Whitee - Purveyor of Fine Beats...Provider of Lyrical Treats

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Friday, December 08, 2006


Speaker-to-be, Nancy Pelosi said that voting down funding for the military in Iraq (which is pretty much the only way Congress can do an end-around The War Criminal on this) is "off the table".

So Representative Barbara Lee was interviewed on Democracy Now and asked her opinion about this. This is significant because she is the only person who voted against giving The War Criminal carte blanche in going into where ever he pleases. She has never voted for military funding for this stuff. She has been one of the main anti-war stalwarts.

So, Amy Goodman asks her what she thinks about Pelosi's statement...twice. Lee never answers the question. She does a lame politician / teenager trick of saying whatever she planned on saying anyway - which she had already said in the answer to the previous question. Here's the transcript and you can download audio & video of it there as well.

So what does this say when THE major anti-war Congressperson will not speak out against this? It says that she'll fight against the "other team" but won't speak out against her own. "So?" you say? Well, who does she represent? Does Lee stand for ideals & values or the "winning team"?

Same as it ever was, sports fans...

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