The march of Civilisation
Victoria before 1840
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Surnames - List
Arrivals in 1839, 1840, 1841,

They came on the 'Theresa' as Self-funded and as Bounty Immigrants in 1840


arrived 18 Jul 1840, ship, 496 tons, Captain Walter Young master, from London via Plymouth 24 March 1840 and , Agent Mr John Marshall. Have 9 fiche pages, also Images 59-64, Total of 243 names, including 17 who went on to Sydney

Advertisement from The Times, 16 Mar 1840
Port Philip and Sydney. The ship THERESA, Captain YOUNG, for these ports, has left Gravesend for Plymouth, whence she is intended to sail on the 23rd instant, up to which day, inclusive, passengers can join her there. Her accommodations for cabin, intermediate, and steerage passengers are most excellent, and she carries a thoroughly qualified surgeon. Apply to John MARSHALL, 26 Birchin-lane, Cornhill; or at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth.

18 July 1840 "Port Phillip Herald' reported a vessel "Theresa" arrived at Port Philip with immigrants presumably from Britain. Passengers Cabin Mr and Mrs Smyth, Mrs McKay, Messrs Roske, Gibbons, Tyson, Davy, Zouch and Cumming, Rev R Darey, Dr and Mrs Lindiman. 10 Intermediate and 216 steerage

Page 183 - Cabin 9m and 3f - Dr Henry J Lindeman, Superintendant and Mrs Lindeman, Mr D Mckay/Mackay and Mrs Mackay, Mr Samuel Smith and Mrs Eliza Smith, Messrs Burke/Bourke, Henry S Cumming, Revd Richard Davey, J Gibbings, Richard Tysson, Arthur Zouch
Intermediate 10m, 2f and 6chn - Captain Wigmore, Mrs Wigmore, Mary Wigmore, Susan Wigmore, Richard Wigmore, Josh Wigmore, Henry Wigmore and William Wigmore, MissEasey, Messrs Richard Bligh, Arthur Bouiriquot, Robt S Bouiriquot, G Fulford, George Hayden, Edward Lasseter, T D Mckay/Mackay, Charles Reynolds, Richard Reynolds
Page 184 - Steerage 18 paid and stayed in Melb - Margaret Bickett 22, John Bowden, Wife Mary Ann Bowden, Grace Bowden 12, Charles Bowden 9, Charlotte Eliza Bowden 5, Chas Spencer Deveral, Mary Gaffney 19, James Hamilton 17, Dudley Harvey 23, Mary Hay 32, Henrietta B Hickard 22, Edward Kennedy 19, Henry Robinson 24, Jane wife of Hy Robinson 23, John Roderick 21, F W Splatt 30, Robert Walton 30,

Bounty 182 people, 33 families of 83 souls, 67 men and 32 females, total 3008 pounds plus 13 who claimed Bounty and went on to Sydney

The Bounty names

George Anderson 22
William Anderson 25
Amelia Ashmore 21
Anastasia Barrow 20
Mary Bartlett 22
John Beaton 21
Daniel Bickett 20
Esther/Eliza Bickett 19
Alexander Bride 20
Dennis Brien family
Mary Brien 20
Ellen Burke/Bourke 16
Michael Burke/Bourke 20
Mary Burne 28
Anne Burns/Byrnes 21
William Burns/Byrnes 21
George Butler 24
James Chamberlain 21
James Clark/Clarke 19
William Cleave family
Robert Cockrell family
Arthur Coleman 18
William Comerford 24
David Connell 21
Charles Cook family
Bryan Cummins family
John Currie family
Mary Daddy/Duddy 22
Thomas Daddy 18
William Duffy family
Patrick Duggan 24
Charles Duncan family
Patrick Egan family
William Escriet 21
Patrick Farrington family
John Fitzgerald 22
Mary Fitzgerald 18
Paul Fitzgerald family
William Fox family
Ann Furlong 17
John Gaffney 20
Murcus Gallagher 28
Ellen Gaynor 20
John Geary 24
Owen Geary 27
Alice Gill 16
Patrick Gill 18
Eliza Glass 20
Bridget Glynn 23
James Grant 22
Michael Haley family
Arthur Hamilton 23
Sarah Hancy 20
Bridget Hardiman 21
Thomas Harrington 22
Mary Herne 16
Robert Hevey 26
James Husband 28
Bridget Jackson 17
Eliza Jennings 16
Robert/Richard Johnstone 18
Edmund Jordan 28
Francis Kelly 27
John Kelly 29
Lewis Kelly family
Bernard Keough 25
Thomas Keough 21
Patrick Kerwin family
Thomas Kirkham family
Hugh Larimer family
Richard Leaghy 22
Francis Lockey family
James Maher 22
James Maher 22
Patrick Maher 21
Bridget Mahony 22
James Mahony family
John Mahony 20
Eliza Martin/Morton 24
Charles Mcarthy/Mccarthy 25
Mary Mcarthy/Mccarthy 25
Alexander Mcdonald 29
William Mcgreger family
Mary Mclachlan 22
Michael Mclachlan 22
John Mcmahan family
James Mcmahon family
James Mcnamara family
Robert Mcrae/Mccrae 21
Peter Mcronald 34
James Miller family
Martha Moore 18
Patrick Mornan 24
Andrew Mulchinaugh 21
Mary Mulchinaugh 22
Morris Mulchinaugh 25
James Murphy 28
James Murphy 20
James Murphy 29
Michael Murphy 27
Patrick Neilan 26
Patrick Nesbitt 21
Lilly Notman 25
Rachael Parker 17
Samuel Parker 22
Catharine Read/Reed 20
William Regan 20
Catharine Reilly 17
Timothy Reily 21
Philip Rourke/Roorke family
Thomas Rowe/Koive 21
James Ryan 22
Patrick Ryan 23
William Salt family
John Scott 21
Francis Shaughnessy 22
John Shedy family
Richard Sherman/Shaman 22
Alexander Steele/Steel 19
Robert Stone family
John 1 Sullivan family
James Swords family
William Tidler 21
Mary Tightley/Fightley 20
Conner Tracy 21
Thomas Wallace family
Anastasia Welsh 26
Eliza P White 16
James White/Whittie 23
Patrick Whittey/Whitty 26
Johanna Whittie 28
William Wood family
James Woodman family

"The Somerset Years", by Florence Chuk, page 47 begins a chapter on the Theresa, with a description of the voyage - it was recorded as being 'difficult', as stormy weather was emcountered in March as they left Gravesend, and were buffetted by strong nor'easterly winds even after leaving Portsmouth. The last few days of the 116 day voyage was frustrating, as gales detained her outside the Heads for a week in July.
The immigrants from Somerset are Thomas and Sarah Kirkham. He was one of only 6 of the 32 married men with a trade

Rootsweb query - Amongst the passengers was Eliza JENNINGS approximately 15 or 16 years of age. I believe she spent time in the goldfields area (prior to the discovery of gold) before ending up on Kangaroo Island about 1846. I am trying to discover any details concerning her origins or family. Did she travel alone (possibly as a servant) or was she with family. At some time she "married" Thomas JOHNS(T)ON(E). I am wondering if there is anyone of that name on the "Theresa"

Haydon, George Henry (1822-1891)
The Australian emigrant : a rambling story, containing as much fact as fiction / by G.H. Haydon ; with illustrations by Watts Phillips. (London : Arthur Hall, Virtue, and Co., 1854)

Haydon arrived in Melbourne in July 1840 travelled Intermediate on the Theresa. He worked in a variety of jobs, most of which involved learning bushcraft skills, but he also gave art lessons and contributed illustrations of colonial life to magazines. He returned to England in January 1845, and wrote an account of his time in the colony, Five years experience in Australia Felix (1845). The Australian emigrant, his second book also draws upon his time in the Port Phillip District, and is a mixture of fact and fiction. Both books have illustrations based on Haydon's own sketches, and both include material on the Aborigines. Haydon was very well-disposed towards the Aborigines, made friends with them, and learnt much about their customs.

Aug 8 - Theresa cleared for Sydney, Passengers Cabin - Mrs Mackay, Mrs Lindame Messrs Lindame(Lindeman?), Davy, Gibbons, Rourke, Zouch; Intermediate Messrs Bligh, Lasater, M'Ronald, Mackay Tuffin; 11 in the Steerage, part of original cargo.
Page 181 - Bounty, 13 folk went on to Sydney - Mary Bartlett 22, Eliza Martin 24, Peter Mcronald 34, Jane Mcronald 25, Peter Mcronald 4, James Quinlan 30 and Sarah Quinlan 27, Hanly Quinlan 3, Susanna Quinlan 0, Anne Quinlan 28, Eliza Quinlan 26, John 2 Sullivan 32 and Mary Sullivan 28,

Andromache, China, Coromandel, Glenhuntley, Himalaya, Isabella Watson, John Bull, Orient, Here

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Victorian Pioneer families
England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847