Stuck in the '70s logoNovember 1979

Diary who's whoFebruary 1977March 1977April 1977May 1977June 1977July 1977August 1977September 1977October 1977November 1977December 1977January 1978February 1978March 1978April 1978May 1978June 1978July 1978August 1978September 1978October 1978November 1978December 1978January 1979February 1979June '79July 1979 diaryDecember 1979return home

The real life of a '70s teen ...

Thursday Nov. 1, '79
High: 49, low: 40

Wore my new Erik shirt to school. In Journalism, I wrote up & typed an editorial for the IVCene. Flunked a test in Oral Interp. Mr. Jackass asked me if I wanted to do today's announcements. I said I sure did. We went to the office where I waited for Wooly Willy (principle). While I was waiting, he went ahead and did them! I get to do them tomarrow, and every Friday. In P.E., we're playing a basketball tournament. My team won today's game, and will play Bulldog's team for the championship. Hope we win! Guess what?!! I'm getting an "A" in US History for this 9 weeks! Do you believe it?! I'm pretty proud of myself! I came home. It's very cold outside. I ate a pork chop for supper. I got dressed into nicer clothing. I asked Ma if she wanted to come with me. She did. I drove to the old K-Mart to apply. But I missed application time. I'll go again Saturday. I then drove to Venture where they excepted my application and said "they'll call me." But they all say that, so it can't be too definate. Oh well, I have applied at 5 different places, at least one should call! Speaking of calling, SD of course did. I'm sitting in front of the fireplace writing this. Mike's gonna move into his trailer this weekend. He & Cindy are cleaning his room & getting stuff together tonight. I found & read an old diary of Bob's. It wasn't very thrilling (like mine!) Gonna go to bed. G'nite!

Friday Nov. 2, 1979
high: 47 low: 24

Today I read the announcements. I was real nervous, but everyone told me I did good. We beat Bulldog's team for the tournament! Everyone in the gym was cheering for us! I sold this week's IVCene during lunch. Dad got his 30 year pin at work!! We had cake and ice cream to celebrate. Stacey came down to spend the night. We went up (I drove) to Mike's trailer to check it out. It sure is a nice one! I love it! We came back here. Goofed around, talked, played games, etc.

Erik Estrada postersC.HiP's Day November 3, 1979
"Hot Wheels"
high: 46 low:26

Was awakened by Ma, Dad, & Mike banging furniture around as they moved it out of his room. Ate breakfast. Stacey left. Me & Ma met Aunt Dot at Venture. I got a magazine there, and mom ran into an old crabby man with her shopping basket. We then went to the mall. There, I found 3 Erik posters! One was the one I was waiting for them to call me about! The other 2 were ones I was gonna send away for. I applied at Hicory Farms in the mall. They sounded pretty definate about hiring me. Said they'd call me for an interview. Came home. I moved my room around a bit. Put my typewriter & stand in Mike's old room. Put up my new 3 posters. Ate a sloppy Joe.
These are the posters I got today. I answered a couple pal letters. Watched the news. Ma & Dad left for Cow & Fishes. I changed clothes and curled my hair. Sandy called just as "CHiPs" was starting. She said I better get up there before all the fraternity guys eat all the cake! I told her I'd be up at 8. I finished watching CHiP's. It was really cute and hilarious. Went up to Cow & Fishes for an hour. Came back. Watched news, then Saturday Night Live.

Sunday November 4, 1979
high: 55 low: 23

After I woke up at about 11, I called Stacey to see if she wanted to cruise. I drove up to get her. First, I drove us to the new Landmark Plaza. All 50 of their lanes were taken up with leagues. So we played Robot Bowl there. Then, we walked to Sound Warehouse. SD found & bought an album she was looking for. Next, we went to pleasure Island at 2, but no lanes would be open until 4. So, we went to Mt. Hawley bowl. We bowled 2 games there. My scores were 134 and 76. I love to bowl! Took Stacey home. I brought me home. Fed Harold. Made spaghetti. Ate it. Went down to Con & got candy bars & Dad some tobacco. Wrote a pen pal letter. Talked to Stacey. Made a big batch of popcorn. Watched "Mork & Mindy," "Jaws," which I saw this summer on June 10th.

November 5, 1979 Monday
high: 61 low: 40

Today, for the most part, stunk. I'm getting a C in Journalism. That, I deserve. Now, I'm getting a C- in Basketball, I don't deserve that! I tried my hardest in that stinkin' lousy fu**in' class, but "Mr. Bruiser" don't like my attitude! Well, to hell with her! Another thing I most certainly ain't pleased with, to say the least, is the fact that I got stuck into the activity I hate the most; Body Conditioning! Help me! I sware, I won't do a blasted thing in there against my own will. Of course, Stacey brown nosed her way through it, and got an A. Never fails! I was a real doodle-bug, and doodled through most of my classes. I did a real good one of Bulldog! Oh yeah, she's in my Body Conditioning class! I can tell right now this next 4 1/2 week's ain't exactly gonna be Disney time! It was raining when I got out of prison. I came home. Changed clothes. I fed my rabbit. I ate supper. I talked to Brown Nose. Ma & Pa went to the grocery store. I read the paper. I watched Carol Burnett, "Little House on the Prairie," then "Heroes" the movie I saw with Bob & Shar on November 25, 1977. Look it up in my orange '77 diary!

Tuesday Nov. 6, 1979
high: 41 low: 34

Well, today stunk! Doodled Mr. Jackass in Journalism. Looked for a scene for me & Darcy to do in Oral Interp. She gave me a picture of her. In PE, it was a nightmare! In there, I have a choice of 2 things to do: lift weights or run! I jumped rope. It really bit a big donkey dick! In Art, I drew a turlet. In 6th hour, I talked to and played hangman with Kenny Radley. He's cute, and nice. I like him! It's sure cold out. Came home. Ma changed a bunch of furniture around and made Mike's room into a library/den. I made pizza. We ate it. I looked at the newspaper. I watched the news. In Russia, when babies are born, they throw them into a big tank of water with dolphins and watch them swim or drown, whichever comes first! It's really demented! I went to my Radio TV class. I came back and watched 45 minutes of a Candid Camera Special. Speaking of Specials, this Saturday is a special 2 hour CHiP's. That's all well and fine, but the Demin's are coming over for a visit on that night! Oh I wish I had that VCR (video cassette recorder). I dreampt last night I did. I could think of a million & one cases in which I could use it! This Sat. is one of those.
I looked in my last year's diary. A year ago tomarrow was the very first time I ever drove! I'm an old pro now-a-days!
Lord, bring me out that VCR!!!!

Wednesday, November 7th, 1979
high: 43 low: 25

Today also stunk. During Journalism, I started research and writing for my paper for RADTV. We have to do a crying scene in Oral Interp, but I refuse! I'll ask for an "F" instead. Screwed around in P.U. Ate lunch. Worked more on my report during 2D Design. Got another A on a quiz in US History. I'm doing really well in there. In Practical Speech, I asked Ms. Crothers to help me with my report. She lent me a Comp & Grammer book. We got our grades during 7th hour. Mr. Jackass is fat! I came home. I ate supper. Watched the news. I drove down to the Con & bought next week's tv guide. Erik's on a show Sat. morn. Watched "Real People" "Diff. Strokes," "Hello Larry" & "Sat Nite Live." Stacey called to brag about her straight A's and tell me all about ICC, as if I've never been there before! So, I acted bored, & she hung up! Hooray!

Thursday November 8, 1979
high: 43 low: 34

Today was a bit better. Went to prison for 1/2 day. School was out at 11:13. I watched the story. It's a real mess! Me & Ma went to the old K-Mart where I applied. The lady said when they start hiring extras, she'll call. We went to Venture. There, we got our movie film that I filmed Erik's dance scene on. It turned out very good! We came home. I watched t.v., and worked on my Erik Estrada scrap book. I ate supper. Stacey called. Watched "LaVerne and Shirley," "Benson," "Barney Miller," "SOAP," "20/20." Iran is holding some Americans hostage over there cuz we accepted their dumb Shah. They're burning the US flag & all kinds of neat stuff.
The weather man says it might snow late tonight. YUCK

Friday Nov. 9, 1979 NO SCHOOL
high: 43 low: 32

Woke up around 8:30. Cleaned out my bathroom drawers and the medicine cabinet. Before I got up, Ma left. She went somewhere with Aunt Dot and Judy. I worked real hard and got my report written, now I need typing paper to type it on. I'd have went and got some, but the truck is parked behind my Monte. I watched the story. It was real suspenseful! Oh yeah, about 10:30, Uncle Chuck & Aunt LaVerne came by, left some X-mas presents, and talked to me for awhile. Stacey called. I made some brownies. I listened to tunes for awhile. I watched "One Day at a Time," "Petticoat Junction," "Andy Griffith." It's been raining all day long. After Ma & Dad got home and Dad moved the truck, I got in Monte and went down to the Con. and bough some typing paper. Came home. I got my report all typed up and finished. Ma & Dad went up to the Brem's. I watched "Shirley," "Topper."
I think we're poor or something. I don't know. Every time I even mention a video recorder, I hear "Save your bucks," "Can't afford such luxury items," "Those things cost alot of money." Well, I'm gonna buy one, and I'm gonna pay for it on my own, and when I do, I'm gonna see to it that I'm the only one who uses it! That'll show 'em! I want a VCR so bad! I could sure use one of those puppies tomarrow, that's for sure.
Well gonna go to sleep and visit dream land now.

CHiP's Day November 10, 1979TV Guid CHiPs ad
"Drive Lady, Drive" - 2 hrs.
high: 28 low: 27

Well, I woke up earlier than I wanted to. C&T's new single is #38 this week. Last week, it was #55. Climbing fast! I watched Erik on a new Sat. morn "Hot Hero Sandwich." He was as hunky as usual. I took a shower. I went up & got the mail. Came back. M&D came back from the store. I ate. I ran my Erik film & picked out a record that goes w/it. I called Stacey & talked. At 7, the Demin's came over. I watched the special CHiP's, but I could only hear a couple words of it! Damn! I hope they repeat it! I stayed up and watched Sat Nite Live.

Sunday November 11, 1979
high: 36 low: 15 (tied record breaker)

Today was fun, and I'm sure it'll be quite memorable too! I went up to Stacey's. First, I drove us to Venture. The place was packed! We didn't buy anything there. But it was in the magazine section there that I decided to get a Playgirl. So, I switched jackets with Stacey, (mine has 81 on the sleeve) and we went over to Sheridan Village. I was gonna get the mag. at the book place there, but a classmate of mine was working at the cash register there, and she knows I'm not 18. We went to Kresge's from there so that Stacey could get her sister's b-day present. I drove us to the mall then. At the Book Market, we piddled around and I waited for the line to die down and for me to get my nerve up. Then, I grabbed this month's Playgirl and set it on the counter.The lady didn't say anything, she just rang it up, I gave her the bucks, and that was it! Just like that!! Whew!!
Also at the mall, I got Harold a water dish. And at Music Shop, I saw on sale a VCR for $649.00! That's cheapest yet! I'll aim my savings for about $700. When we got back in the car, we looked at the mag. It is FANTASTIC! I brought us back here where I showed her my home movie. Then we went up to her pad. We compared diaries, read some choice stories out of "thee mag," played backgammon. I came home. Answered a letter. Listened to the radio. I ate dinner. Mike and Fuzz just happened to show up in time to eat some of MY share! I watched Mork. Took a bath & shaved. I discovered a new hunk: Gregory Harrison on "Trapper John, MD." GOOOOOd Lookin'!

November 12, 1979 Monday
high: 34 low: 29

I hate school, but I had to go anyway! I wrote an article, a book review for tomarrow's IVCene. During 5th hour, the fire drill went off. It was another bomb threat. They led us into the gym while they looked for the bomb. I played hangman with Kenny during Pract. Speech. I came home. There was no mail cause it's Veteran's Day. I typed my article and a letter. I ate supper. Stacey called. Dad brought over the guy he drives to work with. He's good lookin'! Get a load of this; his name is Rod! I watched the news, "20/20," and the movie "Omen." It was pretty good.
Wednesday, I have to do that crying scene in Oral Interp. I'm not gonna do it. I'm scared though. What if he sends me to the office? Reckon we'll find out Wed.

Tuesday Nov. 13, 1979
high: 40 low: 27

School was stinky. I talked to Mr. Jackass. He's gonna let me do another part instead of the crying one. He ain't so bad, just fat. Me, Kim & Stacey are gonna be ushers Friday night for the play. Came home. Ate a few raw hot dogs and some ravioli. Watched Tom & Jerry. Looked at the paper. Watched the news. Went to my RADTV class, I gave him my report, took a quiz, then came home cuz I felt sleepy.

Wednesday Nov. 14, 1979
high: 48 low: 19

I told Mom while I was half asleep, that I didn't feel well and she just let me sleep. I don't really remember telling her that! Oh well ... I watched daytime t.v. Ma asked me if I wanted to go to the mall w/her to get some blanket binding. Well, I did, and we ended up getting a parakeet! We brung it home & put it in a cage we fixed up. I watched tv. SD called. Oh, I got a magazine with Gregory Harrison in it. Ate 5 tacos. Watched the news. Stacey called again. Guess what? Erik's on a show Monday. But I don't get to see it, cuz my RADTV class has been changed to that night! Damn, I wish I had a VCR right now! I'll try to get Stacey to record it for me. Okay? I watched "Real People." If K-Mart would hurry up and hire me, I could get a VCR and pay for it on a monthly installment plan! Sound good to you? Sounds great to me! I watched "Diff'rent Strokes," and "The Best of Saturday Night Live."
I wish I could retire now. All of this school stuff is driving me crazy! I wish I didn't have anything to worry about. I wish I were 4!

Thursday November 15, 1979
high: 53 low: 34

Went to prison. Stapled papers. Sold them during lunch. In History I got elected to do current events tomarrow. I don't want to. Came home. Ate supper. Stacey called. I drove down to the Con. to put in some gas. I found that my gas cap is missing. No wonder my guage was going down so quickly! Dad says he'll get me one this Sat. Stacey called again. I watched a Bugs Bunny Special. In the paper there's an ad for a job where people call you at home and leave messages. All you have to do is write 'em down. You can earn up to 220 bucks a week! Boy would that be great!? Darcy had this job. Tomarrow, I'm gonna ask her about it. Just think! In as little as 5 weeks, I could have that VCR! I can't wait to find out more about this! I hope I get that puppy!

Friday November 16, 1979
high: 49 low: 24

Before school, Stacey called. Said she wasn't coming cuz she has a cold. I went to school. In History, current events was easy. I just let Jeff and Dan do all the talking, and we got an A+! That was an easy A! I came home. After school, Stacey called. We ate supper. We all got ready, and went to school for the play. I ushered with Kim, Caren and some boy. The play was fantastic! It really was great. Oh, yeah, I did the announcements today. We came home. I read some of "Cruel Shoes," then about 11:30, I hit the hay.

CHiP's Day November 17, 1979
The Watch Commander
high: 66 low: 32

I slept until 11:30 when Ma woke me up to have Long John Silver's for lunch. I got dressed & we went to Chilli for the parade. It was kind of sad seeing the old Mossville Band, I don't know why. Guess I'm getting old. Bob & family were there too. Afterwards, I went over & talked to Mr. Weatherford, the big guy from WCLL. He introduced me to all the jocks. One, Al, grabbed me and hugged me. I didn't mind too much! We came home. Stacey called. I watched the news. In Iran, they're releasing the woman and the black hostages, and won't negotiate on the others unless we send their Shah back. I saw a cartoon called "Intergalactic Thanksgiving." Then, my honey on his show. After that, was a scary movie called "Salem's Lot." It concludes next Saturday. I'm on my bed right now. Gonna watch "Saturday Night Live."

Gregory HarrisonSunday November 18, 1979
69 low: 40

After I woke up, I listened to some of the AT 40. C&T's is #29 thi sweek. It's getting there. I wrote a letter. It was beautiful outside. I vacuumed & washed my car. Ate roast & potatoes. Watched Sunday's Matinee "Grizzly Adams." Stacey called. I made some corn fritters. Watched an hour of "The Little House Years," a one hour Mork, the last hour of Little House. Then the new hunk, Greg Harrison on Trapper John.

Monday November 19, 1979
high: 71 low: 54

Dad took my lunch again this morning. I went to school. Had a sub in 2D Design & History. Did our discussion in Prac. Speech. Came home. Ate supper. Drove down to Con. & got 6-pack of diet pepsi. Stacey called. Watched the news. hey! We're getting cable t.v. here in Brookview! Ain't that great?! I can't wait! Suppose to get it by Jan 1st! Watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Made some popcorn. I stayed home from my RADTV class to see Erik on Bob Hope. Now I feel lousy about it. Erik was only on for a couple secs and it sure wasn't worth missing my class to see! I did my homework.

Tuesday Nov. 20, 1979

Went to school. There was home room to talk about the prom. No big deal at school. Came home. It started to rain. I made spaghetti for supper. We went to the grocery store & I ran into K-Mart. We came home. Watched "Happy Days," "Angie," "3's Company," "Taxi," "Family." I tried to study for tomarrow's history test.

Wednesday November 21, 1979TV Guide ad for Bee Gees

high: 58 low: 46

I went to school. Took the history test. Guess I did okay. Played charades in Prac. Speech. It rained all day. Got out of prison at 2:30. In the mail, I finally got these labels. I like 'em! I drove to Con. & got Ma some pineapple. I took the Granada so I wouldn't get water spots on Monte. Wrote a couple letters. Fed my rabbit. Ate supper. Watched the news. Stuff is really getting bad for U.S. lately thanks to the situation in Iran. They let 13 hostages loose. But in the Pakistan seige one American got killed. I say we should shoot 'em all!

Stacey called. I watched a special 90 minute "Real People." Then, I watched the Bee Gee's Special. They really are great. Barry is "bery" sexy. G'night!

Thanksgiving 1979

Got up early to see Erik on Macy's parade. I sat for 2 3/4 hours, and finally he was on! I got dressed, washed. Aunt Dot, Uncle Art came over. Stacey called. I watched the story. Then we ate our turkey feast. Boy am I stuffed. I dried dishes. Mike and Cindy came over. Dot left. I listened to records & made a X-mas list. Prunella's late. She was due Tuesday. Oh well! Gordan & famiy came over to visit; G-Ma too. Aunt Fish is depressing. Says our days are numbered, we're all gonna die. Nice, huh? Watched SOAP.
Shah is said to be going to Mexico within 2 weeks. We hope that will make the situation better & the people in Iran will let the American hostages go. This is really getting bad. A war is possible. I'll try to keep you up to date. But now, I'm goin' to bed!

Friday November 23, 1979

high: 38 low: 26

I was awakened by Prunella early this morning. It didn't hurt too much. So I got up and got dressed. Me and Ma went to Venture. I didn't buy anything there, but I played with the electronic games. I started to feel gross, so I sat in the car. Next we went to the mall with Aunt Dot. I bough 3 mags. We came home. I got a couple letters in the mail. I snacked a bit. I wrote a letter to Tony DeFranco. I watched the story. I spray painted my model car with flat white. Stacey called. I went down to spray clear gloss on my car, but when Dad too the clogged valve off the can and tried to replace it, the stuff started to squirt all over the place! He put it outside. I wrote a letter to Parker Brothers asking if they could repair my Merlin. I watched the news. I looked at some of my old diaries. I didn't write much in most of them. I watched "Shirley." I tried to play with my handicapped Merlin. I put together some of my next diary. It's entitled, "What a Boring Life I lead." It's the red plaid anything book #0-517-265206. We had the fire going all night. Ma's making a Raggedy Andy doll. Dad's downstairs cutting glass for a lamp he's making Mike. Watched the Village People on a Playboy Special.

CHiP's Day November 24, 1979

"Destruction Derby"

high: 51 low: 27

I got up around 8:30. At 9, I turned on the AT 40. Mom kept trying to talk me into going to a person I don't even know's visitation. She bribed me by saying we'd be going to K-Mart & Metro Centre. I agreed to go on one condition: that I could sit in the car not having to look at the dead one. At 10, I called Brown's to ask about a job interview. The lady wasn't there. They asked me to call back Monday. Mom'll havta do that for me cuz I'll be at prison. I listened to more of the top 40. I read my entire 1977 diary. I sure think I have matured alot since then. Only now, I don't use paragraphs! Hardy-har! C-n-T's song's #19 this week. Stacey called. I asked her if she wanted to go shoppin' w/me. I took a shower & went up to get her, thus getting out of the visitation. We went to K-Fart & Metro. Didn't buy anything. Went to her house. Compared diaries, played backgammon & sorry. We came back here & tried to do homework. Watched Joker, Joker, Joker. I went to John Bee & got sodie. Took her home. I came back. Got on my p.j's. CHiP's was terrific. Erik didn't wear the uniform all night. He looked great. That guy is such a man!! I wish he were mine. Watched the conclusion of Salem's Lot. It sure was scary. I hope I can get to sleep tonight! I watched the news. We have our armed forces keeping an eye on Iran now. They'll take action if any hostages are harmed. I hope there's no need to! I watched Saturday Night Live. It was a repeat of one I hadn't seen.

Sunday November 25, 1979

High: 44 Low: 35

Got up about quarter till 12. I typed a couple letters. Stacey called. I went out and fed my rabit. Then, I cleaned my closet like it's never been cleaned before! I'm so proud! It looks great. Stacey called. I watched a new X-mas show "Rudolph & Frosty's Christmas in July." Dad worked on building my model Mercedes. I watched Mork, "Oh, God." It's rained all eve. No snow yet.

Monday November 26, 1979

high: 41 low: 35

I dunno, diary. I'm depressed. It seems like things are flying by and at me so quickly lately. Maybe the world is gonna come to an end soon -- sigh. I guess I'll recall the day's events for you. After all, that is what a diary is for, It's not supposed to be a shoulder to cry on, is it? Although that seems to be what I need about now. In Journalism, Mr. Weitzel made me do a story on some speech award. I hate that class! In Oral Interp, Fat wasn't there. Darcy and I discussed boyfriends. Funny ... I don't have one! In P.E., I tried to do some studying, but found it next to impossible. Had a sub in art. I just doodled Christmas things. In US History we listened. In Pract. Speech, we're learning how to listen. It was cold and gloomy all day. After we ate supper, we went to the mall. Ma had called Brown's for me & they said to come in & apply. So, I went in, but am I 18-no! Then could I apply? Well, of course not, fool! 16 year olds are incompetent! I walked & saw a "Help wanted" sign in a dress shop. So, I went in to apply. But - am I - get a load of this - 30? No. Then could I apply? No! Sucks! We next went to K-Fart. Just went in and looked around there. After that, we went to Mike's. We left him his bike and snow shovel and we stayed for a few minutes. We came back home. I brought kitty in for awhile. I did some homework. I watched WKRP. I did some more homework, but didn't get it finished. Time for bed now. S'posta flurry t'nite.

Tuesday November 27, 1979

high: 38 low: 32

Well, we had our first snow fall today. It melted as soon as it hit the ground, thank God! I went to suckin' school. Fat was there and I have to do my thing tomarrow. I drew a guy in art. He's a combination of Jesus & Barry Gibb. I feel really badly because I quit my RADTV class. I know you must think I'm a real dead beat, but I just can't handle 6 classes at school & it too. I had to finish memorizing my thing tonight & the class made it almost impossible. I have it done now, but Lord knows how long I can remember it. Oh, yeah, got a C-n-T newsletter today. I wrote Lisa Bickley a letter. She moved to Florida this summer. In between memorizing, I watched Bugs Bunny & Fat Albert. Aunt Dot is in hospital. They took a bone out of her hand & replaced it with a plastic one. I did my thing outloud a few more times.

Wednesday November 28, 1979

high: 31 low: 21

Went to school. I did my thing in Oral Interp. I only lost my place about 3 times. It snowed real hard, and today it stuck. I drove home at 2:30. I watched Erik on Dinah. It was great! The whole show practically was him. At 8 tonight, President Carter held a press conference on the Iranian situation. He's doing the best he can. Poor guy. He's the most honest president we've had lately. I do appreciate him. I watched t.v.

Thursday November 29, 1979

high: 27 low: 19

I went to school. I did the paste up in Journalism. There was a pep assembly. It stunk. It was freezing outside. 'Bout froze my lil' tush off! Didn't eat no supper. All in all, today was not a thrilling day! Now, the stinkin' Ayatollah says Carter should be tried for crimes he committed with the Shah! Lordy! What will that dumb Khomeini make up next? Stacey called. I played my recorder for awhile. Now that Shah is able to go back to his exile in Mexico, Mex. just announced they won't take him!

Friday November 30, 1979

high: 32 low: 21

Well, today was certainly an eventful day, I'll say that much for it. That's the reason I'm typing; so that I can fit the whole she-bang in one page. Mom drove me to school. Uh-before I start describing the whole day, I guess I better tell you about it. I didn't mention anything the past couple of days, because people were kind of in doubt, thought it was a hoax. Well, that's what he told us it was. Wednesday, or was it the day before? Anyway, they said on the radio that Erik had secretly gotten married, I replied "Bull cookies!" Then, the paper tells us to relax, Erik said it was all a hoax. Today, I find out he lied, he's married - the dirty rat!!! I don't want to go in to the feelings it has produced inside of me as of yet, I will after I finish the day.
In Journalism, I decided to take Mr. Sparks pictures of the band and himself back to him. But, before I did so, I confiscated one of him receiving an award and put it in a folder in my locker. Then I took the rest of the pictures back to that hunk! During lunch, I sold the I.V.CENE I got an application from McDonald's from Mr. Primm. I filled it out during Art. In History, I got back the test I took last week. I got a 94, that's an A of course. I also got an A+ on a quiz we took today! That's my favorite class. In Pract. Speech, we tried to hold a discussion, but it went in the toilet. In study hall, we had 2 history teachers at our table: mine and Kim's. I was telling mine what a good teacher he is, and Kim was complaining about her grades to hers. I really like Mr. Childs. He is cool. When I came home, I ate the supper. In the newspaper, I saw the horrifying news. Don't wanna discuss it at this point in time, thank you. Next, we went up to Brown's Chicken place in Pioneer Park, cuz I saw that they wanted part-time help. I applied and was HIRED ON THE SPOT. Diary, I finally have a job. I go in Monday December 10 right after school. You know what I'll be saving up for now!!!!! Then we went to Venture and the grosery store. I got three mags and a Mr. Potatoe Head. We came back home. Well, I'm gonna go to bed in a couple of secs.

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