Kris's Journal
June 2006

Monday, June 12

17 weeks. It's going fast and it's going slowly.

I've felt a few little movements, a few little kicks and a few little somersaults, I think. I had blood drawn last week for the triple screen. Dr. Shupe seemed to try to talk me out of it because it's most likely that everything is fine and I'm not sure I would want to have an amnio if something came back questionable. But I did it anyway. And then I told him that I want to have an ultrasound, as I was wearing a Bradley t-shirt.

My mom was planning on visiting during 4th of July, but couldn't find a decent flight price. She bought a ticket for Chicago instead. This weekend we won an eBay auction for a 98 volvo wagon that's in Chicago, so she's going to pick it up and drive it out here for us. It looks pretty nice. I can't wait to get it and get rid of the Tahoe - money pit.

The boys are getting bigger and funnier. We moved into our new house a couple of weeks ago and wasted no time in using the big bathtub. I got in with those guys one night and then tried to hurry them up so that I could add some hot water and soak. Max got out and then John said, "I have an idea, you go take a bath in the other bathtub." I thought it was hilarious.

I've signed up for the Idaho bar next month. The boys are going to go to Michelle's (mom from coop) each weekday morning while I study. She can't start until Thursday this week so John is going to stay home the next couple mornings so that I can get started. I'm not sure I have enough time, six weeks, to get all that stuff back in my head again. I hope the Idaho subjects aren't too tough.

That's all for now.

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