucky enough just to have seen them once!

Thursday June 16, 1977

In 15 minutes is my hero, Richard!
You know what I found out? They're gonna have Cap'n & Tennille dolls out! I read it in a mag. I got a letter from one pen pal. A cool one. I got my favorite record today, "Sir Duke" by Stevie Wonder.

Friday June 17, 1977

We got another siamese cat. His name is Nelson. We went shopping & I got a Sonny doll. The C&T dolls aren't out yet. But they will be sometime soon. Today & tomarrow C&T are in Chicago! I just got done watching a real good movie called, "The Prince of Central Park." Next is "Battle for the planet of the apes."

Saturday June 18, 1977

June 18 entry with Richard Hatch pic

Sunday June 19, 1977

Today has been a real bummer.
Firstly, we went to Uncle Don's and stayed all day long.
Then I get home, and now my stomach & back hurt for reasons which I won't mention.
Well, that's my whole day! THRILLSVILLE!

Monday June 20, 1977

In the mail, I finally got my C&T shirt. I also got a letter from my fave pen-pal & another one. Lisa got a letter from her 1st pen pal.
We are camping out in Lisa's yard tonight.
Peter Frampton was on Mike Douglas today.

Tuesday June 21, 1977

I left Lisa's house real early this morning cause I got cold.
I had to go to the doctors for a blodd count.
I got a new skateboard magazine.
I got 2 letters from pen-pals.
I've been drawing pics of my pooh bear. I'd like to make an oath. I will always be a very loyal fan of the Captain & Tennilles. THEY ARE THEE BEST!!!

Wednesday June 22, 1977

Me & Mom went shopping with Aunt Dorothy. It rained a little bit.
I didn't get nothing in the mail.
I didn't hear from Lisa all day. Maybe she called while I was gone.
I can't wait till the C&T dolls are out.

Thursday June 23, 1977

Guess what!? I got a letter from the lady who runs C&T's fan club! She said: "Yes, Toni & Daryl did receive your rug! In fact, I saw it in their house when they returned home for a few days the first of June. Toni had it in their music room. It was lovely, and she pointed it out to me. So you now know they not only recieved it, but it is at home!!!!"
Ain't that great?! Ain't I LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Got a letter from a pen-pal too)
Rich on Tonight

Friday June 24, 1977

We went to the mall. all I got was this purple pen & a locket that now has a pic of my pooh-bear in it.
I didn't get nothin' in the mail.
The rest of the day I've been just sitting around.
I don't have nothing else to say, 'cept I sure am happy to know that C&T got my rug in their music room at home! I feel so good to know that my work on that dumb rug finally paid off.

Saturday June 25, 1977

We went grocery shopping. I got 2 magazines.
I got 2 pen-pal letters in the mail. One from the 14-year old boy I write to. He sent a picture. From what I can see, he looks pretty cute.
Oh well, today's been boring.

Sunday June 26, 1977

Uncle Don & kids came over. We went to the mall. I got a Slip-n-Slide We ate chicken on the grill. I went to the Cornstock theater with Lisa & her mom to see a play called "The Sunshine Boys." It was real good. I have a fever blister on my lip, & it's killing me!

Monday June 27, 1977

This morning we went to the drug store and got my prescription refilled. Then we stopped at Dairy Queen & got some ice cream. I got a letter from one of my pen-pals, Deanna Creamer. Shields & Yarnell were on. They're really good! Then I watched The Best of Ernie Kovak's He's funny! I ache all over from that slip & slide thing yesterday!

Tuesday June 28, 1977

All I've done today is lay around & watch game shows.
It rained a little itty bit this morning. Just enough to get the driveway wet.
Daryl is my big ol' Pooh-Bear.
I still have that fever blister, or whatever it is. I wish it'd go away!
C&T are in New York tonight.

Wednesday June 29, 1977

We went to ben Franklin in Chilli. Then into Peoria. We ate at Bonanza. Went shopping at Belscot. I got a new hat, a pair of blue jeans, & a new pair of tennis shoes. I also got a new mag with a bit of C&T in it.
There was nothing in the mail for me. I hope I get somemore soon (pen-pals I mean)

Thursday June 30, 1977

I haven't been out all day except to get the mail, of which I didn't get any! Well, nuthin' else at all happened. It has rained all day.

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