The march of Civilisation
Came to Port Phillip in 1840
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Arrivals in 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,

They came by the 'Orient' as Self-funded and as Bounty Immigrants in 1840


Arrived 13 Dec 1840, barque, 596 tons, Capt Douglas Wales master, from London 2 Aug and Plymouth 11 Aug, to Port Phillip [assisted emigrant passengers] Surg Supt Grant, Images 76-83, with merchandise,
18 cabin and intermediate passengers, and 243 steerage passengers (bounty immigrants) - Passage money has gone up to 19 pounds per adult, also paying for children under 7 - 5 pounds, and 10 pounds if over 7, nil for infants.
216 steerage passengers - 39 families with 116 souls, 59 single women, 40 single men
Passengers Colonel Gwynne and lady, Mr Francis Gwynne, Mr HB Morris and wife, Mr James and Mrs Pastlethwaite/Postlethwaite, Messrs Willsmore, Pritchard, George Roach and Henry Manning.

Intermediate Mr Coulstock, Mrs Mary Coulstock and Alfred Coulstock,
Messrs F Austen, D Farquhar, Thomas Martin, and Charles Dalrymple,
Not in newspaper lists are Cabin - Mr John Postlethwaite,
Intermediate - Mr C Austin, Mr John Magill,
Steerage paid for - Catherine Hegarty, M A Johnston 27, Peter Lundry/Landry 21, Sarah Mander, Eliza Quick

The Orient carried imported goods - Barrels pork, 15 barrels flour, 7 cases champagne, 7 cases hock, 151 battens, 151 water butts, 5 casks oatmeal and pease, 1 Durham cow, 1 bull calf, 1 Durham bull - Thomas Enscoe and James; 1 case books, Christopher; 2 bales slops, 36 coils cordage, 2 bales cloth and cotton goods, 3 cases cloth, case cotton goods, Order. For Sydney - 3 tierces, Order.

ShipCouplesParentsDau+15 Dau+7Dau+1Infantsson+1 sons+7sons+14Familiesfemalesmen


Orient161514 561211 11166040216


Cabin12Inter 9Steer5 Staff5To SydneyunTotal25

Staff gratuities are listed, for first time, Captain Douglas Wales, 1st Mate GD Pritt, 2nd Mate A Brooking and 3rd Mate William Maurice.

The Bounty names

Julia Aldridge 17
* Sarah Aldridge 23
Edward Argyle 23
John Askew family
Ellen Barry 17
* Mary Barry 19
Robert Bashyan 28
William Rolling Bennets family
Abraham Booth 25
Catherine Bradley 21
Eliza Bryan 22
* Bridget Buckley 20
Moses Bulger 27
Mary Burke/Bourke 20
Honorah Burns/Byrnes 26
Annie Cain 25
John Callaghan 22
Mary Callaghan 23
James Cavanagh family
William Coles family
John Comber family
Michael Connell 29
Thomas Cook family
Charles Cureton 20
Timothy Daniel family
Phoebe Darling 25
Michael Dawson 27
Bartholomew Deane family
Selina Dillon 16
Ellen Doyle 23
James Duckett 25
Thomas Dwyer family
William Dwyer family
Anna Edwards 22
Ellen Edwards 18
James Evans 19
John Farman family
David Farnsworth family
Jane Fitzgerald 19
John 1st Fitzgerald 25
John 2nd Fitzgerald 21
Mary Fitzgerald 19
Mary Anne Fitzgerald 21
Henry Forbes 24
Celia Francis 18
Elizabeth Francis 20
Mary Anne Francis 17
Nicholas Francis 19
Thomas Francis 26
Lawrence Freeman family
Henry Frenshone family
Caster Fullerton
Duylar/Dugal Fullerton
Giles Fullerton
James Fullerton
Rose Fullerton 18
Bridget Gammon 21
Mary Gammon 20
Catherine Gaynor 17
John Gill family
* Susan Gill 19
George Green family
Catherine Haggarty 18
Daniel Halfpenny family
Ellen Halloran 28
John Halloran 24
Mary Halloran 26
Michael Hanrahan 25
John Harper 21
Leonard Harper 26
Judith Henessy 25
Mary Anne Hinson 22
Henry Holland family
Henry Hughes 22
Mary Hughes 20
William Humphreys family
Agnes Jeldart 19
George Johnson family
John Jones family
Lydia Kemp 19
Jane Kennedy 19
* Mary Kennedy 20
Mary Kennedy 18
James Kerr family
Harriet Kidd 21
John Kidd 18
Marion Kidd 20
Catherine Larkin 24
Mary Larkin 21
James Lawlor family
Ellen Leary 24
John Leary family
Margaret Leary 22
Patrick Leary 20
James Legget 22
Mary Lloyd 23
George Maggs family
* Susan Martin 19
Eliza Matthews 23
* Sarah Maunder 17
Eliza Maynard 17
Mary Anne Maynard 18
Thomas Maynard 22
John Mcauliffe family
Henry Mooney 20
Michael Mooney 23
Jenkin Morgan family
Thomas Morgan 19
Alexander Nelson family
Michael OConnell family
George Owen 19
William Peddle 21
* Mary Peters 19
George Phillips family
Eliza Pick 18
Patrick Purcell family
George Ray family
John Reese 24
Anne Rogers 20
John Ryan 21
Margaret Ryan 25
John Skinner 27
Catherine Slattery 22
Jeremiah Slattery 20
William Smith family
Jackson Sturnett family
Patrick Tierney 20
Mary Tinnel 20
Jane Torr 29
Charles Vercoe 23
Elizabeth Vercoe 28
Robert Vercoe family
Thomas James Wallace 25
* Sarah Warren 18
Isaac Wescott 22
Nicholas/Robert Willis 28
John Wilton family
Henry Windover 21
Roger Wynn family
James Yates family
* girls singled out as 'determidly reckless', 'turbulent and improper' so Bounty was refused for them.
This means the Agent did not get refunded 19 pounds for each of these women.

"The Somerset Years", by Florence Chuk, page 48 is a chapter on the Orient, with a description of the voyage.
This voyage was marked by the reported bad behaviour of 20 young females, 11 described as 'very turbulent and improper', accused of distracting the crew from their work and also provoking disturbance among the married couples.
The arrival of the Orient was signalled to Melbourne's population by the high signalpost on Flagstaff Hill erected in Sept 1840. It became Melbourne's earliest timepiece, for daily at noon a black ball was dropped from the flagstaff, so watches could be adjusted to official Flagstaff Hill Time. The shipping movements were signalled by a display of a series of flags, pennants and wicker balls, soon as easily interpreted by the townspeople, as by the officials.

Dec 31 cleared for Sydney Passengers Mrs Colonel Gwynne, Mr and Mrs Mason, Mr and Mrs Harrison, Messrs Gwynne, Pritchard, Dalrymple, 17 in steerage.
Andromache, China, Coromandel, Glenhuntley, Himalaya, Isabella Watson, John Bull, Here Theresa

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Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847