The march of Civilisation
Victoria before 1848
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Surnames - List
Arrivals in 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,

They came by the 'William Metcalfe' as Bounty Immigrants in 1839

Passenger lists - NSW lists as families or singles, Victoria has age of individual, or C=child, A=Adult.
Some are not on both lists, people slip between the lists - Vic includes crew and maybe the paying passengers.
William Metcalfe ship from England to Port Phillip [assisted emigrant passengers] 1839 [Nov 24]
Have Chapter 14 of Historical Records of Victoria, Volume 4, edited by Michael Cannon and published 1985, which has lists and other details

With Captain Phillipson they sailed from Plymouth Harbour 26 July and reached Port Phillip after 113 days, on 15 Nov 1839 with 230 immigrants, 82 paid own fare and 168 bounty. Counted from the ship list, there are 24 families including children, 58 under 16, 34 females, 42 wives, 39 husbands and 66 single men totalling 237 souls. Bounty was claimed for 37 families - 1331 pounds, 31 single men and 37 single female at 18 pounds each adult, children aged 7 to 14, - 10 pounds, between 1 and 7 - 5 pounds,

Jonathan Binns Were may have chartered the ship William Metcalfe, in which he sailed with his wife, infant son Jonathan Henry, 4 yr old daughter Sophia Louisa, his brother-in-law Robert Stevenson Dunsford and two servants.
Other passengers included William Fry, Adam Orange, and the artist Wilbraham Frederick Evelyn Liardet in steerage with his four older boys and wife Caroline and the five youngest children travelled intermediate class.

63 Passengers paid their own way, Cabin - 15 gentlemen, 4 ladies, 3 chn, Intermediate - 6 gentlemen, 3 ladies, 10 chn, Steerage males 16, females 1 and 5 chn.
Parents paid for 22 younger Children - Cahill 4, Croaker 1, Fisher 1, Fry 2, Gary 2, Gorman 2, Gorman 2, Hefferman 4, Hogan 1, Malhoney 1, Ryan 1, Shanahan 1,
There were 144 people on Bounty consisting of 37 couples, 68 males (31 single) and 72 females (37 single) and 4 children Fry 2, Heffernan 1, Shanahan infant, for which was paid 2555 pounds.

There were 4 births and 11 deaths, being Mary Ryan 38, May Hogan 36, Walter Joyce 5, Patrick Powel 18m, Eliza Crossdale 12m, Thomas Ryan infant, Michael Fleming 18m, William Malony 2, Margaret Gorman 4, Mary Cahill infant, Judith Gorman 18.

Commercial Journal, William Metcalfe arrived in Sydney from Port Phillip on Sat 14 Dec 1839 with passengers Dr Holland, wife and child, Rev Mr Williams, wife and 2 chn, Miss Barbur, Messrs James, Incho, Campbell, Bourne, M'Laren, Souchey, also 13 in the Steerage, 14 prisoners of the Crown, one constable, one sergeant and 3 privates of the 28th regiment.

Captain Phillipson was the first to bring Bounty immigrants directly to Port Phillip , organised privately by John Marshall, who received 2555 pounds for his efforts. They sailed from Plymouth Harbour 26 July and reached Port Phillip after 113 days, on 15 Nov 1839

Shipsondauhuswifesmsf SoulsyoungfamiliescouplesumufBornDiedPaid
William Metcalfe 323341553636237216219553941137m 18f 13chn

Names are open to different interpretaions
Cabin - Mr A Aiden, Mr L Aiden, John Anderson, Miss Barber, Bridget Canrick, Mr G Clayne (George Playne), Mr F Dunsford, Mr F W Forbes, Mr D Jennings and wife, Mr H H Scote, Mr J and JH Scote, Mr A Suchet, Mr J B Were, Mrs Were, girl Were, boy Were, Mr R Wild, Revd J Wilson and Mrs Wilson and child

Intermediate - Mr Herbert Cobb, Mr W Preston Cobb and Mr Thomas Cobb, C Evans A, Mrs C Liardet A and 4 children, Mr John Mathews, Mr James Orr A, Miss Orr A, and 5 children, Alice Ryan 21 and John Yabsley A

Steerage - Mr George Coldham and Mr John Coldham, P Evans, James Hooke, John Joachim, William Keame, Robert Knox, Patrick Langrick 24, Mr F Liardet and 5 sons, Mathew Mcdonald, Malachi Odonnel, James Patten, Francis Porden, Patrick Quin 22, John Ryley 24, John Seller and wife, William Spry, Mr George Thomas, Henry Weymack 22, Thomas Wiseman,

Plus 24 children of Bounty passengers, for whom the parents paid so they would have better food.

Passengers who paid own way, Cabin - 15 gentlemen, 4 ladies, 3 chn, Intermediate - 6 gentlemen, 3 ladies, 10 chn, Steerage males 16, females 1 and 5 chn. Bounty passengers 58 souls in families, 31 single males and 37 single females for which was paid 2555 poinds.

There were 4 births (Thomas Ryan, Mary Cahill, Richard Murphy and Metcalf Doyle) and 11 deaths, being Mary Ryan 38, May Hogan 36, Walter Joyce 5, Patrick Powel 18m, Eliza Crossdale 12m, Thomas Ryan infant, Michael Fleming 18m, William Malony 2, Margaret Gorman 4, Mary Cahill infant, Judith Gorman 18m,

'Historical Records of Victoria' edited by Michael Cannon and published Melbourne 1985, has clear lists. Numbers are the family or individual's place in these lists. Each is listed as a passenger, some also appear on the Children's and Disposal lists.
Protestant is abbreviated to Prot, and Roman Catholic to RC. Literacy is shown as Yes if can read and write.

The Bounty names
Mary Atkins 25,
James Boucher 30, family
R Boyle 29
Margaret Brien 23
William Brien 33, family
Patrick Cahill 35, family
Bridget Carby 23
Honora Casey 22
Harriet Kittan / Cato 24
James Clancy 25
Malachi Clancy 20
Michael Clancy 21
William Clements 24
William Collins 24, family
James Connor 20 family
John Cooke 31 family
John Coveney 30
Elizabeth/Bridget Crawly / Crawley 24
Michael Croaker 28 family
Eliza Croker 24
Patrick Crosdale / Crossdale 23 family
Jane Cross / Crosdale 24
John Cunningham 32 family
CT Davis 20
Patrick Deverin / Deverin 22
Bridget Deverin / Deverin 24
Ruth Dick 23
James Doyle 28 family
John Duhy 27
Michael Farmer 34 family
William Fisher 21, hus Bounty family
Joanna Fitzpatrick 23
John Fleming 26 family
Ezekiel Forsyth 22 family
Daniel Fox 26 family
Mary Fox 24
William Fry 35 family
Edward Galway 24 family
James Geary/Gary 30 family
David Gorman 18
James Gorman 28 family
Patrick Gorman 39 family
Patrick Gorman 28
Thomas Grant 28
Jane Hamilton 26
Samuel Hardham 22
Nora Harrihan/Honora Henrybain 17
William Hawkins 21
William Hefferman 39 family
Judith Henessy 21
Margaret Haning/Henessy 20
William Hirsh / Hurst 22
Samuel Hogan 39 family
Mathew Holmes 22
Mary B Hunt 22
William Joyce 29 family
Bridget Kelly 18
John Kelly 24
Caroline Kennedy 20
John Kennedy 29
Bridget Kondoch 16
Patrick Lonergan /Langrick 24
Dennis Leary 31 family
James Malhoney / Maloney 22 family
Mathew Malhoney 28 family
Dennis Maloney 24
William Marnell 24 family
Margaret Mccarty 20
Catherine Mccormick 27
Mary Mccay/Mckay 26
Edward Morgan 22
William Murphy 26 family
Rhoda Newell 28
Margaret Obrien
Thomas Oconner 28 family
Adam Orange
John Oshanasy 22 family
David Oswald 25
Margaret Patten 17
Thomas Powell 27 family
James Power 26 family
Nora Regan 23
Lewis Robertson 23
Thomas Ryan 36 famil
Margaret Ryan 30
E D Ryan 28
Dennis Shanahan 36 family
Bridget Shanahan 18
Bridget Skidd 20
Mary Skinnack 24
R Smith 19
William Smith 26 family
Thomas Stewart 22 family
H Thompson 26
William Wilson 28 family
George Wright 19
Arrivals in 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,
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Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847