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Saturday, December 09, 2006


Let's do a little bit of media scruitiny, shall we?

Outgoing...well...as of yesterday, I guess she's gone...Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney did what no one else had the cojones to do...draft Articles of Impeachment against the War Criminal. You can see the transcript of her speech HERE.

Now, I'm not sure at what time this speech was given on the House floor, but as of...ummm...it's 2:45 in the morning, websites I normally praise up & down have said nothing....not Crooks & Liars, Not Common Dreams. The "mainstream" press is reporting this, but not as it's lead story and everyone's just using the AP write-up which is very slanted. How? Let's take a look:

The legislation has no chance of passing and serves as a symbolic parting shot not only at Bush but also at Democratic leaders. This was the second sentence of the AP report. Of course this couldn't be McKinney doing her duty as an American...hell, as a human being. It has to be political...so says the AP. But CNN does it one better. Not only did they just repeat the AP story, but the so-called 'story highlights' feature these sentences:
• Impeachment bill has no chance of passing
• McKinney leaving Congress after losing primary runoff
• McKinney had dustup in March with House security officer

Yep, those are the highlights of the story. No questioning of Pelosi or other dems as to why impeachment is "off the table" for them.

And MediaMatters hasn't reported on this. Randi Rhodes is tempering it by saying that we shouldn't judge the dems yet because they can't do anything yet and that they'll need to spend the first XXXX amount of time doing investigations. Look, it's pretty simple - impeachment is the latest elephant in the room. Bush could have sex with an underage corpse right now and it wouldn't be an impeachable offense to these jokers in office.

[tangent alert]
Oh...and on another note...the new democratic talking point is that supposedly, the American voters have spoken through the recent elections and they say XY&Z. Uh Sparky, what was the turnout? I don't know how accurate it is, but I found 53%. Whew...brace yourself for that upswelling of public sentiment.

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